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Be My Sailor: A Single Dad and Virgin Romance

Page 45

by Lauren Wood


  I know you said not to write to you, but I have no choice. The truth is I can’t get our one afternoon out of my mind. Why didn’t you say something to me about it? Why do I feel like you simply used me and then moved on? Was it because I moved? You know I’ve wanted this for my whole life now; would you stop me from being happy?

  Well the truth is I’m not happy here either. I seem to be lost and all alone. I miss you, I miss our talks, and I want to feel your touch on my skin again.

  She looked at the note and erased the last part. “He obviously doesn’t want me or he wouldn’t have moved on to Mary.” She pouted.

  Sally left the note as a draft and closed her program down. “I can’t write this when I’m sad and depressed.” She admitted.

  She went out of the hotel and decided to walk to the nearby park, maybe the flowers would help cheer her up. Sally heard a familiar voice behind her talking to someone. She turned to see Pierre; he was with another young female.

  “Mon Cheri, you are the most beautiful woman in the world.” She watched as he told the other woman.

  She stared his way, her mouth open wide. “How could you?” She walked up to him and asked.

  Pierre looked up at her, his eyes cold and hard. “I’m sorry who are you?” He asked.

  “You know who I am; you were saying those same words to me just last week.” Sally demanded. “What was I, just a stop on your way to what?”

  He pulled her to the side quickly. “Look you don’t understand, you are simply one of many tourists who show up every day in town. You were easy to read, you wanted a man to take you and make you forget something. But you weren’t looking for anything else. Don’t blame me for stopping this before it got too far. Now just pack up your bags and go back to your town. You will be eaten alive in Paris.” He stated.

  She stood listening to him; the tears began to fall from her eyes. “What do I have to go back too? You promised me something, why have you turned away so quickly.” She wanted to know.

  “You are just a child in my eyes. Please don’t embarrass yourself anymore just walk away now. People are staring at you like you are crazy.” His eyes burned into her, she could feel the anger flowing under his touch.

  Sally turned and walked away, the tears were streaming down her face. She could hear the other girl asking him who Sally was.

  “She’s just some girl, don’t worry about her.” She heard him say.

  She felt the sobs as they hit her body and she ran the rest of the way back to her room. Sally wasn’t ready for this; she wanted to go back to the room she grew up in. She wanted to have her mother take care of her, and tell her it was all going to be alright.

  There was no doubt in her mind that she was done with Paris. She didn’t want to be here anymore, her dreams were crushed. Sure she could go to school and learn about fashion design. But the fact that Pierre had done this to her so easily, how many more times would it happen.

  “Why didn’t I just stay in Kearney? Johnny why didn’t you plead for me to stay, tell me once more you loved me. I might have not left.” Sally thought. But she knew that her mind had been made up she would have still made the trip. However, if Johnny had said he loved her, she would never have fallen for Pierre. But she knew that she would have missed Johnny even more than she did right now.

  She turned on her computer, and went to the airline website. Sally felt like she was running away, she knew she was. But she hoped that maybe Johnny would see her and take her under his wing, tell her he loved her once more. It was all she could think of as her tears blocked her vision.

  She called her mom and told her the news, but didn’t go into the reason why. “I’ll tell you when I’m back mom. Don’t forget to come and get me at the airport.” She reminded her mom.

  “I won’t dear. But I wish you would talk to me, I can tell your sad.” Her mom stated.

  “I’ll be fine mom. So tell me have you seen Johnny lately?” She couldn’t help but ask.

  “Well he got into a bit of trouble and we don’t really talk to him anymore. He’s not the same boy he was before.” Her mom said.

  “What kind of trouble?” She asked.

  “I don’t know all of it really and you know I hate the gossip. But I heard he beat up his boss first and then there was something with Mary and I don’t even know the full story. Just tell me you won’t hang out with him if you come back.” Her mom stated.

  “I don’t know mom, I’ve known him for so long. It seems like these are just stories about him. I can’t see him beating up his boss at all. Johnny was never mean to anyone. What happened with Mary?” She queried wanting to know more.

  “She says that he hurt her during sex.” Sally heard her mom sigh as she said the words.

  Sally shook her head, it had been rough between them the one time, so it was possible, she guessed. But as she thought of that afternoon her blood began to flow and she wanted him again.

  She knew she was being what some would term wishy-washy. However, there was an attraction a pull to that rough bad boy she had seen that day in the woods. She hung up realizing she had gotten all she could from her mom.

  Though she thought about calling Mary, she changed her mind. Instead she wanted to hear the story from Johnny. She wanted to see his face when he saw her again. Sally hoped that he would look at her like he used too so long ago.

  Chapter 4

  Sally could barely sleep on the trip back to the states. She was nervous again, wondering how people would look at her. They would surely think she failed; well she had in one way.

  But it hadn’t been a failure at anything but choosing the wrong person. “I should never have left Nebraska.” She murmured to herself.

  She saw her mom at the airport and ran into her arms. “I’ve missed you so much mom. I should never have left, it was horrible. I’m such an idiot.” Sally cried as her mom hugged her.

  “Its okay sweetie, we all make mistakes. I’m sure it wasn’t that bad. Maybe one day you can go back and try it again.” Her mom tried to cheer her up.

  “Mom I can’t I would rather do anything else. I was such an idiot and fell for his story. It’s was all my fault though, I should never have listened. Men, they are simply bad for me, or I’m not what they want.” Sally stated.

  “Oh my dear, I should have known a boy was behind it.” Her mom commented.

  “He was a man; he knew he was playing with my emotions. Just like Johnny, they are both horrible.” She tried to be mad at the two men, but felt angrier at herself.

  “Johnny?” Her mom questioned.

  “I don’t know it’s hard to explain. Can we just go home; I want to be in my own room.” She said.

  “Sure honey, let’s go.” Her mom helped with her bags and they left.

  Sally wasn’t sure why she had spewed so much to her mom, but knew her nerves were raw and on edge. She didn’t feel any better when they pulled into the driveway and Johnny was coming home as well.

  She saw him on the motorcycle and immediately remembered that day again. Sally felt the tears begin to fly out of her eyes. She tried to sneak into the house so he couldn’t see her.

  “Sally is that you?” She heard from behind her.

  She didn’t want to turn around; she knew he would see the tears in her eyes and the streaks running down her face. He walked up behind her and touched her shoulder, she didn’t have a choice.

  “Hi Johnny.” She said as she turned around.

  “What’s wrong why are you crying? What happened why are you back so quickly?” He questioned her quickly.

  “I can’t talk about it right now. Please don’t make me.” She pleaded. Her mother had taken her bags inside. It was just the two of them.

  “No tell me now, I want to know. Why are you back?” He asked.

  “I couldn’t do it. I was just too confused, and made a bad decision. I thought I could get you out of my mind, but it didn’t work. He only used me and threw me away, much like you d
id.” She said the last part with anger.

  “I didn’t throw you away. You told me that you were leaving. What was I supposed to do? I couldn’t make you stay, you wanted to leave. If you wanted more you would have stayed.” His face filled with anger.

  “Why didn’t you say something to me about how you felt? You had no problem before we had sex to tell me every day. But after you didn’t say a word about how you felt.” She stated.

  “Exactly what should I have said? Don’t go to Paris? I love you and want you to stay? To have you look at me every day of your life like I was the one who ruined your dream.” Johnny demanded.

  She thought about it for a moment and knew he was right. “So tell me what you feel for me?” She asked.

  “Sally I’m not the same guy you knew before. People talk about me behind my back; they feel I’ve done many bad things. Perhaps I did do some of them, but I’m not a bad guy. You really shouldn’t worry about me and should move on.” Johnny stated.

  “I asked you what you feel for me, not what people are saying about you.” Sally moved closer to him. “Tell me that you don’t care anymore and I’ll leave you alone.” She demanded.

  He looked down at the ground. “I can’t tell you that, it’s not true. I’ve loved you since we were kids and always will. But you choose to go to Paris over me, and I didn’t stop you. How do I know you won’t still blame me in the future?” He asked.

  “I won’t blame you for anything. I came back on my own. Can you please just hold me?” She asked.

  He pulled her into his arms and kissed the top of her head. “This is what it should have been like this that day, instead of what happened.” He said. “I wanted to hold you so badly, but you told me you were leaving. I love you far too much to keep you in a prison. Remember you often referred to Kearney as a prison before.” He stated.

  She looked up into his eyes and kissed him. “Please just take me inside and show me how you feel.”

  Johnny wanted to take her with all of his soul. He led the way into his house. They went straight to the bedroom and he undressed her.

  “Your body is so beautiful. I would give everything to look at it every day of my life.” He said.

  Sally knew she should ask him about the trouble he’d been in since she was gone. It had only been a short month, but her mom had warned her of him.

  Her mother had always told her how good of a boy Johnny Young was; now she was warning her. She couldn’t help it though; she pulled him close to her and felt him enter her. All thoughts of anything else were replaced quickly with the pleasure he elicited from her body.

  Sally screamed out as he pulled and pushed her around the bed and slammed into her repeatedly. He grabbed her from behind and pummeled into her as hard as he could. She yelled out as her climax hit hard and she felt her juices flowing out of her.

  Johnny fucked her hard and made her scream out more than once.

  “Can you choke me just a little bit?” She asked him.

  He quickly circled her neck and lightly pushed against her throat. Soon she was bucking back on him as she could feel a massive orgasm that started to overwhelm her. Sally screamed out and Johnny let go of her neck as he felt her body quaking with the force of her climax. He let his sperm go and she could feel it hitting the walls of her inner kingdom.

  They were both spent and were lying there soaked and breathing hard.

  “So what are people saying about you? Or better yet what is going on with you?” Sally asked him.

  “I’m shocked you didn’t ask before sex. Obviously you didn’t hear the stories yet.” Johnny commented. His face was a mask of anger.

  “Tell me.” Sally stated.

  “I would love to tell you that it is all okay. But honestly I go to court in a few days. Mary called the police and said that I tried to kill her.” Johnny commented.

  “What? Why would she do that?” Sally asked.

  “I would rather not go into the details right now. Not right after we’ve had such nice sex. Can we wait a few days and talk about it?” He asked.

  “Aren’t you worried that people will tell me their version of the story?” She questioned.

  “Fine, I was choking her during sex and it went a little too far, she passed out. After she woke up she swore I did it on purpose. But it wasn’t true, I swear.” He commented.

  “I understand.” Sally said. She had often talked to Mary about her preferences and she knew Mary liked it rougher than Sally did. So the fact that their sex had gone too far didn’t seem too ridiculous.

  “I’m glad your back.” He kissed her and rolled off the bed. “I have to go and meet with my attorney now though. You can show yourself out.”

  She still wondered what his feelings were for her, but not so much that she didn’t think he’d be back. But he could be going to jail, she thought. What would she do then?

  Sally went home to find her mother pacing.

  “Are you okay, did he hurt you?” Her mother asked as soon as she came in the door.

  “Mom he wouldn’t hurt me.” Sally laughed.

  “Sally he’s being charged with rape of ten girls.” Her mother stated.

  “What? He said it was just Mary.” Sally said shocked.

  “No there were several of them that came forward. I wasn’t kidding you shouldn’t be around him.” Her mother said.

  Sally went up to her room. “Why didn’t he tell me the whole story? Why had he left most of it out? Was Mary even involved in it?” She had far too many questions and unfortunately a burning desire to sleep with him again. But if he was a monster was it smart on her part?



  BOOK – 3

  Chapter 1

  Sally was furious if what her mom told her was true was real. Why had Johnny only said it was Mary? Why hadn’t he told her about all these other girls and their charges? What was he hiding? He had said that he had changed since she left, but she couldn’t believe he would change like this.

  She watched for him to get home so she could confront him about what she had learned. She couldn’t imagine Johnny doing anything wrong to these girls. Or could he? Sally was very confused; surely he wouldn’t hide the truth from her, would he?

  The motorcycle pulled up front and she made her way outside.

  “Hey Johnny, can I talk to you for a few minutes?” She asked. She wasn’t sure if she wanted to hear the story or not. Her fear was that he would admit to it all and that she would have to question how she could feel so strongly for this type of person.

  “Yeah sure, come on in.” He headed for the door.

  She followed behind and tried to think of the best way to bring it up. “So what is this I hear about 10 girls saying you raped them?” She decided to just be straight forward.

  Johnny stopped walking and turned around immediately, his face full of rage. “Who told you that? It’s not what happened. I knew you would hear something messed up about me.” He shook his head.

  “Tell me then what happened, I want to know.” Sally probed.

  “Does it even matter? By the look in your eyes you aren’t even sure about me.” He commented.

  “Stop avoiding the question and just tell me what is going on.” Sally demanded. “It’s not fair that you aren’t honest with me. You said it was just Mary, and then I hear something about 10 girls. Did you have sex with them?” She questioned.

  “I told you it wasn’t like that. They came to me, Mary and the girls. All of them together. They wanted to see if I could take care of all of them. I had sex with them yes. But when Mary went to the police later she got them all to change their stories. They all claim I raped them, but honestly it was all consensual.” He stated.

  “I don’t know what to say, did you even. I don’t get who you are anymore. You used to be such a decent person. I’m not saying you shouldn’t or can’t have sex, but 10 girls at one time, why?” Sally queried.

  “It’s a male thing you wouldn’t understand
. I’ve already told you I wasn’t the same person as before. You said you didn’t want a geeky, good boy. Now that I’m known as a bad boy you want to look down at me? How dare you do that, you’ve helped to create this person who is standing in front of you.” Johnny stated.

  “Me, how did I create you?” Sally asked.

  “You made me fall in love with you that day when we had sex, even more than I was before it. Then you turned around and left like I was nothing to you. What was I supposed to do, be happy about it? Have you ever thought that maybe I was looking for another girl who made me feel like you did? No you’ve never considered anything like that have you? Perhaps you should consider what you and that man did in Paris too. Was it right? How could you sleep with him if you cared about me? See it works both ways doesn’t it.” Johnny finished as he saw her face crumple. “Look I’m sorry. I still have a lot of anger from you leaving. I don’t know if I’ll ever feel like you are completely committed to us as a couple.” He added.


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