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Seducing Sora

Page 8

by C L Walker

  “Watch your mouth Kyla,” she said, looking around as if our neighbors could hear us. As if they didn’t know we were a little eccentric in the first place.

  “Sorry,” I said.

  “Go. Now,” she said, for the millionth time since she had handed me the plate of cookies.

  “Ayy! Mom! Seriously I can’t.” I took another step backwards as she shot daggers from her eyes and I pretended to dodge them Neo style. “I have to poop.” I said, when I couldn’t think of anything else.

  She rolled her eyes and shut the door in my face, and I smashed myself against the glass window on the door and tried to look at her with sad puppy dog eyes.

  But she shook her head and walked away.

  Horrid creature of a mother!

  ‘Bring him cookies,’ she said, ‘he’s always alone,’ she said, ‘offer to help him with the yard work he’s been slaving away at,’ she said. But she forgot the part where I was possibly caught watching him undress and I couldn’t face him. I had to but I couldn’t.

  In the end I had no choice so I walked over to his house, slowly I might add but I got there eventually.

  I frowned as I looked down at my tie dye shirt, short black cotton pajama shorts and knee-high Lumpy Space Princess socks. That beast of a woman wouldn’t even let me change, I hadn’t even showered, and I had sweated my ass off the night before because my father liked to cook us all as soon as fall hit.

  I hadn’t an ounce of dignity to my name that morning, as I made the short walk of shame between our houses.

  But at least the sun was shining, it felt warm on my skin even though it was still chilly outside. My mom’s advice when I pointed out the chill in the air was to get moving and I’d feel warmer. Classic parenting.

  I knocked on the door of his dark gray house with a sigh of defeat before I looked down at his new welcome mat, that didn’t actually say welcome or anything. It was black and simple I noted as I was doing anything to distract myself from bolting.

  He opened the door about thirty seconds later wearing nothing but black basketball shorts.

  Sweet, sweet, torture…

  My eyebrows flew up of their own accord as my gaze trailed down his body, over his abs where I continued down and followed the light line of his happy trail down to where his shorts hung dangerously low on his hips revealing his faint v lines.

  *gulp* K.O.

  He had an annoyed look on his face when my eyes finally made their way back up to meet his after my joyous trip down south.

  He was gorgeous even when he was irritated, his slightly tanned skin looked perfect up close, so smooth, I itched to touch it.

  Just one finger!

  “Can I help you Miss Nilsen?” he asked.

  It seemed he always called me by my last name if we weren’t at school when he wasn’t happy with me. Not that I needed to hear my last name from his lips to know he was irritated because his voice was laced with a whole new level of impatience and that was evidence aplenty.

  I had more than earned that tone because he was right, I was a hellion after all.

  I had been hoping with all my being that he wasn’t mad about me watching him, or that maybe he hadn’t noticed me or maybe he didn’t realize it was me.

  But then who would it be? My mom, ha no, I am so screwed!

  But you know what they say about hoping…actually I don’t even know but seriously it was a waste of time. I knew it was dumb to hope someone wouldn’t be mad about having their privacy invaded.

  I decided to focus on my peace offering even though I was just the deliverer of something I had no hand in making.

  “My mom sent me over with these,” I said quickly, as I handed him a paper plate with peanut butter chocolate chip cookies on it.

  He took them but continued to watch me closely.

  “Peanut butter,” I said, as if by the smell and look of them it wasn’t completely obvious.

  “Tell her I said thank you, she’s too kind to me,” he said.

  I was really impressed at my ability not to look down at his body again once I had regained my composure and let me tell you it was no easy feat.

  He turned to the side and set the cookies on an end table made of dark wood that was near the door, it also had his keys and a worn leather wallet on it.

  “Of course, also she wanted me to offer to help you with your yard work. She finds my presence around the house annoying today.” I smiled innocently but the truth was I had been following my mom around being annoying on purpose because I was bored, and I needed a distraction. But if I would have known she was full of malicious plans I would have stayed in my room and relished in my boredom.

  He nodded his head and glanced down at my socks and I curled my toes as he replied, “I see, I appreciate the offer, but I’m finished now. I was getting it prepped for winter.” His voice was strained, he was angry and by the squint of his eyes that were boring into mine with such intensity and suspicion there was no doubt as to who he was angry with.

  And with that knowledge I was out.

  Time to dip chocolate chip.

  “Okay, well my work here is done then, see ya later alligator.” I exhaled before I turned around, and my breath came out heavy as if I had been holding it in.

  The tension was so thick I felt as if I had to wade my way through it and his eyes on my back did nothing to help me bear the weight of it.

  I hadn’t taken more than a few steps before his hand wrapped around my wrist and he pulled me back around to face him.

  “You turn away so easily now that you’ve had your fill?” he asked, no longer attempting to reel in his anger.

  I vaguely recalled a point when I had wanted to see him angry and if I was smart, I’d take it all back. But I wasn’t smart and staring into the face of angry Sora Tanaka was the hottest thing I had ever done.

  That should also sum up the extent of my brief sex life.

  I do believe that made me both a masochist and a pervert, but it couldn’t be helped.

  “My fill?” I asked quietly, as I looked up to his face that was close enough to mine that I could feel his warm breath on my flushed cheeks.

  His hand was still wrapped firmly around my wrist.

  “Don’t play stupid Kyla, it doesn’t become you,” he spat.

  His breath smelt sweet and intoxicating, so I wondered briefly what toothpaste he used. He looked like someone who brushed in circles like you’re supposed to, but that was irrelevant.

  I gulped hard and looked up into his sensual eyes that were swirling with a fire that I had lit in them.

  I knew it was wrong, but I was surprised by how upset he was about it. But then I really didn't know how I expected it all to go down, I guess I didn’t foresee myself getting caught.

  It was wrong to think it was different for men, sexual harassment was sexual harassment and peeping was peeping.

  For shame!

  “I’m so sorry Sora,” I whispered.

  He rolled his eyes and laughed. “What were you thinking? I’m your teacher and you’’re just a girl who has no idea what she’s getting herself into.”

  I lowered my head at his words and bit my cheek to prevent myself from asking what I was getting into, because I was pretty sure I knew well enough and I wanted to be in it.

  “I didn’t know you were going to be my teacher the first time I saw you! I know it was wrong, but I couldn’t help myself.” My breathing was labored as my chest rose and fell quickly under his scrutiny; it was not a fun place to be.

  He scoffed, his grip on my wrist had loosened when he looked down and realized it was too hard, but he didn’t let go of me. “But now you do know and still you spied on me,” he said, disbelief evident in his tone. “It’s so unbelievably inappropriate I don’t even fucking know what to do or say about it.”

  My head snapped up at his use of the word inappropriate, it had quickly become the most annoying word to ever come out of his mouth.

  “Sorry to break it to
you sunshine but everything between us thus far has been ‘inappropriate’ according to you, everything I’ve done has been out of line. But what about you holding onto me like this, isn’t it inappropriate? Your body practically flush against mine, is this okay?” I asked.

  He was about to speak but I continued, “I can feel your hot breath on my face, and I can smell the scent of your skin, all the while your hand is scorching my own. Is this appropriate?”

  He hesitated for a second while he looked down into my eyes, then his gaze lowered to my mouth for the briefest moment before he let go of me as if I had been the one to burn him. Then he took a step back into his doorway and shook his head at me without saying a word.

  When it seemed he wasn’t going to respond I said, “Your anger isn’t even appropriate Mr. Tanaka, look at you, a few weeks with me and you’ve already begun to unravel.”

  He laughed again. “I won't pretend to know what you mean by that; anyone would be angry. But I’m not surprised at all by this or your attitude towards the situation as you were right, I knew you’d be trouble.” He slammed his door in my face yet again, it was becoming a ritual between us.

  I rubbed my wrist where his fingers had dug into my skin and sulked away and hoped that being angry at me was all he was going to do.

  Chapter 10


  Of course, on a day where I would love for school to drag on, it was rushing past so quickly I felt like I hadn’t had a chance to breathe all day. It was a Monday for crying out loud, so I couldn’t figure out how it was lunch time before I even had a chance to figure out what I could say to Sora, or figure out how to avoid him without failing a class.

  Basically, I needed time to think of some ridiculous situation that only worked in sitcoms that had no bearing in my real life.

  We hadn’t left on a good note so I had to apologize again, and find some way to make it up to him, and I wasn’t above begging considering the amount of trouble I could be in.

  My palms began to sweat as I pondered how long the sentence was for spying on someone because I knew you could be sent to jail for it.


  I shook myself because Sora didn’t seem like the type to take things to that level however wrong it may have been.

  Amber set her tray down next to mine and plopped down beside me.

  I had my head down in self-pity, I chose to skip out on eating which was a rare event for me. My stomach had been uneasy all morning with thoughts of his class because I didn’t know what I would do if he was still furious. I was worried I was going to fail the class, or he was going to tell someone what I did.

  If my parents found out I was deadass meat, overcooked, left on the kitchen table for the flies to feast on, dead, ass, meat.

  “I signed us up for the Fright Festival,” she said, with a mouthful of food.

  Rachel was texting or updating her social media as usual and I spared a moment away from my drama to ponder her existence at our table when she wasn’t even fully there.

  I did prefer her silence to her talking, even though I found people who sat on their phones all the time to be extremely annoying. There was life all around us and no one paid attention unless it was through a screen. Technology had made things weird.

  “Already? Damn. It's so much work though.” I looked from Rachel to Amber before I laid my head back on the cool table.

  Some girls walked by and looked down at me with weird looks on their faces, so I flipped them off and they scurried off as they laughed at me.

  “Who’s the teacher in charge of our booth?” I asked.

  “Your favorite teacher, Mr. Tanaka,” Amber said, as if it was good news since she was still clueless as to my current dilemma.

  I had been too busy hating myself all weekend, so I hadn’t talk to her about what I had done.

  I jumped up and got in her face and she barely even flinched. “Shit seriously? No, no,” I said, as confusion crossed her face before she realized my reaction implied that something had happened. “I haven’t even told you what happened yet. Why him?”

  I noticed from my peripheral vision that Rachel had put her phone down as she was suddenly interested in the conversation. I obviously couldn’t risk telling Amber in front of her because I was embarrassed, and I also didn’t want to darken Sora’s name in any way. It was my fault not his.

  Amber saw me glance to the side and I knew she wouldn’t ask me to explain for the same reasons.

  So, I said the first thing that came to mind and she went with it. “He hates me, I’m telling you. I said one tiny smartass thing and he gave me detention on my freaking birthday!”

  Amber shrugged with an accompanying sigh. “Yeah, I’m sure it was only one smartass thing Ky.”

  Several smartass comments, an inappropriate paper, back talking, inappropriate questioning and ahem… spying on him. But it was fine, totally fine!

  “Alright, so It was a few, and I’ve been tardy a couple times, oh and I guess I was caught swearing once or twice but still!” I said, and I could tell it was believable because Rachel got back on her phone when she realized it was just me being me. “He is now my least favorite teacher, ah, how quickly the tables have turned.” I huffed as I put my face back on the table.

  “He’s a new teacher in a private school what did you expect?” Rachel asked, without looking up from the screen her fingers were flying over.

  “A shred of human decency.” I banged my head on the table lightly a few times. “Woe is me ladies. Woe is me!”

  Rachel put her phone down again and I watched her eyes as they found someone behind me, and when Sora walked by, I realized it was him she was looking at.

  “Don’t tell me you thought he was going to be easy on you just because he’s young?” she asked.

  I shook my head because the thought had honestly never crossed my mind, and even the most relaxed teacher wouldn’t be okay with the things I had done anyways.

  “Most of the girls can’t stop talking about him,” she said.

  Amber shrugged her shoulders and said, “Can’t say that I blame them.”

  I blew a raspberry and glanced at the back of his head as he stood in line at the snack counter. “I can. He’s horrid.” I don’t know who I was trying to convince but it made me feel better to pretend I didn’t agree with the majority on whether he was hot or not.

  Rachel laughed before she said, “Yeah right, even if Asians aren’t your thing there is no denying that Mr. Tanaka is hot. It’s a fact not an opinion.”

  I eyed her and considered whether she was interested in him but decided it didn’t matter because she wouldn’t get him, and neither would I.

  As Sora walked back by, Lars backed into him, and due to the force of the impact Sora’s package of cookies went flying out of his hands and slid under our table and hit my foot.

  I bent below and grabbed it while Lars apologized nervously, and Sora told him not to worry about it.

  When Lars stepped out of the way Sora looked at the ground by my feet until he noticed my hand come forward, and I dangled his cookies before him.

  His eyes found mine as he stepped forward and grabbed them. “Thanks Nilsen,” he said, with more kindness than I knew he wanted to show me in that moment.

  I nodded my head and he walked away, thankfully it was easy enough to act normal in front of everyone else.

  I was better at controlling myself at school because I knew if I didn’t, I ran the risk of making him look bad.

  “Shit,” Rachel said, “he does hate you.”

  Amber and I shared a look as I said, “He sure does.”

  “You’re hopeless Ky,” Amber said, as she fixed her makeup in my pocket mirror she had jacked from my purse before the snack incident. “But it’s not like you can’t fix it by behaving, so get your shit together.”

  I scoffed at how easy she thought it was going to be. “The world is dead,” I said, just to be funny and I saw Amber smile from behind the mirror because she knew I was be
ing dramatic on purpose.

  “You’re so extra all the time, it’s so annoying,” Rachel said, as she stood up right as the first bell rang and looked down at me like I was the scum of the earth.

  I had no idea how we managed to tolerate each other for years when it was clear to both of us that we’d be a lot happier if we never saw each other. I didn’t know why she disliked me so much but because I also disliked her, I didn’t care to know, because it’s not like I was going to try to be better so that we could get along.

  I was petty so naturally I did the opposite and showed her on the daily how much she annoyed me.

  I didn’t move to get up and I didn’t bother to look up at her as I said, “Your face is annoying Rachel.”

  Heh, I oozed maturity.

  When she didn’t answer I sat up, grabbed my purse and followed behind her.

  Amber had waited beside me and grabbed onto my arm as I called out to Rachel and she turned around with an annoyed look on her face.

  I flipped her off with a giant smile and she rolled her eyes and took off in the opposite direction Amber and I were going.

  “Must you taunt her just because your world is dead as you put it?” Amber asked, with a giggle because we all knew she got a kick out of listening to us argue sometimes.

  “Forget her Amber,” I said, “I have a bigger problem, this is bad, like next level I’ve been caught committing a crime bad.”

  When her eyes grew wide with shock, I knew a million questions were competing to get air time from her lips so I said, “I can’t explain the whole thing now for obvious reasons, but he caught me spying!”

  She stopped in the middle of the hallway with a gasp. “No?” she asked, as she looked around before she pulled me to the side so people wouldn’t bump into us. “What did he say about it?”

  “He’s mad.” I looked around at the people walking by and thought back to that moment on his porch. “Not even mad, he was furious, he grabbed onto my arm and got into my face over it.”

  She leaned back with an incredulous look on her face before her eyebrows dipped down in confusion.


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