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Liberty: An Alpha Older Man and Curvy Younger Woman Fourth of Holiday Romance

Page 4

by Adele Niles

  I shrugged, going to sit with her. “I dunno.”

  “What’s wrong?”

  I sighed. “Last night was great, but now I’m not sure it was smart.”

  I told her what had happened. Not in detail, but still—the connection we’d had, the conversation, the wine. The sex. I knew I was blushing as I talked about that, but she just listened, didn’t comment or even smile.

  “I just feel stupid,” I finished. “And I said I wasn’t going to do it, but I did.”

  She hesitated, then reached across the table to take my hand. “Libby, are you, like…having feelings?”


  She’d said it.

  And she was right.

  I felt a tear roll down my cheek and sniffled.

  “Oh—oh, honey, no.” Kylee got up and came around the table, hugging me. “Okay. Okay. Maybe it’s time to pull back. Maybe I was wrong to push you.”

  “I just…I really like him. He’s smart and fun and handsome. And he wants to teach me how to surf, and I really like him!”

  “Okay, but Libby, you don’t need to bounce from Ryan to a new relationship.”

  But I wanted to.

  “I’m not the kind of girl who can do flings, Kylee. I can’t do something like this with no emotions.”

  She nodded and hugged me tighter. “Okay, then we’ll make the rest of the trip girl-time, all right? No boys allowed. We can go to the spa later. Massages and facials and all that.”

  I nodded. That sounded good. “But I want a nap now.”

  “Okay. You go nap. I’m gonna go down to the pool for a while, but I’ll be close. Are you okay alone?”

  “Yeah.” I nodded. “I’ll be okay.”

  “Okay.” She smiled and hugged me one more time. “Cry it out. You’ll feel better if you do.”

  She was right. I’d feel better if I cried. But I was so tired of crying over men. I was tired of feeling heartbroken and lost and miserable.

  I just wanted to be loved.

  That didn’t seem like an unreasonable thing to want.

  * * * * *

  It took me a full day to get my thoughts together. I spent that time reading on the balcony, mostly, although Kylee and I did take our spa day. I felt amazing after that, relaxed and radiant.

  That was when I decided it was time to talk to Cooper.

  I put on a swimsuit and headed down to the beach, eager to take a dip in the ocean. He was out there, wrapping up a surfing lesson.

  When he saw me, he smiled and waved.

  I waved back.

  He came to shore soon after, approaching me. “Hey. Is it cool if I chat for a second?”

  I nodded. “Yeah. I actually wanted to talk to you.”

  “What’s up?” He rubbed a hand over the back of his neck.

  I hadn’t seen Cooper look nervous yet. It was a little jarring.

  I sighed. “I really like you, Cooper.”

  He nodded. “I feel like there’s a ‘but’ coming.”

  “There is. I really like you, but we have to slow down.”

  “Okay. Slow down how?”

  “No more sex.”


  “It—it was good. It was really good. But it was too soon. I need to back off.”


  “But I want to hang out with you more. Get to know you and see if, you know. There’s something real here.”


  I nodded. “Yeah. That’s all.”

  “That’s not so bad.”

  I smiled. “It’s not. It’s really not.”

  Cooper smiled, too. “So, can I ask you to be my ride-along in the parade?”

  I’d forgotten all about the parade. I nodded. “Yeah, I’d love to! What should I wear? What are we riding in?”

  He grinned. “A ‘66 Chevelle.”

  I had no idea what that was, but it sounded impressive. “Okay. Um, the other part? What should I wear?”

  “I liked that outfit you wore for our date.”

  I liked it, too. “Okay. I’ll wear that again. It’ll be fun.”

  “It will be. The Cruise-In is awesome. You’ll love it.”

  I was sure I would. After all, it was more time with Cooper. There was one issue, though. Kylee.

  “What are you thinking about?” Cooper asked, his brows pulling together in concern.

  “I can’t leave my friend behind. She’s been such a support. Can she come with us?”

  “It would be pretty crowded,” he said, “but I can probably arrange a date for her, too.”

  I could just imagine Kylee’s squeal of delight when I told her she’d get to be in a parade. “She’d love that. When do we meet up?”

  “Three, in the lobby. You won’t be able to miss it. It’ll be a bunch of pinup girls and guys in vintage-style clothes.”

  I grinned. That sounded perfect. “I’ll see you then.”

  “See you, Libby. Have a good one, okay?”

  “I will. Promise.”

  Chapter Ten


  Libby belonged in the passenger seat of the Chevelle.

  Maybe she wasn’t as polished as some of the more lifestyle pinup girls, but she looked beautiful.

  And she was better company than anyone else I could have imagined.

  She got into it, too, waving out the window and singing along with the music playing on the radio. She drank beer from the cooler in between us, giving me a few sips as we cruised down the coast in a line of other classic cars.

  Along the streets, people decked out in red, white, and blue cheered, waving and shouting at the cars that they liked the best. Mine got a lot of attention, but it was my pride and joy, lovingly restored and kept in a garage off-site most of the year so the salt in the air wouldn’t damage it. I’d seen other cars lose their paint to the weather down here, and I wasn’t going to let that happen to mine. The glittery cherry-red finish was here to last, as far as I was concerned.

  Libby leaned her head on my shoulder, taking a sip of beer. “This is way more fun than I thought it would be! And thanks for getting Kylee a ride with one of your friends. She was so excited about it this morning.”

  I nodded. “Of course. I wouldn’t want her to be left out. She seems nice.”

  “She is. A little bit of a troublemaker sometimes, but she’s great.”

  I laughed and wrapped my arm around Libby’s shoulders.

  The sun was starting to go down as we turned into the lot of the resort again, having finished the loop. The entire beachfront was set up for our Fourth of July bash, the biggest party we had all year.

  I parked in my spot, near the front of the resort, and hurried to get Libby’s door for her. She smiled and took my hand as she got out of the car.

  I was hooked on her.

  But still, I wasn’t going to move too fast. It wasn’t what she wanted.

  Together, we walked around the party. A dance floor had been set up on the sand; caterers were making cookout food, and the resort’s bar staff had moved outside to a bar we’d built with a few cabanas.

  Libby smiled at me. “What do you want to do first?”

  “Eat,” I replied. “And then I think I’d like to dance with you.”

  She smiled. “Let’s get a plate, then. Oh, but can we run up to my room? I want to put my sunglasses away. I don’t think I’ll need them anymore.”

  “Of course. Want me to go with you?”


  I squeezed her hand, and we walked back toward the hotel together.

  I turned toward her, about to say something silly, when she stopped.


  She was staring ahead.

  A man stood at the door to the resort, facing us.

  “Libby!” he called out.

  “No.” Libby shook her head. “No, no, no.”

  “Libby! Who is that?”

  “That’s…that’s my ex.”

  I looked up as the guy came toward us. He was shorter t
han me, thin, blond.

  I could take him in a fight if I had to.

  He ignored me, looking at Libby. “Wow. You look really beautiful.”

  She sighed. “What do you want, Ryan?”

  “I’ve been texting you nonstop. Why haven’t you answered? I’ve been apologizing for the last three days.”

  She shrugged. “I’ve been having fun here. I haven’t really thought about my phone at all.”

  I smiled.

  She was following the rules.

  Ryan glanced at me, then back at her. “Listen, I know I was pretty rough on you toward the end. I see that now, and I want to make up for it.”

  “Make up for it? Ryan, that ship has sailed. We’re done.” Libby shook her head. “You had your chance. A lot of them. I let you walk all over me for way too long.”

  “What? Libby, c’mon. I can change, baby. You know I can. I’ll change for you.”

  “Why did it take this long for you to realize you can change for me?” Libby frowned. “We had so many fights about how you treated me. And now you’re trying to come crawling back, and it’s not gonna work. I can do better than you.”

  She gave me a little squeeze.

  I felt proud.

  But Ryan didn’t like that answer. His hand shot out and he grabbed Libby by the wrist. “What the fuck, Libby! I drove all day to get here!”

  Libby shouted.

  I moved forward, grabbing Ryan by his shirt and lifting him off his feet.

  Ryan let her go of her, looking at me in shock. “What the fuck, dude?”

  “She said no. I suggest you keep your hands off her.”

  “Who the hell are you? You can’t tell me what to do!”

  “You sure about that?” I put him back on his feet, but held him, grabbing for my phone. I hit a button and made a call. “I need security to the front doors. I’ve got a guy here trying to get violent with a lady, and I want his ass off my resort.”

  I hung up without waiting for a reply, glaring at Ryan.

  He looked scared.


  “If you set one foot on my property again, asshole, I’m calling the cops. And you’d better hope they get to you before I do.”

  He nodded slowly. “Okay, okay. I got it. I’ll leave.”

  “Yeah, well, I don’t trust you,” I said. “So, we’re gonna wait right here until security gets here. They’ll walk you to your car and make sure you get out of here with no more issue. Got it?”

  “I got it. I got it.”


  A moment later, two uniformed security guards approached. They took over for me, grabbing Ryan and walking away.

  I immediately turned to Libby, opening my arms to her. She came closer, pressing her body to my chest. “I got you,” I said gently, holding her close. “I got you.”

  She sniffled, nodding. “Okay. Fuck. I didn’t think he’d show up here!”

  “It’s okay. It’s okay. He’s gone now.” I held her, rubbing her back.

  I wanted to know if she meant what she’d said. That she could do better, and that was me.

  But I wasn’t going to press. I just held her.

  She lifted her head after a moment, swallowing. “What did you mean, when you called this your resort?”

  “Oh.” Had that not come up yet? I shrugged. “I own this. The resort.”

  Chapter Eleven


  Cooper owned the resort.

  Why hadn’t he told me that sooner?

  I looked at him, eyes wide. “What—what do you mean?”

  He shrugged. “I came here to do some work when I was getting my PhD. And I loved it. So I never left. Climbed the ranks and saved money and bought it for a steal when the old owner wanted to retire.”

  I laughed, shaking my head. “You’re full of surprises, aren’t you?”

  He grinned. “I guess so. Keeps things interesting, right?”

  “I guess.” I smiled weakly. “Thank you. For handling that.”

  “Of course. I’m not gonna stand here and let a guy treat a woman like that, no matter how I feel about her. It’s cowardly.”

  Of course he’d think like that.

  I sighed softly. “Thank you. I was really scared.”

  “Well, he’s gone now. And if he ever messes with you again, call me. I’m giving you my number. I’m not above driving to Mississippi to kick some ass.”

  I laughed, really laughed this time, and hugged him again.

  “Let’s go back to the party,” he said. “I’ll hold your glasses, if you want.”

  “Yeah. That sounds good.”

  Together, we went back to the party.

  * * * * *

  Around midnight, we headed back to the top floor.

  Outside the elevator, Cooper grabbed my hand. “Libby. Hey. Do you want to come back to my room? No pressure, just a little time to hang out.”

  I smiled. I wanted to thank him for handling Ryan earlier. “I think I’d like that. Very much.”

  “Cool.” He nodded, and we walked back to his suite together.

  As soon as the door was closed, I leapt into his arms. I kissed him hard, arms tight around his shoulders.

  He scooped me up immediately, bridal-style. I thought he would head for the bedroom, but instead he carried me across the living room.

  He put me on my feet.

  We were at the balcony door.

  I blushed. “Won’t people be able to see?”

  “Do you care?” he asked.

  I didn’t. Slowly, I shook my head.

  He unzipped my dress again, just like he’d done the other night. I let it fall. We stripped off the rest of our clothes in a rush, tossing them around us.

  Cooper took a step toward me, both of us naked. He put his hands on my hips, running them slowly up my sides.

  I felt so beautiful when he touched me.

  “Please,” I said quietly. “We can take it slow another time. I just…I really need you.”

  He chuckled. “I see how it is. I rough up your ex and it turns you on, huh?”

  Slowly, I nodded.

  He was right.

  He grinned, putting one hand on my shoulder and spinning me. “Lean on the glass.”

  I shivered.

  From here, we had a perfect view of the ocean. We were high up, too.

  I doubted anyone would know what we were doing.

  I leaned forward, arms braced on the glass, and spread my legs.

  Cooper put his hands on my hips and slid into me easily.

  I let out a moan, pressing my forehead to the window.

  He squeezed my hips, setting a steady pace.

  His body fit so perfectly with mine.

  I closed my eyes, focusing only how good he made me feel. His cock filled me completely, and I squeezed around him, making him moan.

  “Fuck, Libby.” He squeezed my hips again. “You feel so good.”

  I smiled.

  He started to move a little faster.

  My toes curled on the carpet, legs starting to quiver.

  Cooper slammed into me, stilling. He groaned.

  I felt him come inside me, with nothing between us. It pushed me over the edge. I shouted his name as I finished, too.

  All I could focus on was him. His touch, his scent, the sound of his breathing.

  He held me tight, leaning down to kiss the back of my neck.

  Somehow, we made it to the shower, washing each other off in a dreamlike haze. And then to bed, where we tumbled into the sheets together.

  I felt him kiss my cheek as I fell asleep.

  * * * * *

  I rolled over into the cold side of the bed.

  Where was Cooper?

  My heart sank. I had told him the other day that I hated how he’d left me alone, and here I was again. Alone in the bed.

  Sighing, I got up. I started to look for my clothes, but most of them were in the living room. I pulled my panties back on and went out to the living room. />
  Hopefully he’d made coffee again.

  But I paused, hearing something. A voice.

  Cooper’s voice.

  When I went out to the living room, he looked up and smiled. He was on the phone, the room service menu in front of him. “Hang on, she just woke up. I’ll ask her.” He turned back to me. “Pancakes, French toast, or waffles?”

  “Ooh, waffles.” I nodded. “Let’s do waffles.”

  “Waffles it is. Bacon okay?”

  “I love bacon.”

  I sat on the couch beside him and leaned against his shoulder.

  He wrapped his arm around me, finishing the call to room service. As soon as he hung up, I lifted my head to kiss him.

  He kissed me back.

  It was just as electric as the first time we’d kissed.

  He leaned back and looked down at me. “Listen, I gotta ask. What happens now?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Well, you and Kylee leave tomorrow. Right?”

  I nodded.

  “What about us?”

  I smiled. “I think I’m okay with some distance. For a little while.”


  “Yeah. While we keep getting to know each other. I mean, communication is so easy these days. Skype and FaceTime and all that.”

  Cooper nodded. “That’s fair. I’ve never done a long-distance relationship before.”

  “Well, if stuff works out, it won’t be long distance for long.”

  “You think?”

  I shrugged. “I gotta admit, it’s beautiful here. And I think I’d like learning how to surf.”

  He chuckled and tugged me closer. “I can give you a discount on lessons if you date me.”

  “Oh, shit, really? The girlfriend discount?”

  “Yeah. And I’ll even throw in a free one.”

  I grinned, fanning myself teasingly. “Keep talking. I love a discount.”

  Cooper laughed, tugging me close and kissing me again.

  And he kept kissing me, until somebody knocked on the door. Slowly, he pulled away, going to get our breakfast.

  We took it out to the balcony.

  Together, we sat and watched the sun come up over the Gulf.



  Six Months Later

  I hadn’t made a drive this long since I was in grad school.

  But it was worth it.

  I was finally getting to visit Libby in Oxford.


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