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Page 30

by T. L. Reeve

  She gave a prayer of thanks when the doorknob turned, and she was able to walk into the house. “Mac?” She said his name a few times, but was met with silence.

  She frowned. He couldn’t have gone far. She strode into the living room and curled up on his giant chair he loved to sit in when he wasn’t in the kitchen or tinkering with something or another. Aurora took off her shoes and sighed. She loved her job, but she hated the shoes. Within seconds, she understood why her mate preferred this chair over the others. It was soft, warm, and more importantly, comfortable. She fought back a yawn, but when the second one hit, she couldn’t prevent it. Cuddling deeper into the chair, she tucked her head up against the side with the intent to only rest her eyes.

  The beep of the microwave woke her up, and she had no clue how long she’d slept, except, it was completely dark by then. “Hey.” She sat up and wiped the sleep from her eyes. “Where have you been?’

  “Running,” he replied, his voice dark and growly.

  Aurora had already learned Mackenzie’s tells, especially when his voice sounded like it belonged to the wolf not the man. As sexy as it was, it meant he’d been in wolf form for a long period of time and hadn’t completely shifted back to the man who stood before her.

  “You hungry?” he asked before sipping from the steaming cup in his hands.

  She was hungry, but not for food. Both would have to wait, at least for now. “We can eat after.” Aurora gave a small lift of her shoulder before grabbing her shoes to take them back to the door. Mackenzie, ever the opportunist, gave her a cocky, yet sensual smirk. “After we talk.”

  “I don’t feel like taking, Aurora,” he growled. “I feel like fucking. Hard. Deep. I want to put all my cum inside you. Right now.”

  Great, grumpy wolf Mackenzie was in the house. “Too bad. I want to know what happened today with the trial. Everyone is surprisingly silent about it. I couldn’t even find Kal, so I could ask him.”

  Mackenzie shrugged. “Same shit, different day.”

  Okay, she’d try another approach. “Keeley said Holly got what she deserved.”

  He snorted. “I’m thinkin’ it’s all relative.”

  Aurora thought he was acting like a major asshole. She kept her mouth shut, giving him some leeway because she knew today couldn’t have been easy for the entire Raferty family. Even if Mackenzie wanted to take it all on his shoulders. “Would you care to explain in more detail?”

  “Kal said she’ll either spend her life locked in an asylum or locked up, behind bars in some prison. In either scenario, she’ll remain there until she dies.” He took another sip from his cup before he continued. “Is that clear enough for you, Aurora?” When he looked up at her, she saw the wolf instead of the man.

  Squaring her shoulders, she held his icy gaze and sneered, “Fuck you, Mac. I came over here to help you deal with your shitty day, not be treated like a piece of shit.” Aurora turned to storm off toward the laundry room door. She’d made it only a few steps, before he wrapped his hand around her arm and tugged her back to him.

  She wanted to kick and scream at him. Asshole. She reined in those urges and instead glared at him. The need she experienced earlier, only seemed to increase with her ire. From the glint of lust in his blue eyes, he knew it, too.


  “It was a rough day,” he said.

  “I know, Mac,” she spat. “But it doesn’t give you the right to be an asshole to me.” Aurora touched her chest to emphasize her point. “Aren’t we mates?”

  He nodded.

  “Don’t mates do and act the same way as husband and wives?” she demanded.


  “No, Mac. You don’t get to treat me how you did, because you simply had a bad day. Keeley was kind enough to take the kids for us tonight, so I could help you deal with what happened in court today. It’s pretty obvious to me, you just want to go crawl back into your cave of self-pity you seem to enjoy so much.” He tensed at the snap of her words. “And do what you do best.”

  “Which is what, Aurora?” he snarled.

  She rolled her eyes at his complete lack of insight into what he was doing to himself…his family. “You take on everything and make everyone’s problems your own. This wasn’t your fault, Mac.” She gritted her teeth, frustrated at his refusal to see what was staring him right in the face.

  “Holly is my problem. I brought her into the family,” he grumbled, his gaze filled with a heady combination of lust and anger.

  “Urgh…No, no, you didn’t, Mac.” She laid her hand on his chest, over his heart and tried to calm herself. “When will you get it through your thick, stubborn, Raferty skull? Holly set you all up! All of you, Mac. Not just you. Holly breaking down in Window Rock wasn’t an accident.” Aurora wanted to scream in frustration. She didn’t get how such a smart man, could be so damn stupid; on second thought, she did. Years of self-hatred was how. “It was planned. Just like she wouldn’t have taken Hayden away. Holly needed to be here. She needed to keep a close eye on your family. By you asking her to become fake mates, it was the icing on the cake for her!”

  Mackenzie grunted. “Kal knew.”

  The urge to slap him in frustration was strong. “Kal doesn’t count with his freaky claircognizance ability thing going on.”

  Mackenzie chuckled, and a feeling of warmth flowed through her entire body, knowing she could make the big, moody shifter laugh even when he was grumpy as hell, and she wanted to smack him silly for being obtuse.

  “Your brother sat back, watching and waiting for Holly to make her move and fuck up. He didn’t have enough proof until last year. We both know, it wouldn’t have mattered to Kal if Holly was your true mate or not, if he’d found her doing something illegal, he’d have nailed her ass to the wall.”

  He didn’t say anything. He gave her a blank stare she deplored.

  “Here’s the thing, Mac, no one is blaming you for any of this, except you. Your family— and everyone else—is blaming the person responsible for this nightmare, and that’s Holly.” Aurora patted his chest. “I wish you could get it through your thick head, it was her doing and not yours. It’s killing me that you can’t or won’t see the truth!”

  When he said nothing, Aurora felt defeated. Shaking her head in disgust, she said, “I’m going to go get Abby from Keeley’s, then I’m going home to make dinner for us. Tomorrow, if you feel like pulling your head out of your ass, feel free to come and see me.” Frustrated, Aurora turned away from Mackenzie and made her way back toward her car only to be tripped to the ground by a big wolf.

  Mackenzie’s wolf stood over her, growling at her.

  Aurora wasn’t afraid of either the wolf or the human, knowing neither of them would ever hurt her. And because she had no fear, she didn’t hesitate at pushing the large beast away from her, so she could attempt to stand.

  Mackenzie barely moved, and before she could stand, he had her back on her ass. “Knock it off, Mac!” She shivered as the cold, damp ground seeped through her pants.

  He stuck his snout between her legs, and she swatted at his head in retaliation. He didn’t stop being a pain until he had her spread flat out on her back. A flash of bright, white light illuminated the area, then a naked Mackenzie was above her.

  “Don’t leave,” he ordered. “I need you.”

  Aurora shook her head. “You don’t want me here, Mac.”

  He bowed his head, resting his forehead onto hers. “Yeah, I do. You center me, star. You make me feel calm. I’ve never felt like this before. Best of all, you make me feel like the man I should be for you.”

  Aurora reached up and cupped his cheek. “Are, Mac, you are the man I want and need. You just need to know it and see it. If you don’t, you’re never going to get your happy ever after.”

  “Our happy ever after,” he said before kissing her. Aurora felt herself softening up to the overgrown wolf. When he broke the kiss, he kept his lips as close to hers as possible without touching. “Stay.”
  “Only if you promise to not be an asshole.”

  Mackenzie sniggered. “Have I ever mentioned to you how hard my dick gets when you get sassy with me, star.”

  Aurora stuck her tongue out at him. “You don’t have to tell me; I can feel it.”

  Mackenzie bounded to his feet and held his hand out to help her up. “Looks like we’re about to have some make-up sex.”

  “Pfft. You haven’t even apologized yet,” she smarted off, trying to keep her gaze locked on his face, and not his impressively large, sexy body.

  Mackenzie placed a gentle kiss on her nose. “I’m sorry.”

  Aurora didn’t pay attention to his words, or his body language. Her focus was solely on his eyes. She could see the regret of his actions in those blue depths. “Apology accepted. Now take me inside, my ass is cold.”

  He winked at her. “I’ll warm you up.” He bent down and lifted her effortlessly into his arms.

  “Don’t think you’re getting out of telling me what happened today. I want to know everything,” she demanded.

  “I’ll tell you everything while I prepare our dinner. Once we’re done cleaning up, I’m done speaking about today, Holly, or any of the other shit. Tonight, is about us,” he stated.

  “I can deal with that.”

  True to his word, Mackenzie told her everything that happened while he cooked her dinner. He didn’t finish until she was drying the last dish he washed. Aurora had kept quiet for the most part, only asking questions when she needed clarification.

  “Damn, she Colonel Jessup’d it.”

  Mackenzie gave her a confused look.

  “You know, the movie?”

  “Huh? Who is that?” His brow furrowed in confusion.

  She stared up in amazement. “It’s from an old movie called a Few Good Men. It starred Tom Cruise, Demi Moore, and Jack Nicholson who played Colonel Jessup; he gave up all the deets when Tom Cruise questioned him.”

  “Never heard of it,” he said after he put the last plate away.

  “Well, we’ll have to watch it, and you can see what I’m talking about.”

  “As long as you promise to watch it with me,” he said.

  “That’s a given,” she vowed before heading into the living room to locate the remote.

  “What are you doing?” he asked when he followed her into the room.

  “Seeing if I can find it on TV now.”

  “What the fuck, Aurora? I don’t want to watch a movie now, and neither do you, seeing as I can smell your need for me.”


  “What? I can smell that tight, little pussy of yours creaming for me.”

  Aurora shifted, clenching her thighs together as a wave of need washed through her.

  “It calls to me, star. It makes me want to lay you out on the table there.” He gestured to the kitchen table behind him. “And lick your pussy clean.”

  “Dirty, old man,” she teased.

  “You love it,” he said. “Want me to tell you more?”

  Aurora shook her head. “I don’t want you to tell me, I want you to show me.”

  “Jesus.” Mackenzie groaned, adjusting the raging erection beneath the confines of his jeans.

  “Come here,” he demanded.

  She shook her head and took a large step away from him.

  “Aurora, I’m not fucking around, don’t make me chase you. The wolf gets off on it.”

  Aurora turned and took off toward the stairs, knowing full well he’d catch her before she even made it halfway up the steps.

  She heard the footfalls approaching, the heavy sound of his breathing a second before he caught her and took her to her knees.

  “I’m going fuck your ass on these steps,” he snarled, his voice gruff and growly.

  Keeley had warned her about playing games. In some ways, she’d been afraid, but from everything Keeley had told her, it was a dominance deal with the wolves, and Aurora knew Mackenzie dominating her would give him the control he craved today. So, she pushed him, knowing the outcome would give him what he needed.

  He nipped at her shoulder through her shirt. “Ouch! That hurt, Mac.”

  “Good,” he growled against her neck before he pulled her shirt out of her jeans.

  His fingers brushed against the skin of her belly, causing goosebumps to pepper along her skin. He then pushed her bra up, exposing her breasts to the cool air of the room. He palmed her swollen breast and squeezed.

  She groaned. “Mackenzie.”

  He pinched and pulled at her nipples, while he continued to sprinkle soft, delicate kisses on her neck and ear. It was soft and sensual, and Aurora wanted to scream in frustration.

  Mackenzie nipped at her ear and whispered, “I’m going to fuck your pussy.” His warm breath causing her entire body to shiver. He rubbed his groin against her ass, and even between the layers of their clothes, the heat of his erection seared her skin. “You’re going to get my dick nice and wet with your cum, then I’ll claim your sweet ass.”

  His pinched her nipple again, and Aurora cried out.

  “You like that, don’t you, star?” He grunted as he continued to move his hips, pushing deeper between her legs. “Your little pussy just went supernova on me.”

  He wasn’t lying. Her panties, and she suspected her work pants, were coated with her desire. “Please, Mac.” Her pussy ached. She wished they were both already naked and Mackenzie was balls deep inside of her.

  He undid her pants, and she moaned when he pushed her panties to the side and shoved thick fingers between the lips of her sex.

  “Fuckin’ soaked,” he said. “I need inside you.” He pulled her pants down roughly, exposing more of her.

  Then he eased away from her. The warmth of his body disappeared. She fought the urge to look behind her to see where he’d gone. But then, he was there again, sinking his middle finger back into her slick pussy. She groaned, digging her fingers into the carpeted floor.

  “Kick your pants off.” He helped her shimmy out of her jeans. Once they hung from one ankle, Mackenzie pushed her legs apart so wide, her hips ached. Aurora didn’t complain, though, instead, she just held the fuck on and let the wolf do with her body as he wished.

  His hand moved to her lower back, teasing the delicate tissue of her ass. “Mac?” His actions confused her. Did he have a change of plans? She still wasn’t sure if she was ready to have anal sex, let alone knowing it could be one of the first offering from the list of activities, he had given her.

  “Easy, pretty girl. I’m just going to eat this pussy.” A split second later his tongue plundered her pussy.

  She clawed at the steps for purchase as the sounds of him slurping along with the low-level growls of pleasure he released on her sex, turned her inside out. In a matter of seconds, he had her near one of the most explosive orgasms of her life.

  Mackenzie pulled away from her a second before her release, and she screamed in frustration.

  “Mac, please, I need to cum,” she pleaded.

  “Now, now,” he murmured. “You’re only allowed to cum on my cock.”

  The distinct sounds of him undoing the button and yanking the zipper of his jeans down, had her panting like a bitch in heat. It wasn’t until the head of his dick pressed against the well of her pussy that Aurora arched back, working his thick cock into her sex. She hissed as the muscles protested but finally gave way. She needed relief. As much as she tried to work him up, she’d done the same to herself. She fucked his dick in hard determined strokes, trying to find her gratification on his dick. Her knees hurt, her back protested, but Aurora never stopped pushing her body toward the bliss she knew Mackenzie could show her.

  “Fuck, yeah, that’s hot,” he grunted as he palmed her hips to guide her, not take over for her.

  “Bastard,” she panted as sweat dripped down her face and into her eyes. She needed him deeper, though. Harder. Faster. The tingles of pleasure were there, but they weren’t strong enough to send her over the edge yet.
Aurora cocked her hips, and he slipped deeper inside of her. It was good, but it was better when he fucked her.

  Mackenzie slapped her right cheek, and the orgasm which had been out of her reach crashed over her, stealing her ability to think and coated them both in her release.

  “Another.” He smacked the other cheek before he pressed his thumb against the rosette of her ass while she rocked against him. Nerve endings she never knew existed, flared to life and added to her already pulsing sex. She swore he was trying to kill her with pleasure. “Fuck, don’t make me cum, Aurora, it’ll only make me keep at your ass longer.”

  Wolves, or at least Mackenzie, had amazing stamina. She knew from experience he could ejaculate multiple times over the course of a day or night and never tire. Also, the first one was usually the quickest, and each preceding one took longer and longer for him to find his release. It wasn’t a bad thing, especially when she was mindless with pleasure. But this was a new experience for her, and she wasn’t sure if she or her ass could take it.

  Mackenzie snapped his hips when she thrust back, and he sunk in oh so deep. Deeper than she’d ever felt him before. The pleasure mixed with a hint of discomfort, and Aurora focused on relaxing her body to allow the penetration. When she was able to bring her focus back to what he was masterfully doing to her body, Aurora realized Mackenzie had worked his thumb even deeper into her ass, mimicking the actions of his cock in her pussy.

  Her brain short-circuited. She shook with anticipation. Her pussy clenched around his cock hard as she found her release once more. She gave over to the euphoria of coming, rocking her hips at a sedate pace. Then, she cried out at the loss of his hardness when he pulled out, while she continued to throb and pulse through her climax, until she felt him pressing insistently at the forbidden hole of her ass.

  “Push back, Aurora,” he ordered, his tone abrupt and gruff.


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