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Lookin' for Trouble (Honky Tonk Angels Book 6)

Page 93

by Ciana Stone

  “Yes, please.” Riggs straightened and gestured for her to precede him.

  Cody walked ahead of him a few steps, then looked over her shoulder to see him watching her ass. “Ha. Got’cha!”

  Riggs reply was a smile that had her wishing they weren’t in a crowded bar. She resumed her trek toward the kitchen and once there, stowed away the dirty glasses and trash, washed her hands, then asked for a plate to be prepared and brought to the bar.

  When she emerged from the kitchen and walked behind the counter to draw a beer from the tap, Riggs was seated at the end of the bar. She delivered his beer and smiled as he downed the first half.

  “That hit the spot,” he said, then added, “So when are you getting off?”

  “Not ‘till closing. Hannah—well you know how it goes with Hannah these days. That wedding has priority over darn near everything.”

  “She is…dedicated.”

  Cody chuckled. “I’d call it obsessed, but yeah, let’s go with dedicated. I know you have to be up early so don’t feel like you have to stick around after you eat. Go on home and get some rest and I’ll see you…well, sometime.”

  “How about I catch a nap on the couch in your office after I eat and you can wake me up when you’re ready to leave.”

  “You sure?”

  “Yeah.” His smile added assurance to the tone of his voice.

  “Works for me. Oh! Thanks Kenny. That goes right here,” she said to the cook who delivered Riggs’ plate.

  “You bet.” Kenny smiled and returned to the kitchen.

  “Okay, eat up,” Cody said to Riggs. “I’ve gotta get back to it.”

  “Go. I’m fine.”

  Cody shot him a smile, then turned her attention back to business. Twenty minutes later, she realized Riggs was no longer sitting at the bar. She didn’t have much time to think about him after that with the crowd that packed the place.

  It was nearly one in the morning by the time the crowd started to thin. One table of six men was starting to get a little loud. As Cody cleaned nearby tables, she listened. One man in particular caught her attention. He had been buying drinks all night and leaving big tips and was bragging about having plenty more to spend.

  There weren’t many times people came into the bar bragging about how much money they had. Despite the oil boom, people in Cotton Creek were conservative. They understood that good times didn’t always last, and so they worked hard and saved for those times when things weren’t so good.

  As Cody finished cleaning a table, the man got up, stumbled and then headed for the bar. She hurried to beat him to it and was standing behind the counter waiting when he weaved his way up and sat heavily on a stool.

  “What can I get’cha?” she asked in a friendly tone.

  “You can have a drink with me, pretty lady.”

  “Oh? Well, that depends. What are you drinking?”


  “Don’t much care for whiskey. Tequila is more my thing.”

  “Then let me buy you a shot.”

  She smiled. “Why thank you. I’ll be right back.” Cody went to the other end of the bar and knelt to find a bottle under the counter. It was shoved to the back of the shelf that was earmarked for employee liquor.

  She and Hannah made a point of keeping one bottle of each of their employee’s favorite booze on hand, so that after their shifts, they could enjoy one free drink on the house. Cody kept a very special bottle of tequila in the secret stash. What made it so special is that rather than being clear tequila, it was a tequila bottle filled with water.

  Cody grabbed her bottle, rose, picked up a bottle of whiskey and two shot glasses, then returned to the end of the bar where the drunk waited.

  “All righty then, here we are.” She poured him a shot of whiskey and her a shot of water.


  They both downed the contents. “Woo,” Cody said and smiled. “Another?”

  “You bet, sweet thang.”

  Sweet thang my ass. She poured the shots and once more they drank. Two more times she filled the glasses. By the last time, the guy was leaning heavily on the bar.

  “So how come you never bought me no drinks fore now?” he asked in a series of slurs.

  “Figured you were just another broke rig worker and I’ve got no time for that.”

  “Oh, you wantin’ a man with some cash in his pocket.”

  “Doesn’t every girl?” She smiled at him.

  “Fuckin’ A. And I got plenty.” He dug into his pocket and pulled out a wad of cash. Some dropped onto the floor, but he didn’t notice. He piled it on the bar top. “Ray Smithers at your service.”

  “Well, Ray Smithers, that’s a lot of cash to be carrying around. The Cotton Creek Oil Company must pay real well.”

  The man blew a raspberry, sending spittle spewing. Cody slid to one side to avoid the shower as the man answered, “They don’t pay nothing like Quinlan.”

  “You mean Cooper?”

  “Naw, his old man. You wanna land a cash cow, hit on him. He’s rich as Midas.”

  “So I hear, but I thought you worked for the Cotton Creek Company?”

  “I do, but I do some special work for Quinlan.”

  “Oh?” She moved a little closer. “I have a thing for men who can do—special work. What kind of special work can you do, big boy?”

  “Oh you know. Stuff that he wants to keep under his hat.”

  Cody poured two more drinks and slid his toward him. “Like what?”

  The man sloshed half his drink onto the bar before he could get it to his mouth. “You hear about that rig that came down?”

  Something skittered down Cody’s back, raising goose bumps. “I did.”

  The man grinned and pointed at himself. She gaped at him in shock for a moment before she collected her wits. “Oh no, it was not.”

  “Oh hell yeah it was.”

  “And Quinlan paid you to do it?”

  “Five thousand cash,” the man bragged.

  “Well, damn.” Cody hoped her disgust didn’t show on her face. “Who would’ve guessed? You want another?”

  “Hell yeah.”

  She poured him another drink. This time when the glass reached his lips and he tilted his head back, his body followed and he just kept on going. Two seconds later, he hit the floor.

  People looked around and she shrugged. “Who’s here with old boy Ray?” she yelled.

  His friends hurried over to get him off the floor and haul him outside. Cody was steaming. Lucas Quinlan had paid someone to sabotage that rig and Riggs had almost gotten killed. She couldn’t let this go. But should she go to the police or to Cooper and Wes?

  That question occupied her mind the rest of the night. When the last employee left, she walked out the back door to take the final bag of trash to the dumpster. She saw someone sitting on one of the picnic tables and she stopped.

  Fondness washed through her when she recognized the man. She tossed the trash into the dumpster and walked over to the table. “Hey Joe. What you doing out here all by your lonesome?”

  Joe looked at her and smiled. “Why I’m not alone, Miss Cody.” He opened his arms wide. “I got the whole world here with me.”

  Cody took a seat beside him. “You know, I never really got to thank you properly for what you did.” She touched his hand. “But it’s such a big thing I don’t know what could possibly be appropriate. You saved us, Joe. Me and Riggs.”

  “You were willing to crawl under there to save him. He was willing to throw himself over you when the rig came down. Seems to me there was a lot of giving that day.”

  She shook her head and looked up at the sky. “You know, I haven’t told anyone this. I mean my family and pretty much everyone I know has asked why I did it. I just tell them it was because I was the only one small enough.” Cody looked at Joe again. “But that’s not it. I did it because the first time I laid eyes on him, something happened. I felt him.” She touched her chest. “Here. I know
that’s crazy. You don’t really feel emotion in your heart, but my heart jumped and I knew. He’s the one.”

  “Well then, why the long face?”

  “Because he’s probably going to break my heart. You know him. I know you do. You’re the one who got him and his bike club to help Callie and I suspect your relationship with him goes back a ways. You know he’s not a man to settle down.”

  “Maybe he’s just a man who has tried and failed and feels like life isn’t offering something like that to him.”

  “What do you mean? Has he been married before?”

  Joe smiled and looked up. “That’s a story for Jax to tell.”

  “Then I guess you can’t tell me if I’m going to end up with a broken heart?”

  “Afraid seeing the future isn’t one of my skills.”

  “Probably just as well. So, what brings you here?”

  “The smell of barbecue.”

  She laughed. “Well, if that’s the case then come on in and let me fix you a plate.”

  “I don’t want you going to any trouble, Miss Cody.”

  “You’re never a trouble.” She stood and gestured. “Come on.”

  Together they went inside. Cody fixed up a plate, opened a beer and put it on the bar for Joe. He took a seat on the stool and dug in. She fixed herself a soda and sipped on it.

  “Joe, do you know anything about Lucas Quinlan?”

  “Never really met the man.”

  “You know my sister is engaged to his son.”


  “Well, tonight I heard something disturbing. A man was in here. He was pretty drunk and he pretty much came out and said that Quinlan paid him five grand to sabotage that rig that almost killed Riggs.”

  Joe stopped eating. “What are you fixin’ to do with that information?”

  “I don’t know. Tell Riggs, I guess, and then decide.”

  “That sounds like a wise plan.” He went back to eating and had cleaned his plate within a few minutes. Joe drained his glass, put his hand to his mouth to smother a burp and then smiled.

  “That was a real fine meal. Thank you kindly.”

  “You’re welcome here any time, Joe. Do you have a place to stay? I can—”

  “I’m fine, Miss Cody. Just fine. In fact, it’s time I got on about my business.”

  Cody walked him to the door. “I meant what I said, Joe. If you ever need a meal or a place to stay, you come to me. My door’s always open.”

  “Just like your heart,” he said and smiled. “You have a good night, Miss Cody.”

  “You too.” She watched him walk out of the door and disappear into the darkness. She then locked the doors, turned off the lights and headed for the office.

  Moonlight from the window slanted across the room, illuminating him. Riggs lay on his back, his head on one armrest of the couch and his feet on the other. Cody walked over and knelt down beside the sofa, watching him sleep.

  She’d been honest when she told Joe she had fallen hard for Riggs. Despite the difference in their ages, she was more attracted to him than any man she’d ever known. When she was with him, she was torn between being in a state of bliss and being terrified that it would be the last time she’d ever see him.

  Was this what it felt like being in love? She’d thought she’d been in love once, but it hadn’t been anything like this. This was something new. It had the power to consume her and while she craved it, it scared her.

  She continued to watch Riggs sleep and after a few minutes, decided not to wake him. She’d kick off her boots and curl up in her daddy’s old recliner in the corner. Just as she started to rise, he reached out and took her hand.

  His eyes opened and he smiled at her. “Hey. Where you goin’?”

  “I was gonna kick back in the chair and let you sleep.”

  Riggs sat up and pulled her onto his lap. “I’ll sleep later.” He traced the side of her face with one finger. “God, you’re beautiful.”

  She knew he wanted her. She was pretty much sitting on evidence of that. And it was a given that she wanted him, but she also needed to tell him what she’d learned from the drunk. Then again, once she told him the mood would be ruined and there was nothing they could do about it at this moment. Morning would be soon enough to tackle that problem. Tonight, or what was left of it, she wanted him for herself.

  “You don’t have to flatter me.”

  “I know.” Riggs smiled, wrapped his hand behind her neck and pulled her in to meet his kiss.

  Good lord the man could kiss. He took his time, teasing then taking until she was breathless with desire.

  “Riggs,” she breathed against his lips.

  “Are you ever gonna use my name?”

  Cody pulled back, running her hands over his shoulders and down his chest. “Well, I guess that depends. You gonna make me scream it?

  Riggs chuckled, took hold of her T-shirt and started tugging it free from her jeans. “I most certainly am.”

  “Then get naked stud and prove it.” With a smile, she got off his lap, took his hand and pulled him to his feet. It took two minutes to get out of their clothes. It took two seconds more for his hands to be on her.

  Riggs picked her up and she wound her legs around him. He sat down on the couch and she took his face in both hands to claim a ravenous kiss. When their lips parted and he started a trek down her neck, she leaned her head back and released a little moan.

  “Damn, I love this.”

  “This?” He gave her skin a lick as his hands moved up to tease her breasts.

  “All of it. I love the feel of your hands on me. Rough and strong—strong enough to snap me like a twig if you wanted.”

  “I won’t hurt you.” His voice was a whisper against her skin.

  He shifted to lie back on the sofa. She took his hands and as she stretched out on top of him, pushed his arms over his head.

  Her lips moved over his face, down his neck and then back to meet his. His hands moved out of her grip to travel the length of her arms and down her back to cup her ass.

  She raised her head to look at him. “Get in me. Please.”

  “I didn’t come prepared, honey.”

  “I don’t care. I know you’re clean.”

  “How could you know that?”

  “Hospital records.” She smiled at the surprise on his face. “Yeah, I twisted an arm or two.”

  Cody rose to take his erection in her hand and guide him. She slowly lowered herself onto him in a sublimely slow slide. “Hmm, you feel so good inside me.”

  Riggs watched as she took his hands and lifted them to her breasts and then started a sinuous slow roll of her hips. Like a wave that slowly builds then recedes, she set the pace, taking him ever closer to the edge of release.

  It was heaven and it was hell. His hands itched to take hold of her hips and slam her down on him, to take her fast and hard.

  “No, not yet.” She seemed to sense his need. “Don’t move. Not yet. Wait. Wait.”

  With that, she raised her arms up behind her head and bowed like the supple branch of a willow, her body undulating on him. She literally took his breath away, she was so beautiful, skin covered in a slight sheen and moonlight turning her into something of magic and erotic mystery.

  When he heard that sound from her, that cross between a gasp and a moan, the ties on his restraint were obliterated. He grabbed her and rolled her beneath him. She did little more than gasp when he drove into her, taking with near mindless need.

  Her pelvis rocked against him, her legs circling his hips to pull him deeper. Riggs lost touch with time. There was only her, this woman and this feeling.

  Breath came faster and harder, and the sound of skin slapping skin was a percussion to the melody their breath. Riggs struggled against the climax that threatened and thought he’d claimed mastery until he felt that shudder run through her.

  She tensed, her legs clamped around him like a vise and her entire body bowed, her head digging back into th
e cushion. “Riggs,” she gasped.

  “Jax,” he grunted, barely able to form the syllable.

  A groan preceded her screaming his name and he fell. Into that well of pleasure and release, that freefall of ecstasy.

  When he laid on top of her, Cody grunted in protest so he rolled over, taking her with him. She lay her head on his chest, her arm going over his body.

  “Jax,” she whispered, then raised her head to look at him. “You’ll always be Riggs to me.”

  Riggs smiled and kissed the tip of her nose. She put her head back down and within seconds was asleep. He wasn’t far behind. He stayed awake just long enough for the realization to hit him.

  No matter how much he didn’t want to be, he was in love with Cody Sweet.

  Chapter Five

  Cody literally fell off the couch when the door slammed hard enough to rock the building. Her butt had no sooner made contact with the floor when she heard Hannah scream, “Oh my god!”

  Hannah fumbled with the door in an attempt to make a hasty retreat as Cody got to her feet.

  Riggs was blinking and yawning. “What the heck was that?”

  “My sister.”

  “Ooooooh.” He chuckled and sat. “Guess morning sex is off the table?”

  Cody laughed. “I think we’ve traumatized her enough for one day.” She started gathering her clothes off the floor and putting them on. “I’ll go fix some coffee while you get dressed. There’s a bathroom through there if you didn’t already know. Oh, and I can probably find stuff to fix breakfast if you’re hungry.”

  “I am, but I better hit the road.” He fetched his phone off the table and checked it. “I’m already late.”

  “Okay. So…”

  “So, are you closing tonight?”

  “No. It’s my night off.”

  “Then how about coming to my place? I’ll cook. And I have a real bed.”

  “You’re on, big guy.” She pulled on her last boot and bent over to give him a quick kiss. “I’ll fix you a coffee to go.”

  “Sounds good.”

  Cody smiled and headed out of the office. Hannah was in the kitchen and there was already coffee dripping into the pot.

  “Cody, what the hell?” Hannah asked as soon as Cody entered.


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