Red Knight: (Red Knight #1)

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Red Knight: (Red Knight #1) Page 24

by L. C White

  “Wow,” he smirks. “You really like to pick things apart don’t you?”

  “It’s kind of a bad habit of mine.”

  “Remind me to never get into a debate with you.”

  “Well, I think if anyone should be lost forever, it should be Selene.” He looks shocked I actually said that. “Maybe you could just go into hiding.”

  He sighs. “Since scripture began, vampires have walked the earth and have killed countless. Having The Order is a democratic must,” he says. “We had to change and adopt new ways, and The Order only trust me to oversee it. It’s politics.”

  God, I hate politics. I push away from the desk, bobbing up and down on the spot. I’m freezing, and my fingers, toes, and nose, have numbed. He notes my shiver and smiles sweetly. He’s only wearing a thin shirt. He should have hyperthermia by now. Perk of being a vampire I suppose.

  “Come on.” He stands up. “Let’s get you warm.”

  I follow him out into the corridor. As he locks up the storage room, the lift door slides open. Oh crap, it’s Laurie in the usual starched attire. Not black this time, but navy blue. I look away. His examination strikes me with instant disgust, causing my feet to move behind Adrien. I’ve always been a good judge of character, and there is something about him I really can’t be near for more than a second.

  “Adrien.” He swaggers arrogantly. “Been giving Miss Lovell a tour have we?”

  Adrien pouts, confused by Laurie’s insolence. “Laurie, what are you doing down here?”

  “The place is filling up, and we seem to be missing our host,” he replies, continually finding the need to pick me out.

  “Well I’m here,” Adrien states. “So you can go and tell them I’m on my way. And just for the record, Elizabeth is our guest tonight. So stop being such an uptight arrogant dick will you.”

  Laurie laughs, a sinister fake one of course, then heads back into the lift.

  I wait for the doors to slide shut before I mention my concerns. Laurie is like Adrien, perhaps he’s one of those energy sucking Vigore. The way he eyeballs me, it’s like he’s reading my mind. I really don’t want to be anywhere near him tonight.

  Adrien takes my arms. He gazes down and fingers my fringe to the side of my forehead. I try not to scowl because I hate my hair positioned that way.

  “I’ve been stuck with that conceited idiot for nearly a century,” he sighs. “He might appear to have something constantly wedged up his ass, but he gets the job done.” I hum, still unable to think of anything positive about him. “Ignore him… tonight I want you to relax. No one will attack you. No one wants to drink your blood,” he reassures. “We do this tonight, I don’t have to hide you away anymore.”

  Chapter 22: The Coven

  The doors open onto the fourth floor. The music is bass booming; a sensory rhythm. There’s people (well I say people because I’m not too sure) passing by me without a second glance. This is good. I must not have any kind of blood pheromones emitting from my skin, that say eat me.

  I casually stroll across to the balcony rail and look down to the dance floor. But I can’t see anything other than some kind of dusky perspex screening, covering up the view of the ground floor below.

  I feel a hand between my shoulder blades. “Shit.” I jolt back.

  Great, now I have drawn the attention of a woman who seems to have taken a shine to me, ogling me over her glass of wine by the doors. She’s with another lady. Both of them seem to loiter in a state of sluggish time. With smooth unhurried movements, and mesmeric eyes that take in my nerves.

  “Elizabeth,” Adrien snaps. “Stop being so jumpy will you. I know everyone in this room.”

  Breathe, just breathe Liz. You’re giving off girl in horror flick vibes. I smile feebly, swallow, and take his arm. I think he’s becoming a little exasperated, waiting for me to book up my ideas. So I’m going to try the best I can to blend in, and be sophisticated.

  We walk by a group of around eight vampires, absorbed in light-hearted discussion. They all seem ordinary, well maybe more classy than I’m used to. I notice the women more. I feel a tad inadequate in comparison. All have great skin and hair, like they’ve just emerged from a beauty salon.

  “Adrien… long-time no see,” says one of the women. “Last time was err,” she pauses. “When you were over here for the construction convention.” She takes and squeezes his hand.

  I’m so not blending in here. Hovering in the background like a lost child, and playing with my fingers is making me stand out a mile.

  “Ah, Maria isn’t it?” Adrien asks in a refined tone. “That was a good night,” he huffs.

  Right, I’m unsure how I should act witnessing her lusty eyes on him. I have this bubbling anger escalating. Irritated by the way she keeps fondling his arm. She’s very stylish; in a whorish way. Long blonde wavy hair, wearing a knee-length skin tight green dress, and matching heels. If I were to compare her to an animal, no scrap that, a reptile, she’d be a snake. She begins to giggle all schoolgirl like, brushing her damn painted fingernails over his chest and bicep.

  “Oh Maria.” Adrien turns to me and frowns, because I’m visibly jealous. “This is Elizabeth. She’s the reason for this gathering.”

  “Oh.” She looks at me with sharp piercing pupils. “Your Red, how very… original.”

  I’m not smiling. What does she mean by original? Because I’m in this room full of high society vampires. Or because she thinks I’m his Red, which I’m not anymore. I glare and Adrien elbows my arm, wanting me to be more gracious.

  “She is no longer a Red,” he explains for my benefit. “She’s with me now.”

  If Maria’s jaw could drop anymore it would be touching the floor. I have to speak. I have to show her she is no match for me. Not in the slightest. I’m learning that vampires have a certain impassive grace about them. So right now, this is the attitude I’m attempting to pull off.

  I smile inclusively for her. “It’s really nice to meet you Maria.” I link up to Adrien.

  “Well,” she grins. “You’re very welcome my love. It’s nice to have a change, and she’s so adorable Adrien.” Wow, that was the most condescending compliment ever.

  “Anyway, it’s been a pleasure seeing you again,” Adrien says. “You and your party are free to drink what you choose. It’s on the house.”

  Maria glowers and takes my hand. I don’t like it; it’s not normal for a woman to do this kind of thing. I tug back, but she effortlessly holds it still.

  “Miss Elizabeth.” Holy shit, she’s just kissed my hand. “It’s been wonderful to meet you.” She releases me.

  Grossed-out by the lesbian encounter, I wipe the lip-gloss from my knuckle onto my hip. Not ever in my whole life have I been kissed by a woman in that way. Okay, it was just my hand. But I don’t care, it was cringe-worthy.

  She turns back to her group as Adrien thankfully guides me away. “I’m sorry. She’s a four hundred year old slut, who’ll go for anything, or one.”

  “Four hundred?” I squeal.

  “Keep your voice down,” he utters. “What did you expect?”

  “Sorry,” I wince. “It’s just all a bit surreal.”

  “Well, you’re going to have to get used to it,” he sighs. “Come, let’s get you a drink.”

  I can hear the music downstairs. The beat vibrates under my feet. It’s fast with more of a party feel to it, and is drowning out the slow dub-step on this floor.

  Adrien goes behind the bar as Jimmy places a tray in front of me, containing a bottle of champers on ice. I peer over my shoulder and try to count how many vampires are in the room. I estimate fifty to sixty. There’s also two security men standing before the doors. There to prevent fresh meat accidently stumbling in.

  I linger, not knowing what to do with myself, or where to look. I don’t want to gawp, but it’s hard not to as I hear Laurie’s droning voice meeting and greeting behind me.

  Please hurry up Adrien. Do not leave me alone with him.

  My heart rate speeds as his voice draws near. I’m determined not to turn. Just be invisible I tell myself. I blow out in relief as Adrien approaches me, but he’s suddenly pulled back by another who wants to give regards. I draw in a preoccupied breath, listening to Laurie say goodbye.

  “Well, Miss Lovell.” Oh crap, he’s made it.

  I order myself not to let him get to me as I turn with an indirect curl of my lips. “Laurie… hello again.”

  “I see Adrien is being dragged away from you.” He places his elbow on the bar and leans right next to me. “It’s a working hazard.” Still nervously smiling, I hum. “It must be difficult for you… having to take all this in.”

  “It’s been enlightening you could say.”

  I place my sweaty palms against the ice-bucket, hoping it will cool my rising temperature. He sniffs and folds his hand around my forearm. My breath quakes as his fingers squeeze and release my skin, again and again.

  “It is very irregular to have a Red in our presence as an equal.”

  He leers to the point I cannot take my eyes from the shelving behind the bar. This conversation is dead to me. How can I be comfortable when he’s touching me like this? He’s giving off vibes that he wants to do horrible things to me, and it’s turning my stomach.

  “But Adrien has always been a revolutionist. Whether that be good or bad, only time will tell.” I force my neck to turn. It feels like he’s warning me. “They say blind love is just that. Can’t see the truth, or what is happening around you… until it is too late that is.”

  My knees bend several times. It’s an anxious twitch that’s feeding his narcissistic dark ego.

  “Adrien… well, he has disregarded that contract now,” I murmur.

  He sniggers with a nod of his head. “Yes he has, but it is a crying shame.” His near black eyes slim. “Because I bet you’d be one very submissive Red indeed.” He lets out a low sinister hum. “I have the feeling you’re going to offer a refreshing change here in our community.”

  Hell. I’m going to run away any minute. He really wants to put me off, and as much as I fight against his creepy intent, it’s not working. I thought tonight I’d be opened up to a different world without being frightened half to death. If only Adrien would just come and save me. Make these stupid fears that I’m doing the wrong thing by being here vanish.

  Laurie glimpses over his shoulder as a rowdy group make their way to the bar. I turn, feeling instant reprieve. I never thought I’d be happy to see Dom and Sara. But my word, they’re my saviours tonight. It says a lot when I actual prefer Sara’s company.

  Dom staggers at my side. I think he’s been out celebrating the New Year all day. His tie is undone, the top three buttons of his light blue shirt are open, and he’s been sprayed with beer stains.

  Sara joins his side, looking quite natural for a change. She hardly has any make-up on, wearing a little black dress, and of all the things I never expected to see her in, patent flats. Laurie glares by me and Dom, right at her. But she doesn’t look. It’s as though she knows not to.

  Dom swings out his arms and twists his drunken torso. “Conner, Ben,” he gestures loudly. “Going to have to grab a table. I’m fucked I tell ya.”

  Conner and Ben make their way over. Both sober. Both clearly minding Dom.

  I’m finding it difficult to relax. All I can think of is that photo of them all as soldiers. Every one of them are here, in the present. Then I go over last night, what I did, how I behaved. I completely omitted what Adrien was, all so we could enjoy each other sexually. Does that make me a dumbass slut for not going away to consider the dangers? Or should I go easy on myself, because I’m hopelessly in love with him?

  “Liz, good to see you again,” Ben says, cuffing Dom around the back of his head. “I take it Laurie here is making you feel welcome as always.”

  Laurie drinks his whisky that laces the melting ice, then thankfully puts more distance between us. He walks to Sara’s back; she still won’t look at him. He bends to her ear, and whispers something that makes her stop breathing for a second, before he leaves. I can’t help but feel sorry for her. Perhaps that’s why she’s the way she is. Cold, spiteful, and slutty. Because she was once involved with that nasty jerk. She glimpses at me and I see the fear in her eyes.

  “Righto Liz… we’re here to save you,” Dom wobbles. “We shall show you that… that you have nothing to fear in this…” He belches loud. “Wonderful world.”

  Connor grabs Dom’s arm. “Buddy, you’ll be showing her nothing but you falling on your fat ass if you carry on.”

  Connor waves at Jimmy and orders a bag, which I’m presuming is blood. I swear if they all start to drink blood in front of me, I’m out of here. Jimmy hands Connor a small box, and mercifully pushes Dom toward the bathroom.

  Ben slides the tray from the bar. “Liz, lets grab a seat… Sara.” He nods his head.

  The weight of this room lifts as I sit in the corner of a booth, overlooking the area. Now I can stay out of the way and observe. Hopefully, without meeting any more ominous characters.

  Ben pops the cork out of the champagne bottle as Adrien appears over his shoulder.

  “My job,” he states as Sara shifts so he can sit down beside me.

  “Sorry boss.” Ben pours into a glass flute. “But your dating skills leave a lot to be desired.” He hands me the glass of bubbly with a smile.

  “Yeah.” Adrien squeezes my thigh. “Laurie wanted to discuss a matter with me; it’s been dealt with now,” he exhales. “Sorry Elizabeth, wasn’t what I had in mind. I forgot when we have these gatherings it always ends up in work.” He takes a glass. “Anyway, happy New Year.” He clinks his glass against mine.

  I take a sip. I’ve told myself not to drink too much. It’s a must that I keep my wits about me tonight.

  Dom and Connor return to the table. Less than ten minutes ago Dom was on the brink of passing out. Now, he’s stone-cold sober and helping himself to the champagne. Connor huffs and with a swipe of his hand, Dom receives another cuff to the back of his head.

  “Idiot, you won’t learn will you,” Connor barks. “That’s your third bag today, and I’m sick of babysitting a drunken little shit.”

  Dom downs the glass and beams. “Hell, tis the holiday season, you know. Be jolly and all that. I feel fucking awesome, see.”

  He stands, and like a bolt of lightning he’s at the bar. Shit, he’s just flashed from here, over there in a blur. Faster than the speed of my sight.

  My mouth opens wide and I can’t breathe without making a droning noise. In anger, Adrien stands, waiting for me to move my legs so he can squeeze through. But I can’t move. How the hell did Dom do that?

  “Fricking idiot,” Ben moans.

  Dom returns in the same astonishing manner, holding a tray of drinks. Sara yanks on his arm, telling him to sit the hell down. He puts the tray on the table and holds out a cocktail as I stare at him in amazement.

  “What have you been told,” Adrien says furiously, sitting back down. “Don’t Flit in here. Do that again and I’ll bar you.”

  I’m still gawping, and Dom is still holding the glass out to me.

  “Sorry, feeling all energised after that bag,” Dom explains. “It just happens… I can’t control it.”

  Adrien looks at my stunned expression. He takes the glass from Dom and puts it next to my wine flute.

  “Yeah well, you better learn, because you’re not having another bag… do you understand?” Adrien grits.

  “Liz,” Dom chirps. “Apple mojito, thought you’d like one.”

  I move my eyes onto the cocktail. He’s right, I would like one, more than ever now. Maybe it will settle me.

  “Thanks.” I pick up the glass and sip the sweet fizzy flavour. “So,” I squint. “You can all do that?”

  “Yeah,” Adrien admits, relaxing back into the seat. “We don’t.” He eyeballs Dom. “It’s a survival tool, nothing more. We don’t do anything that draws attention.”

/>   Ben hits Dom’s back in a pally way. “This new blood has yet to master the art of self-restraint.”

  “It’s a cool gift, don’t know why we don’t use it more often,” Dom shrugs. “Get things done much faster.”

  “Because,” Adrien’s tone stretches. “We are not stupid Dom. Are you stupid?”

  “No,” Dom sighs.

  “Don’t do it then!”

  Sara stands and leaves the table. She’s not her usual bitchy self. She seems deflated and doesn’t really want to be here. Maybe I should go after her, and try the girly talk thing. I shuffle to the end of the seat.

  Adrien covers my hand. “Leave her be… she’ll be fine,” he says. “She always is.”

  “Will she?” I ask, unconvinced.

  “Ex trouble, and I’ve sorted it,” he says firmly. “Besides, tonight is about you, so drink and question away.”

  Question eh? There are probably a thousand questions I could ask. Each one will struggle to part from my lips with ease.

  I watch Dom knock back a whisky, then I remember he wasn’t in the photo, but seems very close to Adrien. So I inhale, and ready my voice box to discharge.

  “Okay,” I sigh. “Dom.” He flinches because I’ve singled him out. “How did you become… well you know.” The delight on his face at my query creates a grin ear to ear.

  “Anything but that,” Adrien grumbles.

  “No shit. Seriously Adrien,” Dom laughs. “What’s wrong with telling her you’re a fuckin hero?”

  I turn to Adrien. His fingers hug his jaw and his pupils are high. I don’t get it. He said ask, so I did.

  “So let me get this straight. I can only ask anything that you agree to?” I huff at him. “Okay, tell me why you have a problem with me asking that particular question?”

  “Ah-ah, nice come back Liz,” Ben chuckles. “I like this girl.”

  “Touché,” Adrien grins. “I’m going to get a drink.” He kisses my cheek and quickly slopes away.

  His reaction is that of someone whose baby photos are about to be shown to all and sundry. I think it’s really sweet.


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