The Last Ritual

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The Last Ritual Page 8

by S K Smith

  ‘What is the plan when we get to the wastes?’ Niall asked quietly, his eyes on Ayda.

  Ayda shook her head, ‘I don’t know. I just want her away from here.’

  ‘Is that for the best? All the Guards in the Castle were dead, someone must have helped her, and how was that Castle brought down?’ Niall pointed out. She hadn’t thought of that. If she and Elle were so alone how on earth did fifty or so Guards die in that Castle and who did destroy the Castle? Elle certainly wasn’t capable of that.

  ‘Elle told me something the other night, something happened to her during the Ritual.’ Ayda replied.

  ‘During the Ritual? Was she spoken to?!’ Syren said excitedly.

  ‘I think so, she just said she was scared. I didn’t really understand what she’d fear.’ Ayda shrugged looking at Syren. Niall, Theo and Karl looked confused.

  ‘Excuse me, but what the hell is the Ritual?’ Niall asked, looking at them with interest.

  ‘Did she say why she was scared? Do you have any ideas?’ Syren asked Ayda, ignoring him.

  ‘She wanted to tell me, I know she did, but my Father warned her not to, I think.’ Ayda rubbed her temple trying to remember every detail of the night. She was so exhausted, her legs and back aching from riding.

  ‘I can’t believe the Elders spoke to her. Her first Ritual.’ Syren said quietly in disbelief.

  ‘WHAT IS THE RITUAL?’ Niall snapped, looking at them furiously.

  ‘Like we’d tell –’ Syren snapped back, but Ayda had already began explaining.

  ‘The Ritual is a tradition in Myrliar. For centuries our Elders select those of us they deem worthy and summon them to the Ritual.’

  ‘Why?’ Niall asked, still glaring at Syren.

  ‘Those who receive summons meet in the Ritual Chamber beneath the Castle as a way of respect. It is a great honour.’ Ayda finished.

  ‘That’s stupid.’ Niall grunted, disappointed. Karl laughed.

  ‘It’s not stupid!’ Ayda sparked up, ‘My Mother, Father and Elle were all summoned to commune with the Elders!”

  ‘Not you?’ Niall pointed out quickly. Damn him, Ayda thought angrily.

  ‘No, not me.’ Ayda said more to herself than anyone else.

  ‘That’s why it’s stupid. You’re the eldest Princess, the Heir to the Throne and yet they summon Elle and not you? Why? What have you done?’ Niall accused. It hurt. Ayda stood up, she was wrong to have trusted these humans with this knowledge she should have kept it to herself. They were never going to understand the importance of their ways. He had asked her the question she had punished herself with for years and she was not telling anyone that answer. That was her pain, her mistake and her regret.

  ‘She doesn’t need to explain herself to a human!’ Syren spat angrily, standing up in Ayda’s defence.

  ‘And what actually happens in this chamber?!’ Niall continued ignoring Syren.

  ‘We don’t know – we don’t go in do we?’ Syren hissed. Ayda ignored him, her heart aching under the heavy strain of loss and emptiness, she curled up next to Elle and listened whilst Syren and Niall continued to bicker until Theo stepped in to end it. Ayda watched her young sister and wondered how much she had heard, she looked as though she was contentedly sleeping, but she knew better, neither of them would sleep well tonight.

  She was running, she had never run so fast in her life. Niall was there running with her, Syren ahead of her with Theo and Karl behind. They were screaming for Elle. Elle? She thought desperately, where are you? No?! Ayda was shouting with them and running, her legs were screaming with pain, but she ignored them she had to find Elle. Elle! She called desperately, hysteria rising. Her friends were now running of into the distance, her body cried out as she pushed herself to catch up. She heard cries of pain and shouts ahead, her friends needed her! She was running so fast now, she couldn’t see them, she called their names whilst still searching for Elle. Her breathing was harsh and quick, panic was setting in. She stopped, spinning around on the spot she cried out desperately. It was going to catch her, she could hear it behind her, approaching fast. Where were they?! She screamed as something tapped her on the shoulder, she spun around and saw Elle stood there, blood down the front of her nightdress.

  ‘I’m sorry Ayda.’ She cried, tears running down her face, ‘it’s all my fault!’. Ayda felt a jolt and someone calling her name, Theo? She looked around for him, turning back, Brielle had disappeared, she opened her eyes.

  ‘Sorry Ayda, you were being quite loud, but we need to get going now.’ Theo said kindly as he gently shook her awake. Her heart was hammering against her ribs and her breathing was shallow. She sighed, she knew she wasn’t going to get a good couple of hours sleep and they had a long day ahead of them, she didn’t need nightmares disturbing her sleeping moments and her thoughts haunting her when awake. Rubbing her eyes, she began to pack up the blankets, attaching the previous owners’ saddlebag she spotted Elle with the horses.

  ‘Morning,’ She greeted her sister.

  ‘Ayda I –’ Elle began.

  ‘Good Morning! I have brought you some clean clothes!’ Niall announced, oblivious to the interruption. ‘Well not new, I have borrowed them for our good cause.’ He chuckled to himself as he held up some cream linen tunic and green trousers for Elle. He grinned broadly, clearly pleased with himself for finding them. Elle took the clothes from him with a small ‘thanks’ and disappeared to change.

  ‘Great. Just great.’ Ayda uttered.

  ‘What?’ Niall said aghast, ‘What have I done now?’

  ‘She was about to talk to me!’ Ayda replied angrily.

  ‘I – I’m sorry! I didn’t realise!’ He spluttered, ‘I just wanted to help!’

  ‘Don’t you always!’ Ayda hissed before storming back to the camp to check on everyone.

  That stupid man, she thought. Elle could have been about to tell her something important, an answer to a question and he interrupted. And for what? Some farm boy’s outfit? She caught sight of Elle with Syren, who was plaiting her hair in a similar fashion to her own, so it wasn’t in the way. Ayda walked over to them. Elle looked up at her. She looked lost, lost in her own thoughts and memories. No doubt haunted by the events that have terrified her. Ayda could see she was going to need more time than they had.

  ‘Elle, what happened yesterday?’ Ayda asked softly, taking her hand and leading her over to their horse. The Princess looked up at her and shook her head.

  ‘I’m scared Ayda, you should have left me there.’ Elle whispered sadly. Solemnly, without another word Elle mounted the horse without help and waited for Ayda to climb on behind her. Once everyone was seated they moved.

  ‘I would never have left you there.’ Ayda said firmly into Brielle’s ear. Brielle said nothing further, she sighed and gazed ahead. The companions pressed forwards. The sun was not yet up but they could see. Theo and Karl had gone to great efforts to ensure that the camp and fire were cleared and that there was nothing remaining to track. Ayda could only hope it was enough. The night’s rest had done its job. The horses were refreshed, and the riders were stronger and more cheerful. Niall and his friends were continuing their long prose, Ayda found it surprising how much the three of them had to discuss. Ayda and Elle however, were not much changed. Brielle was still silent, apparently Niall and Theo’s jokes and games were not enough to bring her out of her stupor which was not surprising as Syren found them downright annoying.

  ‘Are we really going to have to put up with them?’ Syren muttered to Ayda in passing, ducking as Niall attempted to poke her with a stick aimed for her cheek.

  ‘With the rest of you all miserable it’s our duty to provide some relief!’ Niall said mockingly, poking Theo in the arm with his treasured stick and winking at Elle. Ayda had to admit, watching the men chasing each other with sticks and occasionally racing and play jousting was quite amusing. She appreciated the gesture. At first, she was as annoyed as Syren, but she realised they were acting up to try and ease Ell
e out of her despair. A few times Niall and Theo attempted to get Elle involved by poking her or asking for her favours before ‘battle’, Elle participated, but begrudgingly. The journey through the forest was uneventful, Ayda found herself treasuring the moments of peace knowing that they were surely not meant to last. Watching Niall and Theo had loosened the weights around her heart and she felt lighter, more hopeful, but she could not rid herself of the nagging worry clinging onto her with sharp claws. Elle still had not stirred, the little Princess at the Castle would have revelled in the games of these two Fiends, but she seemed uninterested. Ayda knew that whatever her concerns were, Elle was hiding something dark, deep within her soul and she had to help her, she had to share the burden that was eating away at her childhood. At last, by late morning they reached the edge of the forest. Ahead of them were lush green fields spread miles ahead of them, canvassing the land all around them. Niall let out a long whistle.

  ‘It’s going to be hard to hide out there.’ He said.

  ‘Well what do you suggest? There’s no other way to the wastes.’ Ayda replied.

  ‘The River Myr?’ Theo asked, looking to Karl.

  ‘We could follow the River north, but it will take longer, and they will most likely be watching the bridges.’ Karl agreed, rubbing his chin. Ayda was perplexed, the Wastes had felt like the safest place because no one ever travelled there. There was no green, no water and it was almost uninhabitable except for a small abandoned village. Ayda had forgotten that the journey there was going to be difficult to make undetected. She had no idea who she could trust. Even the people who greeted her with such enthusiasm on their Royal Progress could now be her enemy, she had to be smart and find a way around. Looking over the landscape ahead of her she took in the beauty of her country. The edge of the forest was a top a slight hill, she was lucky to have the vantage of looking down and plotting a course. She spied several small white stone settlements spotted over the fields, they would need to avoid those. Finally, she came up with a plan.

  ‘From here we can see miles around us,’ She said clearly, ‘I suggest we move from high ground to high ground, there are several small hillsides where we can scour the landscape for the safest route. We should be able to see an army or hunting party from these.’ She pointed out the mounds of earth she was aiming for. The other’s nodded.

  ‘It seems like a plan where a lot could go wrong, but I don’t see another option.’ Niall responded thoughtfully.

  ‘It’s the best we’ve got.’ Theo agreed.

  ‘In that case, I’ll meet you at the first one.’ Syren said, turning her horse away.

  ‘What do you mean? Where are you going?’ Ayda turned to face her.

  ‘Right now, we are travelling blind, we have no idea where our enemies are, what they know or who they are,’ Syren replied, ‘I intend to find out.’

  ‘How?’ Ayda asked, worried.

  ‘Inns and Taverns are always the best place for gossip.’ Niall explained. Syren nodded in agreement.

  ‘Can I come?’ Niall asked eagerly.


  ‘I won’t get in your way, I’d just, um… have a drink?’

  ‘No. Even if I wanted you with me you’d only be killed on sight.’ Syren ended the conversation impatiently. Bidding farewell to the Princesses she rode down the hill, Ayda watched as she hid her blades and placed her hood over her hair and made in the direction of the closest Town. Please get back safely, Ayda prayed.

  ‘I think she’s starting to like me,’ Niall said happily, ‘she wouldn’t have even considered me before, now she’s concerned for my wellbeing.’

  ‘I don’t think that’s what she was getting at mate,’ Theo thumped Niall’s shoulder laughing. Karl shook his head smirking at them. Kicking her horse forward, Ayda led them on. Down the hillside they plodded away from the forest, out into the open, the sun was nearly at its peak, blazing warmth down upon them. Ayda couldn’t help feeling cold. She couldn’t help remembering the last time her closest friend disappeared to help her, only that time he didn’t return. She couldn’t even say or think of his name anymore. There were cuts born of guilt so deep in her heart they would never be removed. He had died for her. She desperately wished Syren wouldn’t join him. For miles around them, the fields were lush and green, wild flowers of all colours and sizes were blossoming in the sun, big ancient trees stood tall amidst saplings born years ago, branches and leaves from smaller trees straining to keep up. Ayda watched with her sister as hundreds of birds danced and pirouetted across the sky forming waves upon waves of wings glistening with the sun. On they rode, taking in the natural splendour of the fertile land around them. Even Niall and Theo were silent, soaking up the peace, relishing the warm afternoon sun on their cold faces. On they walked for the rest of the day, every so often one of the humans would leave them, circle back and then re-join the party to make sure they weren’t being followed. Ayda’s thoughts were with her friend, she hoped more than anything that Syren would return to her. She had lost too many loved ones, the dull ache of her parent’s death and the memory of her father’s lifeless body would haunt her for the rest of her life, she couldn’t bear to add Syren to the pain. They walked on all day with no problems or encounters, and as the sun began to set they were nearing the top of the view point they had decided to rest upon. There wasn’t as much cover as Ayda had hoped, finding a small cluster of trees she went about setting Elle’s bed whilst the others took advantage of the remaining light to scout the area and spot anyone approaching from the hillside.

  Slowly night took hold. It was a beautiful night, mild and clear. Excusing themselves from the conversation being held by Niall and Karl, Ayda and Elle lay on the soft grass watching the stars overhead. Ayda took comfort in the small pinpricks of light penetrating the deep black sea above them. They looked close but when she reached out to touch one they were out of reach. Ayda allowed her mind to wander as her little sister admired the moonlight that rained down on them. She had not had time to think in peace without the feeling of unease or ache from travelling in her muscles, the thoughts in her head were so jumbled and confusing, like little jigsaw pieces she hadn’t had time to fit into place. She decided to start at the beginning. The Ritual. What had scared Elle so much at the Ritual? She had been spoken to, Elle had told her that much, but she didn’t know what was said that scared her. Then there was the attack on her. Her own comrades and Soldiers who she had trained with and fought with so many times, had turned on her. Betrayed her family, killed her Father and presumably her Mother and somehow succeeded in bringing down a centuries old Castle? She needed to know who had given these orders and whose authority was so absolute it went against the King himself. Who wanted her family killed – and why? Ayda knew that her little sister could probably provide the answers to most – if not all the questions, but her silence had continued all day.

  Ayda turned her head to look at her sister’s face. She could see long streams of glistening tears running down the Princesses face and getting lost in her blonde hair. She squeezed her hand in comfort.

  ‘Do you think Mother and Father are up there?’ Elle whispered softly in her small girlish voice. Ayda looked up at the stars again. Pointing at the brightest one she replied,

  ‘They are the brightest stars and always watching us.’ Ayda smiled slightly, taking comfort in the star that shone so brightly, Ayda realised that she was now watching the star and could see her Father smiling down on them. Suddenly she felt stronger, more able to do what she needed to do. He was watching them, and he would protect them.

  ‘He died for me.’ Elle whispered sadly, the star reflecting brightly in her watery gaze.

  ‘What do you mean?’ Ayda replied, holding her breath.

  ‘The bad man wanted me, but Father wouldn’t let him.’

  ‘What bad man? Wanted you why?’ Ayda sat up quickly, breathing fast she gave Elle time to reply.

  ‘He-he was wearing a red cloak and gold mask. He tried to kill me.’ Elle s
aid feebly.

  ‘The Legion?!’ Ayda exclaimed flabbergasted. The Legion were the Guards of the Elders. They were very rarely seen as they usually stayed with their Masters. In fact, Ayda could not recall a time anyone had ever seen them, her Father nor Mother had ever seen them, they were only known to people through the teachings of the Scholars, many thought them a myth. Why would they want to kill Brielle? Why would the Elder’s want to kill Brielle? If this was true, what chance did they have against the most elite soldiers and the only mages left in the world?

  ‘Elle, what scared you at the Ritual?’ She asked calmly, it would not do to let Elle see how worried she was. Elle sat up and shook her head slowly.

  ‘Father said –’

  ‘Father’s dead. If I’m going to protect you, I need to know everything,’ Ayda said firmly. She felt guilty for the words and for the tears brimming in her young sister’s eyes, but the truth was the truth and she had to know what the Princess knew, their lives depended on finding out why they were being hunted.

  ‘I heard a woman,’ Elle whispered almost inaudibly, as though keeping the secret from the air around them, ‘She told me to get out. She was scared.’

  ‘This girl – she wasn’t an Elder?’ Ayda asked confused. Elle shook her head profusely. Great, Ayda thought, this didn’t answer any questions and just added to the list of things she didn’t know. So, who was the girl and why did she want to get Elle out of the Ritual Chamber, nothing made sense. The only connection she could see was the Elders, but she had no idea what to do about that, she couldn’t demand they speak with her. They both sat in silence, both trapped in their own thoughts. Both searching for answers to questions. Sometime after, Niall came and found them, and they returned to the camp and got ready for a rough night’s sleep.


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