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The Last Ritual

Page 12

by S K Smith

  ‘Princess, it’s good to see you – but you should not have come.’ An older Elf with wispy hair, knelt to her and took her hand.

  ‘It is good to see you too Sir -?’

  ‘I am Aran, your Highness.’ He kissed her hand.

  ‘Are you the leader here?’ She asked.

  ‘No, your Highness, our Lord fled long ago, he heard of the raids on villages, knew they were heading here.’ Aran said.

  ‘He just left you all here?’ Ayda responded, aghast.

  ‘Of course, he fears the Legion. I must say, we would all be dead now if it wasn’t for you and your – ah – comrades. Humans?!’ Aran’s pleasure turned to panic as he saw Niall and Karl.

  ‘Aran,’ Ayda stepped before them, ‘These are friends, they have done much to protect me.’

  Aran eyed them both suspiciously. Niall felt the Elves around them watching him closely. He puffed up with pleasure as he saw Ayda step into defend them and refer to them as friends. Maybe she was starting to trust him after all? Aran could not seem to take his eyes of him. He was a short, stocky Elf, who’s dirty farmer’s clothes did not suit the heavy metal sword in his hand.

  ‘Aran, is there any news? Why are they raiding villages here?’ Ayda asked quickly. Niall knew she was keen to move on, news would spread, and retribution would be swift, she did not want to get caught here.

  ‘They know you are in the area my Princess, they are ruthless in their hunt for you and Princess Brielle,’ Aran asked, his eyes snapping back to her.

  ‘Yet you remain loyal to my family? Why?’ Ayda asked politely.

  ‘The King ruled in peace and brought prosperity to Myrliar, The Legion undo all of his honourable work. We will remember him. He would not have stood for all this bloodshed. The Elders deserve no loyalty after what they have done.’

  Ayda replied, ‘I thank you, but you must all leave, they will return.’

  ‘You are most kind, your Highness, but I fear we will all die, wherever we go.’ Niall followed Ayda, as they searched the town for their horses. Bodies littered the ground, soldier and town people alike, the white paved streets were bleeding. Niall felt his heart ache as he watched the distress shadowing Ayda’s face as she heard her people crying in pain. She was kind, he saw. Every so often she would help put out fires and hold the hands of dying elves, offering what condolences she could. Finally, they found each of their horses on route. Leading them back to the main group of Elves to bid their farewell and wish them luck.

  ‘Farewell, Princess, best of luck. We are all with you.’ Aran said enthusiastically, kneeling once more. Just as the three of them turned to leave, a cold cruel voice sounded from the other side of the town square. Looking up Niall’s blood turned to ice as he saw what he had feared the most. A blood red cloak was sweeping across the stone paves, soaking blood up as it went. A silver half mask covered the face of the wearer, his crooked black teeth smiling evilly at them.

  ‘Princess Ayda, it’s wonderful to see you here.’ His voice was sickeningly smooth, like wine laced with poison. This man emanated power. He stood alone, but confident, the world around him seemed to bend to his will as he moved ever closer to them.

  ‘Run, Princess, run! We’ll distract him.’ Aran whispered to them. Niall admired the man’s courage. Surely, he knew he would stand no chance against a Captain of the Legion. Niall didn’t know what to do, he had only heard about the Captains from Elle, but he knew he had magic. He could almost sense it glowing from him. He knew their swords were going to be no more than feathers to this man.

  ‘You know, there is nowhere for you to run your Highness. Where is your sister?’ The man gloated.

  ‘I’d die before I told you!’ Ayda spat. Niall resisted the urge to grab her, she sounded so strong, but he could see her trembling as their death approached.

  ‘Oh, you will die, but I have soldiers searching around this town right now, so you can watch me kill her first.’ The Captain could hardly contain his glee. His black crooked teeth had been showing since his arrival, he could not stop grinning like a cat that has cornered a mouse.

  ‘She’s nowhere near here you fool!’ Ayda laughed convincingly.

  ‘You mean to tell me you abandoned her? Never. You’ll be keeping her close by.’ He seethed.

  Niall thought quickly, they would find her for sure. She wasn’t too far away, and Theo was not going to be able to protect her against so many foes alone. They had to buy them some time. Thankfully, Ayda seemed to have come to the same conclusion. Moving away from Niall and Karl she was pacing closer to the Captain, his gaze following her unblinkingly. From the corner of his eye, Niall could see a small boy crouched, hiding a few yards from him. Slowly, he moved over, careful not to draw attention. The Captain’s eyes were stuck on Ayda like a wolf hunting its prey. He reached the boy, and out of the corner of his mouth he spoke.

  ‘I need you to do something urgently for me.’ Niall whispered. The boy’s big eyes were wide with fear.

  ‘I need you to take a message to Princess Brielle for me.’ He continued. He hoped the boy was loyal to the Princesses, this was a huge risk, but he had to get them away from here. The boy, although afraid, nodded.

  ‘Tell her a Captain is here, he is searching for her, she must flee. My friend Theo will be with her. Go with them, they will keep you safe.’ He whispered instructions on how to find the Princess, and the boy snuck quickly and quietly from the town, in the wrong direction. Niall had instructed him not to go straight there, to make sure he wasn’t easily followed. Niall hadn’t noticed that a few of the town folk had moved, led by Aran, slowly and carefully through the burnt-out buildings closer and closer to the Captain. Niall watched them with fascination. They had planned this and moved without so much as a flicker of acknowledgement from the Captain. Was he that focussed on Ayda? Suddenly, the men ran from their hiding spots as one, their swords raised, screaming “For the King!” He had noticed them. He didn’t hesitate as he swung his arms in the air, the men rose helplessly like puppets before he flung them against a nearby building. With a nasty crunch, the men slid down the wall and landed in a pile on the ground, unmoving, not even a breath. Niall spied Aran’s face at the bottom of the pile, his face was as fixed with determination in death as it had been in life. Shock shook Niall, what chance did any of them have against a monster that powerful?

  ‘Niall, move, quickly!’ Karl snapped, jabbing him in the ribs. Niall noticed with a pang that Ayda was gone. He let Karl lead him away as he scanned the area for her, he couldn’t see her anywhere.

  ‘Does the Captain have her?’ He asked urgently. Karl shook his head, everyone had used the scuffle to flee the town hall and hide. A loud crack resonated through the air, peering around a corner, he glimpsed the Captain blasting everything out of the way in his fury to find her.

  ‘We have to find her!’ Niall whispered, ducking as another crash sounded. They ran, amidst the chaos as buildings around them exploded, trapping fleeing civilians, the shrieking and smashing was thunderous. A woman yards from them flew off her feet as she caught the sight of the Captain, who laughed wickedly as she fell into flame. The Captain was calling for her. Niall tried to keep him in eye sight as much as he could whilst searching for the Princess.

  ‘Oh no,’ He said, aghast. The Captain had grown bored of smashing things and had instead woven magic into the form of five great silver wolves. The same wolves that had hunted them nights before.

  ‘Climb, climb!’ Niall roared to everyone around him. He and Karl climbed rubble onto the nearest roof, helping as many as they could. The wolves were ravaging anyone they could find. Karl leapt onto another roof top, Niall followed. Scouting around looking for Ayda, finally they saw her. Thankfully she had also managed to escape the jaws of the giant wolves rampaging their way through the town. Blood curdling screams filled the air as the wolves continued to find their victims. Niall dared not call out to her. He couldn’t bear to see these enemies press down on her. He nudged Karl and nodded in her dir
ection. Slowly and carefully, staying on the roof tops, they climbed over to her. Then it happened, in a split second, Ayda was thrown into the air like a doll. The Captain had found her. Niall watched in terror as her body zoomed through the air and was caught roughly by the throat. She kicked and squirmed as his nails dug into her neck.

  ‘No!’ Niall roared. The wolves around them disappeared into white smoke, they were no longer needed, the Captain had what he wanted. Niall threw himself off the rooftop and sprinted to her faster than he had ever ran in his life. He could not defeat this man, he knew that, but he had to do something. Niall shouted for her as he reached them. Turning his head, the Captain grinned wickedly at Niall and snapped his fingers together. Immediately Niall’s body froze, his legs and arms were pinned, he fell forwards with the momentum of his run and landed face first on the cold hard slabs. The Captain turned and walked away from him, his hand still around Ayda’s throat, carrying her as if she were lighter than air. Niall felt himself being turned over and dragged unceremoniously away. Karl roughly sat him against a wall.

  ‘There’s nothing we can do brother!’ Karl growled as he slapped him. Niall still could not move but he could see. He watched helplessly, his eyes stinging as Ayda was carried away. He had almost given up hope when… BANG. The Captain stumbled back. BANG. Pushed back again, the Captain lost his hold on Ayda, she stumbled, and crawled desperately away from him. An invisible force was battering the Captain. His shield reverberated through the air, ripples showing in the invisible barrier around him. Shock was etched onto the Captain’s face as he spun around trying to find the source of this power. A grin grew across his face. Niall’s heart sank. Elle had come for her sister. She was walking like a girl much older than her years. A confidence born of anger and hatred, her face was twisted with a dark fury. Niall nursed a deep fear of her, her eyes were black as coal and unseeing. She did not appear to notice the destruction around her as her eyes fixed on the Captain in a deadly glare. Ayda was weeping, in pain or shock no-one knew, Niall wanted to call out to her, but he still couldn’t move. Karl was stuck to his side threateningly, ready to defend his friend against anything. He watched as Elle continued to move forward pelting the Captain with strike after strike, he was no longer stumbling, he expected her. His shield held firm as her attack continued, then finally she paused, measuring her target. He made the most of her hesitation and pushed his magic into the buildings next to her, they exploded all around her. Niall heard screaming ringing in his mind. Dust choked everyone, he couldn’t see her. Ayda had not moved from her spot, she looked ready to jump in to save her sister, but what could she do? The dust settled, and Elle emerged, she had conjured a shield and saved herself from the blast, to the amusement of the Captain and the surprised relief of everyone else.

  ‘You are learning little one.’ He cajoled. Instantly sparks shot from his outstretched hands and electrified her shield, millions of ripples resounded through the air. Elle’s small face was scrunched up as she concentrated on her shield. Niall watched as white-hot flames burst out of her hand and surrounded the Captain in a blaze. Both mages continued to batter each-other fiercely, with none making a huge impact, blow after blow was blocked, their shields stood strong.

  ‘Someone’s got to tire first. Let’s hope it’s not Elle.’ Karl grumbled. It couldn’t be Elle, Niall reassured himself. The Captain spent so much of his power on those fearsome wolves and blowing up this town, surely after Elle managed to bring down a Castle and kill every soldier there she must be stronger! His resolve began to falter as the battle ensued. Elle stopped attacking, her little angry face was screwed up and tight as she concentrated fully on her shield. A huge blast of power from the Captain quaked her shield and she stumbled backwards a few steps. She was losing. Her magic was failing. Ayda had spotted it too, as quickly as she could, she ran towards the Captain with her sword raised, roaring in desperation. The Captain didn’t even look at her as he waved his hand and sent her flying. She fell, motionless like a doll, to the floor beside them. Niall was furious, he still could not move, he couldn’t even call out to her and Karl was point blank refusing to leave him. Someone had to help her! Elle grew weaker and weaker by the second, slowly, his heart sank as her shield flickered and she slowly backed down to her knees, tears streaming from her eyes. It all happened at once. The Captain screamed out in pain as a dagger slid its way through his throat just before everything was thrown backwards in a sudden blast of power. Ringing sounded in his ears, dust filled the air. Then silence. Complete eerie silence. Was Elle alive? What had happened to the Captain? Instantly, the feeling in his arms and legs returned, he could move again. Clumsily he got to his feet, aided by Karl, who was covered in soot and dust. He ran over to Ayda and checked her, she was breathing but unconscious. Karl, being larger and stronger picked her up.

  ‘Elle!’ Niall roared. He couldn’t see two feet in front of him. Hands outstretched he began to wade through the dust in the direction he last saw her. Finally, the dust began to settle. Everything was covered in a thin layer of white sand, bodies and bricks alike. The moment Niall saw her he ran to her, occasionally tripping over his new legs.

  ‘Elle you’re OK. Thank the lord you’re OK!’ He sighed deeply with relief, hardly believing it. He made to hug her. She resisted him, gazing into the distance. “Ayda’s OK, we’ve got her, we need to go.”

  ‘She saved me.’ Elle whispered in shock. Confused, Niall followed her gaze to a young woman unmoving on the ground not far from the dead Captain. The woman’s red hair was speckled with dust and debris. Syren.

  ‘Oh no, no, no!’ Niall exclaimed rushing over to Syren’s limp form. Her eyes were open, her breathing was slow. Pain was written all over her pale and dusty face.

  ‘Why did you do that?’ Elle whispered, she had followed Niall to Syren’s side. Syren reached out feebly for the young Princess’s hand.

  ‘You and Ayda are my only family.’ Syren said weakly, breath catching in her throat. With that, Elle kissed her friend on the cheek and whispered something Niall could not hear. He examined the Elf’s body, there were a few scratches and slight bruises visible, but he feared the force of the blast from Elle had caused worse internal damage. There was no way for him to tell what was draining her of life, and he could not see how long she had left. They needed help. They needed a miracle. Wounds he could help to heal, but so little was known of internal injury. He could not help but fear the worst for the young ferocious Elf who had saved their lives. He looked at Ayda, lying in Karl’s arms, and felt his heart hit the floor. How could anyone explain to her that after all she had lost, she was to now lose her dearest friend?

  ‘What do we do?’ Karl asked quietly.

  ‘I don’t know if she can be moved, but we can’t stay here.’ Niall responded, stroking Elle’s hair as she watched over Syren’s frail frame.

  ‘Karl,’ Niall said, standing to look at this friend. ‘Take the Princesses and find Theo, I’m going to stay with Syren.’

  ‘She won’t last, come with us. There’s no point you getting yourself into danger.’ Karl replied firmly.

  ‘I’m not leaving her here alone,’ Niall snapped, ‘She deserves more than that.’ Karl stood resolute. He was not leaving Niall alone. Niall looked at Syren, he had never appreciated her, she had been frustrating and dismissive to him and his friends, but she had been steadfast in their goal. She had risked her life protecting her family, and he could not forget that. Surely, now, they could at last, put race behind them and move on? Syren’s eyes were locked on his. Her eyes once bright, alert and alarming, were now tired and red, betraying the broken body they concealed.

  ‘Leave me,’ She whispered. ‘Keep them safe.’ Niall considered Elle. She was sat, staring at him, her face pale and sickly. Surprisingly, there were no tears. He doubted the poor girl had many tears left to shed after all she had seen and learned. He could not leave Syren, Elle and Ayda would hate him forever. He knew however, that staying here with Syren kept Ayda and Elle
at risk, the Legion would come, and they would stand no chance fighting them off now. His heart felt bruised and battered that whichever path he chose, Ayda would forever hate him. He had to make the right decision for everyone.

  ‘I can’t.’ Niall replied, ‘You’re coming with us.’

  Syren gave a feeble laugh and shook her head, ‘I cannot move, I am too weak.’

  ‘We will carry you.’

  ‘I am dying.’ Syren said matter-of-factly. Niall marvelled at her courage, to throw yourself in harm’s way for those you love and be aware of the price you will pay was admirable. He could not fail to respect her for that.

  ‘Ayda will want to say goodbye, but here, we are all at risk.’ Niall said sadly, kneeling by her side once more. Syren nodded, understanding. He felt uncomfortable at delivering the final message but knew it would do the trick. Syren would do anything for Ayda, that much she had proven.

  ‘Karl, find Theo, we’ll need all the help we can find.’ Niall requested. Karl finally nodded, and carrying Ayda, retreated out of the destroyed village. Elle would not leave Syren’s side, she had not let go of her friend’s hand. Niall decided to leave them alone, he wandered into the nearest wreckage to seek scraps of crates or carts for a make shift litter. He pondered his decision, it would undoubtedly be uncomfortable for Syren, but he could not leave her here alone and he could not risk the Princesses’ safety. Sighing, he collected anything useful he could find, steeling his heart against the broken bodies of villagers lying in the aftermath. Many minutes passed, and he had collected several decent sized planks of wood and lengths of rope.


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