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My Champion (Bewitched and Bewildered Book 7)

Page 10

by Alanea Alder

  Rex looked down at his hand. "Fist bump. Declan, we can fist bump," he said, looking excited.

  Declan just shook his head. "No, we can't."

  Kari could see the stubborn look on Rex's face. She was willing to bet that Rex would not leave the city until he had gotten his fist bump from Declan.

  "Meryn, we need to talk about this," Aiden began before a light vibrating noise interrupted him. He looked confused for a moment and then pulled out his phone. When he saw the incoming number, he stood and looked around the table. "My apologies, I have to take this. I'll be right back." He walked out of the room.

  Meryn turned in her chair to look at Ryuu who shrugged. Meryn sat back down and began chewing on her thumb.

  "Guilty conscience?" Eva teased.

  Meryn shook her head. "No, that's why I'm confused. I haven't done anything yet."

  "Yet?" Adriel asked.

  Meryn shrugged. "It can't possibly be a bad idea if my future self hasn't traveled back in time to stop me."

  Eva's mouth twitched. "Is that the basis for your decision making?"

  A few seconds later, Aiden stormed into the room, his face like a dark thundercloud. He stopped beside Meryn and looked down at his mate. "How could you!" he roared.

  Even Declan flinched at Aiden's ire. Meryn on the other hand looked undisturbed. Kari had a feeling she had been roared at before.

  Meryn's eyes widened. "What did I do?" she asked.

  "Don't act like you don't know," he seethed.

  She shook her head. "I, no shit, have no idea what you're talking about." Aiden looked at her face and saw her confusion. "Well, if you didn't, who did?"

  "Who did what?" she demanded.

  Aiden took a deep breath and looked at Gavriel. "It seems as though Sascha Baberiov, Gamma's unit leader, was arrested today."

  Bethy gasped, covering her mouth with her hands. Gavriel just stared before he looked at Meryn. "What did you do?" he asked.

  "I am finding the lack of faith in me disturbing," Meryn protested.

  "Why was he arrested?" Bethy finally asked.

  "Things," Aiden said, a flush working it's way up his neck.

  "Things?" Meryn prompted.

  Aiden swallowed, his face becoming redder by the second. "It's personal," he stuttered.

  "Personal?" A wicked grin crossed Meryn's face. "Now I have to know. Either you tell me more, or I will text Colton," she threatened.

  Aiden began rubbing his hands over his face. When he stopped, he stared at the floor. "The local sheriff received a complaint from one of the farmers that a man was seen on his property doing something with one of his animals."

  "Oh my gods," Beth whispered with a horrified expression. Gavriel's face was unreadable.

  "Animal?" Meryn asked. "Did he kill a cow or something and was, like, eating?"

  Aiden shook his head slowly. Kari watched the Unit Commander, wondering if he became any redder, would he pass out.

  "The... the report says..." Aiden paused. "Um something else."

  "Oh for gods' sake, Aiden, just say it!" Meryn ordered.

  "Sascha was arrested as a person of interest in the ongoing investigation regarding indecent liberties taken with livestock. The culprit was seen masturbating on the farmer's pig."

  Kari was afraid to breathe; the silence in the room had become unbearably thick.

  "What?" Meryn whispered.

  "I can see why you thought Meryn was behind this," Gavriel said, his lips twitching violently.

  Aiden looked down at his mate. "Are you sure you didn't have anything to do with this?"

  Meryn held up a hand as she stared, unblinking. "Give me a second; I'm enjoying this." She slowly shook her head "I'm not saying it's not a hella cool idea, but I..." Her eyes grew round. She pulled out her phone, and her small fingers flew over its surface. She looked up, smiled at Aiden, and giggled nervously as she waited for a reply. Seconds later, her phone vibrated, and she looked down. Her eyes widened, and she began to laugh. Soon, she was laughing so hard she could barely breathe. When she almost toppled off one side, Rex reached over and grabbed her, securing her in her seat. Everyone stared at her in shock. She waved her phone around, laughing hysterically.

  "Meryn, what is it?" Bethy asked. Meryn just shook her head. Finally, Ryuu stepped forward and plucked the phone from her hand. He looked down, and a smile crossed his lips. "Young Master Noah evidently is the one that submitted the report on the Sheriff's system," he informed them in a conversational tone.

  Aiden blinked. "Can he do that?" Meryn nodded. "Why would he do that?" he asked. "I thought he was one of your minions."

  Meryn wiped her eyes. "Exactly."

  Aiden collapsed into his seat, looking exhausted. "As usual, I have no idea what you're saying."

  Ryuu cleared his throat. "I believe she is referring to the inference that in the movie Despicable Me, the minions were actually the ones responsible for helping to carry out the nefarious deeds."

  Aiden looked adorably confused. "I thought they were just the little yellow guys in overalls."

  Meryn shook her head. "I told you they were helping me take over the world."

  Aiden ground his teeth together and, with a clenched jaw, asked, "Why would Noah do something like that? Does he understand the implications of one of the unit leaders being pulled into a human law enforcement environment? What would happen if he had to shift?"

  Meryn held up a hand. "He did it in retaliation."

  "Retaliation for what?" Aiden asked.

  "Sascha set up a fireworks display in the center of town."

  "And?" Aiden asked, looking confused. "That sounds festive."

  "All the fireworks were purple," Meryn informed him.

  Kari watched in fascination as Gavriel lost all sense of composure. He leaned back so far in his chair, it tipped backward. Bethy stared down in shock. Adriel was laughing openly, and Declan wheezed at her side, pounding the table.

  "What?" Kari asked. She would have felt like a total outsider, but she noticed that neither Eva, Broderick, Caspian, nor Magnus looked like they knew what was going on.

  Declan caught his breath first. "There's been an ongoing prank war between Sascha and Keelan. They, of course, pulled in their units to assist as the years went on. Alpha Unit warriors would electrocute the members of the Gamma Unit, and the Gamma Unit would find ways to turn the members of the Alpha Unit purple.

  "How could they possibly do that?" Eva asked.

  Meryn turned to her. "Well, one time they put purple dye in the shower head after setting up fireballs in the house. Keelan ended up looking like a plum." She giggled. "Then there was the time that they dropped purple glitter on Keelan during the Midwinter Solstice ball; he complained he had glitter in his unmentionables for days."

  "But why fireworks? Would that not be for everyone?" Kari asked.

  Her question seemed to kill the laughter. It was as if someone had just turned off the faucet, and the joy dried up.

  Meryn looked at Aiden, who shook his head. He turned to Kari. "Members of the units know what has happened to Keelan, but for the most part, his sacrifice and what he has done remains a secret. Let's just say that Sascha's fireworks was a huge display taunting the Alpha Unit."

  "So why did Noah get involved?" Eva asked.

  "Even though no one has officially been assigned as Alpha's sixth man yet, Noah has been living at the Alpha estate. So when Sascha set up the fireworks display, I'm sure he felt like it was his responsibility to react."

  "I see," Kari said.

  "Man, I can't wait to get home to talk to Sascha." Meryn rubbed her hands together in glee.

  "Can you please get him released?" Aiden begged.

  "Fine." Meryn hopped off her chair and looked back at Ryuu. "Can you make me a plate with some pudding and bring into the communications hub? I have to up my game to make my minions proud." Whistling, she walked past Kuruk and left the dining room.

  Aiden sighed. "At least she is feeling better." />
  Magnus shook his head in disbelief. "She is so little."

  Adriel nodded. "She is too little to cause so much trouble."

  Eva met Kari's eyes and winked. Kari felt a sense of camaraderie with her. There was just something about being mated to one of the warriors and keeping them on their toes that seemed to bring people together.

  "Well, I am sure you gentlemen can help keep her in line," Kari said magnanimously. All the men looked at her, their gazes shooting daggers. Beside her, Declan chuckled. "No one can control the menace."

  Everyone was in high spirits for the rest of the dinner except for Aiden, who poked at his food, looking slightly ill. When dinner was over, she thanked Sebastian, and she and Declan walked hand-in-hand to the telecommunications hub to get Avery. Declan told her that her and Avery's things were forwarded to his house when it became general knowledge that they were mates, so if they needed anything to settle in for the night they would have to make a trip to the Unit Level.

  When they opened the door, Avery and the twins were laughing, and Meryn was pointing at the computer screen. Kari caught a glimpse of a wanted poster before Meryn was able to minimize the screen. Meryn looked at her and smiled. Kari shook her head. "Try not to kill your mate; he already looks slightly ill."

  Meryn shrugged. "He'll get over it; he always does," she said an upbeat manner.

  Ryuu chuckled where he was standing off to one side. Kari looked at him, and he nodded. "Denka is correct, he usually does."

  Avery looked at her. "Did you need me?" he asked.

  Kari nodded. "Our things were sent to the Unit Level, to Declan's house. We are about to head there now to grab clothes and some toiletries for tonight, and I was wondering if you would like to come with us."

  He stood, nodding. "Yes, please. I need to get my books too," he said, reaching for his backpack. He turned to his new friends. "Be right back."

  Together, the three of them walked toward the transport tunnel. One in each hand, she held onto Avery and Declan and flew them up to the Unit Level. Stepping away from the entrance, they looked around. To Kari, it looked as if someone had taken a tiny village and put it underground. Off to the left she could see individual stone houses and, to the right, other larger buildings stood.

  Declan tugged her hand "This way," he said, guiding her down the wide street that separated the houses. At the end of the road, a larger house stood. Declan pointed. "That is where Adriel and Eva live. Ours is the one next to it on the right."

  She stopped and stared. "Declan, it looks like a small castle."

  Declan nodded. "There was all the stone to work with when the witches were remodeling for me. A castle was the first thing I could think of when they asked me how I wanted the house styled."

  Avery's eyes were bugged out. "Is that a drawbridge?" he asked.

  Declan nodded. "Ostentatious, I know, but I couldn't have a castle without one.

  Avery looked down. "There's no moat."

  Declan shrugged. "I couldn't get everything."

  "How do you get in?" Avery asked, running to the walkway.

  Declan went to the back of the mailbox and punched in a code. Slowly, the small drawbridge opened and lowered. Kari was feeling as excited as Avery looked. They walked across the bridge and looked around. Just inside the building was the foyer.

  "Is this secure?" Kari asked taking in the design.

  Declan looked at her funny. "Who in the hell would break in?"

  "Good point." Right by the stairs was a stack of suitcases. Kari turned Declan. "Who brought them here?"

  "Probably Grant, he's one of my closest friends after Adriel. He has access to the house, and he knew you'd want your things. He probably just took it upon himself to make sure they got delivered."

  "He is very sweet, quiet, but sweet."

  Declan nodded. "He is very much like Meryn and doesn't do well with others. But he is very loyal. It took me a long time to get to know him after we were assigned to Eta."

  "Why?" she asked.

  "It's hard getting to know someone when they don't talk much."

  "I bet that was not a problem for you," Avery teased.

  Declan grinned. "It's true, I like to talk, and that's what I did. I talked, and kept talking and finally, he started talking back. We been friends ever since."

  Kari and Avery opened their suitcases right there in the foyer and dug through their things to get what they needed. When they both stood with a set of pajamas in one hand and toiletries in the other, Declan nodded. He had just closed the drawbridge behind them when they heard a low growl.

  "Mine!" a voice called. Kari stood back in shock as the large warrior she had seen earlier with the children lifted Avery up and crushed his lips to her brother's. That was when Kari found her breaking point. So much had happened in the past day, and this was something she simply couldn't handle. Screeching, she launched herself at the warrior trying to steal her brother away.

  Declan wrapped his arms around her to keep his mate from attacking Warrick.

  "Put him down!" she screamed.

  "Can I get some help?" Declan yelled out. Up and down the road doors opened, and men began to pour out. Seconds later, another set of hands helped to hold Kari still. Declan nodded his thanks to Goddard.

  "Kari my love, calm down," he said in a gentle voice.

  "Get away from him! Get away from my brother!" she yelled before breaking down into sobs.

  Avery, in Warrick's arms, looked terrified and torn. Kari crying had him stepping away from his newly discovered mate and racing over to his sister.

  "Goddard, can you get her and Avery back down to Level One?" Declan asked.

  Goddard nodded and steered Kari back toward the transport tunnel. Avery scooped up their things and followed his sister closely.

  Declan turned to Warrick who stood there looking stunned. He watched Avery disappear down the tunnel, a look of wonder on his face. "He is mine," he whispered. "I could smell his blood from the bandages on his arm, he is mine."

  "That remains to be seen." Declan crossed his arms over his chest. He looked at the gathered warriors. "Thank you for coming so quickly; I've got it from here." The men nodded and headed back to their homes.

  "Declan, you are standing between me and my mate," Warrick said in a low voice.

  Declan held up a hand. "And your caveman stunt just drove my mate over the edge."

  "But he is mine, Declan," Warrick protested.

  Declan shook his head. "Kari needs her brother. She's been through so much; she can't lose him."

  Warrick looked confused. "Why would she lose him? I am not taking him away."

  "She will no longer be the most important person in his life."

  "But she has you," Warrick pointed out.

  "We've only just met this morning," Declan reminded him.

  Warrick began to pace back and forth. "If I had just been with you on patrol on Level Six this morning, I would have had your back. You would never have gotten hurt, and I could have met my mate."

  "And Kari would've killed you then. She is super protective of Avery. I have no idea how to make this right," Declan ran a hand through his hair in frustration.

  "How do you think I feel?" Warrick entreated. Declan just looked up at him. Warrick exhaled. "Declan, I am not gay."

  "Oh. Oh! Wait, you don't want him?" Declan demanded, feeling angry. There was nothing wrong with his new little brother. "He is absolutely adorable; how could you not want him?"

  "Of course, I want him. I kissed him, did I not?

  "Oh yeah. Well, you have plenty of time to figure all this out. He's not of age yet."

  Warrick groaned and buried his face in his hands. "You are kidding me, right?"

  "Nope, he's only ninety-nine."

  Warrick blushed. "I would not press my claim on him right away."

  Declan cleared his throat. "Do you know how to claim a man?" he asked delicately.

  Warrick scowled at him. "Of course I do. I have fed from me
n before. I have been with men before; I just prefer women."

  Declan rubbed the back of his neck. "Are you sure he is your mate?"

  Warrick gave him a flat look. "Are you sure Kari is your mate?" he asked in response. They stared at each other in silence.

  "Shit," Declan exclaimed.

  "I agree."

  "Okay, I'll go talk to them, but you have got to give them time. They just found out today that they have to move to the city, and Avery is special. You need to take time to get to know who he is."

  Warrick got a goofy look on his face. "Yes, he is special. He is so beautiful." Declan chuckled. Warrick looked at him. "Could you tell him I would like to see him tomorrow? I could bring him lunch," he offered.

  Declan eyed him. "Don't push my mate."

  "And how would you feel if I tried to keep you from Kari?"

  "Good point. All right, I'll talk to Kari and tell her that you're willing to wait to claim Avery, and you're willing to take it slow. You will take it slow, right?" Declan mustered up the best 'fatherly' look he could.

  "I swear to you, Declan, on my honor, I would never do anything to harm Avery," Warrick vowed.

  Declan nodded. "You are a man of honor, and I'll hold you to it your promise."

  "You are very protective of him," Warrick observed.

  Declan rolled his eyes. "He's my little brother now."

  "Thank you for your help. I appreciate it. I know you have a lot on your plate," Warrick said, looking worried.

  Declan waved a hand at him. "You are one of my closest friends, and it looks like we're about to become family; it's the very least I can do."

  At the mention of family, Warrick groaned. "My family is going to shit purple dinosaurs."

  Declan racked his brain but couldn't find a reason why they would be upset. "Why would they care?"

  Warrick's shoulders slumped "My uncle just lost his mate to a wolf shifter, he is in jail, and I am about to come out as not only gay but mated to a shifter as well."

  "Dammit!" Declan exclaimed. "We really didn't need this right now."

  "What is the alternative?" Warrick asked. "Should we have left my poor sweet aunt with a man that treats her like a slave? Should I give up Avery and live the rest of my existence alone?"


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