Seducing Sora

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Seducing Sora Page 17

by C L Walker

  I dug around my drawers for a pair of sweats I had that were tight on me and threw them at her along with a Black Sabbath t-shirt. “Change your clothes Kyla.”

  She looked up at me from beneath her lashes and mumbled something that I couldn’t understand until she closed her eyes again from where she lied curled up on my bed.

  “I thought you wanted food,” I said, and her eyes flew open again and she pushed herself up into a sitting position.

  She gave herself a minute before she stood and reached around to unzip her dress and that was my cue to leave.

  “Hey, come back, I can’t…I can’t do this right now. Please halppp me?” she asked.

  I turned around as she spun in a circle and tried to get her zipper down like a dog chasing its tail.

  I laughed at her and of course she stopped to send me a glare.

  “Why do I get the feeling you’re enjoying this, was it all part of your plan?” I asked, as I unzipped the back of her dress and she let it fall to the floor with no hesitation.

  I took one look which was practically involuntary and forced myself to look at her face when she turned around in nothing but her undergarments.

  She stepped closer to me and her breasts nearly brushed against my chest until I took a step back.

  “Yeah, because I really wanted you to undress me when I am piss ass drunk and feel like a trash heap. Nah, I’d rather you do it when I can enjoy every sensation,” she said.

  “You feel like a trash heap huh? That’s a new one.” I ignored the rest of what she said and helped her get her feet into my sweats and pulled them up for her.

  Her waist was tiny, so they slid down to rest on her curvy hips, seductively low.

  I hurried and grabbed the T-shirt but when I tried to put it on, she dodged me.

  “Uh uh, take this monstrous thing off first,” she said, as she gestured to her bra as she turned her back to me so I could unhook it.

  “Hell no Kyla,” I said, as I was already having a hard-enough time, so I wasn’t about to remove her bra and see her completely naked up top.

  “You won’t do anything anyways, so it doesn’t matter how much of me you see,” she insisted.

  “Damn it,” I muttered, and she giggled at me while I unbuckled her bra.

  I stared at the delicate line of her spine as she let the straps slip down her arms.

  She turned around quickly, and I was about to close my eyes when I realized her delicate fingers were cupping them and covering her nipples at least.

  She may have been drunk but when I dragged my gaze up to hers, her eyes looked clear and serious, she knew what she was doing to me.

  The heat between us was undeniable.

  I shook myself and none too gently pulled the T-shirt over her head.

  She pushed her arms through. “See you survived.”

  She pushed my shoulder lightly and for some idiotic reason I grabbed her hand and held it there.

  I looked down at her in my clothes and I felt a rush of joy, there was something so right about it. About her being in my clothing, about her smell in my bedroom, it felt like it was where she was meant to be.

  And that was scary as all hell.

  I dropped her hand quickly and her stomach growled again so I led her downstairs.

  She picked at her food for the first ten minutes, but she began to sober bit by bit and eventually she started eating her food with renewed enthusiasm and she finished it in no time.

  “You have a lot of books, those ones on the top shelf all look old.” She observed from where we sat on my red leather couch.

  I had bookshelves on either side of the fireplace and a tv hung above it.

  “Yeah, I collect old books, the one I gave you used to sit on that shelf. I’d be lost without them as they have always been my greatest escape.”

  “For me as well.” She yawned loudly and sat back and leaned towards me although it seemed she did so unconsciously, so I didn’t have the heart to move her. “That’s really cool that you collect them, do you collect anything else?”

  “I have a collection of old cult classics and records,” I said.

  I didn’t know why I was telling her things about myself; it’d be easier if she didn’t know.

  She leaned fully against my arm and laid her head on my shoulder. “Like old scary movies?” she asked.


  “I would like to see one, will you show me.” She yawned again and her eyes began to flutter as she was struggling to stay awake.

  I stood up and pulled her up beside me and made a suggestion I shouldn’t have because I knew she was too exhausted to watch a movie. “How about we do that another time when you can stay awake.”

  She nodded her head in agreement and I brought her back upstairs and tucked her into my bed. I put a bottle of water and an aspirin by her on the nightstand and let her know they were there before I crawled in beside her.

  This is what I mean by I’d gone completely stupid, I should have slept on my couch, I had tons of spare blankets, so I had no reason to stay with her.

  “Sora?” she asked softly, sometime later when I thought she had already fallen asleep.

  “Yes,” I whispered.

  Her back was to me, but she moved in closer, so our bodies were almost touching.

  “There’s something about you, I don’t know what it is, but I can’t stay away from it,” she said.

  I thought about her words for a minute and what it all meant and wondered if what she felt for me was more than a teenage crush that she would soon get over.

  “I feel the same way about you, and it’s driving me insane,” I said, but she didn’t hear me as she had fallen asleep.

  Her soft breathing filled the space and made me feel even more at ease.

  When she turned to face the other direction, I scooted up behind her and put my arm around her waist and buried my head into her hair.

  The smell of her and the feel of her set my body ablaze. I wanted to run my hand over the soft skin of her stomach and make my way down in between her legs and touch her where she ached for me.

  But even if I had the nerve, I wouldn’t touch her because she was drunk, no matter how much I wanted to.

  So, instead I ended up falling asleep curled around her when I told myself I would pull away so she wouldn’t wake up and know how I had held her through the night.

  I had a feeling that I had been missing something all along, but I wasn’t ready to acknowledge that it was her.

  I needed someone in my life, and it could only be her, but she wasn’t mine to have.

  Kyla's POV (>^.^)> <3

  It was so warm, I felt like I was in heaven. As if I had gotten drunk and did something so stupid that I had died and went to the holy land in the skies.

  I opened my eyes quickly when I realized that was a horrible thought, and I looked around the room slowly and remembered where I was.

  Then I realized I had a strong arm wrapped around my stomach underneath my shirt and when I tried to slip away that arm pulled me back into the body of a very warm man.

  I didn’t mean to, but I made a childish sound when my ass was pulled into his crotch.

  I knew it wasn’t anything I did because it was something that happened to men in the morning, but Sora’s erection was pressed into my bottom and my girlish heart, despite my attempts at maturity, just about kicked the bucket over it.

  “Do you ever keep that pretty mouth of yours shut?” he asked, next to my ear and I had to quickly cover my mouth to keep another giggle from slipping out because he was tickling my flesh with is warm breath.

  I sighed when he nuzzled my neck and when I felt him pause, I turned around to face him and I was fascinated by all the details of his face I could study so closely.

  He had no shirt on and one of his arms was folded beneath his head as he lied on his side and faced me.

  I reached out a hand and traced his chest piece, there was an old pocket watch in the center, roses surr
ounded it and there were two, small yet lavishly detailed oni masks on either side.

  He stared at me as I dragged my finger along his chest for a moment before he grabbed my hand in his to stop me.

  I glanced up and held my breath and waited for him to yell at me and kick me out.

  I saw the storm in his eyes, the want, the indecision, and I almost felt bad enough to stop.

  But I was selfish, I couldn’t stop trying to tempt him once I had started, I couldn’t stop trying to get a rise out of him. It was an addiction and I planned on feeding it.

  “How do you feel?” he asked, while he held my hand in his.

  “Good, I never have hangovers. Well I guess I’ve never gotten wasted enough to have one.”

  He let my hand go and said, “You were pretty drunk, but I guess you were still mostly there.” He slipped out of the bed and pulled on his sweats that were laying on the floor.

  It made me smile to see he had a level of comfort with me. Not that he had anything to hide since I had seen him in his underwear countless times but still.

  “Thank you, and I am really sorry if I did anything stupid or said anything weird.” I followed him downstairs and to the kitchen where he went straight to the fridge and took out eggs and sausage.

  His coffee pot was on a timer, so the coffee was ready, and he made me a cup.

  “You do realize that you are a pain in my ass sober so naturally you are still so even drunk,” he said, as he reached his hand out and ruffled my hair. “And at this point it’s useless to apologize. As for the things you did or said let’s just say I dressed you like a child and tucked you into bed and that was it.”

  I rolled my eyes at him and he didn’t mind me as he continued with preparing breakfast.

  “I remember most of the night thank you and that includes you blushing like a schoolboy when I had you unbuckle my bra. Also, don’t think I didn’t feel you snuggling with me all night long. The evidence is stacking my dude and there’s no getting out of this.”

  He kept his back to me and attempted to act way more nonchalant than I knew he felt. I could see through him, knowing was power and he couldn’t fool me any longer.

  “I blushed because it was an uncomfortable situation, undressing a student, a child if you will. And snuggling is innocent in nature, I was worried about you is all.” He laughed. “Believable right?”

  “No.” I scoffed at him and slid off the bar stool.

  I wasn’t sure what I was doing but apparently, I was being sneaky because I had one last devious plan to execute.

  “Hey before I leave can I take a shower? I need to change back into my dress and I’d rather get cleaned up first.”

  He glanced over at me and scrunched up his face. “Must you?” I enjoyed the sound of defeat in his voice more and more.

  I nodded my head as I smiled.

  “Well unless you want me to stroll over to my house smelling like you then yes I must,” I said.

  “Fine, sit down and eat first.” He set a plate down and gestured to it, so I ate it happily.

  He was a good cook, well at least where eggs and sausage were concerned.

  After breakfast I followed him upstairs and he showed me where to find all the things I needed and retrieved my dress for me from his closet where he had hung it.

  I had a plan, but it was another one that I wasn’t sure I could accomplish.

  Being sexy was something I felt either came naturally or not at all and I wasn’t sure I had it in me, so I felt silly. But if I didn’t tempt the man into taking action, he was going to push me away again.

  So, after a few minutes under the water I hid the shampoo and wrapped a towel haphazardly around my body and walked into his bedroom where he lied on his bed flipping through the channels on his tv.

  He sat up when he noticed me, and his jaw dropped the slightest before he corrected it. “What are you doing?” He stood up but he didn’t come any closer, he looked like he was about to lunge for a pillow and use it as a shield.

  I laughed at his nervousness.

  He looked me up and down several times and I watched as he followed a water droplet that slipped from my hair and trailed down my chest to escape in between my breasts that were very much on display.

  Again, the timing was impeccable.

  Thank you, little droplet.

  He groaned loudly and threw his hands up. “Why me? I mean the tiniest of things, I swear to you, they set me off and I don’t get it.” He walked over to me and stopped just short of touching me as he looked down at my chest again before he looked up into my eyes.

  “Shampoo?” Was all I said with a sly smile and his face fell.

  He threw his hands up again and said, “Shampoo she says innocently as she stands before me dripping wet, in a fucking towel, in my fucking bedroom!”

  He brushed past me and I followed him into the bathroom and held my laugh in as he mumbled to himself and he searched his cupboards.

  “I am actually going to go insane; you know that Kyla, I’m seriously losing it,” he said.

  When he couldn’t find any more shampoo, he stood there for a moment pondering until he looked down at my dress sitting on the countertop next to the sink.

  He reached for the large bump and pulled out the shampoo I had hid and held it up with two fingers like he was disgusted by it.

  I snatched it out of his hand. “Oh, look at that, you found it.” I turned sideways so I could fit past him and moved the front of my body against his.

  He sucked in a breath as I brushed against him and he closed his eyes. When they opened again and found mine, I summoned all my confidence and dropped my towel before him and stepped into the shower.

  “Shit dude,” he muttered, before he stormed out and slammed the door behind him.

  I was so nervous I stayed in the bathroom for twenty minutes, I didn’t want him to see how scary it all was for me. I didn’t want him to know I had no clue as to what I was doing.

  When I finally left the bathroom, I found him downstairs standing by the backdoor with my purse in his hands and a piece of paper.

  “If anyone happens to see you walking out tell them you were picking this up because you missed fourth period on Friday.”

  I grabbed the paper from his hand and let my fingers caress his palm.

  “That’s it, I’m being kicked out? And why do you look so upset Mr. Tanaka?” I asked, and I thought I was a damn good actress because I honestly sounded innocent to my own ears but as usual, he didn’t fall for it.

  “Yes, you are, and quit playing, I know what you’re trying to do. I’ll look because I can’t help it, but I’ll be damned if I touch.” He folded his arms across his chest and his brown eyes peered at me from beneath his lowered lids.

  His long lashes left shadows across his cheeks, they looked soft and I regretted not touching them when I had the chance that morning when his defenses were lowered.

  “You’re not going to win this,” he said.

  “Oh, but baby I already have, and now I’m waiting for you to realize it.” I winked at him and slipped out of his backdoor.

  I heard him say ‘sounds like a challenge’ through the closed door and although I knew he was about to try his hardest to deny me I also knew it wasn’t going to work.

  He was so cute when he was in denial.

  Chapter 19


  “I am so glad we almost have the booth done, only five days until Halloween and we can be done with all this after school business and I can go back to being lazy,” Amber said moodily.

  She had been especially sour because of Jake, but I understood that she was in pain, so I ignored her attitude most days and tried to be there for her.

  No matter what she said, she had been cheated on by someone she’d been with for years, someone she once fancied she’d marry, so she was not okay.

  It must have been especially hard for her to be at school.

  Every time I saw Rachel and Jake together, I had
an urge to confront them but refrained due to Amber’s wishes. She was right, they didn’t deserve the satisfaction of knowing how bad it hurt her, so she was playing it cool.

  I moved my macaroni around on my tray and leaned my head into my hand feeling defeated, because nothing was going smoothly. Amber was miserable, Philip was acting strange and Sora had built back up his fortress, and this time he built a moat around it, and a surrounding forest filled with human eating ogres.

  He was damn near impenetrable.

  Every word he spared me was spoken like a true teacher, I couldn’t even make him mad because he feigned indifference at every turn.

  When I talked back to him in class, he gave me detention, but he volunteered me for the school’s student cleaning crew instead of making me serve it in his class.

  I wasn’t sure if he was trying to piss me off or if he was seriously making a last grab for distance between us.

  At any rate I had more important matters on my hands and that was getting my girl through her low point. “Amber you were super excited about the booth so why don’t you try to enjoy it. I know you’re upset but you can still have fun in small doses,” I said, and Philip nodded his head beside me but he said nothing, as he kept looking at Amber like she might break if he said something wrong.

  I figured he had been uncomfortable with the recent events that had unfolded, so I wouldn’t have blamed him if he dipped for a while to avoid the drama.

  She stopped chewing her food and dropped her fork on the table, she looked like she was ready to fight me, and I regretted my words instantly. “I said that I am fine, and I’d appreciate it if you both stopped tip toeing around me like I’m about to fall apart. I don’t need you pulling me in the other direction every time we are about to pass one of them either. I’m perfectly capable of holding myself together, I’m not sad, I’m freaking mad. But I know I am worth more than those two put together, so I’ll get over it.”

  She was fine, I knew that, but I also knew that the rest were half-truths. I knew how much she cried and tried to hide it, but I also knew she was strong as hell and she would get over him.


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