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Be My Sailor: A Single Dad and Virgin Romance

Page 81

by Lauren Wood

  Chapter 7

  Helen was behind him and looking at his ass in those jeans. She couldn’t help but to envision them coming down a little. When he bent over there was that telltale plumber’s crack. Thankfully, he was built in a way that made it easier to swallow. She wanted to reach out and trace the line down into the valley. She had seen his concentration and that faraway look told her that he was dealing with something that had no voice.

  “I want to go on record to say that last night proved to me once and for all that I do have the capability to love. I thought that I lost that and you’re about to find out the reason why I’ve never let anybody get that close.” He didn’t know how to say the words and the best way to do this was to show her and hopefully the words that he was looking would miraculously come to him.

  “The years go by too fast and we never know when our time is up. We gotta take time to enjoy life and not let petty differences to get in the way. I’m not going to pressure you and whether you tell me this secret or not is entirely up to you. I have to say that I find your willingness to share this with me enough to make me think that you might be more than the man that took my virginity.” “I thought that when we started this that I was too good for him. I see now that we were both lost and we needed each other to find our true selves. I feel different and I know that I’m never going to be able to look at him the same way again. I need him to see me as the future and not just the present.” She could hear the rushing of water and every step was making it louder by the second.

  “I haven’t been here in over 20 years. My family used to come up here all the time for family outings.” He swallowed hard and knew that saying the words would be the hardest thing that he had ever done in his life. “There’s a rift between me and my parents. We are cordial enough during the holidays, but we’ve never been able to look at each other the same way again.” They came to a clearing and the water that they had heard was of a waterfall crashing down into a pool below. The outcroppings of rocks were not easy to traverse, but they managed to make it with a little help from a guiding hand.

  Lynn was in awe and this was a hidden oasis away from the rest of the world. It was no wonder that they spent a lot of time here, but there had to be a reason for them to leave all of this behind. “I see the pain in his eyes and I only want to reach out to him to tell him that I’m here for him. Mitchell had helped me during a difficult time and I feel that I need to show that same thing in return. I trusted him with my virginity and now he’s trusting me with a very painful reminder of his past. Is this not what love is made of? I question if we have more here than meets the eye.” Lynn saw him sit down and place his hands over his face with only his eyes peeking through that of his fingers.

  He looked towards the water and he saw that day as vivid as if it had happened yesterday. It killed him to think about this, but it was weighing him down and preventing him from finding any sort of substance within any relationship. “I never thought that I would be back here. 20 years ago I lost a part of my soul. My brother Kenneth and I were fooling around and he lost his footing. I watched…horrified as he plummeted from the top of the cliff. Had he landed in the water, he probably would have survived, but instead he crumpled against the rocks. I was stunned into silence and I heard the anguished cry of my mother and father as they were setting out a picnic for his birthday. I blame myself for him falling. I was the big brother and I should’ve been looking out for him.” Mitchell felt the tears fall down his cheek and then the comforting gesture of Lynn’s hands massaging his shoulders.

  “That must’ve been awful for you and your family. You can’t blame yourself and it wasn’t like you pushed him. You were kids and you were acting like kids. There’s nothing that you could’ve done and the sooner that you put that to rest the better off you will be.” Lynn heard him sobbing and pushed his face up underneath her bosom. “I never knew that he was carrying this burden. I don’t think that anybody did. He always seemed so strong and confident, but it was always just a façade that he put on to please people. He doesn’t have to do that with me.”

  “I blame myself, because I told him that he was a chicken. I coerced him into joining me on top of that cliff. I could see that he was scared out of his mind, but I continued to needle him until he took the leap of faith. I should’ve been the one that fell and he had only begun his young life. I would give anything to go back and take his place. I know that I can’t and that forgiveness starts with me forgiving myself. People have been telling me that for as long as I can remember. I’ve never been able to see clear to do it. I have you to thank for letting me open up and tell you of my darkest day” Mitchell could hear her heartbeat and wrapping his arms around her gave him a comfort that came from knowing that she wasn’t condemning him for his actions.

  They stood there together and eventually they began to shed their clothes. They were soon naked and then rushing into the water to frolic in the buff.

  “This place might hold a terrible memory, but maybe we can make better memories that will overshadow that one.” They waded in the water up past their waist with the sun beaming through the trees like a blessing to their union. “I love this place and will not let you wallow in some kind of depression. This place is something that should never leave you with feelings of regret and loss. You should always celebrate Kenneth’s life.” “I can feel his cock nudging between my legs. He’s rubbing against the lips and I know that all I will have to do is hook my leg and wrap it around him. I see no reason to wait around and this will prove to him once and for all that this place should have no power over him.”

  Mitchell felt the heat of her hole and despite those painful memories; his cock began to emerge like a periscope over the surface of the water. She grabbed him and he could feel that moment of indecision was over. He abruptly grabbed her by the hips and lowered himself to a crouching position with his cock poised and ready to pierce her womanhood. He didn’t get a chance. Her smile informed him that she was up to no good. She took a deep breath and in that moment he realized just what exactly he was in for.

  Lynn dove down under the water, holding her breath and then opening her mouth over the tip of his cock. There was already that salty flavor and she was more than happy to coax more from the cavity of those balls. “I’ve never done this before. I thought about it several times, but I’ve never been in a position where I was willing to try it on anyone. Mitchell is not just anyone.” She bobbed her head back and forth until she had no choice but to surface to catch a breath of air.

  His face had this beaming smile as he lifted her and let the buoyancy of her body float on the water surface. Her legs wrapped around him and his cock soon found its way into the gripping vise of her sex. “Being this close to you means more to me than you can ever know. I have been secretly wealthy for a long time without anybody’s knowledge. I’ve invested wisely, but my biggest investment of all was letting you into my life.” He was buried deep and there was something magical in the air. He looked up for a moment and he thought he saw his younger brother giving him a salute from the top of the rocks. He blinked and then he was gone. It was almost like he was given his life back.

  “You captured my heart and it doesn’t hurt that you have a tight little body. I love that you have more to offer than the average woman. You wear your weight well and I have to say that most of it situates nicely with your breasts and your ample heart shaped ass. You want me to fuck you. I can see it in your eyes, but I want to hear it. Tell me and anybody else that can hear your voice that my cock is everything that you want.” He saw her lips part and was waiting for that moment where she was never going to be able to hide her feelings again.

  “I have your cock and your heart. What more can a woman… ask for. I do want you to fuck me and make love to me underneath the sun and in this water. My wet pussy hungers for your meat and my body begs you to make it cum over and over again. Fuck me… Fuck me… make my wet pussy sing your name. Never will I have another man’s name on my
lips. Never will I have another cock that even comes close to what you give to me every day.” “My massive thighs clinch him and I make sure that he’s not going to try to escape the imprisonment of my greedy little hole.”

  Mitchell had his hands under her, squeezing her pliable flesh and watching her scream to the heavens. It was enough to bring about his impending climax. He held back, keeping it to himself, until it was going to come out one way or the other. “I fucking love everything about you. Your pussy is grabbing me and you know that…that… it’s about that time… YES.” He went into high gear, slamming it against her with such fervor that the water around them churned in response to their heavy handed lovemaking. “I won’t be able to…keep this up. You are the one that is going to have to finally turn the switch. Pull my fucking nipples…do it and I promise that you will not be disappointed… HOLY FUCKKKKKK.” He let his passion ignite from her fingers plucking at those buds. That action had certainly had the desired effect. He let go with an onrush of emotions with his seed traveling very quickly up the shaft and out through the opening at the head.

  “Yes… Yes… Yes… Mitchell… Mitchell… Mitchell.” She couldn’t help herself and she didn’t care that they were in a semi public place. They were away from prying eyes, but this was the first time that she had ever taken this kind of risk. She felt dirty and exposed and loved every minute of it.

  “I can honestly say that you took my breath away literally and figuratively. You’re a woman with your own mind and a body that just won’t quit. I think by taking your virginity that I have created a monster. I guess there’s no way to put the genie back in the bottle after what we did last night and here today. I have to say that after everything is said and done that I find myself looking at this place differently. I no longer look at it as a bane of my existence. I see it more as a new beginning. I can forgive myself and I’m glad that you came into my life to show me that I didn’t have to live with his haunted face every night when I went to sleep.” Mitchell took her by the hand and they walked out of the water, until they were standing dripping in front of each other.

  “We had a lot to deal with, but amazingly we have come out on the other side unscathed. We might be a little older and wiser, but at least we understand that what we’re looking for was not unattainable. We just had to be patient and wait for that right moment to strike. When I’m with you, there is no place that I would rather be. When I’m apart from you I yearn for the moment that I see your face again.” “I look at his body and I have to say that I am a very lucky girl. I don’t feel self conscious about my weight. I think I try to hide it with bulky sweaters, but with him I don’t feel it’s necessary to put on any airs. I can be myself and I don’t have to worry about making him see me as anything more than what I am.”

  They embraced afterwards. They were lying in each other’s arms and looking at each other. They didn’t have to say the words and their expression said that they were never going to be separated from one another. Half the money was in her account and the other half was earmarked to go into her account tomorrow morning. She didn’t care about any of that. He had mentioned something about Barbados and before they knew if they were flying to their secret love nest in the tropics.

  Helen would eventually visit and find out that she was with child. They had that in common and that was something that they could share. Helen had found an unexpected treat with a Jamaican flair and they had this interracial romance. It was going to be a very interesting extended family, but the one thing that their life was never going to be was boring.




  Night had fallen and darkness filled the small house. The only light illuminated off of the small candle Annie carried around the room. She grabbed for only what she considered to be the necessities and stuffed them into a bag. A small photograph of her late father, spare undergarments, hair rollers, some bread, and a notebook. Annie scanned the room trying to take it all in. This may be the last time she stood in this house let alone her bedroom. She had spent the last twenty years wallowing away in this room. Her small bed with a hand sewn quilt draped over it looked extremely inviting right about now. The past week she spent laying on her bed crying into that quilt in mourning over her father’s sudden death.

  This place was no longer a home for her without him. Her mother would always scoff at her and her brother’s rendered her useless. Only her father truly cherished her and adored her. He would come home from the farm and sneak her bottles of sweet milk from the cow. He would wink at her and make her swear not to tell her brothers. Of course she wouldn’t tell them, that would only mean she had to share!

  Her father was a hardworking man. All of his life he spent working in the fields. He earned an honest living for his wife and three children. Annie couldn’t say they really ever had much rather just enough. There was always enough food at the table that her mother would cook. When Annie or her brother’s needed new shoes, there was always just enough money saved up to buy some. When the mule had broken his leg they had just enough put away for the vet to come and mend it. However, when father unexpectedly fell ill, they no longer had enough. Money fell short for the doctor and with every passing day their love fell even shorter than their money. Annie’s love for her father grew stronger but her mother and brothers became estranged. This is why she could no longer stay at home. She had to go.

  Annie hiked her leg up over the window sill and bustled her skirt up around her waist before swinging her second leg over as well. She sat on the edge of the sill with her feet dangling over the edge for a moment. Looking back over her shoulder she searched the room, waiting for her mother to come rushing through the door begging her not to go. Annie knew that would never happen. With that, she dropped herself out of the window and slid the glass pane closed behind her. She had about five hours before anyone would realize she had gone.

  Even though the sun was nowhere in sight, the air was still warm on Annie’s face. She trudged her way through the darkness with no plan of what she would do next. After an hour of walking Annie’s feet became swollen and sore. She was going to have a long journey ahead of her if she didn’t figure out some sort of transportation soon.

  As if to answer her prayers, Annie could see a horse and cart appearing in the distance. She was walking alone in the desert in the middle of the night with no civilization around her. What was this horse doing in the middle of the dessert with no one around to attend to it?

  “Hello? Is there anyone there?” Annie called out in her rich Southern drawl. “Hello, my name is Annie Buckner. Does anyone out there own this horse? Hello?” Her calls rang empty and there was no one in sight. It appeared as though the horse had been abandoned.

  “Well hello there, angel.” Annie stroked the horse’s face and kissed him on the top of the head. “Did my Daddy send for you?” She giggled to herself, happy to have the company. “He’s always looking out for his baby girl, even from heaven.” Annie tilted her head back and looked up into the sky. The stars appeared to shine brighter than any night before this one. “Do you have a name?” Annie waited and nodded toward the horse. “I will call you Puppet.” She continued to stroke the horse’s nose. “Now, Puppet. Do you have a family? I don’t see anyone else around. You poor soul, out here all by your lonesome. I don’t have a family either. Well, I suppose I do but they won’t exactly miss me.” Annie looked around again in search of this horse’s owner. There was nothing but desert for miles. “Say, why don’t you come with me? I don’t exactly know where I am headed to yet but I sure am excited to find out. I certainly could use your company.”

  The horse whinnied as though to answer Annie’s question. She squealed and threw herself onto his back. A few hours later as the sun began to reveal its face, a small town appeared in the distance.

  “Oh, Puppet! This might be our new home.” They approached the town just as the townsfolk began stirring in the streets. It was still quite early
but people were making their way out to work and the children poured into the streets on their way to school. Annie always loved children. Her mama always said it was because she was still a child herself. Annie didn’t like it when she said that.

  “Well hello. Good morning. Pleasure to see you. Hello. Good day!” Annie greeted everyone she passed in the street. Most politely smiled back at her. The rest looked at her with puzzled expressions. Who was this chatty stranger?

  Annie lead Puppet to the nearest tavern. A large wooden sign hung over the door that read Wilty’s Tavern and Inn. “Well doesn’t this look like the perfect place to rest?” She stroked the length of Puppet’s neck. When she dismounted Puppet, she tied his lead tightly around the fence next door. She ensured her belongings were safe in the cart and pulled a blanket over them to hide them from wandering eyes. Not that she had brought much with her but it was everything she had left.

  The tavern door creaked open and Annie skipped her way inside. Other than a few drunken locals who had clearly been there since last night, the tavern was entirely vacant. Annie marched her way up to the bar and threw herself onto a stool beside a burly looking man. He was hunkered over the counter with a half empty pint in his hand. His eyes were narrow likely due to the alcohol. He couldn’t keep them open. His face was scruffy and hair a mess. His clothes appeared as though they hadn’t been washed in months.

  “Well hello there!” Annie piped. “My name is Annie.” She enthusiastically jolted her arm in his direction with her hand outstretched. He didn’t budge. “You know, Annie as in Oakley!”

  “You’re Annie Oakley?” He grunted in a harsh raspy voice.


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