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Crime & Passion

Page 9

by Chantel Rhondeau

  The door flung open and Madeline stood in front of him. “I should have called and told you not to come.”

  She wore the short, silky robe he loved, but it was hard to ignore her distress in order to appreciate her body. Madeline’s long, brown hair was not smooth against her head or pulled back in a ponytail as usual. It stuck out in places as though she’d run her hands through it repeatedly. Her red-rimmed eyes were proof she’d been crying.

  “What happened?” he asked.

  Madeline walked to the living room, leaving Donovan to shut and lock the door. She grabbed a wrinkled piece of paper off the coffee table, crumpling it further as she closed her fist around it and waved it in the air.

  “This. This is what happened.” She thrust the paper at him and plopped onto the couch, snatching a tissue off the table to dab her eyes. “I’m so mad at Brandon. I want to scratch his eyes out.”

  Donovan sat next to her and smoothed the paper against the coffee table. The picture grabbed his attention first. It was a shot of the bloody message left on the wall of Woofy Cuts yesterday, threatening Maddie. Donovan glanced at the top of the page, noting Madeline printed it off the internet twenty minutes earlier. It was an article printed from the newspaper, written by Brandon Feldman. Donovan ground his teeth together when he read the headline next to the picture.


  Madeline Scott is under attack from all sides this week. Having just discovered the body of Frank Johnson on the beach Wednesday evening, she walked into an almost more shocking scene yesterday at Woofy Cuts. The killer left the above-pictured message, warning Scott away. He wrote it using blood from a Great Dane that he stabbed, a dog entrusted to Scott’s care.

  “I’m afraid for her,” confides one concerned Pleasant View resident, Lindsey Butters, owner of Woofy Cuts. “The killer has it out for her, and anyone around her. Madeline’s my friend. I pray she stays safe until this maniac is caught.”

  Luckily, Brutus (the Great Dane) survived. Though the dog was strangled in a similar manner to Frank Johnson, Scott’s quick actions saved the dog according to veterinarian, Billy Jeffries.

  “She got the rope off his neck and stopped the bleeding on his side best she could until I arrived,” Jeffries reports. “I’m sure Brutus thanks her.”

  Despite her heroic actions, other residents express concern that Scott has care of their children each week when she works as a substitute teacher. Will the killer come after a child next to make his point? After what happened to the Great Dane yesterday, people are also questioning whether anyone’s dog is safe. Fear is the word of the day, as we wonder what will happen next.

  In further news, police sources informed this reporter that Donovan Andrews was suspended from the force yesterday afternoon. No one will admit why, but the only hot investigation right now is the Beachside Strangler. Coincidence?

  Lock your doors, readers, and don’t go out alone. None of us will breathe easy until they arrest the Strangler.

  - Brandon Feldman

  Donovan pushed the paper across the table and leaned back on the couch, staring into Maddie’s sad eyes.

  “How could he do this to me?” She tightened her jaw and glared at the offending piece of paper. “My clients started calling a half-hour ago, saying I couldn’t walk their dogs until the killer was caught.” She buried her face in her hands.

  Donovan put his arm around her shoulder, pulling her tight against his chest. “’s going to be okay.” It was the right thing to say, he just wished he believed it.

  He knew Brandon hated him and wasn’t surprised to see his suspension reported in the paper—though he had to wonder who Brandon’s mysterious ‘source’ was. The fact that Brandon chose to destroy Madeline as well perplexed Donovan. He thought Brandon had a thing for her.

  He didn’t want to say it to her, but if people panicked about their dogs becoming targets because of Madeline, how long until the school said they no longer required her teaching services? She could be jobless very shortly with articles like this written about her.

  Madeline sniffled against his shirt, sitting up and blowing her nose. She threw the tissue in a wastebasket next to the couch. Donovan couldn’t tell whether she cried with sadness or anger. He reigned in his disappointment that he didn’t properly enjoy holding her in his arms before it was over. Madeline didn’t seem like the kind to break down and cling to a man all too often.

  Before regret could grip him, Madeline offered another surprise. She returned to his embrace and rubbed her face against his chest.

  “I’m glad you’re here.” Her arms wrapped around his waist. “You make me feel safe. That’s not exactly the natural feeling this town gives me.”

  “I can’t imagine why.” Donovan ran his hand across her silky hair, smoothing it against her back.

  She felt wonderful against him, and Donovan’s pulse quickened. Her hand rubbed along his side, and he blocked it out as best he could. She was vulnerable and scared, not an ideal time for him to make a move.

  You’re the new and improved Donovan Andrews. That Donovan doesn’t take advantage of beautiful women in distress.

  Donovan sighed as he breathed in Maddie’s scent from the top of her head—slightly spicy with overtones of apple. She shifted her position, and Donovan’s insides tightened as her breasts brushed against him.

  Life changes are damn hard to stick to.

  Donovan moved uncomfortably, grabbing Madeline’s hand in his to stop her caresses. He knew she didn’t mean anything by it, but the feel of her hand against him was too much to bear.

  “I think we should talk about suspects,” he said, pushing her gently into a seated position and off him. Maybe he could think without her touching him. “This affects us both now.”

  She shook her head, keeping his hand clasped in hers. “I don’t want to think about anything yet.”

  Donovan looked around the fancy, beachside apartment. How long could Madeline afford to live here if she didn’t have an income? “Be reasonable. We have to think about it. My fellow cops suspect me, so I’m not working. I only have so much paid time off. Brandon turning you into a target will kill your income. If we don’t figure this out, we could both be ruined financially before the killer is caught.”

  She rested her palm against his chin, turning his head to face hers. “I don’t care about any of that right now.” She stared at him, and Donovan lost himself in the depths of her brown eyes for a moment.

  “We have to care. This could—”

  She put her fingers against his lips. “I’ve been thinking something over, and I’ve come to a decision.” Her hand moved to his head, tickling through the hair at his temple. “You’re all I want to think about right now.” Her eyelids fluttered closed for a moment, and when she opened them, mischief gleamed from their depths. “I think we can successfully forget our troubles for a little while, with sufficient distraction.”

  She leaned forward, her mouth inching toward his. She kept her eyes on him as she closed the distance, stopping just before their lips met. Her hand fluttered down the back of his neck, stroking his hairline with the gentlest of touches, as though she knew exactly which spot would turn him on.

  Lord, help me. I’m weak, no better than before.

  Madeline ruffled the hair at the nape of his neck. “What are you waiting for?” she asked. Her lips brushed his gently with the movement caused by her words.

  It was too much. Did anyone expect him to resist that? Donovan wrapped his arms around Madeline, crushing her against him and smashing his nose against her cheek with little regard for the art he normally executed on a first kiss.

  Madeline giggled, but pressed into him. Her tongue darted out to tickle against his upper lip and Donovan opened up, inviting her inside. She hesitated, pulling back slightly.

  A thrill of anticipation shivered down Donovan’s spine. Perhaps Maddie wasn’t very experienced, despite her aggression in
instigating this kiss. It would be a nice change from the women he normally dated.

  Donovan captured her bottom lip between his, sucking slightly, but not invading her mouth with his tongue. He backed off, placing supple kisses against her lips while he ran his thumb along her collarbone.

  Madeline moaned softly, no longer giggling. She broke off the kiss and stared at him, a shy smile lighting her face with overwhelming beauty.

  Donovan couldn’t help but smile in return. It hadn’t started out as his best, but this kiss was one for the record books. Judging by the dreamy look in Maddie’s eyes, she agreed.

  She stood up and faced Donovan, pushing his shoulders against the back of the couch. Before he realized what she planned, Madeline slung her leg across him, straddling him with her knees on either side. Her body molded itself to his as her hot lips found his earlobe.

  He stifled a groan. He ached to run his hands along her curves. To caress her breasts and find her perfect nipples with his fingers, his mouth. He longed to scoop her in his arms and carry her to the bedroom.

  He breathed deeply in an effort to slow his erratic pulse. He had to stop this before things went too far. Madeline had no way of knowing what her caresses did to his self-control. But he would be a better man. It was what she deserved.

  She moved away from his ear, sucking the sensitive flesh at the base of his neck.

  A groan escaped him. He was helpless to stop it. “Wait. We need to—”

  “—move this to the bedroom? Yes, let’s do that,” she whispered huskily.

  Her breathy words tickled at his insides, and Donovan’s erection strained against his denim jeans. He pushed himself against Madeline’s thigh, fighting to control the twitching of his hard shaft. Bedroom? Hell, he was ready to strip her robe off and take her here.

  Donovan pushed against Madeline’s shoulders, moving her away from the bulge in his pants. He forced himself to breathe deeply, though every cell in his body begged him to take her. Take her now!

  Damn it. I don’t know if being a better person is worth stopping this.

  “Wait. Listen to me,” he managed, though his words came out in a harsh pant.

  She moistened her lips with the tip of her tongue, driving him further over the edge. “Ready for the bedroom, lover?”

  He looked into her gorgeous eyes, wondering if he was the craziest man in the world. Still, Madeline told him she didn’t want a casual bed partner. She said she wouldn’t sleep with him as payment for protecting her. Right now, it felt like that was what she was doing.

  Besides, he made a promise to himself that the next woman he went to bed with would mean something more. It wouldn’t just be sex. “We can’t sleep together, Maddie.”


  Madeline slid off Donovan’s lap, horrified. Of course he didn’t want to sleep with Maddie McFatty. What the hell am I thinking?

  She tried to laugh as she stood up, avoiding looking at him. She kept her eyes as wide as she could, refusing to let the tears that gathered fall. Having already humiliated herself, she could at least pretend it didn’t bother her. Donovan was used to sophisticated women with lots of experience. He probably already laughed on the inside at the way she threw herself at him. She didn’t want to give him any more reasons to laugh.

  “I’m going to get dressed,” she said, her voice rough with unshed tears.

  She fled to the bedroom, slamming the door behind her. She prayed Donovan would be gone when she came out. She finally did it, decided to forget her anxiety and have sex without any commitment. A short-term fling was supposed to solve her problems, wasn’t it? By all accounts, Donovan was the right person to do that with—after all, he did it with everyone.

  So why doesn’t he want me?

  Madeline dashed the tears out of her eyes and pulled on faded Levi’s and a purple sweater, going into the bathroom to fix her hair and makeup. Her eyes were bloodshot from the fresh spat of tears and her cheeks burned with embarrassment. Between the desire to strangle Brandon and her need to find a deep pit to bury herself in, it had been an eventful morning.

  There’s no use crying. It’s not meant to be.

  Madeline brushed her hair smooth and pulled it into a tight ponytail, exactly centered. The makeup process took much longer than normal, since she was afraid to leave the safety of her bathroom. Madeline had no clue how much time had passed as she touched her cheeks with a kiss of blush, hiding the evidence of her prior distress, but she couldn’t futz around forever. If Donovan had any decency, he was gone by now and she could quit hiding.

  She took one last look in the mirror, trying to assess what about her turned Donovan off. She had those extra ten pounds leftover from her breakup, but there was no other trace of Maddie McFatty. If anything, the extra weight made her breasts larger; she thought men appreciated that. She turned sideways, admiring her nearly thin stomach and D-cup breasts. Even her butt looked good these days, slipped into her tight-fitting jeans. She swiveled the other direction, just as pleased by what she saw.

  She sighed and reached back to tighten the ponytail one last time. Apparently, it didn’t matter how much she changed the packaging. Inside, she was the same person as always. A person who worldly men like Donovan Andrews didn’t want to have sex with.

  Madeline opened the bedroom door, peeking through the small crack into the living room beyond. She puffed out a relieved breath. Donovan no longer sat on the couch. He did indeed leave. She walked to the front door to secure the locks, but they were all in place.

  “There you are,” Donovan said from behind her.

  Madeline whirled around, dread turning her insides to mush. Why didn’t he leave? It was the nice thing, the polite thing, to do. Perhaps that was why. No one ever accused Donovan of being a gentleman.

  He had a dishtowel in his hands and jerked his head toward the kitchen. “I made some tea and sandwiches. It’s waiting in the dining room.” His bright blue eyes locked on hers. “We need to talk.”

  Taking a deep breath, she walked toward him. She needed to give the impression that she was in total control of this situation. Perhaps if she acted like it wasn’t a big deal, Donovan wouldn’t feel the need to rehash what happened. She passed by him, keeping more space between them than normal as she stepped into the kitchen and walked through it to the dining table.

  She yanked the wooden pole from the window, opening it to let in the sound of the ocean. Somehow, that always calmed her. She was in desperate need of calm now. She took her place at the table, wryly noting the peanut butter sandwich. A man’s idea of a good breakfast. She poured tea from the pot and took a small sip.

  The fruity flavor of Silver Needles was slightly acrid and lingered on her tongue unappealingly. Donovan over-steeped the tea, ruining the flavor.

  Donovan sat next to her, taking a drink from his own mug. “I hope you don’t mind, I found instant coffee and made a cup.”

  Well, of course you did. Who’d want to drink the tea you ruined?

  Madeline sealed her lips against that comment. This entire setup was Donovan’s way to make himself feel better about rejecting her. She wanted to be snarky because her feelings were hurt, but that wouldn’t change facts. The easiest thing would be to let him feel warm and tingly for making her food and send him on his way.

  “I don’t mind,” she said, forcing another swallow of tea down.

  “I need to explain some things to you, Maddie.”

  She closed her eyes briefly, determined not to lash out at him. “If you want to talk about your list of suspects in the murder, that’s fine. I don’t want to talk about anything else.”

  Donovan touched his hand against hers. “Maddie, please. We can’t ignore what just happened.”

  She jerked her hand away, tightening her arms across her body and forcing herself to ignore ‘Maddie.’ “Yes, we can. And we will, or you’re welcome to leave.”

  “Can’t you see how hard I’m trying?”

  Trying to what? Avoid sex with me? “Ye
s, I see that.”

  He heaved a sigh and smiled. “Oh, good. I was worried when you went to your bedroom so long. I almost left.”

  She had no clue why he smiled. Did he think because she understood he no longer found her attractive that made everything okay? Ever since meeting him, he’d claimed he wanted to be with her. She’d tried to give him that, and then he changed his mind. And men complained about women. What a joke. “I hoped you would leave,” she admitted, keeping her tone as light as possible.

  His mouth drew in at the corners. “But you do understand? I’m trying to change, to be a better person.”

  Convenient. He wanted to be a better person just at the time she wanted to be a worse one. She wished he wouldn’t make up excuses and would be honest about his feelings. Then again, at least he tried to let her down easy. If she believed Brandon, this wasn’t Donovan’s usual style. He normally had no problem crushing the women he cast off. She should be grateful for that.

  Besides, she did need his help. Between losing one of her jobs and a killer threatening her, Madeline couldn’t push away the only person she trusted in this town. Donovan might be a womanizing jerk, but she truly believed he wasn’t a killer. She needed his help.

  “So, why do you think Brandon or Lindsey might be framing you?” she asked, trying to get the conversation on track.

  “I don’t want to talk about that.” Donovan shook his head. “I want to talk about us, Maddie.”

  “Stop calling me that!” Madeline pushed back from the table, jumping to her feet. Her chair tipped behind her, clattering against the floor. “I know you see Maddie McFatty when you look at me, just like everyone else, but stop saying it every chance you get!” Her fingers curled into fists and for an inexplicable moment, Madeline wanted to punch him in the face.

  “Maddie McFatty?” Donovan leapt from his own chair and put a placating hand against her shoulder. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  She shrugged away from him and marched through the apartment. She unlocked all the locks on the door, but hadn’t opened it by the time Donovan caught up to her. She forced herself to relax her clenched fingers. There was no way she would be one of those unruly women who hit a man. If she hit Donovan, she expected him to hit her back. It was only fair. And really, she had no right to strike him, no matter how badly she wanted to.


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