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Mr. Right: The Complete Fake Engagement Series

Page 26

by Lilian Monroe

  But unlike Elijah, Jesse also has a heart of gold. He’s kind.

  I chose the wrong one, and a part of me feels like it’s too late.

  “Farrah,” he growls.


  “I know what you’re thinking. I know that this seems like a bad idea, but I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you.”

  “I don’t want to cause trouble.”

  “I know.”

  “And I don’t…” I sigh. “I don’t want to be that girl. Imagine what they would say about me if I slept with you! God, how many people saw us kiss!”

  His hands wrap around me again and I sigh into the comfort of his embrace. He rests his forehead against mine and we sway side to side.

  “Forget about all that,” he says. “I’m not my brother. Fuck everyone else. Come home with me.”

  My heart skips a beat. I gulp. His eyes blaze through me as the heat of his body makes my heart race. Finally, a grin lifts the corner of my mouth.

  “Fuck it,” I say. “What’s the worst that can happen?”

  Jesse’s face breaks into a smile. He tilts my head up and kisses me tenderly. It’s slower and deeper than our first kiss. When he pulls away, he slides his hand to my lower back and then leads me out of the club. I look over my shoulder to see Rachael’s jaw drop, and I just shrug.

  Like I said, what’s the worst that can happen?



  When I walk out of Alibi with Farrah at my side, I don’t care about anything. Not what my teammates think, not what her friends think, not even what my brother and my family would think.

  All that matters is her body next to mine. We slide into the back of a cab and I give him my address in Brookline. He looks at me in the backseat and a flash of recognition crosses his eye, but he says nothing.

  Farrah takes a deep breath as we start driving and glances over at me.

  “So,” she says. “Jesse Matthews.”

  “Farrah… what’s your last name?”

  She laughs. “It’s Locklear.”

  I nod. “Very romantic.”

  “Thanks,” she grins. “Although I’m not sure my family qualifies as romantic.”


  Her smile falls ever so slightly, and then she shakes her head. I remember her comments at my parents’ cabin, and I wonder what kind of upbringing she’s had. I slide my hand over her thigh and the beating of my heart speeds up. I squeeze her leg, and she shivers slightly.

  Running my fingers up her thigh, I lean into her. Farrah licks her perfect lips as a blush stains her cheeks, and then her eyes widen.



  “My dog. I can’t… he’s been alone for a while. I should check on him. Can we stop at my hotel before going to your place? I just want to make sure he has enough water. He’ll be fine after that for a few hours.”

  I shrug. “Sure.”

  A smile breaks over Farrah’s face, and she nods. She gives the cab driver her hotel name and settles back in her seat. She turns her head in my direction.

  Her hand covers mine as we kiss. In the relative solitude of the cab, this kiss feels more intimate than the last. I take my time to kiss her, tasting her fully as my other hand runs up her arm and tangles into her dark hair. She moans gently.

  “You’re a better kisser than your brother,” she says with a glint in her eye.

  “Thank you, but please, for the love of God, don’t mention my brother again.”

  Farrah laughs and nods. “Deal.”

  I wonder if the only reason she’s here is to get back at my brother. It would be the ultimate revenge. I want her to be here because she wants to be, but to be honest, even if it was just a revenge fuck, I would still do it. Touching her is driving my body wild in a way that I didn’t even think was possible. She runs her fingers over my biceps and around my shoulders, and sparks ignite everywhere she touches.

  So, maybe this will be the only chance I have with her—to touch her, to see her, to feel her. My only chance to taste her, to watch her orgasm and to kiss every inch of her body.

  And if it is my only chance?

  I’ll make the most of it.

  I kiss her harder. She moans into my mouth and my cock jumps at the sound.

  The cab lurches and we both fall over, with Farrah landing on top of me. She laughs, catching herself on my chest and glancing up at the driver.

  “Did you do that on purpose?”

  He laughs and shakes his head. “No ma’am.”

  “Playing cupid, hey?” I grin, winking at Farrah. She laughs and rights herself, taking a deep breath. I watch her tuck a strand behind her ear and smooth the hair on the back of her head. We stop in front of her hotel and she gives me a quick kiss.

  “I’ll be right back.”

  I watch her jog into the hotel, and take a deep breath. The cab driver looks at me, but says nothing. It only takes a couple minutes for Farrah to reappear. She gives me a huge smile as she slides back in the car.

  “Thanks,” she says. “We can go now. I appreciate you stopping here with me,” she says, smiling at me. “That means a lot to me.” She brushes her fingers through her hair for another second and then takes a deep breath.

  “It’s not a problem. I liked Moose when I met him.”

  Her face breaks into the biggest smile I’ve seen. She stares at my face, shaking her head. “You’re so different from—oh, um, he who shall not be named.”

  We laugh, and then fall quiet and stare at each other.

  “What?” She asks when I hold her gaze.



  “Hey!” I laugh. “Who’s a weirdo?”

  “Staring at me like that.”

  “You don’t want me to stare at you?”

  A grin twitches over her lips. Her shoulder moves up and down in a small shrug. “You probably watch women when they sleep, too.” She starts making faces at me. She opens her eyes wide and drops her tongue out of her mouth, bobbing her head up and down and staring at me like a lunatic until I laugh.

  “It’s only because you’re beautiful. Even when you make faces like that.”

  She stops making the face, glancing at my eyes. When she sees I’m serious, she bites her lip and looks down at her hands.

  “Smooth talker,” she grins, looking at me quickly before staring out the window. I reach over and take her hand, interlacing her fingers in mine. She settles in beside me. I make eye contact with the taxi driver in the rear view mirror, and his eyebrows twitch up ever so slightly as he nods.

  Well, at least the taxi driver approves.

  When we pull up outside my house, Farrah looks at me sideways.

  “Another Matthews family shack, I see. You guys really should upgrade your real-estate game.” She sweeps her arm across the massive gardens and toward the big double doors. “How do you live in such squalor?”

  I grin. “Perks of being an NFL star.”

  “A star! And he’s modest, too.”

  “Well, I did just win the Super Bowl.”

  “There’s no ‘i’ in ‘team’, Jesse.”

  I laugh. “You’re right. We just won the Super Bowl. But there’s no ‘we’ in ‘team’ either, is there?”

  She grins, slipping her hand into mine and pulling me toward the house. “Come on.”

  I don’t need any more urging. I fumble with my keys, pushing the door open and pulling her inside as I wrap my arms around her.

  Kissing her tastes better than I can say. I run my hands down her sides, wrapping them around the small of her back and pulling her close to me. My cock has been hard ever since I saw her across the dance floor, and now it’s almost painful.

  Her hands splay on my chest as she presses herself into me. I feel her fingers working at the buttons of my shirt, undoing them one by one. She pulls her mouth away from mine, kissing the exposed skin of my chest. She inhales, resting her head on my chest.

p; “You smell good,” she sighs.

  “So do you.”

  I run my hands further down to cup her ass as she rolls her hips into me. I can’t wait any longer. I need to have her.

  My hands dip lower, pulling at the fabric of her dress until my palms are cupping her bare bottom. She moans, curling her fingers around my neck as her lips find mine again. I back her up against the wall, caging her head between my arms as I press my body against hers.

  If she makes any more of those sexy moans, I might come in my pants.

  Pulling her leg up against my waist, I grind my hips against hers. I can feel the heat radiating between her legs, with only a thin strip of fabric separating me from her center. She grinds her hips into mine, panting as my hands drift up the sides of her hips. I hold her leg against my body, pressing myself against her.

  “I want you,” she gasps. “I want you right now.”

  I can’t even respond. I just hook my fingers on her panties and rip them down her legs as I drop to my knees. Lifting her leg up on my shoulder, I bury my face between her legs.

  She gasps, tangling her fingers into my hair and rolling her hips into me.

  Fuck she tastes good. I tongue her slit in long strokes before swirling my tongue over her bud. She moans, pulling my hair gently as she pulls my head toward her sopping wet slit. My hands crawl up her thighs, sinking into her flesh as I groan. My cock is straining against my pants and I can hardly breathe, but I don’t want to stop.

  I want to taste her sweet honey on my tongue. I want to hear her scream, right here in my hallway. I want her body to shake and shudder, and her thighs to squeeze around me as the orgasm crashes into her.

  It doesn’t take long. I slip my fingers inside her as my mouth focuses on her bud and I feel her whole body tighten. Another gasp escapes her, and then I feel it.

  Her back arches, her leg presses into my shoulder, and her hands pull my hair. She screams. I groan with her, burying my face between her legs until her convulsions stop and I can hear her breath coming in short, staggered gasps.

  Disentangling her fingers from my hair, she pulls me up and crushes her lips against mine. I know she can taste herself on my lips and the thought drives me wild.

  “Come on,” I say, giving her perfect ass a squeeze. “Let’s go upstairs.”



  When Jesse lays me down on his bed, my heart is thumping. The shadow of my orgasm is still sending thrills coursing through my veins. My whole body feels like it’s a tightly coiled spring. If he touches me again, I’ll be hurling back into the abyss.

  I kneel on the bed as Jesse stands beside it and I continue where I left off unbuttoning his shirt. When it’s open, I push it off his strong shoulders and run my fingers over his chest. My fingers brush the white scar on his left side and I bring my lips to it.

  Kissing him gently, my hands drift down to his belt as he starts taking off my dress. He pulls it off over my head and then I push his pants down his legs. He reaches behind me and cups my ass, so I do the same to him. He grins, and I laugh.

  “Football ass,” I grin, giving his big, muscular butt a squeeze. “Best part of the sport.”

  “Is that so?” He laughs, crawling on the bed and pushing me backwards. I grin, falling onto my back and nodding.

  “Uh huh. Why do you think I enjoy watching it so much?” I reach back and give his ass a smack. “All those tight, shiny pants. They keep me coming back game after game.”

  He laughs, nuzzling his face in my neck. He kisses my skin from my ear to my collarbone, gripping my sides with his strong hands.

  When he presses his hips into me, I can feel the heat and hardness of his erection. It’s driving me wild. I don’t remember the last time I was this turned on.

  Maybe it’s the thrilling wrongness of it all. I shouldn’t be here, with him, especially not so soon after my breakup. But then again—why not?! I don’t owe Elijah anything. I don’t owe anyone anything.

  And right now, the only thing I can think about is the burning heat in the pit of my stomach and the desire that’s flooding my body. I’ve already had an orgasm, but I can feel another one building inside me. The way Jesse touches me makes me ache in the best possible way. His hands have a tenderness that burns as he runs his hands over my stomach, my breasts, every inch of skin that he can reach.

  I want to feel him inside me. I want him to fill me up completely, and I want to feel him orgasm just as I did. I want his lips on my body, his hands pressing into me. I want to feel it all.

  He groans against me, reaching behind my back to unhook my bra. He throws it away and kisses my breast as I tangle my hands into his hair. I moan, arching my back. He scrapes his teeth on my nipple and my body quakes.

  This is the sweetest torture.

  When I can’t take it any longer, I claw at his underwear and push it down his legs. He groans, helping me kick it off. He reaches over to the nightstand and pulls out a condom. I watch him roll it over his crown as my mouth waters. His eyes are dark when he looks at me, letting his gaze roam from my legs all the way up to my face. There’s a darkness in his face that I haven’t seen before, and it makes the fire in me burn hotter.

  He’s holding his cock in his hand, kneeling between my legs as we look at each other.

  The air is thick and everything is still for a moment except for the rising and falling of our chests. I shift my hips toward him, and he lets out a groan.

  His hand drifts up my thigh until his thumb brushes against my slit. I shiver, closing my eyes at the sweetness of his touch.

  “Your pussy is beautiful,” he growls. I open my eyes and watch him. I spread my legs wider and he licks his lips. It’s the most erotic thing I’ve ever seen.

  He runs his fingers up and down my slit again and I lean back into the pillows. Then, I feel the head of his cock against my opening. I spread my legs for him, my mouth falling open as he pushes inside me.

  The pleasure explodes through me as he enters. I arch my back and roll my hips into him as he pushes against me. We’re completely in sync. I lift my hands up to his stomach, digging my fingernails into his abdominal muscles as I gasp.

  He finally stops moving when his cock is buried all the way inside me. I take a deep breath, wrapping my legs around him and pulling him deeper into me. He groans, and then the tension crackles, and finally it explodes.

  We claw at each other. I pull him down to kiss me as he slams himself inside me. I gasp with every thrust, moaning louder and louder as I ride the waves of pleasure that course through my veins. My fingernails leave deep, red marks on his skin. His teeth sink into my shoulder as he grunts, thrusting harder inside me.

  “Farrah,” he gasps.

  I tangle my fingers into his hair, squeezing my legs around his waist and arching my back.

  I explode. He crushes his lips against mine as I come. He urges me on, groaning and saying things I can’t hear over the roar of my own heartbeat. His hands leave trails of fire on my body as every muscle contracts around him.

  I feel like a rag doll. My orgasm has ruined me, and all I can do is hold on to his powerful body as he drives his cock into me again. Pleasure crashes through me in waves. When he comes, I gasp. I tighten my legs around his waist and smile as I feel his orgasm rip through his body, just as mine did through me.

  Some time later, with our arms and legs tangled together, I run my fingers over and back across his chest. He groans contentedly. His eyelids flutter open and he puts his palm over my hand.

  “You never told me how you got this scar.”

  His face tightens, and he brings my fingers up to his lips. “It was an accident. We were dumb kids.”

  He smiles at me, placing my hand back on his chest. There’s a sadness in his eyes. I snuggle closer to him and inhale the scent of his skin.

  I never thought I could be so comfortable with another man. I’d gotten used to the idea of marrying Elijah that I hadn’t considered the possibility of finding someo
ne else who could make me feel this good. I know I shouldn’t compare them, but I can’t help myself. Where Elijah made me feel like I was smaller, weaker, dumber, Jesse is the opposite. He’s tender and light, and he seems surprised and delighted when I make a joke. He builds me up and makes me feel better.

  He makes me feel worthy.

  I feel like myself when I’m around him, and I wonder who I’ve been pretending to be while I was with Elijah. Jesse wraps his arms around me as if he can feel the thoughts swirling in my head.

  “I’m glad you’re here,” he says, kissing the top of my head.

  “Me too,” I respond. And it’s the truth.



  There’s a moment of awkwardness in the morning. Farrah wakes up with a start, jumping up in bed. She whips around to look at me, letting out a sigh and putting her hand to her heart.

  “Hey,” she says.

  “Hey. Everything alright?”

  “Just forgot where I was for a second. It’s been happening a lot since… since I left New York.”

  I nod. I appreciate the fact that she doesn’t want to mention my brother, but I can see the tension in her shoulders and the way she closes her eyes for a long moment.

  So, I do what any self-respecting man who just slept with his brother’s ex-fiancée would do. I kick off the blankets and spread my legs.

  “Be honest,” I say when I see her eyebrows lift up. “Me, or Elijah. Who’s bigger?”

  “Oh my God!” She laughs, glancing at me and turning away. She shakes her head. “I am not answering that.”

  “Why not? Should be an easy comparison.” I bounce my hips up and down until Farrah throws a pillow at my midsection in an attempt to cover me up.

  “That’s so inappropriate.” She’s laughing, though, biting her lip and staring at me with a gleam in her eyes.


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