Red Knight: (Red Knight #1)

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Red Knight: (Red Knight #1) Page 25

by L. C White

  “Ready for this?” Dom asks. “Two years ago, while back at home in Seattle, I was a resident in St Mary’s Hospice,” he explains. “I had AML… if you’re unsure what that is, it’s acute myeloid leukaemia.”

  “I’m really sorry… I…I.”

  He laughs at me. “Don’t get all emotional about it, I’m here aren’t I.” He folds his arms across the table. “I had only hours left,” he sighs. “I was being pumped with all sorts to try and delay the dick in the black cloak coming for me.” He looks over his shoulder. “That’s when I met Adrien. I don’t know whether it was because I was near death, but I knew what he was.”

  I frown. “What was he doing in a Hospice?”

  “Work, you know, looking for new sources,” he says, casually. “It was like a sign.”

  “Jeez Dom, you better stop before I shed a tear,” Ben jokes.

  “Shut up, it’s the truth,” Dom yaps. “Anyhow, I called him over and begged him to save me. To which he replied, hell no my friend, greet death with dignity.”

  “How did you change his mind?”

  “Well, he sat with me for a while, and we got onto the topic of work.” He rotates his glass. “I worked for a pharmaceutical company that doesn’t only research and provide new drugs, but performs blood testing. Then we got onto the topic of family. Well I don’t have one, but won’t go into that.”

  “So, he turned you for his own benefit?” I ask, because that’s how it sounds.

  “No, it wasn’t like that,” he says in a high tone, frustrated because I’m not getting it. “I wasn’t ready to die alone at twenty-two, and eventually he came around to the idea. He told me if he did it, I would have to work for him.”

  “And you agreed?” I frown. “What about your soul?”

  “Hell yes, and I’d do it all over again.” He flings his hands out and slumps his back in the chair. “My soul, well, I look at it as destiny. If I weren’t meant to be this way, then I wouldn’t have been shown the truth,” he says. “Adrien saved me even though he could have been punished for it. He sired me and has looked out for me ever since.”

  “And you’re happy with your choice?” I squint.

  He laughs. “Do I look happy? The world’s not black and white. Good and bad. There’s thousands of variations of all things. Adrien was an angel sent to me that night.”

  “Jeez Dom,” Connor blows out. “You seriously need to stop preaching that devout holy shit. Do not let Adrien hear you calling him an angel. He’ll kill you,” he sniggers.

  Adrien parades back slowly. I can see he’s hoping the storytelling is over. I don’t really understand why he left. Maybe he thought I’d be horrified. But I can see why he did it. No one wants to watch death. And if there’s a way to stop it. I guarantee ninety percent of the human population would take it to save a loved one.

  “Have we finished?” He sits down. “If he’s telling you I’m his hero, it’s bullshit. He’s been kissing my ass ever since that night.” He takes a swig from a bottle of bud.

  “And I will carry on kissing it,” Dom laughs and the others join in.

  I peer sideways and watch him. He’s very modest. I’m learning new things about him every minute, and I have to say, I’m captivated by him. By all of this.

  The conversation has been flowing for over an hour. Dom and I have been cast aside as the old army buddies reminisce. He’s been playing out American football positions for me using beer coasters. I would usually find this sort of topic boring, but his passion on the subject is entertaining me greatly. There was a time I was wary of him. But now I’ve come to realise he’s harmless. He reminds me of Nathan in many ways. His binge drinking for one, and his need to party and lighten everyone’s mood.

  I take a sip of my drink as Ben, Connor, and Dom go and mingle. I’ve been dropping hints over the last ten minutes for them to disappear so I can have some alone time with Adrien. Pursing my lips, sighing out loudly, and looking uninterested. Finally, just as I was about to whisper in Adrien’s ear, they got the message.

  I shuffle up to face him. “So every vampire in this room is in your coven?”

  He nearly chokes on his beer. “If that were the case, I’d have quit years ago,” he says with a sugary grin. “I’m the Executive here, a kind of a political figure everyone loads their crap onto. A coven is a family. Mine, you’ve met them all tonight.”

  Okay, I’m reassured by that. That Maria I’m glad I’ll probably never have to see again. Wish I could say the same for Laurie though.

  “We look out for each other. It’s a tough job, having to split my time between my own business and this,” he says. “I’ve got it to the stage now where both are somewhat intermingled. Downstairs is used for stock and distribution. And up here, well this is my own; nothing to do with the Sange Pentru.”

  An aggressive kerfuffle occurs by the doors, disturbing our conversation. Security are having a great deal of trouble trying to shift someone who shouldn’t be in here. Adrien stands and elevates up on his toes. He looks down at me with a stern face. He doesn’t want me to see. His eyes are ordering me to stay seated. I get up regardless. I’m way too curious to do as I’m told.

  Oh my god, it’s Nathan, and he’s just punched one of the guards in the nose. There’s blood everywhere, and in a room full of vampires. I have to go. I have to get him out of here now. I tussle away from Adrien, but he holds me back.

  “Elizabeth, please let me deal with this. He’s had way too much to drink,” he appeals.

  “He won’t listen to you,” I argue. “I can talk him round.”

  “No.” He squashes my fingers firmly in his. He really doesn’t want me to go over there. “I’ll get someone else he’ll listen to.”

  He calls Sara, who’s been sitting at the bar alone for the last hour. She shakes her head and makes her way across to the fracas. And he was right. One touch, one look, and he’s putty in her hands. She links up to his arm and guides him through the doors.

  Adrien drops down into the seat cleaning his jaw. I remain still with a cautious glance. Nathan is, and will always be my best-friend. Yes, he’s been an asshole about Adrien and I. But still, I can’t avoid him forever. I’m going to have to clear this up, and soon before things get way out of hand.

  “Why wouldn’t you let me go to him?” I stare.

  He smirks. “You can’t see… shit Elizabeth. He’s a mess,” he sighs. “Every time you go near him, you’re throwing fuel onto the fire.”

  “So what you’re saying is, it would be better if I stay away from him?”

  “He’s an immature control freak,” he scorns. “Tell me this. It was okay for him to live and love as he chooses when you were single?” he questions, seriously. “He only wants you because he can’t stand seeing you with someone else.” His irritation grows in each word. “Listen, he will fuck Sara tonight and regret it because of you. But he will do it over and over. He wants the best of both worlds. If he truly loves you, he wouldn’t be so casual with his dick,” he snaps.

  My nostrils flare. I pick up my drink as my body shrinks back into the seat. He is right, and it’s eating me up. All those years thinking him a true friend, when he’s been harbouring a controlling desire. I feel like Adrien has just shot down my entire relationship with Nathan in a few words, and I’ve lost a friend.

  “I’m sorry, Elizabeth.” He weaves his fingers through mine. “I can only say what I see, and each time I see you together, it turns sour.”

  “I know that I’m going to have to set him straight,” I breathe out. “But to cut all ties? Maybe he’ll come round. You know, he’s really a nice guy once you get to know him,” I gulp.

  He doesn’t agree or make a noise. Fact is, he seems discouraged by my need to defend him.

  I rotate to face him, wanting the heavy air to clear. As I ogle his eyes, I draw in my lip, placing my mouth on his. I pull away, tasting him. His eyes tame and forget.

  “Thanks for tonight, but I can think of something I’d rath
er be doing,” I say as his hand grasps, and kneads my thigh under the table.

  He has absolutely no reservations. He discharges up to his feet immediately, leading me through the room.

  Chapter 23: God, not now

  I’ve been back at university for two weeks. The winter blues have effected everyone’s mood, bar mine of course. The snow that most crave to see on Christmas day, has been falling for a week none stop. The city like always has gone into panic mode, and travel is a nightmare. But all the upheaval does not impact me at all. I have managed to get to uni every day. Ploughed through the snow on foot to get to work. And I’ve seen Adrien most nights, and had the most glorious sex. I’m floating around happily on my cloud, and feel like I can achieve anything.

  It’s been a dream, and who’d have thought it, me dating a Vampire. A freakish coupling most would conclude. But I don’t think of him in that way. To me, he’s simply Adrien Knight.

  Cate on the other hand, is having a horrendous time. Last night she received a phone call from her mum. Her dad has been admitted to Richmond Royal Infirmary after suffering a massive heart-attack. I had to call in work for her because she was too distraught to do it herself. Unable to form words through her sobbing.

  Not only is she upset because he’s very sick. But because she’s been slagging him off over the festive period for having an affair. Now she feels guilty for wishing bad karma on him. I have kept my glee under control and been a shoulder for her to cry on. She’s been given a few weeks compassionate leave, and is packing right now to go home to be with her mum.

  I stir a sugar into her coffee as she emerges from her room, holding her purple leopard print suitcase. She’s exhausted and in a constant weepy state. Her face remains makeup free, and her hair is dry, frizzy, and tied back.

  “Cate, drink this.” I hand her the large green mug. “I can drive if you’re not feeling up to it.” Her pupils lower as she takes a sip.

  “I’ll be fine Liz. You have uni to get to, and life goes on.” She places the cup on the surface and checks her phone. “Nathan has offered to take me,” she admits, like she didn’t want to say.

  Well that was a slap in the face. God, I’ve not seen him since he kicked-off at The Mill. I would have drove her, and don’t know why she didn’t ask me. Am I being given the brushoff because of my relationship with Adrien? Walking around in a world of my own, has apparently put distance between us all.

  “Oh,” I sigh.

  I can’t bring it up now can I? That would be selfish of me. She has enough on her plate, without me wanting reassurance that we’re all hunky-dory.

  “You will call me won’t you?” I say. “Let me know you got there safely.” I grab my book bag and pull my cream woolly hat over my ears. “Cate.” I notice her bloodshot eyes brimming with tears. “He will pull through, and you have to be strong,” I choke, trying not to cry in front of her.

  I walk around the worktop and pull her close for a hug. She sniffs on my coat and pulls away, wiping her eyes. She’s always been as tough as old nails. So seeing her this way, is disconcerting.

  “I’ll be fine,” she says weakly.

  I ruefully rub her arm. I don’t want to leave her, but I can’t face seeing Nathan. I’m such a cow, thinking of myself. I should stay regardless of my fear of a stuffy encounter. But I don’t. I’m out in the hallway before I know it. Marching to the stairwell, cursing under my breath.

  It’s lunch, and I’ve decided for the first time this year to leave uni early. I cannot concentrate. Analysing and critiquing my own dissertation on slavery, has been a bore. Two words I can use for my work today, utter garbage.

  Adrien waits outside. His car is well equipped to deal with the icy roads. I descend the steps with careful footing, as the clouds part to give way to the winter sun.

  I open the door as Adrien leans across to the glove box. I sit as he pulls out his shades, then seductively runs his hand over my knee with a dirty beam. All I can offer is a small grin.

  “Now, that wasn’t the reaction I was expecting.” He scrunches his brow. “Bad day?”

  I hum. I can’t please everyone. I should be glad to see him, but I’m still worried about Cate. My frame of mind is gloomy and I can’t lighten up.

  “Can we stop at mine first?” I say quietly. “I need to check on Cate.” I focus ahead.


  I haven’t heard from her all morning. She told me she’d let me know when she got home safely. I have texted, but had no reply. I’ll just nip in and check to see if she’s still home.

  Adrien parks up behind a snow coated Beryl. I unclip my belt and open the door, but Adrien tugs on my jacket to stop me.

  “What’s going on?” He cocks his brow, concerned.

  Just as I’m about to explain Cate’s dreadful circumstances, my phone vibrates in my book bag. I rummage through the bottom, crumpling the Lord Byron worksheets I’ve had in there for six months.

  I have a message from Nathan. I promptly tilt the screen so Adrien can’t see. Jeez, my heart is flapping away. I shouldn’t need to hide this, but I am. Adrien has quite clearly stated his discontent with me communicating with Nathan. I don’t want a huge ding-dong over some text message.

  I open. He’s just letting me know that he’s dropped Cate off at her mum’s house in one piece, and she will call me when she has any news. It’s an icy message, stating facts. No hi, smiley face, or kiss.

  Adrien inclines. His efforts to see are so blatant. I turn off the backlight quickly and pop my phone into my jacket pocket. I’ll reply later. Can’t do it now. Not with his beady eye on me.

  “Elizabeth?” Adrien murmurs, disgruntled.

  “Sorry,” I huff. “Cate’s having some personal problems and I’ve been worried about her,” I explain. “She’s gone home for a while.” He removes his shades. “Look, I could really do with a coffee, do you want to come up?”

  He takes the keys out of the ignition without hesitation, or further probing.


  He sits quietly on the couch as I pour the boiling water to the rim of his mug. The rare occasions when he does drink coffee, he likes it black with no sugar. It’s not the posh stuff he’s partial to, like Rwanda Blue Bourbon. Last week he had me tasting a brew of Civet coffee. I was okay with it, until he explained it comes out of a mongooses pooh shoot. All we have here is supermarket brand gold blend. Which in my opinion, is just as good.

  I puts his cup on the coaster next to mine. He chuckles, picking up the mug. It’s probably the most colourful thing he’s ever drank from. It’s red and white striped with a picture of a bunny printed on the side. I got it last Easter from Cate, with a chocolate egg.

  “So,” he flirts, deciding to leave his coffee. “I recall the occasion I was last here, and we were rudely interrupted.”

  What the hell is wrong with me today? He wants to get it on, and I’m really not in the mood for it. I simper with my hands wrapped around my hot mug. His eyes scald the side of my face, waiting for me to give in. It must be this flat. It has got a bad vibe about it today. I should have told him to carry on driving after I read Nathan’s message.

  “There’s one room I have yet to see,” he continues.

  I put my mug down on the table and stand with determination. I head toward my bedroom door and gesture him to follow. He wants to see; he’s all sexually excited about doing me in my pokey room. I know there is no way out of it. So I shall try and forget this sombre aura around me. After all, life is all about give and take. He gives me everything I desire, so it’s only fair I do the same when he’s got the urge.

  I close my door deliberately slow. He steps nearer to my bed, taking in the stylish defunct design I’ve gone for. The curtains are open and sunlight floods onto my mattress. Quickly, I dash across and draw them, spotting his eyes strain at my teal quilt cover.

  He strolls across to my dressing table and looks down at my cheap trinkets. He picks up a photo of me and Cate that was taken when we were out celebrat
ing my A level results. I take it from him. The last thing that’s going to get me in the frame of mind is thinking about her. I place it down side.

  “Your room, it’s exactly how I imagined it,” he smiles, sliding his fingers up the side of my face.

  “Really?” I breathe.

  “Yes… normal.” He fondles my neck. “Normal is very good.”

  “Kiss me,” I request.

  He arches, and as soon as he touches my lips I excite with an aggressive erotic fuel that needs burning. I move keenly against his mouth, pulling at the cotton of his green sweater. Taking a step back, he yanks it over his head. He heaves in air; his impatience as hurried as mine. His hand slithers and battles to get into my jeans. It’s a squeeze, but he’s made it. He bites my lip while his fingers and palm circle within my panties, causing my hips to dance with his wet digits.


  In a frenzy I hop back. I tug my grey jumper over my head as he rolls my jeans down to my boots. As he works his way up, kissing every inch of breasts, my face, and neck. I writhe at his waistband to free his hard bulge. He seizes me, and we fall down where we stand. Grunting at each other, horny and dazed.

  He kneels up and takes off one boot, so my jeans remain on one leg. Winded, and in need, he enters me effortlessly. He’s there. His thumping erection sliding against my swollen soaked walls.

  I whine out and grab the leg of my dressing table. He fucks hard with his teeth to my neck. He takes his frustration out driving into me, instead of being tempted by my blood. There’s a profound throb. A red hot gushing ache. I need him to go harder, faster. The dressing table rocks as I tighten and move. Items begin to fall and rain around us. Holy crap, my back stings with friction against the carpet, but it’s good. The pain is so good.


  He joins me using my dresser, beating his hand against the drawer. He hits the wooden leg and grips it as he slams into me. But there’s another noise besides the dressing table being trashed. It’s coming from the front door. He slows.

  “Ignore it,” I cry, lifting my hips while scoring my nails into his waist.


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