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Winters Family Psi Chronicles 1: Transformation

Page 15

by John O'Riley

  “Interesting,” Skylar murmured.

  “They’re definitely a very small company,” Jeremy said.

  They stepped inside the building and found themselves standing in a small lobby area with half a dozen plastic red chairs lining either side of the room. A musty smell permeated the area and the front counter was comprised of old, orange Formica. A young blond in her early twenties was seated behind it. A brass name plate on the counter identified her as Molly with the title of consultant. She beamed at them as they approached.

  “Welcome to Psychic Parallels. My name is Molly.”

  “Hi, I’m Jeremy and this is Lynette and Skylar. I’m vice-president of operations from Phoenix Enterprises and these are my associates. We’re skilled professionals in the field of psychic research and consultation and thought the owner or manager might be interested in speaking with us,” Jeremy said.

  Molly stared off into space for several seconds then her gaze shifted back to meet Jeremy’s. “Yes, the owner would like to speak with you. It will be just a moment. Please, have a seat.”

  Jeremy, Skylar, and Lynette seated themselves and waited patiently. Lynette’s right hand rested on the side of the chair and her eyes took on a faraway look as she read any psychic imprints. Jeremy wondered what information she would discover. It didn’t take long for a short, dark-haired man in his early thirties to arrive. He had a tan, a neatly-trimmed beard and wore a black polo shirt and jeans with flip flops. He radiated a strong psychic energy that made Jeremy a little uncomfortable.

  “Hi, I’m Craig, one of the owners of Psychic Parallels.” He shook each of their hands. “Please, follow me. We can talk in my office.”

  His office was tiny with outdated, shaggy brown carpeting and freshly painted white walls. A small desk with what looked like several family pictures was situated in the corner of the room and three large filing cabinets on the other side of the room. Three chairs faced the desk and a couple of tasteful paintings hung on opposite sides of the room.

  “It’s good to meet you. I hadn’t realized there were other companies besides Psi-Tech like us,” Craig said when they had all taken their seats.

  “Yes, there are several new companies,” Jeremy said. “Phoenix Enterprises started up a little over a week ago. Julie and I are the owners and we started out with a loose network after discovering that telepaths can link and increase their psychic abilities. We then formed a company to help other telepaths and multipaths.”

  “Interesting. That’s the same terminology that I’m familiar with. We have eleven multipaths in our network. Our company itself has eight employees and a little less than a hundred members altogether in our network. My sister and I are both multipaths. Our main objective is to eventually create a cooperative network with all telepaths and multipaths in the world. Of course, it will take a long time to succeed but the more companies who are working on the same goal, the faster we will achieve it.”

  Jeremy hadn’t considered joining the psychic network at Psychic Parallels but doing so would greatly increase their network. It would be prudent to discover more information before jumping in though.

  “I’m curious as to how you formed a company so quickly,” Jeremy said with a polite smile.

  “I wish I could claim all the credit but I had a lot of help. You see, there were psychics before the big day that transformed the world. Psi-Tech already existed and there was a smattering of psychics scattered everywhere. My sister, Stacy, and I are fraternal twins. We already shared a telepathic link although it took a lot of concentration to communicate with each other before the electric storms. There was someone who could see the future that corresponded with us for about one year before that. The letters provided us with ways to make money by accurately forecasting specific events. We were advised that our business would save many lives because the electrical storms would be a catalyst for the activation of extremely powerful psychic abilities in some individuals that would quickly lead to their death. By linking with other telepaths, these individuals could be saved.

  “We were given a list with thirty people who would die from such abilities. Four of those were given correspondence by presumably the same anonymous person that wrote to us. These individuals were given letters that accurately predicted events for them in order to gain their trust and later were warned they would die as a result of the electrical storms unless they linked with other telepaths. A week before the storms happened, we were all given contact information about each other and agreed to meet and link right after the storm if we developed the symptoms that were described to us. Everything that the letters predicted for the storm came to pass and we linked that very day, forming the beginning of our psychic network.” Craig smiled cheerfully at them. “Tell me how you started up.”

  “Well, my sister was a precognitive before the storms. She was able to foresee events in the distant future that would take place after the storm. She learned a lot of information and learned a great deal about Psi-Tech which has a lot of corruption. We wanted to offer an alternative to Psi-Tech as we didn’t like what would occur in the future,” Jeremy said.

  “Yes, we see something dark about Psi-Tech as well. However, it is a company that originated by government funding and therefore some corruption is to be expected. Over time, when all telepaths and multipaths have joined together, we will evolve morally and Psi-Tech will become a positive influence in the world.”

  Jeremy, Skylar, and Lynette were flabbergasted to hear this prediction made and wondered if the precognitives working at Psychic Parallels really saw this happening or if it was just a theory.

  “I’m afraid the precognitives we have don’t share your vision of Psi-Tech. It seems to be growing darker and more ominous as though with greater ability, they become more corrupt,” Jeremy said slowly.

  “For now, that is what is happening but you have to realize that the more our psychic network grows, the more the future alters. The one who made this company possible was able to accurately predict all events that he or she forecasted and had a vision of Psi-Tech becoming a positive influence on the world in about twenty years. Even though the precognitives see troubling things in regards to Psi-Tech, we have been assured that the future is even now changing but we just aren’t as strong as the anonymous individual,” Craig said.

  “My sister has always been a very strong precognitive and she never saw Psi-Tech losing its darker side,” Jeremy argued.

  “I’m afraid we’re just going to have to agree to disagree on that point. I usually charge an affordable fee for membership to our psychic network but since you already have an established network, I’m willing to link with you at no charge,” Craig offered.

  “Are you intending to join Psi-Tech’s network?” Jeremy asked as a chill of foreboding gripped him.

  “Yes, my sister is visiting with them as we speak. We made an appointment and should be linked at any moment.”

  Jeremy couldn’t allow Phoenix Enterprises to become linked with Psi-Tech but he didn’t want to lose out on further information that might result from continuing a discussion with Craig. He struggled to think of something political to say that wouldn’t commit to anything.

  “That sounds like an intriguing proposal. I’ll need to consult with my business partner before we go ahead and link,” Jeremy said smoothly. “I’d like to know more about the individual that helped your company. It sounds like this person never revealed himself?”

  “No but we have several psychometrists that tried to read the psychic imprint on the letters and are sure it’s a woman. Unfortunately, there isn’t a strong enough impression to read anything else.”

  “Lynette is a very powerful psychometrist. Would you mind letting her try to read the letters?” Jeremy asked.

  “Sure.” Craig rose from his desk and crossed the room to one of the filing cabinets. He opened the second drawer from the top and pulled out a large folder containing a multitude of letters. “We kept all the letters and placed them in one fold
er. This is what she wrote to all five of us.”

  “Thanks.” Jeremy accepted the folder and handed it to Lynette.

  She rested the pile of letters on her lap and placed both hands flat on the top. They all wore expectant looks on their faces as they waited for her analysis.

  “She’s definitely a woman. I’m seeing a bunch of people around her and yet she spends a lot of time alone looking out the window,” Lynette said slowly with her eyes squeezed shut. She hesitated as she processed more images and impressions. “I sense a powerful mind but it’s separate from the one who writes these letters. It’s as if the body and the mind is separate somehow. I’m not quite sure I’m interpreting this correct. Give me a moment.”

  Jeremy and Skylar exchanged surprised looks as they mulled over what Lynette had just learned. Jeremy couldn’t make sense of it but at the same time, was trying to keep his mind clear so he wouldn’t miss anything when Lynette spoke again.

  “Yes, there is a definite disparity between the body and mind. It’s such a powerful mind and it almost feels like it doesn’t belong. I’m afraid I can’t explain anymore.” Lynette sighed and opened her eyes. “I’m sorry.”

  “You did terrific!” Craig exclaimed. “No one has received that much information from those letters before and believe me, we’ve tried.”

  “Thanks,” Lynette said gratefully.

  “You’re a world-class psychometrist. The best I’ve seen although I haven’t seen too many,” Craig said.

  “Can I see one of those letters?” Jeremy inquired.


  Jeremy pulled out one of the sheets of paper and read over the letter silently. At the bottom where the signature should be was an infinity symbol with a backwards R attached.

  “She signs in an interesting way,” Jeremy said.

  “Yes, it’s fascinating. She’s a wonderful person. I’m sure we’ll meet her some day,” Craig said.

  “Why didn’t she come here and introduce herself?” Jeremy asked.

  “She said it’s too complicated to explain but that she would be here some day,” Craig said.

  “Doesn’t that make you uneasy that she’s so secretive about her identity after all this time?” Lynette asked.

  “Not at all. She’s been a great support for about a year now. I trust her and know she has our best interests at heart,” Craig said passionately.

  “I don’t exactly sense a benevolent mind from these letters,” Lynette said.

  “She’s extremely powerful so you’re probably misinterpreting some of what you’re perceiving. You don’t have the experience of working with her like I do so you don’t know how kindhearted she is.”

  “But you haven’t worked with her at all. You haven’t even met her,” Jeremy pointed out.

  Craig’s smile dropped and his eyes took on a guarded quality. “Be careful what you say. Everyone thinks very highly of her even if we haven’t met. She’s done a lot of good for this community and none of us would appreciate people smearing her name and reputation.”

  “I’m sorry if I might have given you that impression,” Jeremy said smoothly. “We’re just cautious because of our negative experience with Psi-Tech. It’s hard to trust anonymous people we haven’t even met but obviously you’ve developed a good rapport with her.”

  “I understand.” Craig seemed to relax and his smile returned. “Was there anything else you wanted to know? When do you think we could hear back from you about merging our psychic networks?”

  “Julie tends to make her decisions very quickly. We’ll get back to you very soon,” Jeremy said.

  “That’s good news. Do you have a business card?” Craig asked.

  “Yes, I do.” Jeremy handed him one.


  Jeremy, Skylar, and Lynette wrapped up their conversation with Craig and left. As soon as Jeremy drove away from the building, Lynette pulled out a small notepad and jotted down some information.

  “What do you have?” Jeremy asked.

  “I didn’t tell you everything. I figured we could keep this information within our company,” Lynette explained. “I picked up a name where the person is staying. I saw an image of what she looked like and I would recognize her.”

  “That’s great! What’s the name of the place?” Jeremy asked.

  “Evergreen Terrace Center. I think it’s a psychiatric institution.”

  “We’ll have to see if we can find it online,” Skylar said. “We can stop by the library while we’re here and use the public computers.”

  “They’re making a big mistake by joining Psi-Tech,” Jeremy said fervently. “I wish there was some way I could make them understand that.”

  “Whoever this woman is, she’s manipulating events in a big way,” Lynette said. “That’s something I picked up as well.”

  “What else did you find out?” Jeremy asked.

  “That’s about it,” Lynette said. “I’d like to know what you and some of the others at Phoenix Enterprises are hiding.”

  “What do you mean?” Jeremy said slowly.

  “Come on, I’m a telepath. Any telepath working with others will sense when they’re hiding something. You guys definitely know more about Psi-Tech than you’re letting on.”

  “We keep some things to ourselves because what we know is difficult to believe and very disturbing,” Jeremy said.

  “Just tell me!” Lynette exclaimed.

  “All right.” Jeremy gathered his thoughts and tried to come up with the best way of explaining what he knew. “Psi-Tech has certain executives at the top who’ve been exploiting psychics before the storm. They abducted some powerful psychics including my sister, Emily. She was a prisoner for them for years. Precognitives made Psi-Tech a lot of money.”

  “Why didn’t they just recruit the precognitives?” Lynette said.

  “Some psychics they did recruit but the really powerful ones were kept prisoners. I think it’s because they didn’t want to take the chance that they’d say no plus the more civilians they hired, the greater the chance the company would be exposed.”

  “I suppose that makes a kind of sense,” Lynette said.

  “But it’s hard to believe unless you witness it firsthand which is why Julie wants us to keep it to ourselves,” Jeremy said.

  “I believe you,” Lynette said. “And there’s something else you’re not telling me. It’s a really big secret. Tell me.”

  “Okay but you have to promise to keep an open mind and to keep this to yourself and others in our core group,” Jeremy said.

  “I promise.”

  Jeremy told her about Psi-Tech’s old agenda of killing telepaths. Horror warred with disbelief but Lynette kept her thoughts to herself. She finally shook her head sadly.

  “If that’s true, no wonder you’re so careful,” Lynette said softly.

  Jeremy stopped at a convenience station to pick up a map that had libraries listed on it. They went to the closest one and Skylar did a search on the internet for Evergreen Terrace Center. He quickly determined that this was a mental institution in Tukwila, Washington.

  “I had assumed it would be somewhere around here in California. I’m surprised,” Lynette said.

  “I wonder what’s going on there,” Skylar said.

  Chapter 17

  Rose lay in bed sleeping early in the morning. Sunlight filtered through a crack in the blinds of the window. An unnatural chill dominated the room and mist was clearly visible flowing from her lips as she breathed. She abruptly awakened to reveal black eyes. For the first time in her life, Rose was fully cognizant of her surroundings. A euphoric smile curved her lips as she slowly sat up. Her frizzy, brown hair was messy from sleep and she tentatively ran a hand through it, savoring the new sensation. She rose to her feet and gazed around the room. Information flooded through her senses and a connection to a powerful energy that few could detect or tap into streamed in her consciousness. She intuitively knew that becoming part of a vast psychic network had heal
ed her and anchored her mind and body.

  The beauty of the mysterious connection that was part of her unique gift was breathtaking as it manifested as a kaleidoscope of colors beyond the subatomic level, winking joyously at her from every location in the room. Rose wasn’t sure how long she stared at the splendor surrounding her but her attention abruptly focused on Ken as he opened the door and stood in the threshold gaping at her.

  “Rose? You’re awake?” he gaped at her with astonishment.

  “Yes, I am.” She smiled widely at him.

  He shivered as the cold air from the room rushed over him and escaped out into the hallway. His brown eyes blinked at her and a grin transformed his face.

  “This is great!” He laughed joyously and continued to do so.

  Rose crossed the room and gave him a hug which he returned. They both laughed joyously and were so caught up in the moment they didn’t notice the others nearby who were shut in their rooms had joined in the laughter. Another orderly named Leo shuffled down the hallway with a smile on his face. He was middle-aged with severe crow’s feet marring his face and hunched shoulders. He peered at Rose and Ken with piercing green eyes.


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