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Rocky Trail

Page 2

by Waggoner, Robert C.

  Inside they were greeted with a smile and warm welcome. The woman appeared to be all alone. David asked if there was anyone who could tell them about the agreement between the tribe and the power company. While asking this question, he showed Wanda Bright Flower his police ID.

  Wanda said, “We have what we call the moccasin telegraph. All of us are aware of who you are and what you request. The guy you want to talk to is in the back office. If you follow me I’ll take you to him. And by the way, thanks for whatever help you can give to old Eddie Two Shoes. He’s the pillar of our tribe.”

  Tommy Sharp Eye was the man with the answers. After the introductions and weather talk, they got down to business. Native Americans need or require a break- in period before discussing business. The upshot was the wind company flashed green and the tribal counsel jumped on it. As far as Eddie was concerned, his property, showing clearly on the map, resided on the edge of the National Forest a perfect placement for wind mills. He said, “That parcel of land has been in Eddie’s family since the beginning. His grand daughter pays the taxes regularly and even though he is very old, he can still drive fairly well. Most of the time he stays home. His grand daughter delivering groceries and such things. Once in awhile, like the other night, he goes out to perform a ceremony when asked.”

  “The state police are investigating the assault, but no one is talking. People are afraid to speak out. There’s no doubt someone could ID the perps, but so far nothing. I guess we are all thinking maybe you two could help us out, but then we know it’s none of your business.”

  Janice said, "Tommy, if I may call you by that name, is this silence typical of your Indian custom?"

  "Well, yes and no. One the one hand being a busy body is part and parcel of an Indian. On the other hand, if it doesn't directly affect them, then never mind cause it isn't my business they would say. In Eddie's situation, all feel for him, but at the end of the day, it's just that: The end of the day. I hope that helps explain how it goes with most of us."

  "I think I've got it Tommy. Us white folks don't much like a bully. In this case, a large company is bullying a small operator. Its one thing to legally do business, but using a club to literally break a bone, is another thing to achieve an end to things. That's unacceptable in my world. Now we can sit here and do nothing, or we help in any way we can."

  David's mind was running at warp speed. He decided to give Dr. A. Jones a call. If nothing else ask Dr. Jones run a check on the wind company. After that, well, let it develop. He said, "Is there any more you can tell us about the wind company? Such as, have they fulfilled all of their promises? Are there any more of the 'twist the arm' kind of things you're aware of?"

  "In the beginning the wind company sent very smooth taking company officials. They headquartered in Kalispell. Hired a helicopter and flew all over our tribal lands making lots of noise. The tribal council was overwhelmed with the idea of a big cash injection. Also the idea of providing jobs to our unemployed workers was music to our ears. Our lawyers found nothing out of the ordinary so we signed on the dotted line, as you white folks are so fond of saying. It wasn't till later when most of the jobs went to outside contractors rather than to our people that the nasty smell of double dealing white men raised to our noses."

  "The few jobs that went to our people resulted in hiring our people who had alcohol problems. They were used mostly for security around the construction sites. Then a few of our elders, like Eddie Two Shoes, failed to bend to their wishes, they used those security men to apply some pressure. Eddie was not the only one who didn't want to see those ugly towers standing in our lands. I fear that if the deeper you research the uglier it will get. I'd say be careful if you become involved."

  As Tommy sat back in his chair while his two guests digested what he'd just talked about, Janice saw wishful thinking in his dark brown eyes. In his own way, Tommy was a nice looking man, but not her style. The main object of his face was his nose. From her history books, Janice remembered seeing pictures of Native Americans with very prominent noses. She also remembered they were and are a proud race fully expecting one day to retake and be the stewards of Mother Earth.

  David stood up, reached across the desk to shake Tommy's hand. He said, "Many thanks Tommy. My wife and I need to talk about this and we need to make a phone call to obtain advice from back home. "Meanwhile," with a grin, "we'll spend a little time nosing around."

  Back in their SUV, with the motor running to warm up the inside from the cold wind off Flathead Lake, David took out his cell and speed dialed Dr. Jones in Chicago.

  His companion and long time friend, Alex Doormer answered after ten rings. He joyfully said, "My oh my. We are so happy to hear from you two. Jake and AJ are in the office talking about you two as we speak. Let me go interrupt as I won't tell you I'm baking cowboy cookies in your memory. A quick question David and Janice. Are you guys wearing cowboy boots yet?"

  Janice was leaning in close to overhear what was being said. Both broke up laughing and David told him he had as of yet to bend to the cowboy wind. After that exchange, AJ came on the other end with a warm greeting.

  Dr. Jones was not a man to chat for very long about nothing much of importance. David very quickly came to the point. In a short time he brought AJ up to speed on what had transpired to date. AJ asked for the name of the wind company and to call him back after lunch time.

  Jake waited patiently for AJ to tell him what had transpired between him and Inspector Cockrun. One thing he realized immediately that something was in the wind. He would have never called to just shoot the breeze. Jake was starting to feel a little blood movement so long being dormant from disuse.

  Dr. Jones said, "What if anything do you know of Allied Wind Power Corporation?"

  "Not a damn thing. I'll not ask the stupid question AJ, but why should cover all my questions."

  AJ said, "Here it comes, our first case. I can feel it, taste it and can't wait to see what happens." AJ went on to explain the Eddie Two Shoes incidents and that both David and Janice wanted to do something to help out the old Indian.

  Jake took about one minute to digest, review the potential problems, weigh all factors and said, "Shall we take a run at it AJ?"

  "Let's both of us write down both sides of the intended case. Here, take this legal pad and make a list of ten things while I do the same.

  While they were doing that Alex came in with coffee and still hot cowboy cookies. Alex pulled up a chair and sat waiting. Alex enjoyed his own cooking and looked forward to each day with relish, knowing he could take a bunch of things, mix them together and have it turn out tasting yummy.

  AJ finished his list of ten first and said to Alex, "Here's what we got Alex. Apparently our caretaker has a grandfather who will not give up his land to a windmill power company. He's full blooded Flathead Indian and a medicine man to boot. The wind company signed a long term lease with the tribe to erect a lot of windmills across their reservation. Our caretaker's grandfather's land is in a prime area, but will not sell or lease his land. A day or two ago some thugs stopped him on a state highway, broke his leg with a bat and left him to the elements. He survived and David and Janice were visitors to the victim. Both of our newlyweds would like to help the old Indian. Jurisdiction and many other factors need weighing before we give a go signal or a red light."

  Alex mulled it over and Jake gave the nod he was finished with his list of ten. AJ went first. He said, "Let's assume we are given the go ahead by Virginia. We could, under the guise of US Marshalls investigate legally. Secondly, who and what is this power company Allied Power? Next, if we find them a bit shady and it appears they're indeed that, what do we do about it? After that how do we support our team over a thousand miles away? What resources do they need? Are we in for a prolong fight with Allied? What political sway do they have? Now having brought to light but a few of things on my list, boys, what have you go to contribute?"

  Jake said, "Well put my old friend. First let me make a call and th
en we will proceed from there. But first I need a little caffeine and sugar to stoke the fires of inspiration. He took a bite of cookie, a sip of coffee and let Alex help him up. With one shoulder a little lower than the other, Jake short stepped to the phone in the kitchen.

  While Jake was gone, Alex said, "I remember David talking about a young guy in the police department who was a go getter. We could use him as a runner and have someone on this end receive by phone and computer communication from Montana. And there was the computer tech who was a tall shy person, but savvy as hell. Her name was Carol something I believe. Anyway, if we proceed, someone will probably have to work out of here on a daily basis." Alex let AJ think about what he said as Jake shuffled back into the office.

  Jake sat down heavily. Scrunched around until he was comfortable. They said, "Allied Power is a front for some international group with ties to China. I've started the chain of events moving and by late afternoon, we will know a hell of a lot more. It's just possible gentlemen; we've bitten off more than we can chew."

  "Since when did a little problem like a powerful organization bother you Jake. You always bragged that the bigger they are the harder they fall. If the bastards are hurting people physically and to a degree, mentally, then we need to poke a stick in their spokes."

  "I feel," Alex said, "like the Three Musketeers taking on Henry, the whatever number, King of France. Let me remind you friends of mine, what little ole Vietnam did to the reigning power of earth not so many years ago. We tried to stop the flow of supplies down the Hanoi Trail without success. Now we could be facing The Rocky Mountain Trail."


  Chapter III

  David and Janice decided to stop off at the tavern where Sue's cousin worked. They'd taken a leisure drive up the western side of Flathead Lake. Coming back down southeast of the lake, they stopped in Sue's town of Liberty. Other than the Market and Café, the most vehicles seen in town were parked at The Wooden Indian Tavern.

  Janice said, "Shit, big fella, are we ready for this?"

  "The Native Americans have a saying, my Pine Queen. They say, 'Take a risk,' so what say we follow good advice?"

  "I've a bad feeling about this white man. We'd best be ready to kick some ass. If those bad guys are hanging out here, the word, most likely, has reached here before we left Tommy."

  As it turned out it was a little early for all but a few of the diehard customers. Sue's cousin had been expecting them. David was beginning to wonder if there were any petite Indian maidens anymore. Delores Bright Dancer was approximately the same size as her cousin Sue Leadfoot. She welcomed them warmly as they took a small table against the wall. David was taking no chances on someone sneaking up on him.

  Delores asked, "What can I get for you?"

  David said, "We aren’t much into drinking, but if you have something for lunch, I'd have a coke." He noticed that Delores had her back to the main portion of the tavern where deep in the back two pool tables were being occupied by some young men.

  "I'll have the same, Delores," said Janice.

  "Believe it or not we do make a good hamburger here. The broiler helps hide the cigarette smoke and other smells of a well used tavern. I'll be right back."

  Janice said, "She's nice. I love it when people smile. More people should smile, don't you think?"

  "I'd love to, but in our business is not conducive to people we deal with having smiling faces. I do a lot of inward smiling my Pine Queen. I'm smiling now thinking of what my tongue could do for dessert."

  Janice smiled and kicked him again as Delores brought two cokes with clean glasses filled with ice. This time she had her back to the door when it opened and three nasty looking guys came in with a swagger. They didn't notice Delores or David and Janice as she mostly blocked the view because of her size. Besides these three guys were headed back to the pool tables knowing full well the bar keep would bring them what they usually drank.

  After they passed by Delores acted very nervous and spoke rapidly telling them Sue would be by in a few minutes to see them. She then hurried back to the kitchen where the smell of onions came drifting over to David's nose.

  Janice had her back to the pool tables. David knew better than to stare so he sipped his coke waiting for the burger to arrive. He saw Delores take back two pitchers of beer and three mugs to the pool table area. While she was tending to the customers, Sue walked in, sat down breathing hard. Janice thought she'd either run or fast walked from wherever or her old truck broke down making her transportation by foot. She said, still out of breath, "I talked to Tommy and after your lunch we should leave immediately. There are some undesirable men here who by now know who you are."

  David said, I'm on my honeymoon and no man is going to make me do something I don't want to do. I'm here now to enjoy your company and your cousin's nice hospitality."

  Janice was smiling, but happy to know that Sue and Delores were afraid for their well being. Little did they both know that David and Janice could take care of themselves very well?

  Delores came with three not two burgers and fries. Both noticed that the fries were real potatoes not pressed fried like at the Golden Arches. David had been keeping an eye on the pool players noticing that all three of them now had seen him and Janice. The unanswered question was would they take a risk and try to show how tough they were? David thought that they were indeed stupid enough to make a play. Now whether or not the fight would be inside or out really didn't matter to him.

  One of the three plunked some coins in the juke box. Some cowboy song came on. He went back to the table as it was his turn to shoot. David was just finishing up his burger when two of the three came slithering over, both was sporting a shit eating grin. The braver of the two said, to the back of Janice, who had her knee against David's, "Would the nice white lady like to dance?"

  Without turning around Janice said, "No thanks, I'm eating right now."

  "Then I take it you will dance with me after you finished eating?"

  David smiled inwardly letting the situation develop. By now the third one had showed up. All three had wooden cue sticks in their hands. Janice said, "Naw, I'm not much good at dancing. Why don't you three guys go back and play pool? However, I doubt that you have ever listened to good advice before in your lives."

  The leader, who was a bit stockier than the other three, but none of looked like they were in any shape to back up their mouths. He said, "Boys, I think the lady just insulted our intelligence. I think I'll take her out back and teach her some manners. Hey white man, you don't look so happy to me." The guys hand had just touched Janice's shoulder when all hell broke loose.

  David stood upseting the table towards the bar, Janice swung an elbow into the leader's gut. David placed a foot into the chest of one of the guys standing to his right knocking him over the empty table behind him. Then Janice, before the other guy could raise his cue stick, did a half turn and landed her foot into the guy's throat. The leader, who was doubled over gasping for breath, felt a blow to the back of his head sending him face first to the floor. David placed his foot on the leader's neck and told Delores to call the police.

  Sue was still sitting in her chair holding her hamburger. The whole event probably took less the thirty seconds. She had her mouth hanging open. Delores was behind the bar with her cell phone out smiling. After she made the call, she took some pictures with her phone.

  Neither Janice nor David was even breathing hard. Janice had taken the three cue sticks and put them out of the way, just in case one of them wanted to give it another go.

  The local police came barging through the door. The two had long black batons in their hands ready to break up a fight. They came to a standstill seeing David and Janice sitting at the bar facing them. The three bad guys were still lying on the floor. The one who took a taekwondo foot to the throat was having trouble breathing. The one who took a kick to the chest was moaning for someone to help him. The leader was still trying to catch his breath lying on the floor, but no
w on his side holding his neck.

  David said, "We want to press charges for attempted assault on Janice Cockrun. I think the witnesses here will verify that we were only acting in self defense officers."

  Delores couldn't help it but she laughed out loud startling the police men. Slowly one of them put away his baton and took out a notebook. His partner tilted his hat back shaking his head in disbelief observing the scene of destruction. The two 'victims' were unmarked and quite calm.

  The only downside was the leader heard Delores laugh. Meanwhile one of the policemen called for an ambulance. After that, the afternoon was spent at the police station. At around four David and Janice headed back to their cabin. On the way, Janice talked to Dr. Jones and they agreed to talk more the next day.

  David made a stop in a small town. The store had a variety of goods for sale. He bought a baseball bat, duct tape and various other things. On the way up the mountain road, he said, "You know, Pine Queen, those three guys are coming to visit us tonight."

  "No doubt about it Kemosabe. Have you a plan or are going to wing it?"

  "I'm working on it, but you keep distracting me sticking out your chest to tease me. Let's stop at the store and pick up some snacks for our stakeout. You know the small outbuilding behind the cabin would hold our car. That old blue tarp would cover the front of it. I think they would be here around three am. No smoke from the stove, so no fire. We lock up the place, close all the shutters making it appear we left town. I figure they would park their pickup about a quarter mile down the road and hike in. We wait until we see or hear their vehicle then we drop down to the road, hike to their rig, then we wait for them to return."

  "Meanwhile waiting, we freeze our butts off. Already my nipples are standing up thinking about hanging out till three as ice forms on the foliage."


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