A Speck in the Sea
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Etzel, Charlie, Sr., 244
Etzel, Chuck, Jr., 244
Etzel, Richard, 131
as volunteer, 243
Eurell, Eddy, 136
Fagan, Pete, 61
fame, for Aldridge, 229
for Aldridge, 22–25, 211–213
DeMasco as, 25
Michelle as, 31
Oakdale for, 21–22, 28, 37
for Sosinski, 23–25, 40, 231
See also Aldridge, Adeline; Aldridge, Anthony; Aldridge, Jillian; Aldridge, John, senior; Patterson, Cathy; Patterson, Jake; Patterson, Tommy; Sosinski, Emma; Sosinski, Liz; Sosinski, Melanie
Farnham, Dan, 244
Federal Response System, 74
for Aldridge rescue, 137, 234, 234n
for commercial fishing, 45, 50, 53
of lobster fishing, 38–40
regulation and, 49–50
Fireball Shots, 119
Fischer, Carl, 2–3
for Aldridge, 27–31, 37–40
boots for, 14–15
as brotherhood, 50–51, 82, 124, 138, 151
Buck knife for, 18
chores for, 11
Donna Lee for, 31
fishing skins for, 99
freelance for, 50
inshore, 46–47
for John, 27
licenses for, 49
as lifestyle, 10, 138
L&L for, 8
Loran for, 100
Montauk culture of, 3–4, 37–40, 120–121, 124–125, 129–130, 138
overfishing in, 45–49
permits for, 69–70
for Sosinski, 27–31, 38–40, 123–124
St. Augustine trawler for, 31
swordfishing, 31–32
Wanderlust for, 37–38
See also Anna Mary; commercial fishing; dangers, of commercial fishing; lobster fishing
fishing colleagues
Aldridge as, 10, 26–29, 38–40, 231
D’Amico as, 30
Forsberg, S., as, 136–137
John as, 30
Liz as, 31
Migliaccio as, 8–9
Schaffer as, 38–39
Sosinski as, 10, 26–29, 231
Spong as, 17, 66, 86–87
Stavola as, 135–136
flags, for buoy lines, 42
flotation systems. See buoys
Forsberg, Steven, 136–137, 156
as volunteer, 244
Forsberg, Steven, Jr., 156
forty-fathom curve, 66, 104–105
47 motor lifeboat (MLB)
for Aldridge rescue, 80–81, 94, 162
for Coast Guard, 80–81, 94, 162, 240–241
Foxy Lady II, 54–55
freelance fishing, 50
Freeman, Robbo, 243
for Aldridge, 19, 22–25, 40, 231
with Baigent, 130
with Battista, 130–132
with Catalano, 113
with D’Amico, Steve, 24, 114
with Fagan, 61
with Forsberg, S., 137
with Keough, 24
with Quinn, 24–25
with Skarimbas, 138–139, 208
for Sosinski, 19, 21, 23–25, 40, 231
Fuller, Nicole, 213
functional time, 105–106
Gardiners Bay, 75
Garsick, Josh, 80
Gates, Scott, 72
Georges Bank, 29
Georgia Pacific, 27
Giedratis, Vinny, 244
Gin Beach, 118
Giunta, Brian, 161–162
Gosman’s, 9
GPS, for navigation, 100
Gray, Wallace “Chubby,” 54–55, 159, 218
Great South Bay, 21, 28
Grimm, Bill, 97n
the Gulf Stream, 66
Hall Quarry, Maine, 41
Hamilton, Alexander, 73
HC-144 Ocean Sentry (airplane)
for Aldridge rescue, 96–97
for Coast Guard, 96–97
head, on Anna Mary, 70
Heard, Dennis, 81–82, 150, 156–161, 163
Aldridge sighting of, 89, 95, 147, 185, 189, 195–196
MH-60 Jayhawk, 94–97, 191–195, 242
Heron Yacht Charters, 56–57
highflyers, for buoy lines, 42–43
Hill, Ethan, 192, 197–199, 207
Hodnik, Joe, 122–123, 218
Hodnik, Joey, 123–124
after Aldridge rescue, 200–202, 212
North Shore University Hospital as, 40
hotels, 118, 127
Hovey, Bob, 192, 194, 196–199, 207
Howard, Rob, 156, 206
Hurry Up, 135, 244
Indian John, 72
inshore fishing, 46–47
Jake. See Patterson, Jake
Jamaica, Vermont, 36
Jamros, Ray, 191–194, 198–199, 207
Jaws (movie), 29
Jen-Lissa, 136
Jillian. See Aldridge, Jillian
John. See Sosinski, John
John M. Williams Company, 41
Johnny Load. See Aldridge, John J., III
Keough, Danny, 24
King Cullen supermarket, 124
La Amistad, 121
La Sorsa, Vinnie, 135
Lady K
for lobster fishing, 39
as volunteer, 244
Laguna Niguel, California, 32–35
Last Mango, 135, 244
law enforcement, 109–110, 112, 125
for lobster fishing, 38–39
as volunteer, 244
Leisurama homes, 129–130
Lennox, Danny, 136
Leona, 244
Lester, Kelly, 243
Liar’s Saloon, 51–52, 125
licenses, for fishing, 49
lifeboats. See 47 motor lifeboat
Lighthouse Service, US, 73
Little Anthony. See Sosinski, Anthony
Liz. See Sosinski, Liz
L&L, 8
lobster fishing
buoys for, 42–43
finances of, 38–40
Lady K for, 39
Leatherneck for, 38–39
licenses for, 49
Schaffer for, 38–39
Sidewinder for, 39
sinking rope for, 41
Sosinski discussing, 45
trawling for, 41–45
winching for, 43
See also Anna Mary
local fishing. See Anna Mary
Long Island, 120–121
Coast Guard Sector Sound in, 72, 75, 79, 204, 239
commercial fishing in, 47
for construction, 36
Long Island Sound in, 116
News 12 Long Island in, 174
Newsday for, 202, 213–214
North Shore University Hospital in, 40
pollution in, 49
Railroad for, 28
vernacular for, 152
See also East End; Oakdale
Long Island Communities of Practice
for Sosinski, 231
Loran, for long range navigation
for Aldridge rescue, 100, 102, 105, 152
for rescue missions, 100, 123
Lost at Sea Memorial, 122–123, 125–126, 138, 218
Macy’s department store, 129
Magnuson, Warren G., 45
Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act, 45–48
Manchester, Vermont, 37
marriage, for Sosinski, 31–35
McGovern’s Bar & Grill, 218
McLellan, Cameron, 55–57
media coverage, of Aldridge rescue, 174, 200, 202, 212–215
See also social media
Melanie. See Sosinski, Melanie
MH-60 Jayhawk (helicopter), 94–97, 191–195, 242
Michelle. See Sosinski, Michelle
r /> Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council, 47
Migliaccio, Mike, 8, 209–210
in Aldridge rescue, 70–71, 80, 94, 153–154
Aldridge sighting of, 147, 184
military, 121
Missouri, 33
MLB. See 47 motor lifeboat
Montauk, 1, 32
Aldridge celebration in, 220
Atlas describing, 140–141
Blessing of the Fleet in, 52
Breakaway charters in, 131
charter boats in, 131–132, 134
Coast Guard station in, 3, 80–82, 111–112, 127, 150, 156–159, 165, 203–205, 229–230, 240–241
communal web of, 141
Ditch Plains Beach in, 118
The Dock in, 51–52, 125, 128, 175–177, 206
Fire Department in, 220–221
Fireball Shots in, 119
fishing culture in, 3–4, 37–40, 120–121, 124–125, 129–130, 138
Gin Beach in, 118
history of, 120–121
hotels in, 118, 127
Leisurama homes in, 129–130
Liar’s Saloon in, 51–52, 125
lighthouse in, 9, 116, 121–122, 125
locals in, 3–4, 116–117, 119–120, 124–125, 127, 176
Lost at Sea Memorial in, 122–123, 125–126, 138, 218
military in, 121
Montauk Point in, 75, 79, 116, 121–122, 125–126, 218
New York Times discussing, 115–116, 118–119
population estimates for, 116–117, 126
Prohibition era in, 121
real estate in, 129–130
“real Montauk” (Atlas) about, 35–36
restaurants in, 118–119, 127
Sammys in, 130, 176, 206
shopping in, 119, 127
Suffolk County Planning Commission for, 116–117
Tin Can Caravan in, 118
for tourism, 115–120, 126–127
Turtle Hill in, 116
Viking Fleet for, 29–31
Yacht Club in, 3
See also East End
Montauk Harbor, 1–4, 29, 122, 208–210
fishing brotherhood in, 50–51, 82, 124, 138, 151
Foxy Lady II in, 54–55
regulations for, 46–47, 49–50
Montauk Marine Basin vessel, 244
Montaukett tribe, 120
Morici, Charlie, 243
Morrison, Heather, 204
Mundus, Frank, 29
for Anna Mary, 28–29
Atlas for, 35–36, 126, 209–210, 220
Vincente for, 133, 219
Nantucket, 29
National Center for Lost and Exploited Children, 32
National Hot Rod Association, 232–233
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, 54
National Maritime Fisheries Service (NMFS), 46
Negro, Mario, 139
New Age, 71–72
New England Fishery Management Council, 47
New Haven command center
as Aldridge rescue headquarters, 76–77, 154–155, 160–161, 165, 203–204, 229–230
for Coast Guard, 203–204, 229–230
New Haven Harbor, 72, 239
New Species, 139
as volunteer, 244
New York City, 1, 3, 21–22, 49, 175
New York Harbor, 121, 134
New York Times, 115–116, 118–119
News 12 Long Island, 174
Newsday, 202, 213–214
NMFS. See National Maritime Fisheries Service
North Shore University Hospital, 40
Oakdale, 110, 113
Aldridge celebration in, 219–220
for families, 21–22, 28, 37
McGovern’s Bar & Grill in, 218
ocean sunfish, 87–88
offshore dragging, 31, 37–38
O.J. Simpson Trial, 35
overboard, falling
Aldridge discussing, 159
Aldridge location of, 65–66
as dangers, of commercial fishing, 12–13, 16, 58
overfishing, 45–49
Pacific Marine Expo, 229
Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission, 46
Passavia, Vinny, 219–220
Patterson, Cathy, 107, 125, 174, 223–224
in Aldridge rescue, 109–112, 156–160, 163–164, 205–206
at Aldridge reunion, 211–216
in childhood, 22–23
Patterson, Jake, 109–110
as Aldridge hope, 16–17, 60, 186
at Aldridge reunion, 214–215
Patterson, Tommy
in Aldridge rescue, 159–160, 205–206
at Aldridge reunion, 211–214
as law enforcement, 109–110, 112, 125
Peconic Bay, 121
permits, for fishing, 69–70
person in water (PIW), 80
of Aldridge, 24–26, 168–169, 232–233
of Sosinski, 24–26, 35–36
Peterson, Wesley, 244
physical appearance
of Aldridge, 4
of Sosinski, 4, 51
PIW. See person in water
Point Judith, Rhode Island, 86
pollution, 49
polyballs, for buoy lines, 42–43
posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
for Aldridge, 225–229, 232
for Sosinski, 226–227
pot hauler, 43
Powell, Tom “Boog,” 134–135
probable search area, for Aldridge rescue, 91–93, 99–100, 102–105
Prohibition era, 121
Provider, 123
PTSD. See posttraumatic stress disorder
Queens, 22
Quinn, Pat, 24–25, 224
Rade, Brian, 244
Rade, Richie, 244
real estate, 129–130
“real Montauk” (Atlas), 35–36
Reanda S, 244
Aldridge against, 45, 48–49
Anna Mary compliance with, 53
Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission for, 38, 46–47
criticism of, 120
dangers created by, 56
finances and, 49–50
financial impact of, 49–50
Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act for, 45–48
Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council for, 47
for Montauk Harbor, 46–47, 49–50
National Maritime Fisheries Service (NMFS) for, 46
New England Fishery Management Council for, 47
Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission for, 46
Sosinski against, 45, 48–49
rescue missions
channel 16 VHF for, 72–73, 112, 152–153
civilians in, 97, 97n, 98
communication channels for, 152–153
datum for, 96
Emergency Support Function #9 for, 74
EPIRBS for, 230
Federal Response System for, 74
functional time for, 105–106
for Gates, 72
for Indian John, 72
Loran for, 100, 123
MH-60 Jayhawk (helicopter) for, 95–96, 191–195, 242
planning for, 92
probability in, 92
SAROPS for, 76, 92–93, 157, 191
search patterns for, 93
Sosinski on, 71
SRUs for, 77, 92
survivable time for, 105–106
technology for, 76–77
See also Aldridge rescue; Coast Guard, US
restaurants, 118–119, 127
Robert Moses State Park, 113
Rodocker, Jason
in Aldridge rescue, 81–82, 97–98, 164–165, 192–193
for Coast Guard, 76–77
Sabo, Ed, 122–123, 218
Aldridge rescue impact on, 230–231
for Anna Mary, 23
boots for, 15, 19, 87, 180–182, 185
EPIRBS for, 230
equipment for, 13–14
socks for, 144–145, 181–182
See also Aldridge survival; dangers, of commercial fishing
Sailfish, 77, 97, 155, 243
Sammys, 130, 176, 206
SAR. See Search and Rescue
SAROPS. See Search and Rescue Optimal Planning System
Sayville, 28, 37
Schaffer, Al
in Aldridge rescue, 138
for lobster fishing, 38–39
as volunteer, 244
Search and Rescue (SAR)
for Aldridge rescue, 81–82, 155, 207, 230, 234–235
for Coast Guard, 74, 105, 149–150
Search and Rescue Optimal Planning System (SAROPS)
for Aldridge rescue, 93–95, 97–98, 105–106, 151, 157, 164–165, 192
for Coast Guard, 76, 92–93, 157, 191
criticism against, 234–237
search and rescue unit (SRU), 77, 92
search patterns, 93–95
Sector Long Island Sound, 72, 75, 79, 204, 239
sharks, 66–68, 87
Sheepshead Bay, 27
ships. See boats
shipwrecks, 122
shopping, 119, 127
Sidewinder, for lobster fishing, 39
sinking rope, 41
Skarimbas, Mike, 224, 232
in Aldridge rescue, 138–140, 208
on friendship, 138–139, 208
as volunteer, 244
skates, for trawling, 43
social media, 140, 173, 229
socks, for survival, 144–145, 181–182
Some Pair, 122–123
Sosinski. See Sosinski, Anthony
Sosinski, Anthony. See specific topics
Sosinski, Emma, 172–173, 207–208
childhood for, 31–35
Sosinski, John, 40, 128
in Aldridge rescue, 207–208
for Coast Guard, 27
Sosinski, Liz, 31–35
Sosinski, Melanie, 171–174
childhood for, 31–35
Sosinski, Michelle, 31
Southampton, 124
Spong, Pete, 17, 66
in Aldridge rescue, 101–104
Aldridge sighting of, 145
buoys for, 86–88, 106, 143–144, 146–147, 179–185, 188–189
as volunteer, 243
SRU. See search and rescue unit
St. Augustine trawler, 31
St. Barthélemy Island, 56
St. John Island, 56, 128
St. Thomas Island, 56
Standridge, Rich, 155
Stanley, Lyford, 41
Star Island, 3
Stavola, Dan, 135–137
as volunteer, 244
Steele, Jordan, 244
Stern, Paul, 135
Stevens, Ted, 45
storm petrels, 17–18, 86
Suffolk Community College, 36
Suffolk County Planning Commission, 116–117
survivability simulation, 105–106
survivable time, 105–106
swordfishing, 31–32
Teresa, as Aldridge girlfriend, 133, 158, 205–206, 211, 220
Texas, 33
Theel, Jonathan
in Aldridge rescue, 93, 95, 105–106, 108–109, 149–151, 155, 203–206
for Coast Guard, 77–78, 93, 95, 105–106, 108–109, 149–151, 155, 203–206