Lookin' for Trouble (Honky Tonk Angels Book 6)
Page 33
Deb moved in a little closer. "I'm real sorry about what we did to your people."
Jolene smiled and almost laughed at the look that came on the faces of the Weathers family. "Well aren't you sweet? And on behalf of the Cherokee nation, I thank you Deb."
"Oh you don't mention it hon. I don't have a prejudice bone in my body."
"Good to know." Jolene cut her gaze to Jayce who just shrugged with a sheepish grin.
"Well, we're gonna grab something to drink and find a seat." JD said.
"Oh! I almost forgot." Briggs said. "We saw Wes Pursell and he said he reserved VIP seating for the whole family."
"He did?" Bryson and Jayce exchanged a look. "Why?"
"'Cause we have a celebrity." Briggs reached over and gave Jo's free hand a squeeze. "And Jesse Nash is here and Jo's crew's filming everything."
"You're gonna be on TV?" Jayce asked.
"Yep." Dawson said around his grin.
JD looked at Jolene. "So you're working?"
"Just a little." She held up her free hand, with thumb and index finger an inch apart. "Sorry, but this is a big deal and I want to make sure there's footage of our heroes."
"That'd be us." Dawson announced.
"Indeed it would, big guy." Jolene agreed then looked back at JD. "Okay?"
He smiled. "Yep. We're good. So," he looked at his sons. "Where's this VIP seating?"
"With the Pursells, alongside the announcer booth."
"Ok. You boys do yourself proud."
"We will."
Jolene watched them hurry off then looked at Jayce. "So, you want us to grab you all some drinks?"
"Naw, we'll wait around here for Pop and the rest of the clan. He should be here soon. Jesse Nash just got in and he's coming with Pop."
"Great. He's a real nice guy. I think you all will like him. Okay, so we'll see you in a bit?"
"Yes, ma'am."
"Later." JD said and steered Jolene toward the refreshment building. She waited until they were in line before she opened the subject of her working.
"You sure you're okay with me working the event?"
"Yeah, it's your job, honey. I understand that."
"I just didn't want you to feel like I was abandoning you."
"Nope. Don't worry about it. Long as it's me you come with and me you leave with, we're good."
"Then we are indeed because I do intend on leaving with you. In fact, the way I hear it, Briggs and Dawson are camping with a bunch of others out at the lake tonight, so I guess there's no real reason you have to go home."
He shook his head with a smile. "Got it all worked out, have you?"
"I try."
"Aren't you forgetting something?"
"Uh, no, what?"
"Your roommate?"
She rolled her eyes. "Unless you're planning on tearing down the house, I think it'll be okay."
"Well there goes my night."
Jolene laughed and snuggled up to his side. "This is the best night."
"Oh? Why so?"
"Because I'm here with you. In public, and because you like me."
His smile sent sparks of happiness and a good deal of lust ricocheting through her. "I sure do, honey."
They got their drinks and headed for the VIP section. JD's entire family was there. Jolene saw the Sweets and yelled for them to join and if they saw Annie and Riley to invite them. Fifteen minutes later, their section was full of family and friends.
Jolene excused herself to go talk with her crew who were set up and ready. They even had their production assistant, Steve and the grip, Ron set up on stationary cameras. That left Sam and Mickey free to move around.
"So you want to go ahead and shoot an intro?" Mickey asked.
"Yeah, but I'd like to get one of the Pursell's." She looked around, spotted Wes, and yelled his name.
He saw her, waved and made his way to her. "What can I do for you?"
"We're going to shoot an intro and I'd love it if you did it with me."
"I'd be delighted. What do you want me to do?"
"Just stand there and look handsome and answer when I ask."
"Well aside from the handsome part, sounds easy enough."
"Great. Okay, guys tell me when."
Malachi clipped a microphone on her shirt and one on Wes's, tested them speaking and when he gave the thumbs up, Mickey and Sam moved into position under Jo's direction.
"Okay, ready when you are, Jo."
Jolene was aware of the curious eyes that watched, but that didn't bother her. Nor did being on camera. By this point in her career, it was second nature. She smiled into the camera and launch into an ad-lib intro.
She never noticed the man who watched from the end of the bleachers.
JD felt on top of the world. The twins won their division and were so excited it would take days for their feet to touch ground again. Jolene had worked off and on, and had done an interview with the twins, which was a huge moment for them.
When she asked JD to join them on camera and told the viewers about his past rodeo achievements, he had felt a moment of shyness but the pride shining in her and his boys’ eyes washed that way. He'd taken some good-natured ribbing from his family but that didn't bother him.
He was happy. For the first time in his life, he was truly happy. He felt like the man who had it all. JD smiled down at Jolene, dancing in his arms and the smile she gave in return warmed him. "You're really good at what you do."
"Why thank you cowboy."
"No, I mean it. You really put people at ease."
"I try. Thanks again for being on camera. I can't wait to see the footage."
"I don't know if I'm ready for that."
She hugged him tight for a second. "I love that you're not at all conceited."
"Don't have much to be conceited about at my age."
Jolene laughed. "Yeah, right. There's probably not a woman here that wouldn't jump at the chance to be in my place right now."
"I doubt that."
"Well, I know it. Not that I'd let them mind you."
"Not into sharing."
"Definitely not."
"I'm glad to hear that."
Just then, his phone rang. She looked at his shirt pocket then up at his face. He shrugged and pulled out the phone. "Damn, it's Pete."
"The old guy who works for you?"
"Yeah. Hold on. Pete?"
JD led her away from the dance floor, trying to find a quieter place. The after party for the rodeo was slammed with people, all having a good time dancing, drinking, and talking. He walked a little distance away from the crowd to talk and she watched the crowd.
"Everything okay?" She asked when he returned.
"Not really. Pete said someone ran through a section of fence on the main road and there's stock in that pasture. We need to get them moved and he can't do it alone. I'm gonna ask a couple of the hands who are here if they'll head back and help."
"I'll go with you."
"No. You stay. I know you probably have more to do with your crew. Can you get a ride back with Cody?"
"Sure. No problem. Come over later?"
"I will. Have fun."
He kissed her and then pulled out his phone to call some of his guys.
Jolene watched him walk away then looked around. She spotted one of the camera operators, Mickey off to one side and made her way over to him. "You don't have to work the whole night, you know."
"Yeah, I know. Just getting a few shots for the b-roll. I think we're gonna pack it in pretty soon."
"Okay, thanks for a great job. I can't wait to see the footage. I'll be over in the morning. Oh, how 'bout I treat everyone to breakfast at the diner first?"
"Sounds good. What time?"
"That works. See you in the morning."
"Okay, Mickey and thanks again."
"Always my pleasure."
Jolene wandered through th
e crowd. Several people stopped her to talk, some she knew, and some she'd never met. Most were curious about what she was doing. Some were more interested in what she and JD were doing.
It took her a lot longer than she expected to make it over to the refreshment hut. As she skirted the dance floor, she noticed Wes Pursell. He was dancing with Cody and from the looks of things, Cody was enjoying it.
Jolene grinned at the sight. Wes seemed to be a genuinely nice guy and despite Cody's protestations, Jolene was sure there was some interest there. She watched for a couple of seconds, and then headed for the refreshments.
Jayce and Bryson were there with their dates. With them were Jesse Nash, Bronson, Jasper, and their children. Bronson swung her up in a hug as soon as he saw her. "You owe me a dance, gorgeous."
"Let me wet my whistle and I'll give you two, handsome."
"Allow me." Jasper volunteered and stepped up to the window.
"Where's JD?" Bronson asked.
"Pete called and said someone ran through a fence on the main road, so he headed home with a couple of the guys to move the stock."
"He should have come gotten us."
"I offered."
Jolene put her hands on her hips, pretending offense. "Yes, me."
"You know how to herd cattle?"
"Why yes, I do, Bronson, thanks for asking."
"Seriously?" Bobby, Bronson's twelve-year old asked.
"She's cool." Bobby said with a grin.
"And hot." His sixteen-year-old brother, Jimmy added.
"You gonna marry Uncle JD?" The middle child, Michael asked.
"You should marry dad," Bobby saved her from answering.
"Well maybe you're right, Bobby." She gave him a smile. "But I'll have to see how things go on the dance-floor first. So, Jesse, what do you think of Cotton Creek?"
Jesse grinned. "Well, it's a bit… brown to the eye, if you know what I mean, but there are some good people here."
"Amen to that." Bronson said. "We're all glad to meet you. Didn't know we had celebrities in the family."
"Hardly that. Just a rodeo cowboy and small rancher."
"Champion rodeo cowboy." Michael pointed out.
"Just got lucky."
Jolene grinned. Jesse didn't have a conceited bone in his body. "I was sorry that Carly couldn't make it."
"Me too. She and Mik have breeding going on right now. They're convinced they're gonna produce the world's best barrel racer."
"I have no doubt that they'll succeed."
"Me either."
Jasper returned with a longnecked beer. "My hero." She clinked her bottle to his and then took a long drink. "God that's good. Okay, handsome, let's see what you've got." She grabbed Bronson by the hand and led him onto the dance floor.
As it turned out, he was quite the dancer. If she hadn't been head-over-heels for JD, she'd definitely be trying to wrangle a date. Then all the Weathers men were sexy as sin, charming and gorgeous. Jolene hoped that with the curse gone, they could find partners to share their lives with. They were all good people and deserved happiness.
They were, in fact, such fun that Jolene completely lost track of time. She took a break to buy a round of beer for everyone and noticed an older man with long gray hair standing by the refreshment hut. She smiled at him and he returned the smile.
"Are you in line?"
"No ma'am."
He wasn't particularly well dressed. His plaid shirt was faded and his jeans looked like they'd seen better days, as had his boots. "Want a beer or something to eat?"
"I wouldn't impose on you, ma'am."
"Nonsense. How about a couple of dogs, some fries, and a beer?"
"That'd be mighty appreciated. But could you make that a bag of Cheetos instead of fries?"
Jolene smiled. "You got it… sorry, I didn't get your name. I'm Jolene."
"Yeah, I go by Jo."
He chuckled. "No, I mean, I'm Joe."
"Well nice to meet you, Joe." She stuck out her hand.
His hand was warm in hers and when she looked into his eyes, she got a curious feeling of peace.
She placed the order and as she waited, she turned to Joe. "So, are you from around here, Joe, or just here for the rodeo?"
"Nope, not from around these parts, but I have friends here I drop in to check on from time to time. Help 'em out if they're in need."
"That's nice of you. The world could use more of that."
"Yes ma'am, I suppose it could."
"Oh, here's our order." She passed the hotdogs, Cheetos and a beer to him, then turned and yelled for Jayce to help her with the beer.
She dug the rest of the cash she had from her pocket and handed it to Joe. "Here. Just in case."
"Oh I can't take that."
"Sure you can. Please. A gift from a friend."
"Well thank you, ma'am. That's real kind of you.""
"It's really nice meeting you Joe and I hope I see you again."
"I imagine you will, Miss Jo."
"I'll look forward to it."
"Need some help?" Jayce said as he walked up.
"Yeah, thanks." She grabbed a handful of the bottles, leaving the rest to him. "Oh, Jayce this is—" She turned to introduce him to Joe, but Joe was no longer there.
"This is who?"
"Never mind. Just a nice man I met."
After the beer, everyone got back to dancing. It wasn't until Briggs tapped Jasper on the shoulder to cut in that she realized the time. Briggs swung her around and she laughed. "Oh, so your fancy footwork isn't limited to the ball field, eh?"
"You got it."
"I'm so happy you and Dawson took home the ribbon. You were amazing."
He grinned. "It's pretty cool. Couldn't have done it if dad hadn't coached us."
"He's pretty amazing, too."
"Yeah, and kinda crazy about you."
His expression sobered. "I don't think I've ever seen him smile so much. You're not gonna hurt him, are you, Jo?"
"Oh god no. I'd never do anything to hurt him."
"So you're gonna stay? In Cotton Creek I mean."
Until that moment, Jolene hadn't thought about what happened when her six months were up. "Well, I – we haven't talked about that. We just started dating, Briggs, and you know how that goes. I think you're on your second girlfriend just since I've been here."
"Yeah, but that's different. Dad doesn't fall in love. He doesn't even fall in like. But he's in love with you and if you leave…"
"I'm falling for him, too."
"You are?"
"Hook, line and sinker."
He picked her up and swung her around. When he finally set her down his smile was back. "If I was older I'd make you fall in love with me."
"Well, you've already done that, big guy."
Dawson walked up to them just then. "Trying to move in on dad's woman? Hey, listen, I'm gonna ride with Alyssa." He handed Briggs the keys and smiled at Jo.
"Okay, cool. Later, bro."
"Later. Jo, you gonna be over at the ranch tomorrow?"
"I don't know. I'll be at Nellie Mae's most of the day, going through the footage. You want to stop by and watch yourself?"
"Yeah, that'd be cool."
"Great. Anytime, just stop by. And congratulations again. You were amazing."
"Yes, I was. Oh and you too, bro." Dawson gave Jolene a kiss on the cheek. "You're pretty amazing, too."
"Why thank you. Have fun."
"I plan on it."
She and Briggs watched him leave and then she looked around. She didn't see Cody.
"Something wrong?" Briggs asked.
"No, I mean I guess not. I was going to get a ride back to Cody's with her but I guess she already left."
"I'll drive you."
"It's kind of out of your way."
"That's okay. I don't mind."
"You sure?"
"Absolutely. Are y
ou ready to go now?"
"Yeah, I think so."
"Then let's do it."
They said good night to the rest of the family who were still there and headed out to the parking area. There were still a lot of vehicles and it took a few minutes to locate Brigg's truck. Just as he was opening the passenger door for her, a man stepped up behind them.
"Well, looky here, two for one."
Jolene whirled around at the sound of the voice, her skin crawling. She stepped between Briggs and the man who'd abducted her. "If you're smart, you'll leave now. This place is crawling with people and you'll—"
She fell silent when he pulled the gun from behind him. "Get in the truck. Both of you. You first kid. Don't make me do anything I don't want to."
Jolene turned to look at Briggs and saw the anger stamped on his face. "Just do it, Briggs."
He muttered something under his breath then climbed in the truck. Jolene got in beside him, leaving their captor to sit beside her.
"You're not Johnny Willis' brother." She said as the man slammed the door.
"You're not much of a fucking reporter. Let's get moving boy. At the main road turn right."
"What is that supposed to mean?" Jolene asked.
"Simple statement of fact, you dumb cunt. If you were even a half-ass reporter, you'd know that Johnny's my half-brother. Mama married his old man after mine got kilt."
Jolene couldn't believe her team had failed to uncover that tidbit. "So who are you then?"
"Ray Malcom."
"Of the Texas Malcom's I presume."
He moved surprising fast for a man of his heft and belted her in the side of the head. She saw stars for a few seconds and vision blurred. "You gonna watch your fucking mouth."
Jolene cut a look at Briggs and saw the look of fear on his face. She wished she had a way to assure him that everything would be okay, but even if she could find the words, she wouldn't believe them. She had no doubt that Ray Malcom intended to kill her, and probably Briggs as well.
Unless a miracle happened, they were doomed.
Chapter Fourteen
JD had just opened the backdoor of his house when his phone rang. He pulled it out of his pocket, noting the caller and the time. Unease tickled his mind. Why would Bronson be calling him after midnight?
"Bronson? Everything okay?"
"Afraid not, JD. I just got off the phone with the police. Someone reported seeing a heavyset man getting into Briggs' truck with him and Jolene."