Shattered Treasure
Page 12
“My age. We’re both graduating this year.”
“What? Why are you smiling?”
Her stomach fluttered. “What about Logan?”
“He asked me a stupid question.”
Addison waited. There was no room in her shattered heart for stupid notions.
“He asked me what kind of music you liked.”
“Really?” she asked, remembering the music she hadn’t expected to hear playing in his truck.
“I told him anything classical.”
The laughter that escaped her lips traveled to the depths of her soul, making her feel lighter than she had in months.
Hours later, when they arrived back at Ami’s, Logan’s truck was no longer parked in the same place. Maybe it was best that he wasn’t here. It would give her time to restore her sanity.
Nathan met them at the front door. “Look at you two.”
“Thank you.” Ami gave a curtsy as she walked past him. “Come on, Addison, we have to hurry and get our dresses on.”
They reached her bedroom and Addison removed the plastic from the dress, slipped from her sweat suit, and pulled the dress over her head. The silky material was cold against her warm skin.
Ami returned to the bedroom moments later, wearing her white formal dress.
Addison stared at the flowing white material sparkling in the sunlight. “You’re so beautiful.”
“Logan is going to flip when he sees you.” Ami peeked in the mirror, adjusting her strap.
Addison smiled, glancing in the mirror. How many times would she have to remind herself that Logan was out of reach? Ami was only making her wandering heart gain false hope.
She slipped on her black heels and sat on the bed, the throw pillows shuffling from the motion. “What exactly is débuette’s?”
“It’s a club for high school girls. We’re required to give a certain number of hours to charity work each year. We can pick and choose some of the charities but some we do as a group, depending on what year we are.”
“Really? That sounds awesome.”
“I like doing the charities, but Mom wanted me to get into it for social reasons. You know, since I’m homeschooled, and people have preconceptions about homeschoolers not getting enough social interaction.”
“I’m going to be honest. If you hadn’t told me you were homeschooled, I would’ve thought you were the most popular girl in your class.”
“She is the most popular girl in her class,” Mrs. Tant said as she peeked into the room. “And she’s also the smartest.”
They all laughed.
“Just thought I’d check on you girls and make sure you didn’t need my help with anything.”
“Thanks, Mom, but we’re good,” Ami said, giving her mom a side hug.
“I can see that. See you downstairs. You both look gorgeous,” Mrs. Tant added as she walked away.
A flutter of nerves raged war within her as her mind spun with Logan’s final question to her. Will you save me a dance? The possibility of swaying to music tucked safely within his arms whirled through her mind. Standing, she paced back and forth until Ami stopped her.
“What are you doing?”
“Thinking. How come you invited me over all your other friends?”
Ami turned to face her. “I know this is going to sound weird, because we haven’t known each other long, but you’re like a sister to me. I feel like I can tell you anything, and I like spending time with you.”
Tears burned the back of her eyelids. “That’s so sweet.”
“It’s the truth and don’t start crying or you’ll ruin your makeup.” Ami’s endearing tug on her arm pulled her forward. “Come on. They’re waiting for us.”
“I can hardly wait to meet your Zach.”
They descended the stairs, Ami first. Her white sleeveless dress swished back and forth with each step. Addison followed holding the rail to steady her stride in her three-inch heels. She didn’t notice Logan standing at the bottom of the stairs until she’d taken the last step. He leaned against the wall, holding his black jacket. She focused on his white shirt against the black vest of his suit. Her stomach stirred as his gaze shifted from her dress to her face. Her gaze involuntarily fell to the floor, a smile filling her face.
He reached for her hand as she took the last step. “Wow! You’re so beautiful.”
An instantaneous blaze heated her from the inside out. With no attempt to suppress the flame, Addison savored the warmth. “You’re sweet and you look pretty good yourself.”
He released her hand, leaving in its wake a pleasant spark of hope. Just being near him drove her to insanity. When he said nothing more, she walked past him, following Ami into the living room.
“We’re ready for pictures,” Ami announced to her mom and everything was set into motion.
Ami took her place in front of the fireplace for the portrait session to begin. Ami looked like a princess awaiting her knight in shining armor. The doorbell rang on cue and Nathan answered it.
A nice-looking young man stepped into the foyer and Ami walked toward him, showing no indication of her excitement.
“You’re late,” Ami scolded him.
“You’re beautiful.”
Ami smiled. “You’re forgiven.”
They shared a friendly hug before Mrs. Tant ordered them both to stand in front of the fireplace for more pictures.
Addison soaked in everything. She loved this family, everything about them. Nathan teased Ami while Mrs. Tant coordinated more poses.
Logan sat in the corner, his shoulders leaning forward, his forearms propped on his knees, his head tilted down.
When his face finally rose, his gaze locked with hers, his expression revealing a deeper layer of warmth.
Then he stood and moved across the room, his smile brightening with each step that brought them closer. “My family’s a little ...”
“They’re wonderful.” Flustered by his heart-stopping smile, her words came on a rushed exhale. “You’re so lucky to have them.”
“Yeah, I guess you’re right.” Logan rubbed his jaw. “Would I happen to be included in that wonderful description of yours?”
Addison held his gaze though the fluttering in her stomach nearly took her breath. “Maybe.” Her fingers sifted through several strands of her hair. Not only was he wonderful, he had somehow stolen her heart when she wasn’t paying attention.
Mrs. Tant was suddenly standing beside her. “Okay, it’s your turn.”
Addison looked around. “Me?”
“Us. And by the way, you really are absolutely gorgeous.” Logan whispered close to her ear. His voice was tender, confident, and his warm breath tickled her senses.
Addison allowed Mrs. Tant to show her where to stand and Logan moved next to Addison in front of the mantel.
“Put your arm around her, Logan. She isn’t going to bite,” Ami scolded, her voice teasing.
“If you don’t, I will,” Nathan said.
Logan rested his hand gently against her waist, pulled her even closer, and squeezed her softly. Mrs. Tant only snapped a few, but it wasn’t until Logan released her that she took a breath.
Addison moved to the corner of the room and fidgeted with a home and garden magazine for only a second before Logan rejoined her.
“Do you mind riding with me? Everyone else is riding together, but I thought—”
“I would love to ride with you.” A stout burst of laughter exposed her nerves, but in that same moment, a glint of delight radiated from his eyes.
Addison’s brain searched for something coherent to say. “You have to drive me home anyway, unless you want me to get your mom to.”
“No, I’ll drive you.”
Addison turned, her heart thumping in her chest, when Mrs. Tant rescued her from her thoughts.
“Let’s go, or we’ll be the last ones to arrive.”
Addison stepped outside first and pulled the briny air deep into her lungs. The sun had dipped j
ust over the horizon leaving shadows of light across the Tants’ yard.
“We’ll meet you there,” Logan called over his shoulder from right behind her.
He opened the passenger door, and she took a careful step up, his hand lifting her gently. She inhaled the familiar scent of his truck as she scooted onto the seat. He waited while she gathered her skirt before closing the door. She kept her eyes locked on the silky material until his dark form rounded the truck and in anticipation, she smiled.
“Did you have fun this morning?”
“It was so much fun.”
“What did you girls do?”
“One of her friends did our hair and makeup, then we got a manicure and pedicure, grabbed a salad and came back here to dress. You know, girl stuff.” Without realizing it, Addison leaned toward him. “What did you do all day?”
“Just a bunch of guy stuff.”
The feelings he stirred complicated her efforts to maintain a safe restraint against false hope. “What kind of guy stuff?”
“Played ball for a couple of hours.”
“You had a game today?”
“No. A few guys from our baseball team get together one Saturday a month to play ball with a group of kids and adults that have mental disabilities.”
Addison shifted in her seat to look at him. “Really? You play against them?”
“Actually, we each team up with one guy and play catch for a while. Then go to a position with them to help make the plays. And when they’re batting, we help them hit and run bases with them.”
“That is so nice.” The more Logan Tant talked, the more she liked him. “I bet they love that.”
“It’s a lot of fun.”
“You had a busy morning.”
“I also ran, showered, shaved, and studied for a Criminal Law test for an hour while waiting for the girl I picked up this morning to come downstairs.” Logan shot a long glance in her direction. “I started missing her as soon as she got out of my truck this morning.”
She mentally shuffled through every moment since they’d first met, attempting to pinpoint the exact moment she’d fallen in love with Logan Tant.
It was impossible.
Twenty minutes later, they stood at the front entrance of McPhearson Center for the Arts. A mixture of students, parents, and friends stood in the main lobby. Logan’s hand gently pressed the small of her back with each step forward. Her stomach quivered in response, every single time.
It was impossible to concentrate on the discussion going on right in front of her while beside her the man she was falling in love with stayed close, not once leaving her side.
She glanced at her watch right before they reached the steps, hating herself that she’d waited until now. “I should go to the ladies’ room before it starts.”
“I’ll wait for you.”
“No, that’s all right. I’ll find you. I’ll only be a minute.”
Emotions trickled through her as the memory of his last words on the way to the auditorium spun webs of bliss through her brain. Don’t forget about our dance.
She stared at her reflection in disbelief of how the day, how the past month had unfolded. And now she would be joining Ami’s family as she was presented. The honor of being invited still lingered.
After drying her hands, she turned the corner leading out to the open space. All those feelings dissipated when she spotted Philip standing across the room.
Stopping abruptly, she quickly turned to the safety of the restroom. She hurried, her pulse tripling with each step. But she was too late. He was right behind her. And they were the only two left in the lobby.
“Addison, what’re you doing here?”
She took several, slow deep breaths before facing him. “I’m here for a friend. She’s graduating this year.”
“Oh.” He said nothing more, and she hoped he wouldn’t ask more questions.
“I better find them.”
“I came with a friend too.” He chuckled as he took her hand. “She has a crush on me and begged me to come.”
Addison’s stomach recoiled in response. How could she have wasted so many years with him? Turning, she shook off his hand, keeping her unpleasant thoughts to herself. “Have fun.”
He grabbed her arm. “I’m not finished.”
“Let go of me.” She tried pulling away, but he peered down on her, gratification creeping into his smile at his strength over her. Philip had never been one for violence, in the beginning. Instead he used manipulation, exploiting her own weaknesses against her. It wasn’t until he sensed her fear that he altered his attacks with a mixture of insults and strikes. “What do you want? They’re waiting for me.”
“Don’t you mean he’s waiting for you?” His voice dropped and he hovered over her. “Logan Tant. Isn’t he the real reason you’re here?”
Her brows creased and she looked away, panic shrinking her composure. There was no one to help her, protect her. She was alone. And he knew it.
Why did she let him do this to her? She tried turning, but Philip tightened his grip causing her to stumble in her heels. A burning sensation stretched through her ankle as she righted herself. “Let go of me.”
His eyes bore into hers. “You will not do this to me.”
“I’m not doing anything to you. Just leave me alone.” She tried prying her arm away, but he pressed deeper. The cutting of his nails digging into her flesh wasn’t painful enough to hinder another attempt at escape.
“Is everything all right over here?”
Addison glanced at the man speaking to them. Her tears threatened to escape just as Philip released his hold on her.
“She tripped.” Philip laughed. “I was trying to keep her from falling.”
Philip was a blur through her tears as she stared at him in horror.
One arm reclaimed her shoulder as if he expected her to stagger and he was preparing for her rescue.
When the man left, Philip spoke softly yet harshly against her ear. “Keep on humiliating me. You’re only hurting yourself. No one will come between us. I promise you that.”
With a confidence she didn’t fully trust, she frantically wiggled from underneath the heaviness of his arm and raced toward the stairway, her ankle stinging with each step.
“No one, Addison,” he called after her. “Especially Tant.”
She shuddered with relief as she stepped through the rear auditorium doors within the safety of hundreds of others surrounding her. Before moving forward, she took several seconds to catch her breath.
While she scanned the audience, Addison’s pulse raced as Philip’s threats unlocked one by one like a massive wave ready to break over her.
His family sat near the front, with only two seats left, on the end.
She startled as Logan approached her from the left corner.
“You okay?”
She placed a hand over her heart. “I didn’t see you standing there. I’m sorry it took me so long.”
“You sure you’re okay?”
“Yes, I’m looking forward to the program.”
With an unconvinced gaze, Logan took her arm and led her down the stairs. When they reached their row, he moved to the side, allowing her to pass. Collapsing into the seat beside Mrs. Tant, she mentally surveyed her surroundings, her awareness of Logan’s closeness elevating her already pounding heart.
Logan leaned closer, his concern far too intense, as if he could sense her weakness. He scrutinized her with unspoken questions swimming in his eyes.
Forcing a spirited smile, she nodded. She’d take anything Philip hurled her way, but tonight she would take comfort in Logan’s nearness and cling to every moment.
After the presentation, the Tants’ moved, along with everyone else, toward the tables set up for refreshments. Clutching her bag close to her side, Addison followed them, Logan right behind her.
Resisting the urge to stay even closer to Logan, she awkwardly took the only open seat, on the end of the
table next to Ami.
It hadn’t mattered. Logan grabbed an empty chair and positioned it on the end, right next to her. Addison straightened, eager to conceal her discomfort.
He reached beneath the table and took her hand. “Are you sure you’re okay?”
She regarded Logan for a moment. His concern only deepened the magnetism drawing her to him. She chose her words cautiously, dodging the truth. “Yes, I’m so glad to be here with all of you.”
Logan’s tender smile resurfaced. The pressure of his hand connected to hers stretched through every ligament, causing even more turmoil inside her. A pleasant turmoil. One she missed when she wasn’t in his presence. And it was when their hands connected that the warning signals flaring in her head weakened then faded completely that Philip was somewhere watching.
Addison glanced at Ami’s plate. “You aren’t eating much.”
Zach leaned forward. “She’s very picky and never eats anything mixed together and will only eat one thing at the time.”
Ami frowned. “How do you know?”
The color in his cheeks deepened. “I’ve watched you eat a million times.”
Addison laughed, her anxiety lessening until she glanced at Logan and found him leaning toward her. “Would you like some dessert?”
“Yeah, sure.” Though she didn’t think she’d be able to put another thing into her mouth. Not when his every word and deed pursued unexplored places in her heart.
After several minutes, he returned and set a piece of chocolate cake in front of her. “I wasn’t sure what you liked, but this looked better than anything else,” he said simply, as if he wasn’t aware of his effect on her.
“Thank you.”
Ami’s sharp laugh cut through the moment. “If you know so much about me, why didn’t you pick me out a dessert?”
Zach held his arms out. “I’m going, I’m going.” He focused on Logan. “Women! They can be so bossy.”
“Hey.” Ami stood. “I am not.”
Logan winked. And Addison’s chest reacted.
After dinner, she followed Ami and Mrs. Tant to a larger room. Mr. Tant led Ami to the dance floor for the father-daughter dance and Addison reflected over the loss of her own father. Seeing Mr. Tant respond to Ami, witnessing their special bond—it was something Addison hadn’t experienced in a long time.