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Be My Sailor: A Single Dad and Virgin Romance

Page 73

by Lauren Wood

  The roar of the engine as he sped down the road was whipping her hair back like that of some movie star. He saw that the cold air had affected her nipples. They were poking obscenely against her shirt. He wanted to turn and bite them through the material, but that would’ve been too much of a risk of getting into some sort of accident. “I’m going to need a couple of days. I don’t want this to be just another experience for me for me. This has to be something that goes beyond all others. I need some time to go through some details. You might even find yourself getting some gifts to make the evening that much more interesting. I have a few ideas and believe me I am not opposed to using toys in love play. I find it not only enhances, but it sexually excites me. Some guys might feel like they are less than a man, but I don’t feel that way.” He was losing his composure and his chest was constricting like that of some kind of attack.

  “Oh, my…that is not something that you experience every day. You have an amazing capacity to withstand just about anything that I do. That brief jerk was a good way to spell the end of this moment between two consenting adults and I could easily make you cum inside your pants and believe me the idea does put a smile on my face. It’s not like you will be able to fight me and seeing you go off inside your own underwear will be the icing on the cake for today.” “I need to finish this. I want to see that look on his face that I’ve seen only in movies thus far. I’m beginning to think that there’s more to sex than just the grunts of approval that I see on screen. There were some positions that seemed almost unfathomable to complete, but I’m willing to give it the old college try.”

  “Damn you…for making me feel this way. I can’t say that I’m not enjoying what you’re doing and a hand job has only scratched the surface. I never knew that there was a girl out there that could even come close to some of my better conquests over the years. Most girls are shy and make me initiate and I want you to be the other way around. When I come to you in the next couple of days, I don’t want to have to be the one to take you by the hand. You’re going to have the show me that you are ready. You may not know what I mean by that, but I think that you’ll come to your own conclusion in the nick of time.” Mitchell was rubbing her leg and his fingers began to sneak up to find that her pussy was well lubricated. “I take it that this is the first time that you’ve touched a man in this way. What exactly have you done?” He was trying to make conversation while keeping that sensation between his legs from going off.

  “I have had my pussy eaten, but by someone that really didn’t know what they were doing. I went down on the same guy and it was probably the blind leading the blind. He was a bit of a hair trigger and I had to pull away before I took any of that nasty stuff in my mouth. It was only after I was looking on the Internet that I found it quite fascinating to blow a guy all the way to the finish line.” “He’s fighting that instinctual need and he’s making me work for it. He’s circling the neighborhood and purposely staying away from my house for as long as possible. I can only assume that he doesn’t want to take anything away from what he’s feeling. I’m not going to leave him, until I take him to the point of no return.”

  “I don’t know what you…expect me to…say.” Mitchell thought that there was no pressure, but this girl was not about to stop. He had no idea what he was afraid. This wasn’t the first and it wouldn’t be the last time that he had done something with a woman. It would be the first time that he ever shot his load inside his underwear and that very kinky act was now fueling him to the end of his willpower. He had no idea what he was doing. If anybody saw him doing something like this with Lynn they would consider him to be some kind of pervert. At this moment, he didn’t care. “I can’t believe that I’m letting you… Oh fuck… oh yes… Oh fuck yes… YESSSSSS.” His fingers had turned white on the steering wheel and his eyelids fluttered for a moment, as he filled his underwear with a fair amount of his seed. It wouldn’t be long before it was soaking through the material and leaving a very noticeable wet stain at his crotch.

  “That’s what I wanted. Remember that when you come over in the next couple of days. I don’t want you to treat me like a docile little lamb being led to the slaughter. I want you to treat me like a woman and believe me I plan to treat you like a man.” “I was intending to make everybody inside that church realize that it was my life and not theirs. It started with a dare to myself, but now it has turned into so much more. I’ve wanted to get rid of this feeling of being the only one that hasn’t gone all the way. I just never fathomed that I would have the chance to be with Mitchell a man that was considered a catch amongst any available woman looking to get into his pants.”

  “You really are…hell bent on getting what you want. I suppose I could consider it a service and that what I’m doing for you is keeping you from throwing yourself at any available man that is willing to throw money at your feet. I want something more for you than that. Let’s not consider this a business transaction. Consider the money that I’m giving you a gift that is not predicated on performing to my expectations. I do want to make one thing perfectly clear. It goes without saying that I’m going to please your body. I will make you scream and that’s a given. You may think that I’m blowing smoke up your skirt, but trust me I know my around down there. I’ve learned what it takes. I’m just trying to make sure that you’re fully informed before going forward.” Mitchell saw that she was nodding her head yes, but her mouth was about to say no. He swung around to her house and stayed a block away in case of nosy neighbors that saw that they weren’t exactly platonic.

  “I don’t have anything to complain about. I want you to make me scream and to show me all those things that I have been missing out on.” “I don’t want to tell him that I had this crush on him for as long as I can remember. I know what he already had with Connie. I’ve never heard him speak of her name in public. It’s possible that that wound is still fresh, even though a few years have passed since she left him. He got a postcard a few weeks later from the French Riviera of her holding onto two boys that were barely out of their teens. She said that life was too short to be chained to one man for the rest of her life and that she apologized for getting his hopes up by taking his ring. Amazingly, he actually got the ring back. She did not try to pawn it as if she had any right to have it in your possession after the engagement was cut short.

  “You can’t talk about this to anyone including friends. You might feel this need to over share. You and I will be the only ones that know, unless I otherwise state to the contrary. I’ll be by in two days at exactly 7:00 PM. The gifts I send to you, I will expect you to wear in accordance to the agreement that we have set fourth.” He didn’t mean to make it sound boring, but he also didn’t want there to be any misinterpretation. He wanted this to be something they both wanted. He wasn’t sure how serious she was about this, but there was only one way to find out. He was happy to make that sacrifice.

  Chapter 4

  Two days later and being a woman that had enough, Helen had indeed left on a cruise to the Bahamas for the next month. They didn’t talk about it and Lynn did not offer to take her to the Airport.

  Being alone was not all that it was cracked up to be. Lynn didn’t like the eerie silence in the house, the ticking of the clock or any strange noises that made her jump practically out of her skin. Tonight was the big night and she received a couple of gifts along with the agreement that she eagerly signed on the dotted line. She was close to telling her friend Shelly about all of this, but at the last second she stopped herself from revealing too much.

  The gifts consisted of lingerie that were very risqué. This was not the type of stuff that she would have bought on her own. It was time to get dirty, but she also wanted to show off her virginal status. She had a choice of five different outfits and she had a feeling that before the weekend was over that she would be in each and every one of them. To start, she was going to take on a more pure after the wedding kind of outfit. This was a white widow with matching garters and the cups we
re literally flowing over with the abundance of her flesh. She put on the silk see through robe and heard a door slam in the backyard.

  The headlights were shining through the back door and then they were extinguished before she heard the telltale stomping of his cowboy boots. She flung open the door and got an appraising glance with him leaning down, so that she could grab him by his short dark hair. She shoved her tongue down his throat and decided that if he wanted somebody that was going to show initiative then she was damn well going to do that. She wiggled her tongue up to the roof of his mouth and could feel the presence of his member taking notice. He was wearing the same blue jeans and they were tight over his body like they were meant to accentuate the positives of his manhood.

  “I was tempted not to go through with this, but then I realized that I would never be able to look at myself the same way again. It was a tug of war between what was right and what was wrong. You drove me mad with desire these last couple of days. I wondered what you were doing at night. I’m happy to report that I didn’t do anything to satisfy myself. I’ve been saving it for you and there’s quite the buildup from the last couple of days. I’ve had a couple of women from my past come calling and I somehow denied them their request at a late night booty call.” Mitchell knew that this was different and he wanted to get everything done in a hurry. “I’ve taken the liberty of putting half into your account. That’s just a down payment to the gift of 1.5 million coming your way. I would say that I was only waiting to see if I was getting my money’s worth, but I think that I have already learned that I’m getting more than I bargained for.” Mitchell pulled down the cups and was quite fascinated to see the silver dollar size nipples staring back at him.

  She was about to fall on her knees when he did the exact same thing before she even had the chance. He had a hold of her around the waist with his head pressed up against her stomach.

  She cradled his head and held him close to let him hear her heart beating wildly inside her chest.

  “I’m glad that you don’t consider that a part of the transaction. It’s so much better that you mentioned that it was a gift and not some kind of payment for services rendered. I know that I mentioned that this was what I wanted, but maybe I have been having second doubts. I don’t want my first time to be on the premise of money exchanging hands. I probably wouldn’t care with anybody else, but with you I’m beginning to learn that there’s a lot more to you than the playboy that everybody else sees.

  “I want you to know that you took the hammer to my walls of defense. You took my memories and dragged them away for something more pleasant than the haunting images of my nightmares. I wake up screaming every night for her, but the last couple days the only thing that I have been able to think about was you. I’m not just saying that and I do mean every word. I would like to think that she’s looking down from where she’s at with approval. She may think that it’s a bit distasteful to talk about money, but this was a promise and it’s not one that I’m going to renege on.” He lifted her onto the counter and found her white underwear already quite stained with her juices.

  “Now that the time is here, I feel little hesitant. I’m sure that something like that is normal. Is there any way that you can take away some of that nervousness? Why don’t you show me what you meant when you said that you know your way around down there?” “The only connection that I had to him in the last couple of days was those gifts. There were 10 in total with five being outfits and the others enhancements to what we’re going to do to each other this weekend. They are splayed out on the nightstand and I have to say that I took them out of their package and gave them the once over. The vibrating butt plug was calling my name, but not until we open the gates to depravity. The only way to do that is to fuck me silly and to make me realize that this is only the beginning.” She could feel the cool surface of the black marble against her ass and then she was lifting to let him pull her panties off with one very determined motion of his hand.

  Mitchell had that delicate material in his hands. He looked at the white sheer material and had a thought. He could smell her from here, but he wanted her to know that this was not just going to be a wham bam thank you ma’am kind of deal. He was going to prolong this and lengthen their time together to encompass the entire weekend and maybe even beyond.

  “You won’t need those anymore, Lynn. You may think that I was bragging, but it’s not bragging when you can back it up.” He placed two hands underneath her and pulled her into a position where she was lying prone. He opened her legs and saw the wet petals of her sex begging for the attention of his mouth. He moved closer and let the heat of her hole and the fragrance wafting from within draw him closer with each second that passed. “You probably know by now that any man’s fantasy revolves around having a virgin. This all started with you trying to get back at your… at Helen. I do hope that it has transcended that.” He touched her clit and saw her jerk in response. It was exactly what he was waiting for. He slid his tongue into her to feel the constricting walls finding a reason to bear down on that oral projectile.

  “I fucking…should’ve done this along…time ago. Waiting for the right guy was the right decision, but waiting for that ring on the finger doesn’t necessarily have to go hand in hand.” She could barely feel anything below the waist and her extremities were pretty much numb. His tongue was driving in and out of her inner folds in a repeated fashion. “I’d heard that having a guy go down on you was better than getting fucked, but I don’t really have any reference at this point to say anything either way. This is going to be one very interesting weekend and I plan to make the best of our time together.”

  He was keeping her in place, making sure that he got that maximum penetration with his tongue to open the pathway for something even larger. He had reached down and was doing the impossible by pulling himself free and going down on her at the same time. He was putting the extra emphasis with his fingers along his own length to make him rampant and ready to enter into that forbidden zone. He was already quite excited and that was evident from the way that he was dripping like a leaky faucet.

  It was 20 minutes and anytime that she thought that she was ready to blow her top, he would slow things down to make her realize that building things up would only make things a whole lot better in the long run. She thought at one time that this was a dumb thing to do. She had gone back and forth about whether or not to call it off, but in the end the result was going to be the same. “I know that he’s doing this on purpose and he’s pretty much making me a slave to my own body. He really does know what he’s doing and that’s a little scary when I begin to think about all the lovers that he must’ve had in the past. Do I even compare or am I some kind of dismal disappointment that will make him look at me differently afterwards. I can’t think of something like that when the pressure growing inside me is only getting to a point that something is going to have to happen.”

  There was no need to rush. He already knew that loving somebody could hurt more than anything in his life. He had watched her deteriorate for over a year while fighting that disease. Her death had caused him to lose a part of his soul. Her final breath had broke him and made his heart harden to a point that it was impenetrable.

  Mitchell was delving deep and could feel her juices streaming across his tongue and then suddenly her whole body went into a trembling wave of pleasure. He thought that he had hurt her for a moment, but the squirting presence of her juices into his mouth told him otherwise. There was a bit of a squeal coming from her lips, but mostly she was riding a perfect orgasm that was brought about by patience and knowing exactly what he was doing.

  “Oh god…more…don’t you dare take your fucking tongue out of me. I want to feel that again and again and again and I never want it to stop. I want to cum and continue to cum, until I have no more breath to give. Yes…fucking…YESSSSSS.” She lifted her pelvis and pushed her hole into his face with her two hands pressing down on his shoulders. “I thought that playing wit
h myself would only be marginally different than a guy going down on me. I was wrong and now I am more than anxious to see if my misconceptions of sex can be changed once and for all.” Lynn didn’t know that she could feel this deeply in her soul. She didn’t want anybody to hurt her and Mitchell and his cowboy way had certainly tamed this stallion. She was wild and he had come around and done the impossible by soothing the savage beast.

  She lay there wondering how it could possibly get better and then her eyes opened to the feeling of his mouth encompassing her clit. He was lashing it repeatedly with the tip of his tongue and circling it each and every way. It was too much and her mouth parted with a banshee cry of pleasure that rattled the panes of glass and the pots and pans hanging overhead. There was the customary howl of a dog nearby and then there was a chorus of dogs in heat applauding their efforts.

  Mitchell continued to give her no choice, but to lose herself in the moment. Working tirelessly was no stranger to Mitchell. He would need some time to recuperate after the weekend was finished. He was not holding back and it was a crying shame that he didn’t find her long before now. He allowed himself to get caught up in her orgasmic release. His bed had a revolving door of playmates. He wanted to feel again, but he was going about it the wrong way. He finally took a step back and looked at the woman that had caused him to think of her, as more than just a sought after commodity.


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