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Be My Sailor: A Single Dad and Virgin Romance

Page 36

by Lauren Wood

  He looked at her confused and then it dawned on him that this was some sort of game to see if he was the marrying kind. He decided that it was a good idea despite his misgivings. “I’m going to allow you to observe, as you put it, but don’t be surprised if I make it impossible for you to stay in your room by yourself all evening. If you can stand, I’ll take you up and show you where you will be laying your head. If you truly do want to shadow me then you need to be up at the crack of dawn for my ritual workout in my own private gym. I can supply you with some workout gear. I am curious to know what you’re made of.” Putting her through that kind of hell would give him that pound of flesh for her slapping him that one time. He felt vindicated, but he also enjoyed their heated banter. They retired for the evening not realizing that these next few weeks were going to bring them closer than ever.

  Chapter 4

  It had been two weeks and she was feeling a certain part of her anatomy that had gone unfulfilled for too long. The test that she had made possible had varying degrees of success. The football game with kids had shown that he had compassion and was not screaming at the little boys. He actually took the time to teach them the fine arts of the sport of football. He actually told them that it was more important to have fun than to take things too seriously. “I don’t know what to make of him and these last two weeks have shown me aspects of his character. On one level, he seems to know the difference between right and wrong and on the other, he chases after any skirt that shows him the least bit of attention.

  “I’ve let you stay under my roof on my own dime. I’ve fed and taken you shopping and still I haven’t figured out what your game is.” They were eating a nice steak with all the trimmings inside his penthouse suite on the deck with the brief flicker of the moonlight overhead as the perfect romantic ambience. The candlelight was a nice touch and one that he wasn’t expecting to have any kind of effect on him.

  “I’ve been testing you for these last few weeks and I watched, as you stumbled a few times to do the right thing. That $100 bill that I left lying on the floor should’ve been easy pickings for you, but you actually turned it into lost and found. The little girl crying outside was a plant by me to see if you would be a man. Again, you surprised me by buying her another ice cream cone in whatever flavor she desired. The football game showed me that you could be a role model and someone to look up to. Unfortunately, there’s still the matter of your carousing. I know that you haven’t been with anybody, because I’ve been with you every day for the last few weeks. The only kind of satisfaction you could possibly get was with your own hand inside your own room.” “I have to tell him the truth and the only way that I’m going to know if he’s ready for this is if this is no longer something that is weighing heavily on my mind.”

  “I feel that you need to tell me something.” He learned through negotiations with other teams that an awkward silence was the best way to make somebody say what was on their mind. He had just signed a deal with the Miami Dolphins. He was ready for the move and then his whole world changed at the next few words that came out of Samantha’s mouth.

  “I don’t know how to say this without just blurting out. You may not remember, but you made a deposit at a sperm bank in our hometown. I’m sure that you did it for monetary value, but there was a mix up and I ended up with your sample. They didn’t know it until I was already pregnant.” The realization of her words was now striking him between the eyes like a ball peen hammer. “I need to know how you feel about being a father. I know that we can’t seem to take our hands off of each other and it’s been like nails down chalkboard being around you without doing anything physical.” “He looks shocked and the color in his face has drained to that of ghostlike qualities. It has to be hard for him to come to terms with the realization that I’m slapping him across the face metaphorically speaking this time.”

  It was like an anvil had come down on top of him. Jack wasn’t sure what to do or what to say. He finally realized that his life was meaningless without family. He had learned that through therapy and this was his chance to finally build on something that was more important than one night stands.

  "I need to know for sure that you’re telling the truth.” He received a document that she pulled out from her purse that showed that everything that she had said was true. This was when he took her by the hand and led her upstairs to the master bedroom that was now lit only by the same moonlight from downstairs. “I want to be a family with you, but sex has to be the kind that I will want to give up all others for.” He kissed her and that kiss alone had made him realize that there was no kiss like that one.

  She could see that he was spellbound completely taken back by the passion in that kiss and when he finally came to she had already gotten his pants off and his underwear. It was quite a jarring moment and one that had her jumping at the opportunity to inhale that pipe. She sucked it deep and those 9 inches slid down her throat. She wasn’t sure how he was going to react to her whorish ways, but it appeared that his attention was now concentrated below the waist. “I don’t know how I’m supposed to do this without gagging, but for some reason I don’t feel that need. It’s quite a specimen and one that would give a lot of girls’ food for thought.

  “It’s been too long since I’ve been with anybody and you better believe that there is a buildup. I’ve only taken matters into my own hands a couple of times and that was three days ago. I’ve watched you parade yourself around here in skimpy designer clothing and that ballsy attitude on the phone to your underlings was something of a surprised pleasure for me.” He watched as her lips moved with a delicate ease over his flesh. He could feel the constricting motion of her throat bearing down on the head of his cock and the first couple of inches.

  She still couldn’t believe that she had done the impossible and made no mistake about taking all of him. Her recollection of the way that she had felt when he had gone down on her had only fueled her into a similar action to satisfy his every whim. “I’m not going to ruin a good thing by making him go off by placing a match against the fuse of his sex drive. I want to see how he can handle the main event and what kind of stamina and endurance that I will have to get used to.” She suddenly found herself bending at the waist over the dresser with her naked body now being taken from behind.

  “Forget it… I don’t need anybody else but you, Samantha. I should be angry…but the pleasure that your pussy is giving me right now is nothing short of remarkable.” Jack saw the taper of her back and that was a very special arousing moment for him. Even when he reached around and touched her belly and knew that there was life growing with his legacy within her, it became a moment where he didn’t know if he was coming or going. His thrusts became more insistent with the motion of their bodies now proving to them beyond doubt that they were indeed made for each other.

  “Jesus…don’t you have an off switch? You feel like the energizer bunny and I’m not sure how many times I’ve cum already, but it feels like you’ve pretty much put me through something that I have never had before… YESSSSSS.” This was the fourth time that she had given into those feelings that had become a distant memory as of late. Sex was nothing without love and love was nothing without the hot sex to make you come back for more over and over again. It was that rare combination that was rare to almost impossible to find.

  “I’m making…damn good and sure that you are not going to think of straying. This is what I plan to give you every fucking night for the rest of your damn life.” He was losing this battle and the clock had already informed him that they were moving around the room from position to position for the last 4 hours. This was more than he had given anybody else and mostly it was an hour at best and then he would be making tracks as fast as he could move.

  “You’re certainly doing that and a whole lot more.” She was on the floor with her legs in the air and still wearing those damn heels that made her feet hurt every time that she put them on. “I think that he likes my long legs and I’m sure that my
enthusiasm is more than he has gotten from anybody else. I have to say that I was wrong to wait this long and this was the only real experiment that I needed to conduct.” Her little hole was pulsing along his length and she could feel the rush of his seminal fluid making its way up to the top. His balls had already scrunched in ready for the final moment and all that was left was the apex of his pleasure.

  “All I can say is that… Fuck me.” That was not what he really wanted to say, but the churning in his balls had answered for him. The sweet cream came out of him too quickly and left him practically a husk of himself lying on top of her with no visible means of moving any time soon. They were plastered together with their skin sticking like glue and neither one had any real words of wisdom to say to each other. This was a moment of sweet solitude where words would’ve ruined the perfect moment of sweet surrender. It was that feeling in the air that allowed them to bask in the fire that had consumed the both of them.

  “I’m not sure how to describe something like that. I have to say that you are the best that I’ve ever had, Jack. If you had only been this guy from the moment that we met, we wouldn’t have had to go to this length to be together. I suppose that you needed to sow your wild oats and I do hope that you have finished with that bit of business. I don’t want to think that you’ll be cheating behind my back while your family is waiting for you at home. Can you promise me that this connection that we have to one another is strong enough to endure just about anything? There might be a time that you are tempted and I want you to look back on this time. That way, you’ll know what you will be losing. The one thing that I don’t condone is cheating. That is of course if I am not there to enjoy with you.” “I don’t want him to think that he has to be completely with only one woman for the rest of his life. I certainly have an interest in being with more than one man. We can make this work, but it will be on our terms.”

  “That is the last thing that I thought that I was going to hear from you, Samantha. I believe that we can make this work, the one thing that we need to do is keep those extra lovers from becoming a problem. We can’t possibly let our child know about our need to sample other people’s wares. I have to say that I don’t think that need for another lover will come up that often. You have a voracious attitude when it comes to sex and an appetite that surpasses all others. I just hope that I can keep up with you and not the other way around. I do know of a couple twins that might be interested if the opportunity should arise.” The very idea that all three women would be in his bed together had given him a reason to think that monogamy wasn’t so bad after all.

  “I’ve never considered being with women before, but I think that I could take that into consideration if the moment feels right.” “I feel that I can have it all. He’s wiling to bend and these moments of bliss with other people will have to be discreet. We will have to vet them together to make sure they are the right fit. I’ll do what I can to make him happy. I don’t see how I am going to be able to say no to him. Sex is important, but it is a piece of the puzzle. I want to know that he will be there to show me the kind of life that I and this child deserve.”

  “When you first came to see me with that story of wanting to know if we could be something, I knew that you were full of it. I thought mistakenly that you were after either my money or my body. I was willing to find out. It has been nice getting to know you without going to bed with your first. I have to say that is not my usual way. I find that most people suck and not in the good way. I think that maybe you and I will have a happy life together. Are you willing to move to Miami?” He informed her about the contract and about the beach house that would be their paradise him right on the water. He moved to his knees after seeing her nod yes and hugged her with his head against the baby that was yet to be born. He felt more fulfilled than he had ever felt in his life. God help anyone that tried to get between him and his family.



  Chapter 1

  Writing a blog every month for those publications that were willing to pick it up was not an easy life. Freelance was feast or famine and for Natasha Young it was getting harder and harder to put food on a plate. She was a black woman in a white man’s world. She was through making ends meet by pandering to the lowest common denominator. She was not a fool and she knew that sex sold very well in any market.

  “I’ve seen that look before, Natasha. I know exactly what that means. I thought that it would be a little longer before you felt a need to roam again. You’ve been bouncing from one career to the next and it’s a wonder that you don’t get whiplash. I know that you get bored easily. I’ve tried to be understanding, but it’s very hard when I see you going down a dark and dangerous road.” Travis was Natasha’s best friend and was not one to sugarcoat anything. He was going to tell her exactly how he felt. It was what after all a good friend would do under the circumstances.

  Natasha enjoyed wearing provocative clothing and seeing the look in those guys eyes as she passed them on the street. This time was no different. She was wearing a red dress that was especially made for her frame. She was slim, but she did have a bit more meat where it would matter the most. Her ass came into a room after her and her breasts came into a room before her. She liked to shake the tree and see what would fall into her lap. “I see the way that Travis looks at me. He thinks that I don’ recognize a horny boy when I see one. I would love to throw him a bone, but I’ve never been all that attracted to him. If this dry spell continues, I might have to throw him down on a bed and cover his face with a pillow. He’s a little plain for my taste and the glasses give him the intellectual look of some kind professor about to teach a lesson in front of his students. It bodes well that that is exactly what profession he has found himself in. He wears those tweed coats like a badge of honor going into a battle to teach the young minds of today how to survive in a doggy dog world.”

  “I think for the first time in my life I’ve found a passion for something. I love putting pen to paper even when I’m typing on a keyboard. I just think that there is a more lucrative way to do this than to wait for the table scraps to land in my account. I’ve been researching and I’ve seen a trend that leads me to believe that sports is the place where I want to be.”

  “You can’t be serious. You don’t even like sports. How the hell are you going to write about something that you’re not even remotely interested in? I don’t think that you’ve given this enough thought and maybe you need time to sleep on it. I want nothing but the best for you. Sometimes I don’t think that you’re living up to your potential. You’re street savvy and whatever you put your mind to you can become a success. If you insist on going down this road, then I would strongly stress researching the subject until you know it like the back of your hand.” Travis was trying to give her all the tools that she would need. He was even willing to stand by her to give her the necessary advice to help her succeed in the sports reporting field. He may not have looked the part, but he loved the roar of the crowd and the spirit of competition in the air.

  Natasha was an only child and she had everything given to her on a silver platter. Her parents doted on her hand and foot until they divorced a few years before she was ready to leave home. She learned how to manipulate and was now turning it into a career. “I want Travis to teach me everything that he knows and whatever else I need to know, I can always learn on my own. There are many research tools at my disposal. The one that comes to mind is the Internet. I’ve watched a certain basketball player rise to stardom. There are still a lot of questions and he’s not willing to listen or to talk to any one.” “Anything that you can tell me would help to go a long way. I want to meet him, but not as a reporter. I know that this might sound a little deceitful, but I can’t help that. You know better than anyone that I can be a force of nature. I’m more than willing to sleep my way to the top of that glass ceiling.”

  “I’ve never seen you like this, Natasha. You have this fire for this subject matter and i
t’s very rare when a student comes into my class that shows that kind of enthusiasm. I can’t condone trying to trick him into telling you his deepest and darkest secrets. I can only give you fair warning that secrets have a funny way of not staying in the shadows. If you can live with the possibility that he will learn of your duplicitous nature, then by all means let us play this game together.” Travis was anxious to get started. He finally had somebody that he could talk to about sports. It didn’t matter to him that she wasn’t as invested as he was. He was convinced that she would be blown away by the sport that made such greats as Kobe Bryant and Shaquille O’Neal.

  “I think that it goes without saying that the red dress that I’m wearing is my secret weapon. I’ve had several guys that were unable to resist my considerable assets. I have the booty that would make Jennifer Lopez jealous. I enjoy getting a man’s attention and I doubt seriously that Ethan Banner is gonna be able to turn all this down.” “I know what I bring to the table. I also know that he is a bit of a womanizer. He can’t keep it in his pants more than 24 hours. I am going to have to stand out from the rest of the crowd and I think that I can do that more than anyone. I will find out what he has been hiding and I will be the first one to pull back the curtain on the scandal.” Natasha knew exactly where he was going to be.


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