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A Queen for the Alien for the Alien Conqueror

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by Celeste King

  “What planet are you from?” I asked.

  He began to tell me about Zerentia. He told me about how beautiful and green it was. They have water, plenty of food, and was a virtual paradise.

  “How did Pitch Perfect get you to come?”

  “I have just been named heir to the king. When he passes, I will be king. Therefore, everyone thinks that I need a woman. At first, I didn’t agree with them, but now, I’m beginning to think that they’re right.”

  Galen told me that he was a warrior, and that he believed it was his duty to protect others. He smiled broadly when I told him that I was a warrior as well.

  At the end of the ball, Jack from Pitch Perfect asked us if we were ready to arrange our first date. I really wanted to tell him “no” just to upset him.

  However, the fact was that I did want to get to know Galen better.



  I knew that I felt something when I first saw Maura, but after spending the evening with her, I knew that she was the one.

  She was beautiful the night of the ball, but she was even more beautiful to me when she showed up for our dinner date in a pair of jeans, work boots, and a flannel shirt. Her long, dark brown hair was down, tied into a ponytail at the nape of her neck. She had no makeup on, which I thought made her better looking than when she did have all that paint slathered on her face.

  I asked her more about her being a warrior. She told me that she had been a part of the military. However, there were some activities going on that she didn’t agree to. At one point, her troop was ordered to raze a village that was full of children, old people, and other civilians, because they were resistant to the orders of the UPO.

  “I refused. There was no way I was going to mow down innocent people who didn’t even have weapons. They simply voiced their opinions and said some things that the UPO didn’t like. I told the leader what we were there for, and told them to pack up their things and leave as soon as possible. The people in my troop wouldn’t hurt them, but that doesn’t mean that the next troop the military sent wouldn’t destroy them.”

  I nodded. I completely agreed with her and told her that she did the right thing. I would have taken the same actions. True warriors do not kill innocents.”

  The military did not see it that way. They found out why the village wasn’t destroyed. I lost my commission, my rank, my pay, and everything else they could take from me, except for my dignity. I wouldn’t let them have that.”

  “Good for you.”

  I paused to take a couple of bites of dinner. The steak that was served here really was quite delicious.

  “You really are a pretty amazing woman, you know that?”

  “Not really. I just did what many other people would have done. I did what was right.”

  “I’m not sure that there are many people who would. People are cowed by the government right now. The people fear death – or worse.”

  “You might be surprised. There are many people who are completely fed up and are ready to fight back.”

  We ate in silence for a minute.

  “Do you believe in fated mates?”

  “No,” she said. “I believe that people meet, they get to know each other and sometimes things click and sometimes they don’t.”

  “Isn’t that the same thing? When people click that means they are fated to be together?”

  “Not necessarily. I’ve seen some people click with several others.”

  I really couldn’t argue with that, but I knew one thing. My soul knew that I had found my true love.

  “I believe that we are fated to be together. I believe that you are my one person in the world who is supposed to be my mate forever. Will you come back to my planet and be my bride?”

  “Slow down there, Soldier Boy,” she said with a smile. “I don’t know about fated mates, but I do like you a lot, and I agree that I feel something.”

  Maura pauses for a minute and takes a bite of her food. “I will go back to your planet with you. I think that we should get to know each other better and see where our hearts take us.”

  I was very happy that she agreed to go back with me. I would have hated to have to hang out here on Earth, hanging around, trying to make her see that she is the only one for me, and that I was destined to be her man.

  There were rumors flying around that the UPO had altered the DNA of female humans so they could not recognize their fated mates. Maura’s reaction certainly added credence to that rumor.

  Maura was born to be my love, my wife. I knew it in my heart. It would only be a matter of time before I could prove it to her, and she would love me as intently as I loved her.

  “Will you marry me? I promise that we can take everything slow. We do not have to be intimate until you are ready.”

  I could almost see her brain thinking over my proposal.

  “If you think it isn’t working out after a year, I promise that I will take you back to your village, and you can spend the rest of your life with them.”

  She looked at me, opened her mouth, then closed it again. Then, she said, “I will go back with you and I will marry you on the conditions that you have proposed.”

  A grin spread across my face. My heart was racing like a race horse, and my blood was thundering through my veins. My missing half, the part of my soul that I had always felt was not quite full, would now be full.

  As soon as she agreed to marry me and go back to my planet with me, Jack, from Pitch Perfect, jumped up with his camera. He put that camera right in my face and then Maura’s. The look on both of our faces made him back off a bit. He figured out pretty quickly that the camera was going to be jammed somewhere uncomfortable if he didn’t move it.

  Jack handed the camera to one of his assistants, and smiled gleefully into the lens. “There you have it folks, another successful match: A Queen for the Warrior.”

  The look on Maura’s face was priceless. Maura leaned in close to me and and whispered, “Is it just me, or do you want to smack him, too?”

  I laughed and agreed with her.

  The way Jack was slinking away, he must have heard her.



  Galen was the perfect knight in coated arms. After our date was over, he escorted me back to my hotel room to pick up my things. I still had my burlap bag filled with my old clothes and the other important keepsakes that I had brought with me. I also had a case full of new clothes. They had insisted that I buy some nice, fancy dress-up outfits, but mostly the case was full of jeans, t-shirts, and sweatshirts, as well as some work boots and sneakers. A girl never knew when she would have the chance to replace her wardrobe.

  After my things were loaded onto his ship, he introduced me to all the members of his crew. They all seemed to be excited to meet me. Was it because they believed in the fated mate myth as well, or were they just happy that their future king had found himself a breeder? Either way, I felt welcomed.

  A lot of people think that I am shy, because I don’t talk a lot when I first get introduced to people. The other women at the ball were the exception, because of the connection we had.

  I simply liked to survey my situation first and observe the people around me. That way, I was able to figure out what people really think and feel. I also was able to figure out their personality, so I didn’t make a sarcastic remark, believing myself to be funny, with them thinking I’m a rude idiot.

  We head into his chamber, where my case and bag has been brought. Someone has laid out a snack for us. I thought that was pretty awesome, because I could eat any time any day. I tended to burn a lot of calories, so food was always welcome.

  Galen and I sat at the table. I was surprised at how easily we talked, just as though we were old friends. He told me a lot of stories of his battles, including some of the funny experiences he and his men had.

  I was laughing all night long. It felt good, because I hadn’t had the opportunity to laugh like this in a very long time.

Galen and I yawned at the same time. Apparently, the ball and the date had worn us both out, more than any battles could have.

  “I only have this one bed to sleep in. I will be glad to sleep on the floor. I’m an old warrior, so I’m used to sleeping on hard things.”

  I knew that he meant his words, but I also could see in those beautiful silver eyes of his that he would really prefer to sleep in the bed. I didn’t blame him one bit.

  “You gave me your word that we would not be intimate until I was ready, so I trust you. Please sleep in the bed with me.”

  Those words sounded very strange coming out of my mouth. Frankly, I was surprised and embarrassed to hear them.

  He smiled widely. “Can I put my arm around you?” he asked.

  I thought about it for a minute. This man, who was so gorgeous that he looked as though he had been sculpted out of marble, wanted to sleep in the bed with me and put his arm around me. How could I have said no to that?

  We settled in, and I was surprised to find that I loved the feeling of having his arm around me. It felt phenomenal. Sometime during the night, I discovered that we had snuggled close to each other. It was a delicious feeling. I had the best sleep I had ever experienced that night.

  The activities must have made me more tired than I thought, because I slept in later than I planned to. Galen was already up and gone.

  My heart dropped a bit. I had looked forward to seeing him this morning. He was a very sexy man, and whether I thought he was my fated mate or not, I enjoyed looking at him. I also loved talking to him. He had the same sense of humor I did, and he was one of the few people in this world who understood me.

  I stretched, dressed, and went out of the sleeping chamber. There was a server waiting on me. He served me a great breakfast of eggs and pancakes. I didn’t know if that was in deference to the fact that I was human or if the Nirqoi enjoyed that kind of food as well. I wasn’t about to argue though, and made short work of the delicious food.

  After I finished eating and brushed my teeth, the server took me to the deck. He was dressed in tight pants and no shirt. The sight took my breath away momentarily. I hoped that he didn’t hear me gasp, but as soon as the sound escaped from my lips, he turned.

  A sexy smile crossed his face, and I had to force myself to breathe so I didn’t pass out.

  Why didn’t I want to make love to this man?

  Galen met me half way as I walked over to him. He bent down and gently dropped a kiss on my lips.

  “Did you sleep well?”

  “Like the dead,” I answered. “I hope I didn’t keep you awake with my snores.”

  “You purr, you don’t snore. I loved hearing it.”

  He smiled again, and then one of the crew members flagged him down with a question.

  Eventually, I wondered away from the deck and explored the ship. After a while, I found a window. I pressed my face against the window.

  What were my kids doing now? Were they still practicing?

  I hoped Sheila was doing okay.

  I sighed, my heart aching, because I missed them so much.

  When Galen tapped on the shoulder, I nearly jumped out of my skin, because I didn’t hear him approach. I was annoyed with myself, because I was normally more aware of my surroundings than that.

  “Are you okay?”

  He put his hand on my back, which felt good. I liked it when he touched me.

  “I just miss home.”

  “I’m sorry,” he answered. “Is there anything I can do?”

  I shook my head. “I’ll just learn to deal with it.”



  We headed back to our chambers and ate dinner. The food was very similar to roasted chicken, and she seemed to enjoy it. My chef was magnificent. He could make dirt taste like chocolate if he needed to. One thing I learned early was to never ask him about ingredients. I just ate what he put in front of me and enjoyed it.

  I brought out my chess set after dinner. It was one game that all warriors learned to play, because it was a matter of strategy and logic. I didn’t bother asking if she knew how to play, because the twinkling, devious look in her eyes when I laid out the board told me, yes, she knew how to play.

  The game lasted for almost an hour. However, in the end, Maura cried, “Checkmate.”

  She didn’t beat me easily, because it would have insulted her honor if I hadn’t tried my hardest.

  It didn’t surprise me in the least that she won. She was extremely smart and logical, as was fitting her role in the world as a warrior.

  “Nice job, Maura. That was one of the best games of chess that I have ever played. And you beat me. Few people have ever beaten me.”

  “I’m just good that way. Get used to it, Soldier.”

  I laughed. She made me happy.

  Then she added, “A man who can admit his woman is the victor and isn’t some mindless pillow decoration. I like that.”

  “I’m not just arm candy you know. I can think sometimes.”

  “And here I thought you were just another pretty face.”

  I frowned. “I am a pretty face.”

  She smiled at me and shook her head.

  Changing the subject, I asked her, “So what did you do after you got out of the military?”

  “I was training some of the people, especially the younger people, on how to use the tools that were available as a means of self defense. After my experience with the village, I realized that any area could be a target. The UPO could just decide that one group of people are dangerous to their agenda and take them out.”

  “That makes sense. You are absolutely correct to be training them. I applaud you.”

  She leaned forward. “To be honest I now wonder if that might be why I was chosen for the Pitch Perfect project. It was no secret what I did. It was also no secret of where I was. What better way of getting me out of the way?”

  “That makes perfect sense, actually.”

  After a brief pause that was in no way awkward, she asked me more about my planet.

  “The planet is lush and green with a lot of natural resources. There are pure water sources and the ground is perfect for farming. Natural vegetation provides plants for fruits and vegetables, as well as for medicinal purposes. There are fish in the waters that serve as food.”

  She seemed intrigued by my description, so I continued.

  “The two suns provide enough energy to harness so that the Nirqoi have enough to create electricity in their homes, in the factories, and to power our defense systems. We also have a lot of resources. We have copper and iron, and also have uranium and radium in some of the mountain areas. Salt is also a very carefully guarded resource. This means that we can use your help and experience to help defend everything.”

  Maura seemed to like that idea. She liked the idea that I thought she would be a valuable asset to protecting our assets, our resources, and our people.

  “Do you get a lot of raiders?”

  “Sometimes. They seem to come in waves. Normally, they are a group of ragtag aliens that have bonded together for one reason or another. Some of the groups can be really nasty, violent types.”

  “I guess it is safe to talk openly on your ship.”

  I nodded. I knew exactly what she was talking about.

  “Do you ever wonder if it is the UPO that is behind some of these band of outlaws? Or am I overly suspicious of them?”

  “I have had the same thoughts. Everything that happens, I wonder what is going on. I don’t have any proof, but as one of the ancestors of Earth said, government is a necessary evil. But eventually, every government becomes corrupt.”

  She nodded. “Thomas Paine.”

  “However, even if the UPO is behind our meeting, and they have some evil purpose behind it, I am grateful that we did meet. You are spectacular and you already have my heart.”

  Maura covered my hand with hers and smiled at me. “You are pretty awesome yourself.”

  She stopped s
hort of telling me that she had feelings for me. I expected it, but I was still disappointed.

  We sleep together again. I decided to take the risk and asked her if I could kiss her.

  She seemed a little shy when she nodded.

  I put two fingers under her chin, and lifted her face to mine, devouring her lips. She tasted divine. After half a second, she returned my kiss, putting her arms around my neck.

  A warmth coursed through my entire body, building, until I felt like exploding. I couldn’t wait until the day when we could be joined physically, as I ached to make her mine in all ways.

  I ended the kiss before it went too far and upset her. I was gratified to see that she looked a little disappointed when I pulled my lips away from hers.

  That night we again slept snuggled tightly against each other. She wiggled her bottom against my hardness, making me ache. Maura had no idea what she was doing. It took me a long time to get to sleep.

  She was still sound asleep when I woke up the next morning. I thought about how I found her, with her nose pressed against the window, looking out at the stars. I knew she was lonely. I would be too if I were in her place.

  I needed to come up with a plan to help her feel more at home with my people.



  I woke up this morning feeling like something was missing. It took me a minute to realize that I really missed having Galen with me. I was becoming quite fond of him.

  This was the second morning in a row that he woke up before me. I guessed this new life is making me a bit lazy.

  My fingers traced my lips. Galen’s kiss was my first ever kiss. It was incredible. I felt a searing heat race through my body. My body tingled and my heart beat a million miles an hour.

  Is this what a kiss feels like when you are in love? Or would a kiss from any man have the same effect?


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