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Be My Sailor: A Single Dad and Virgin Romance

Page 55

by Lauren Wood

  “I stand here and look over the countryside. I know that I am in the presence of what god built. I am insignificant. Anything that happens here today is a small ripple. It means absolutely nothing in the long run, but to me it means more than I can ever say to anybody. Kelvin may have a basic idea of how important this is to me, but I don’t think that he truly grasps the concept of a woman fighting alongside a man. It was not like I was stepping into new territory. Women from other clans had taken a step in the right direction.” Caitlin wore her family’s colors with a green and black tartan that covered the important parts. She wore that kilt with the pride of a highland warrior. She did not have anything underneath and one wrong move would make her subterfuge well known to those in the area.

  Caitlin was hiding and she could see that some of her brethren were scattered about. They had no idea that she was there and she wanted to make sure that they never found out. Caitlin wasn’t even sure of what she was going to do, until the man in a yellow and black tartan rode by on his horse. Once he moved in between the trees her brothers would easily be able to jump him. From everything that she had heard, this had something to do with jealousy. Apparently, Ian Mackenzie was supposed to join in wedded bliss with a rival chief’s daughter. He was on his way there now.

  Ian felt there was a shift in the air. He instinctively knew that the hairs on the back of his neck predicted danger. He saw nothing to warrant that feeling, but he had learned never to dispel what his body was trying to tell him. It was one of the rare gifts that he had gotten from his father. That particular gift had to be honed. There were times that he didn’t understand what was going on. He needed his father to help him with a guiding hand.

  “I’m afraid that is, as far as you go, Ian.” He stopped, pulling on the reins of the horse and looking around to see that he was no longer alone. He swallowed hard, and narrowed his eyes on the enemy and feeling that it was time to let loose the beast from within. “This is nothing personal, but the union of you and the chief’s daughter cannot happen. I’ve been tasked to make sure that you never make it to your final destination. This may seem unfair, but we know of your prowess with a sword. To go one on one against you would be playing right into your hand.”

  Caitlin had heard stories, but she never believed what they were saying. It seemed impossible and those times that Ian had survived were by sheer luck alone. “I know that you are only following orders, but that’s not gonna stop me from finishing what I started. Stand down or face the wrath of the Mackenzie Clan.” He knew that he was outnumbered, but he couldn’t have cared less. He had been in tough situations before and had walked away unscathed. He didn’t think that he was going to do that this time, but bloodshed was the byproduct of any war. “You all know that this doesn’t have to happen. You can walk away, before this escalates even further. I will have no ill will and you will not fear retaliation.” His best weapon was speaking the truth. Those that knew him had always been well aware that his word was his bond

  “We would really like to do that, but that’s not an option. This is going to happen and you may as well deal with the reality. Stand down from your horse and let’s get this ugly business out of the way.” Finn knew that this was wrong, but his leader Colin was adamant that Ian be taken care of in the most extreme way possible. He was to be a message to those that wanted to stand against the clan of MacDougall.

  “I think that we can all agree that today is a good day to die. The sun is shining and the birds are singing in the trees. If this is where we meet our maker, then I know that I will die with a smile on my face. This is not the end and it is only the beginning of our journey.” He landed heavily, carrying his sword over to the five men that had decided to send a message. “I’m going to give you one more chance to walk away, while you still can. You know how good I am, which is the reason why you brought along your friends. My exploits are legendary and there isn’t anybody in any clan that doesn’t know my name. Women fall at my feet and men cower in fear of having my blade stuck in their chest.” His attempt to use psychological warfare was working on a couple of them.

  Ian’s hair was down past his shoulders, unruly and unkempt like that of a warrior should be. He had recently bathed in a stream nearby, but for the most part he still looked like he was ready to fight to the death. His eyes watched all of them, never taking a moment for granted.

  Caitlin was impressed that Ian was willing to take on five men. He could’ve easily turned tail and made the horse race by them. That was not the type of man that they were dealing with. Caitlin had to admit that this man really was a cut above the rest.

  “I know that these are my brothers and, but for some reason I am rooting for the underdog. Everyone knows that Ian Mackenzie can take care of himself. People have sung songs about him and there were even rumors that he had been born with a sword in his hand.” Caitlin watched what was going to happen and felt the need to do something to even the odds. The battle began and from the moment that it started, she knew that they eventually the numbers would catch up to Ian.

  First blood was had by Finn. He was able to catch Ian off his game and concentrating on two others. His blade sliced across Ian’s left forearm, but thankfully it was not his primary fighting hand. It hurt like hell, but he showed no semblance of any kind of pain. He whirled around and decided to make a statement of his own. He ran through one man and watched the life drain from his eyes. The blade got stuck underneath his ribs, as he fell to the ground with his two hands holding onto the blade for some kind of support. That only cut his hands, but that was only a part of the story.

  Seeing one of his own fall, Finn made an ungodly scream to the heavens above. He surged forward; consciously aware that he was putting his life on the line for something that he didn’t even believe in. It did not matter and his duty to his chief was clear. There were four of them left and that still gave Finn the confidence to take the fight to Ian.

  Ian noticed that they were surrounding him, giving him very little options and not a lot to strike back at. When one came forward, the other sliced a part of his anatomy. He was bleeding like a stuck pig, but he was not going to allow that to deter him from his destiny. He fought valiantly, putting on a show that was worthy of spectators. He killed one more by slicing his jugular and letting the blood spray into the air, as a reminder of just how good he really was.

  This petrified one that didn’t seem to have the experience underneath his belt for battle such as this. He fell gurgling on his own blood and waiting for the death shroud to cover him once and for all. He would drown in his own fluids, painfully and quite aware that his life was coming to an end.

  The blood loss was causing Ian to lose focus and to fall back a step. He stumbled and looked like he was going to faint. By sheer will alone, he forced himself to stand, even though it was by swaying on his 2 feet. He lifted the arm without the sword and motioned with four fingers for the other two to come and receive the same treatment.

  He felt like he was on the precipice of a victorious comeback, but then something happened. He heard the rumbling and looked in time to see that an avalanche of rocks was converging on the battle that was ensuing.

  “We need to finish this right now and right here.” Those words echoed in his ears, as Finn had decided that not even an avalanche was going to keep them from doing what needed to be done. A rock slammed into his shoulder and he was knocked off balance. His broadsword struck into the shoulder of Ian. It was meant to go into his heart with one long stroke, but his aim was a little skewed by the rock hitting his shoulder. Had it not been for that, Ian would have been laid to rest to join his ancestors in the afterlife.

  Finn watched, as a huge boulder landed on his friend and comrade in arms. It crushed him beyond recognition.

  Chapter 3

  Finn could only hope that his death was painless. He came forward with a buildup of adrenaline that made him a force to be reckoned with. He had Ian at a disadvantage. Ian had dropped his sword and was now kneel
ing at his mercy.

  Caitlin had caused the avalanche, but the outcome was not exactly what she had hoped it was going to be. Her main purpose of causing the avalanche was to bring this fight to an end. Unfortunately, she did not take into consideration that Finn was a man that did not recognize defeat. Both Finn and Ian came from the same kind of warrior breeding.

  She moved down the hillside, conscious of the fact that her feet were a little unsteady after the avalanche. The dust that had settled around the area had obscured her vision from what was happening between the two fighters. She should’ve known that their highlander code would not allow them to run away to fight for another day.

  She heard the anguished scream, as she shielded her eyes and tried to make out who was coming out on top. “I don’t want either man to die, but I have this need of seeing Ian at his best. I shouldn’t feel this way. I’ve only met the man in passing during times of peace amongst my people. I’d never tried to hide the fact that I was interested in him, but he gravitated to those that were more comely and available.” Caitlin slipped a couple of times, but she was able to hold her own. The worst of her wounds was a deep gash in her hand. She had to stop momentarily to attend to the wound. She found exactly what she needed in nature itself. She applied what most would consider a poultice.

  “This is not over…you will pay for this… AHHHHH.” The voice was that of Finn, as he looked up at the man that had finally gotten the better of him. He thought that he had him, his sword driven through to the bone in Ian’s shoulder. That feeling of victory superseded everything, so he did not notice the small knife that Ian had pulled and stabbed forth into his chest. It did not kill him, but he did know what it was like to be on the receiving end of defeat. It was not a pleasant taste in his mouth.

  “You’ve gotten complacent. I should kill you, but I’m not going to do that. You deserve to fight against me again. I know that it is foolish and if the reversal of fortune was in your favor, you would not hesitate to bring me down to my knees.” Ian was standing, but the blood loss was making him woozy. He watched Finn’s eyes flutter closed and instinctively knew that he was no longer alone. He spun around with that same knife showing the signs of being plunged into Finn along the blade.

  The sun streaming from behind the figure made it appear that he was walking towards an angel. “It’s not your time.” the words made him smile, but if it wasn’t his time, then why per chance was an angel here to greet him. She had flaxen hair that had fallen from her scarf and the kind of body that he would want to explore with his tongue from the top to the bottom. He licked his lips with anticipation, even though his death was very much near. “You have nothing to be ashamed of.” He saw the angular shape of her face, but did not recognize the woman in front of him.

  “I am ready to join my ancestors. Take me to them and let me rest finally.” He was practically begging for the relief of death. The pain was undeniable and those wounds that he had been inflicted with were seeping through his clothing. He walked shakily, holding the sword against the ground, as a form of a crutch to keep himself from collapsing altogether. “You are here to guide me to the afterlife. Take my hand and let vanquish the pain that I’m in.” He lost his balance, fell to his knees and then stood up defiantly. His breath was short and raspy. He felt the blackness envelope him. He knew that this was the end. He also knew that his soon to be love, Kathleen was going to be disappointed.

  Caitlin tried to break his fall, but instead fell with him with his dead weight lying on top of her. She struggled to get out from underneath him, but it was an effort, just to breathe. “He is very heavy, but if I don’t get out from underneath them, then I will perish from lack of oxygen. I can feel that he is a man that knows the meaning of a healthy living. His muscles are impressive. I can feel that the one between his legs is not exactly asleep. Even unconscious, his male anatomy has taken an interest in me. I should be appalled, but I’m more flattered than anything.” “You have to get off of me. I can help you, but you need to help yourself.” He groaned and then turned slightly, giving her a moment of reprieve.

  Using her hands, she pushed him away, but it was not an easy feat by any means. She got up and looked around. Dragging his dead weight by the arms, she brought him over to the horse and was able to heave him over the side of it. She stopped, put her hands on her knees and tried to get her breathing back to normal.

  “I have no idea what I’m going to do with you. I can’t take you back to my clan. I can’t take you back to yours, because it’s too far away. I do know of a place, but it’s miles races away from the real world. I’m hesitant to take him there, but he is in really no shape to know where he’s going.” Caitlin jumped on the horse, looking at the prone form of Ian and not being able to help herself by looking underneath the kilt. She lifted it with hesitation and gasped our loud at the rock hard formation of his half moons. She touched them and there was no give. She saucily envisioned what it would be like to be underneath him in the throes of passion.

  “I will vanquish all enemies. I will kill with no mercy and my name will be on everyone’s lips.” He was delirious with an infection raging through his body. That was the warrior mantra that he had lived by all of his life. It came spilling from his lips. He still had his eyes closed, but he was vaguely aware that they were moving. “I will never give up and I will never surrender. You may as well kill me right now. If you don’t, then I will find a way to kill you.” He had no idea who he was talking to, only that he was alive and that would have to be enough.

  Caitlin listened to his outburst, knowing full well that he probably didn’t have any idea of what he was saying. “Ian Mackenzie, you are in good hands. I promise that I will not let anything happen to you. You can rest knowing that somebody is taking care of you for a change.” While they were riding to her own personal oasis, she took a moment to attend to his medical needs. She still held some of those herbs and roots. She used them accordingly, to make him more comfortable and not moaning in agony.

  “Ian Mackenzie is the one man that nobody has been able to tie down with a commitment. For him to volunteer to join in a union with a rival clan chief’s daughter can only mean that it was meant to rally the forces. I’m hoping that I’m not doing my own people a disservice by keeping him alive. His intention is to fight and to bring the full armament of the highland warriors to bear. It remains to be seen if his target is my people or that of another clan. I guess I’m going to have to take that one step at a time. Even sleeping, he looks like a giant amongst men.”

  There was no way that she could find every one of his wounds. The motion of the horse made it almost impossible to keep him from bleeding out. She found the path and she jumped down to break through the foliage that had grown over the entrance. Nobody knew that it was there. She only found out from her grandfather. His final Decree on his deathbed was to share the secret with his granddaughter Caitlin. She did not believe that the hot springs held any magical benefits, but it was a calming influence.

  Going back to Ian, she lifted his head by his hair. He was completely out of it, his eyes glazed over and barely conscious after a battle that would’ve see most men dead at the end of it. She looked at his eyes and there was the spirit of a warrior lurking behind them. He may have not been in any shape to fight back at the moment, but that was not going to last.

  Jumping on the horse, she easily navigated the wild stallion into the path. It took almost an hour to get there. The raging water of those falls made her breathe a sigh of relief. She took it all in. It was one of those places that had been untouched by civilization. It was pure and there something strangely exciting about stepping onto territory that not many had found their way to. She looked towards Ian and she had no idea how she was going to get him down from the horse without hurting him.

  Fighting her natural instincts, as a woman, she finally was able to get him back onto the hard packed ground by the springs. The steam rising to the surface was a product of Mother Nature at its best
. She cupped her hand into the water and then brought it over to his mouth that was slightly parted and showing signs of thirst

  Chapter 4

  Caitlin felt this momentary rush of endorphins, as she slowly untied the kilt from around his shoulder. Peeling it back, she could see that most of the wounds were superficial. The one that was most concerning was the one to his shoulder. The blade had torn through the cartilage, scraping against the bone and coming out on the other side. She used the herbs and the poultice to press up against the blood loss. It slowed to a trickle and then came to an abrupt stop.

  “I know that I shouldn’t, but my curiosity is killing me. It’s not right, but I don’t think that he’s in any shape to argue. I have this craving to see what this warrior is really made of. There have been stories and I had assumed that they were exaggerated for the purpose of making him larger than life.” Caitlin took a deep breath, before taking both hands and grabbing the bottom of his kilt. She pulled it up slowly, lifting his legs to allow her better access. She watched his eyes to make sure that he wasn’t going to catch her in the act.

  His breathing was labored, but at least he was still breathing at all. The one thing that she did know was that leaving Finn alive was a mistake. He was tenacious and if given the chance, he would never allow Ian to take one more breath of fresh air. It was very possible that he was tracking them down. “I know that this is in bad taste. I shouldn’t even be thinking about it, but it’s the only thing that I can think about. You’re never going to know anyway. I don’t see any reason why I shouldn’t do this.” She was only trying to talk herself into it, but it wasn’t going to take very much.


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