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His Mate _ Howl's You Doin'?_Paranormal Romantic Comedy

Page 8

by M. L. Briers

  “No problem there!” Mason growled. Bree turned back in her seat and huffed again.

  Mason’s beast wanted out. The wolf clawed within him. The damn animal wanted to scent her and scent her it would.

  Not if Mason had his way it wouldn’t. The alpha really didn’t want to scent her.

  The witch was annoying, devious, mischievous, and downright Demon like.

  He’d known she-wolves that were hard to handle and as irrational as hell — but she surpassed any of those females. The thought of having her as a mate was as appealing as licking an electrical cable with its wires exposed.

  There was no way in hell that he was going to tempt fate and sniff her.


  Maxi’s back hit the wall and her legs wrapped around the beta’s hips. The man certainly could kiss — it was as if he was trying to devour her whole — she had no complaints.

  One moment she was teasing — baiting her mate as she clutched the broom in the kitchen — and then next; he’d swept her up in his strong arms and was carrying her through the house to his bedroom. More speed to him!

  Maxi had no complaints about anything. The man was a sexy as hell, could kiss like a Demon, and she was finally grateful to be able to explore those hard ridges of his muscles without restraint.

  The desire rose up within her like a fever in her blood. It felt like time mattered, was of the essence, even though she knew she had the rest of her life to explore each and every inch of her man.

  Right then; it felt like every moment counted. She could feel the hard press of his length against her sex, and she wanted more — needed more.

  When he broke free from her lips and started down her neck, she wasn’t afraid to be as vocal as hell about what she wanted. The next moment the world was spinning around her when he yanked her from the wall and stalked toward his bed.

  The excitement was at an all-time high within her. Her heart was pounding, and the blood was rushing through her ears.

  The moment that her back hit the mattress he was kissing her again. This time, his hands were peeling away her clothes, and she didn’t even care that the light was still on.

  When Jon pulled back, and his hungry eyes took in her naked body — she felt no shame — how crazy was that? She never even looked at herself naked in the mirror if she could help it — and after a shower at night, even with the curtains closed, she preferred to dress in the low light of a lamp.

  Now, there she was with her naked body on parade and her mate practically salivating over her. It only excited her more.

  “Naked — you — now,” Maxi panted out the words that she’d been dying to say. The thought of actually ogling his naked body was almost too much excitement for her.

  Luckily, that was one thing that he could do at record speed. There he stood — naked as the day is long — with everything out on display.

  “That’s not going to fit!” It wasn’t only his muscles that were oversized. She had to wonder if her eyes were out on stalks like a cartoon character as she took him in.

  It wasn’t like he was elephant man huge — he wasn’t the Hulk — but, hello! It was thick and long, and twitching like it was waving hello to her!



  “Sweetheart, my eyes are up here,” Jon chuckled. That sound was deep, gravelly, and full of his beast. She liked it.

  Maxi snapped her gaze up to his. There was a wolfish grin on his face and a hungry look in his eyes — she swallowed hard.

  “Yes, but you could pitch a tent with that thing down there,” Maxi said. And then he heard the downright dirtiest giggle that he’d ever heard from a female.

  His ears pricked up — and that wasn’t the only thing. His hard length distracted her once more as it started to wave at her again.

  “My God — it has a life of its own,” Maxi chuckled.

  “It knows what it wants — and like me — it wants you,” he said. He placed one knee on the mattress, and it gave under his weight.

  He crawled up her body like a hungry predator — looking more feral than she’d seen him so far. Sex on a stick! She wasn’t sure if she should mop up the drool on her chin, or lick him from head to toe like an ice cream.

  If He-Man hadn’t been climbing up over her body looking so damn sexy — she might have jumped up from the bed and done a happy jig. She decided that might be a little inappropriate at that time.

  “That is not going to fit…” Maxi chuckled as his hard length waved, twitched, and jiggled about getting ever closer to where she needed it to be.

  “Oh, it’s going to fit,” he assured her, and she flicked a quick look back at a wolfish grin on his face and snorted another chuckle.

  “Prove it,” she challenged him — and every witch worth her sort knows that you never challenge a wolf.

  With a hearty growl of need and desire, Jon rose to that challenge. Slowly at first, inch by inch, he took her to the hilt. He’d planned on going slowly, tasting each and every inch of her body, and reveling in his mate — but, his mate had other ideas and was very vocal about it.

  He could deny most things to most people if the mood took him — but how could he deny his mate’s demands to speed the hell up or roll the hell over and she’d do it herself?

  And there was he — an alpha male — beta to a wolf pack. All man, all hungry testosterone-fuelled male, being bossed around by his little witch mate.

  It was a challenge that he just couldn’t back down from. His hips moved faster; his hard length created the kind of friction inside her that was sure to bring a happily ever after, and then she appeared to be begging her goddess for release.

  That was something only he could give her, and he planned on giving it to her over and over and over and over again.

  Jon lifted her from the bed and wrapped an arm around her to lock her against his hard, muscled chest. His other hand fisted her hair, and he could feel his fangs elongate as he took her closer to the edge of insanity.

  The moment that she squealed as the first, intense tsunami of that release rushed through her body, he bit down hard and placed his mark into the smooth skin of her shoulder. The fact that her fingernails ripped into the flesh of his back didn’t go unnoticed, but he guessed that was only fair.

  His beast roared within him as they met soul to soul, bonded together forever, as one. She was his, and he was hers, and no man would tear them apart – he’d kill them if they tried.

  Jon licked over her wound to seal it into her skin as best he could. The fever was too far gone, and it claimed his blood like lava flowing through his veins.

  His beast might have settled within him — satisfied that they’d bonded with their mate — but, Jon felt the need to finish that bond.

  He hadn’t yet placed his seed within her womb, and his ferocious appetite for her hadn’t yet been sated.

  He grunted and growled with every thrust. His hips met hers over and over as each and every muscle in his body tensed to breaking point as he sought his own release.

  He could feel Maxi was on that journey with him and he wouldn’t disappoint her. Faster, deeper, every thrust was labored as he grunted and growled and reached the pinnacle of his new-found obsession.

  Maxi cried out, but that sound was deafened as he tossed his head back on his neck and offered a ferocious bonding howl. The windows shook with the depth of it, and over and over again he gave her his seed until he had nothing left to give.

  Claimed. Mated. Bonded for life.

  He took her in his arms, down to the bed next to him, and wrapped his body around hers protectively. She was his to honor. His to cherish and his to protect.

  Mates for life.


  Bree wasn’t in a happy place. The fact that the alpha had needed to rescue her one more time from his wolf pack just about summed up how her day was going.

  He’d picked her up and tossed her over his shoulder again — how humiliating was that? She was also certain that the jarring u
p and down motion on his shoulder was over exaggerated, as she grumbled and muttered under her breath, and he chuckled at her expense.

  When he kicked open the front door, whirled her around in the air like he was giving her an airplane, slammed the door behind them, and then unceremoniously dropped her to her feet in front of him — she fisted her hands and almost let him have it in the kisser. Almost, but not quite.

  What stopped her in her tracks was the sound of a bonding howl that rattled the walls, the windows, and the furniture all around them, and echoed in Bree’s mind like the ringing of the bells of doom.

  “I guess my pack just got a new member — witch, and that’s all your fault,” Mason offered with a smug grin that left her seething with annoyance.

  “You are such an arrogant…” She lifted her hand, snapped her fingers, and he felt the sting of her magic like a wet towel across a naked backside.

  Mason dropped his chin toward his chest and growled in annoyance. “That’s the last damn time, witch.”

  “Oh, do tell — what are you going to do about it?” Bree said as she lifted her chin in defiance.

  A heartbeat later and she’d been slung back over the alpha’s shoulder. The man was walking toward the front door. He yanked it open and stalked outside.

  “What are you doing?” Bree demanded as she tried to lift her body up on his shoulder to look around her. She knew exactly where they were, back outside with his pack. “No — no — no — you do not…”

  “You might not be my mate…” Mason bit out and heard the hard gasp of breath that she drew in.

  “I knew you sniffed!” she tossed back in disbelief.

  “Oh yes, I sniffed!” Mason bit out as he stalked into the middle of the drive. Then he tossed her up in the air and caught her by the hips, and put her down on her feet in front of him. Then he leaned in over her as he growled again.

  “Don’t you dare!” Bree hissed up at him.

  “Sniffing time, boys!” Mason bit out, and she gasped again.

  Bree slapped at his hands and knocked them away from her hips. With a flick of a look around her, she noted that the wolves were starting to come in her direction.

  That was it! She squealed and set off on fast feet for the house — but, she wasn’t fast enough.

  One mean looking wolf cut her off from the salvation that those four walls would have provided her. Bree pulled up short, tipped her head to one side, and eyed the beast like she was a she-demon.

  “One sniff and I’ll…”

  She never got any further. Wolves surrounded her. They closed her down from retreating or progress.

  Bree squealed as the first wet nose touched her wrist, she backed up, but there was a wolf behind her — and she squealed again as she fell backward over the top of him onto her pride in the dirt.

  “Enjoy!” Mason chuckled on a deep laugh of pure enjoyment as he stalked toward his house and whistled a happy tune.

  “I’ll get you back for this!” Bree called out, as she slapped at the wet snouts that sniffed at her. “You hear me, alpha?” She screeched.

  “I hear you!”

  “I mean it! You hear me?”

  “Oh, little she-demon, I think they can hear you back in the town.” Mason chuckled.



  Bree sat on the rocking chair on the porch and eyed the men that walked back and forth going about their business as usual. Maxi couldn’t contain her chuckle as she sat in the chair beside her. Bree’s face was a picture of pure sourpuss, and she was certain that her friend was contemplating revenge of one kind or the other.

  “You can’t keep giving people the stink eye,” Maxi chuckled.

  “They know what they did,” Bree bit out in annoyance. “I might not know which ones sniffed at me, but some of them did…”

  “Well, we did kind of did bring it on ourselves, didn’t we?” Maxi snorted a chuckle back.

  “Speak for yourself,” Bree hissed out.

  “I’m hopeful that this will end your desire to try every spell that comes your way…”

  “Hope away,” Bree bit back.

  “You know I’m going to have to move here, don’t you?” Maxi chuckled. “You’re not going to have anyone to back you up in your mayhem and madness if you bring trouble to your doorstep.”

  “Noted,” Bree hated the fact that she – wasn’t losing a friend exactly, but they’d no longer be living under the same roof.

  “Mason said you are invited to come and visit any time you want…”

  “That’s big of him — like he could keep me away from you,” Bree offered back with a snort of annoyance for the alpha.

  She hadn’t yet forgotten what he’d done the night before. It was kind of a shame that she hadn’t found her mate — that would have served him right because then she really could make his life a misery – each and every day until one of them went boots up – she’d guess he’d be first.

  “Well, he doesn’t want to…”

  “Lucky for him.” Bree folded her arms and gave the stink eye to another pack male that stalked on by. He lifted one eyebrow back at her, and a smug smile lodged on his face, and Bree wiggled her fingers. “Tempting…”

  “Don’t you dare zap him,” Maxi warned her.

  “Fine,” she sighed, and a heartbeat later the man tripped over his own feet and pitched headfirst toward the dirt. He recovered quickly, grumbled a growl, and tossed a look back at them to see if they’d notice.

  Maxi looked anywhere but at the man – while Bree took the opportunity to offer him a raised eyebrow and a smug smile of her own.

  “Stop that,” Maxi hissed.

  “You said don’t zap him, did I zap him?” Bree went for innocent with a touch of wickedness about her as she chirped a low giggle.

  “It’s the pack witch and the wicked witch from hell,” Jai announced as he strolled across the driveway and headed towards them.

  “Such a shame that the whole vampire sun thing is a myth,” Bree said, and then made a sound like sizzling bacon. When she lifted her hands, she made the sound of a firecracker going off in them and the explosion that would ensue, and of course, she finished it off with a bright smile just for him.

  “I have the feeling that there is never going to be a dull moment around here again,” Jai tossed back.

  “Bingo,” Bree grinned. “Let’s hope the alpha appreciates it.”

  “I think I’ll be spending a lot more time on pack land,” he chuckled.

  “Oh, well give Maxi the heads up on when you’re going to be around, so I know when to avoid it at all costs,” Bree said, and she folded her arms and lifted her chin in the air like she was looking for breakfast on the winds.

  “Oh, I think you and I are going to be firm friends…”

  “I didn’t know vampires could get a mental illness.”

  “I didn’t know a smart witch would pass up the opportunity to learn the alpha’s Achilles heel,” he offered back and watched her mind as it ticked over.

  “Maxi, could we get a cup of coffee?” Bree said, and she shooed her from her seat. Maxi sighed and got to her feet, and before the seat was even cold, Bree patted it and grinned at the vampire. “What say you come and sit here with me – I think we have a lot to talk about.”

  “Dish the dirt?” Jai tossed back.

  “Shoot the breeze,” Bree said coyly. “As I hear it – I can’t shoot the alpha.”

  Maxi groaned and shook her head as the vampire took her place next to Bree. If one thing was true – those two were going to be a nightmare.


  Just at the time that Bree settled in to hear all of the juicy details about the alpha and what really drove the man nuts – the breeze continued to blow in a southeasterly direction. It carried Bree’s little droplet of potion along with it, and maybe, just maybe, if someone were really unlucky then the powers that be might just have been carrying it towards another witch, and another wolf shifter.

  The E
nd – Or is it?

  Thanks for reading and I hoped you enjoyed the new book.

  If you have time, I’d love it if you could leave a review and tell me what you think.

  If you haven’t already read them, there are the crazy antics of the Seniors in His Mate – Seniors to enjoy, or perhaps one of the His Mate Brothers series of standalone books might take your fancy.

  Blessings and I hope you’ll be back soon for another installment in the Howl’s series – that’s if you guys liked it – did you?





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