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Be My Sailor: A Single Dad and Virgin Romance

Page 76

by Lauren Wood

  His face had this beaming smile as he lifted her and let the buoyancy of her body float on the water surface. Her legs wrapped around him and his cock soon found its way into the gripping vise of her sex. “Being this close to you means more to me than you can ever know. I have been secretly wealthy for a long time without anybody’s knowledge. I’ve invested wisely, but my biggest investment of all was letting you into my life.” He was buried deep and there was something magical in the air. He looked up for a moment and he thought he saw his younger brother giving him a salute from the top of the rocks. He blinked and then he was gone. It was almost like he was given his life back.

  “You captured my heart and it doesn’t hurt that you have a tight little body. I love that you have more to offer than the average woman. You wear your weight well and I have to say that most of it situates nicely with your breasts and your ample heart shaped ass. You want me to fuck you. I can see it in your eyes, but I want to hear it. Tell me and anybody else that can hear your voice that my cock is everything that you want.” He saw her lips part and was waiting for that moment where she was never going to be able to hide her feelings again.

  “I have your cock and your heart. What more can a woman… ask for. I do want you to fuck me and make love to me underneath the sun and in this water. My wet pussy hungers for your meat and my body begs you to make it cum over and over again. Fuck me… Fuck me… make my wet pussy sing your name. Never will I have another man’s name on my lips. Never will I have another cock that even comes close to what you give to me every day.” “My massive thighs clinch him and I make sure that he’s not going to try to escape the imprisonment of my greedy little hole.”

  Mitchell had his hands under her, squeezing her pliable flesh and watching her scream to the heavens. It was enough to bring about his impending climax. He held back, keeping it to himself, until it was going to come out one way or the other. “I fucking love everything about you. Your pussy is grabbing me and you know that…that… it’s about that time… YES.” He went into high gear, slamming it against her with such fervor that the water around them churned in response to their heavy handed lovemaking. “I won’t be able to…keep this up. You are the one that is going to have to finally turn the switch. Pull my fucking nipples…do it and I promise that you will not be disappointed… HOLY FUCKKKKKK.” He let his passion ignite from her fingers plucking at those buds. That action had certainly had the desired effect. He let go with an onrush of emotions with his seed traveling very quickly up the shaft and out through the opening at the head.

  “Yes… Yes… Yes… Mitchell… Mitchell… Mitchell.” She couldn’t help herself and she didn’t care that they were in a semi public place. They were away from prying eyes, but this was the first time that she had ever taken this kind of risk. She felt dirty and exposed and loved every minute of it.

  “I can honestly say that you took my breath away literally and figuratively. You’re a woman with your own mind and a body that just won’t quit. I think by taking your virginity that I have created a monster. I guess there’s no way to put the genie back in the bottle after what we did last night and here today. I have to say that after everything is said and done that I find myself looking at this place differently. I no longer look at it as a bane of my existence. I see it more as a new beginning. I can forgive myself and I’m glad that you came into my life to show me that I didn’t have to live with his haunted face every night when I went to sleep.” Mitchell took her by the hand and they walked out of the water, until they were standing dripping in front of each other.

  “We had a lot to deal with, but amazingly we have come out on the other side unscathed. We might be a little older and wiser, but at least we understand that what we’re looking for was not unattainable. We just had to be patient and wait for that right moment to strike. When I’m with you, there is no place that I would rather be. When I’m apart from you I yearn for the moment that I see your face again.” “I look at his body and I have to say that I am a very lucky girl. I don’t feel self conscious about my weight. I think I try to hide it with bulky sweaters, but with him I don’t feel it’s necessary to put on any airs. I can be myself and I don’t have to worry about making him see me as anything more than what I am.”

  They embraced afterwards. They were lying in each other’s arms and looking at each other. They didn’t have to say the words and their expression said that they were never going to be separated from one another. Half the money was in her account and the other half was earmarked to go into her account tomorrow morning. She didn’t care about any of that. He had mentioned something about Barbados and before they knew if they were flying to their secret love nest in the tropics.

  Helen would eventually visit and find out that she was with child. They had that in common and that was something that they could share. Helen had found an unexpected treat with a Jamaican flair and they had this interracial romance. It was going to be a very interesting extended family, but the one thing that their life was never going to be was boring.



  Chapter 1

  “I will not have any daughter of mine acting like this. You have embarrassed me for the last time and if you’re not careful, I might even consider sending you to live with your uncle in the backwaters of Alabama. Don’t think for a second that I’m kidding. As long as you live underneath my roof there will be rules that have to be followed. You may not be mine by blood, but you were given to me despite my misgivings. Your mother entrusted me to look after you, but it’s starting to feel like a burden.” A year had gone by since Lynn’s mother died mysteriously during a boating accident. From that moment on, Lynn had the penchant for getting into trouble with just about anybody that was willing to play on the other side of the legal fence.

  “Just say what’s on your mind, Helen. You never wanted me in the first place and I do not see any reason why we have to continue playing this game. I’m 19 and I’m going to college in the fall. You may think that you have all the power, but all I need to do is get a job and then I can leave you in my rearview mirror. I hate you and you treat me like I’m a child who can’t live without you being under foot. I am my mother’s daughter and we both have the same temperament and stubborn streak.” I know that we’re going to say something that we’re going to regret. I’ve never wanted to be here. I can’t even dare to call her mother and I fight every instinct that I have to get close to her. One year and it has already felt like an eternity. I know that she’s trying, but the only thing that she’s doing is making it very clear that I can’t be here for very much longer.

  “I don’t know how you can talk to me like this after everything that I’ve done for you. I wake up in the middle of the night to find you missing more often than not. I have no idea if you’re dying in a ditch or shacking up with some of your so-called friends. You may not be innocent, but at least you have kept your purity intact.” They both looked at each other in shock. It became readily known that Helen had been snooping into her diary. This was the last straw and the silence that followed that declaration was not for the faint of heart. The tension in the air was thick and you could see that they both had reached their breaking point.

  “I can’t believe that you invaded my personal space by reading my private thoughts. I thought that I could at least trust you to stay out of my business. I don’t know how many times I’ve told you and made it abundantly clear that I don’t need you interfering. I can live my life with or without you.” They were in the car on the way to church and had just arrived when this big major blow out had occurred. Casting daggers at one another walking across the parking lot in their Sunday best did not go unnoticed by those that knew them very well.

  There were mumbles of dissent amongst the congregation. Nobody dared stand up and say something, but everybody had their own opinion that they were keeping to themselves.

  Deacon James took center stage and felt that there was something in the air. Everybod
y looked nervous and shifted in their seats like they didn’t want to be there. He looked around for the source and the animosity that was coming off of both Helen and Lynn wasn’t exactly hard to see. They were not hiding their emotions and being a man of the cloth, he decided that he would shine a light down upon them from where he stood at the front of the church.

  “I see that we have something to deal with before I begin my sermon. I told all of you that I would not condone bringing your private life in beyond those doors. If you do, then you can expect me to involve the entire congregation. Lynn and Helen have some issues to deal with and we are going to help them find their way back into the light. Show them some encouragement. I’m sure that it’s not insurmountable like the boulder that was pushed up the hill.” Deacon James was bald and the light from above was shining on his head like his own personal halo. Being a good Texan, he understood that there were always squabbles, but all could be forgiven.

  A couple of people started to clap and then the rest followed like the sheep that they were. Before long there was a chorus that had both Lynn and Helen looking around to find that they were now the center of attention.

  “I am not going up there with you and there’s nothing and no one that is going to make me. You do whatever the hell you want, Helen but don’t expect me to play along with this charade. We will never be a happy household and I feel that you have violated my trust. I don’t know if that can ever be fixed. This has gone too far. It might be time that we cut ties and walk away. I don’t want to hate you and I try to get along for the sake of my mother. I really don’t know what she was thinking when she thought that you and I could work. I would be better off going my own way.” “I see the way that everybody is looking at me, but not even their influence is going to force me to stand up and be noticed. I don’t want this attention. If they don’t want me to scream, then they better stop looking at me like that. I can see in Helen’s eyes that she’s thinking about airing our dirty laundry for all the neighbors to hear. I’m sure that most of it has been spoken in hushed tones. Nothing goes on around here that the others don’t find out about eventually. I think it has a lot to do with Deacon James’s need to make everybody happy.

  “They only want to help, Lynn. I don’t see any reason why we can’t let them in. In times of great trials we must always stand together. Life is about changes and nothing stays the same. I’ve done my best to guide you with a helping hand, but you have been resistant every step of the way. I can’t deal with this on my own anymore.” Helen had seen a premature graying of her hair in the last year and the stress of dealing with a woman that was still grieving after all this time was weighing heavily on her shoulders. “I need to do this for my own sanity and you can stay there and sit and listen, but you will not leave here for any reason whatsoever.” Helen could see that her arms were across defiantly and she was basically stewing in her own juices.

  Smoothing down her black skirt, she got up and faced the judgment of those that thought that they could be of any help. She felt scrutinized and for a girl that stayed to herself she had learned an inexplicable lesson that teenagers were hard to live with at the best of times. Helen’s cheeks were a rosy hue from the embarrassment of being called out like this. Taking a deep breath, she realized that the only way to get through this was with one breath.

  “I see that somebody is being stubborn. No matter, I’m sure that once Helen speaks that Lynn will feel compelled to make some kind statement. Let’s give Helen a warm welcome and hope that the words within the pages of the bible will help her to lay rest to whatever this issue might be.” Deacon James considered himself to be a confidant to many. He had heard his fair share of sin and confessions. Some of them were not suitable for those of an impressionable age. “The only way to get through this is to give it a voice. Forgiveness is an amazing tool and one that is vastly underutilized in my opinion. Helen, tell us what has caused this rift between you and Lynn. We all know the back story. I’m sure that Lynn is still feeling the loss of her mother. That woman was considered a saint amongst all of us.” There was a silent bow from those sitting on the benches and from Deacon James himself.

  Lynn’s mother Kate had dedicated her time to those that needed her the most. She volunteered her services, even though she had a fulltime job running a small deli shop. That shop was destined to go to Lynn, but she found herself rebelling against it and in turn the shop was turned over to those with deep pockets. Kate was the exact opposite of her daughter. Kate was dark haired with a generous height of over 5’10 and 150 pounds. Lynn had taken the traits of her blonde blue eyed father Henry who died just after she was born. This was the type of loss that was crushing her very soul and keeping her from moving forward.

  Helen wasn’t sure that this was the right decision, but she didn’t see any way other than to let others speak for her. “I don’t know where to begin. I guess it all started when I was surprised to learn that Kate had found me a suitable role model. I really don’t know what she was thinking. I work long hours as a lawyer. I hardly have any time for myself let alone a teenage daughter that is dealing with too many issues to count. I want to be there for her for that stability in her life, but she won’t listen. She thinks that she knows everything. All of you at one time thought the same thing growing up. We all did, but if we could go back to our young self, I’m sure that we would tell them to act their age and don’t do something stupid. I only wonder what either one of us would say in response if we had a chance to go back and do it all over again.” Helen could not have children and she was destined to live with that knowledge. It had ruined a few relationships and sent the guy packing after he learned the terrible truth.

  “There’s no reason to pause. You’re saying what is in your heart and that’s all that we can hope for. We bottle all these things up and they fester inside until it’s inevitable that something gives. We’re here for you and we want you to take whatever strength you need from all of us. See this through to the end and don’t anything stop you even the look that you’re getting from Lynn. We know that you’ve struggled and fought the good fight. You may not have heard this enough, but we believe that you have that motherly instinct. Kate would never have selected you to raise her daughter in your absence had she not thought that you had some redeeming qualities. She told me in confidence that you were her life. She thought of you as a sister.” It was nice for Deacon James to get that off his chest and he had been carrying that from the moment that he gave Kate her final words to enter into god’s kingdom.

  “I don’t know if it’s right for me to be up here, but I feel I have no choice. Lynn has been making some very bad mistakes. She’s been drinking, smoking, staying out late and even doing a little bit of weed. I found a baggie and I don’t think that I have to tell you what was in it. She thinks that she’s hiding all of this from me, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. I don’t want to walk around on eggshells around her, but she doesn’t make it very easy for me to reach out.” Helen was on a roll and she saw that she had everybody’s undivided attention. It made her feel good to let it out, but you could see that Lynn was not very happy by this public forum.

  “I’m sure that there are many issues, but let’s get down to the reason why there’s a rift between you today. Tell us what has made this silence almost deafening. You both brought this into my church. Do us the honor of helping you when you’re at your lowest. There are words in the bible for any circumstance and let’s not forget that god made us in his image.” Deacon James was finding that sharing the spotlight was only making him seem bigger than life.

  Lynn was shaking her head and staring intently at Helen. She was doing everything she could not to scream that she better not say another word or there would be hell to pay. “I can’t believe that this thing had come this far that she would feel that it was necessary to say what was on her mind. I can’t possibly believe that she would say anything regarding my purity, but I’ve learned not to underestimate anyone these days.
I can’t let her get the final word. If she knows what’s good for her she better not say what I think that she’s going to say.” She looked to Helen and waited for those words to spill from her lips.

  “I wish that there was another way, but I see that I’ve gone as far as I can on my own. Lynn has been playing with fire with boys that are older than she is. I would have thought by now that she would be pregnant, but thankfully that hasn’t happened yet. She doesn’t talk to me and I have to resort to reading her private diary.” Helen heard the shocked exclamations coming from those in the parish. “I know that it’s not right and that I would probably hate my mother if she had ever done anything like that when I was growing up. I knew that she was hurting, but I never knew that she felt that she needed to abuse her body like that. I’ve tried to stress abstinence and to find the man that is going to put those butterflies in her stomach. I can’t be sure how long it’s going to be before she takes things too far. I want her to have a future and not to worry about having her life ruined by one moment of stupidity. Don’t say that any one of you wouldn’t want to go back and change things. I know that all of you hide your own secrets. There are even a few of you that have confessed to me in private that you didn’t want kids. You made a mistake of letting your body do the talking for you. I’m just trying to give her a life. I put my foot down and if need be, I’ll lock her up someplace so that she can’t even begin to think about doing something physical with a man.” Helen didn’t lose her virginity until she was 25. It was after she had already been in college a few years getting her legal degree. It was a moment that was fast and not exactly pleasant. It only lasted a few minutes, but it did leave an indelible mark on your psyche.


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