My Champion (Bewitched and Bewildered Book 7)

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My Champion (Bewitched and Bewildered Book 7) Page 11

by Alanea Alder

  "Of course not; if we had, you wouldn't have a new baby cousin on the way," Declan said smiling.

  Warrick's entire face brightened. "Can you believe it? I cannot wait to help. It has been so long since any babies were born here we are all going to have to take classes on how to care for infants. And to have Avery at my side for these moments, it is almost too much happiness for one person. Now I understand the dreams I have been having."

  Declan swallowed hard remembering the flames from his own dreams, suddenly he was fearful for Avery. "How bad were they?"

  Warrick blinked. "Bad? No, they were wonderful. An amazingly beautiful woman hands me a gift. It is a box wrapped in gold paper. She tells me the gift is rare and precious and that I must care for it always. Then I wake up. I know now that Avery is that gift, one I may not deserve."

  Declan exhaled in relief. "You more than deserve it my friend. Now, if you could do me a favor?"

  "Anything," Warrick replied.

  "I haven't gotten one of those floating stones that the twins made for Meryn. Can you float me down to Level One?"

  Warrick nodded. "Of course. Do not forget to tell my mate about lunch."

  "I won't," Declan promised.

  Now he just needed to figure out what he was going to tell his mate.


  Declan walked down the hall of the living quarters. He hesitated at Avery's door and then knocked. He heard a light voice say, 'Come in'. He stepped into the room. Avery was sitting cross-legged on the bed looking even younger than Declan knew him to be. Declan walked over and sat on the edge of the bed. "How are you doing?" he asked.

  Avery stared down at his hands. "I'm okay, I guess. I am excited, scared, and nervous too," he admitted. When he looked up, Declan could see the weariness in his eyes. "What is he like?" Declan knew Avery was referring to Warrick.

  "Warrick is the biggest softie I know," Declan said.

  Avery's eyes widened. "Really? He's so big." Avery blushed.

  Declan chuckled. "That is all that people see, and I think that makes him sad. Plus, his family are kind of assholes, well except for his aunt."

  "I'd like to see him," Avery admitted, twisting his fingers together.

  "He wants to see you too. Tomorrow in fact."

  "Tomorrow?" Avery asked, looking excited.

  "He's going to bring you lunch. He is really looking forward to it."

  "What about Kari? I've never seen her cry like that." Avery asked looking scared.

  "Don't worry about your sister. I'll talk to her. As soon as she realizes that Warrick will never hurt you, she should calm down."

  "What about you know?" Avery asked, giving him a look. It took Declan a moment to realize that Avery was referring to sex. He stood quickly, clearing his throat. "Well, it's late. You need to get some sleep now." Declan turned to the door and then turned back Avery. "Hey, if Warrick tries 'you know', tell me so I can kick his ass."

  "I thought you said he wouldn't hurt me?"

  Declan gave him a wry look. "Oh, he wouldn't be hurting you, Avery."

  Avery covered his mouth, giggling, then sobered. "Why would you fight your friend? You don't even know me."

  "Because you're my baby brother now, and it will be a cold day in hell before I let someone hurt you."

  Avery looked at him shyly. "Thank you."

  Declan cleared his throat again. "Okay then, good night," he said gruffly stepping into the hallway. He closed the door, leaned against it, and exhaled. When he looked up, his mate was standing next to him. It was evident she had been listening in. He met Kari's eyes, and she simply held out her hand and led them to their bedroom.

  "So I guess were staying in this room together," he said as he shut the door. He'd have to thank the Doc for putting him on observation for the night. Level One's guest quarters were impressive. He turned back to him mate and blinked.

  She was staring at him with tears in her eyes. "He is all I have," she admitted brokenly.

  His heart hurt for her. He pulled her into his arms and held her tight. "Not anymore. You have me and my idiotic brothers now."

  She snorted through her tears, the beginning of a smile on her lips. "If Warrick even breathes on him wrong, I will..."

  He stopped her threat with a kiss. He put both hands on her shoulders and began rubbing her arms. "I will run interference until Avery is of age. Listen, I know Warrick seems intimidating, but he really is the biggest teddy bear I have ever known. I even got him to agree to wait until Avery is one hundred before pressing his claim. He would sooner rip off his own arm and beat himself with it than allow Avery to get even a paper cut. I don't think anyone will be more beloved or spoiled in the city, except for maybe you."

  She wiped her eyes, looking less afraid. She started to say something and yawned.

  "Let's get into bed," Declan suggested.

  Kari nodded and walked over to the large guest bed. Declan realized with disappointment that she'd already changed into a pair of pajamas. They were silky to the touch, but unfortunately, they covered a lot of her skin. Declan simply stripped to his boxers and then climbed into bed behind Kari. He wrapped an arm around her waist, and they yawned at the same time. "I can't believe I'm too tired for sex," Declan admitted.

  She reached back and poked him in the ribs. "You have not been cleared for sex yet," she reminded him.

  Declan nuzzled his nose over his bite marks and noted with satisfaction that she shivered at his touch. "Best day of my life. I almost die, I meet my mate, she gives me an amazing orgasm, learned my family isn't as dysfunctional as I thought, kind of get promoted, get a new baby brother who ends up mated to one of my best friends, and end the day with snuggling."

  She chuckled. "I met my mate with his intestines hanging out, he almost died, I took a new job, found out I have to permanently move away from my beloved condo, met my in-laws, receive an amazing orgasm, realize the city is more disturbing than I thought, lose my baby brother to a huge warrior..."

  "You didn't lose him," Declan said, interrupting her.

  "Whatever," she refuted. He licked her bite mark, and she moaned. "No extracurricular activity," she said.

  "Tomorrow, all bets are off," he promised darkly. He waited for her response and then realized she was already lightly snoring in her sleep.

  She has got to be the most exquisite thing I have ever seen.

  It wasn't long until he too closed his eyes and went to sleep


  The next day, Kari sat in Magnus' office going over his files from the past two decades. Most of them had been organized, and they both decided that anything older could be gone through at a more leisurely rate. The most pertinent information had been catalogued.

  Rex had called Magnus early that morning and advised him that the council members had arrived. They were settled and would be arranging the trial soon.

  "Gods, what a morning," Magnus complained. "As much as I want DuBois to pay for what he has done, I absolutely loathe the idea of having a trial." He sat back in his chair, looking worn out. "Even though I hated the man, it seemed like things were so much easier when DuSang ruled. He would have just pronounced DuBois guilty and dealt with it."

  Kari walked over to where the electric kettle was plugged in at a makeshift coffee bar. She poured the steaming water over a couple of tea bags and started them steeping. "Yes, sometimes it is easier to be a dictator, but not in the long run. I know what you are doing seems thankless and impossible, but you have to know that you are doing the right thing. Your people need to feel like they are being heard, and you are doing a wonderful job of doing what is best for them."

  "It is disheartening to do so much and still find yourself falling short." Magnus closed his eyes.

  Kari carried the teacup over and set it in front of the prince. "Magnus, I have heard you on more than one occasion say that you did not want to rule. Are you okay?" she asked.

  He looked at her and shrugged. "I am tired, Kari. I have been doing
this for hundreds of years, and you are right, it is a thankless task. I am trying to bring these people into the twenty-first century and give them the freedom to do what they wish. And after seven hundred years, I realize that they have been arranging matings behind my back. They do not tell me anything; yet expect me to instinctively do what they want. The weaker ones simply want to be told what to do, and I seem weak if I am not the dictator they want me to be. Sometimes, I wonder if I am doing any good at all."

  Kari went back over to the stack of the more recent files and slammed them on his desk. He looked up at her, startled. "If you ever doubt that you are doing any good, look at that."

  He opened the folder and his breath caught. With trembling hands, he went over each picture. Each file held the snapshot and profile of one of the Wolftown refugee children.

  "Look at the children, Magnus. Those children have a future because of you. I am sorry; it may sound callous, but your seven hundred years of thankless tasks is worth it for those little faces."

  Magnus looked up at her, his eyes bright. "Thank you. Thank you for being my assistant and for being more than a mindless drone. Maybe if I had somebody like you at my side over these long years, it would not have been so bad."

  "That is what a true assistant is for, someone to reach into the blackness and help you shoulder the burden and to remind you that you are doing a good job. I am sorry you have not had the support you needed in previous years, but I am here now and I will do anything I can to help."

  Magnus smiled. "Anything?" he asked.

  "Why?" she asked suspiciously.

  He reached into his desk, pulled out a file folder, and handed it to her. "Leif Grassfield and Travis Hickory are two witches that recently left Noctem Falls to return to Storm Keep for testing; that is how we got Nigel and Neil."

  "What about them?" she asked.

  "I want them back," Magnus answered.

  Kari blinked. "Excuse me?"

  "Storm Keep knew that Nigel and Neil were untrained and were pretty much walking disasters. They may be pranksters and tricksters, but they are good boys. I took them in because I did not want them to be separated. As it turns out, they are actually very powerful, so it was a good decision on my part. The problem is they are just not suited to Noctem Falls. There is way too much politics swirling around here, and they are too young. I want to see if I can get Leif and Travis reassigned to Noctem Falls."

  "What about Nigel and Neil?" she asked, concerned for her new young friends. "They belong here, Magnus. They are happy with Meryn and..."

  Magnus held up a hand. "You do not need to go mama bear on me. I have a soft spot for those boys, and I know Meryn would not give them up either. She has done so much for the city; I would like to keep her happy."

  She grinned. "And you would like to stay off any of America's Most Wanted lists."

  "I have to admit, she does scare me a bit with that laptop of hers."

  Kari looked over the files. "What exactly would you like to do?"

  "I would have you call Storm Keep and make a complaint about the twins recent behavior. But tell them I very magnanimously have decided to offer to train the boys and keep them here. However, due to the current refugee situation, I need more experienced witches. Maybe let it be known that I will not hold it against them for sending the twins."

  Kari took a deep breath "That is an iffy leg you are trying to stand on. It is wobbly and could be knocked out from under you."

  "The suggestion came up during the dinner we recently had with the Bellerose and Géroux families, and I think it is the best chance we have."

  "How badly do you need them?"

  "I needed them here yesterday."

  "Right. Let us see what happens." Kari reached for the phone and dialed the number that would connect her to the training academy the witches ran at Storm Keep. A bright voice answered. "Thank you for calling the Storm Keep training academy, this is Angelica, how can I help you?"

  "Hello Angelica, my name is Kari Delaney. I am the personal assistant to Prince Magnus of Noctem Falls." Kari deliberately paused, waiting for a reaction; it would determine her course of action.

  "Oh my goodness! How can I help you?" Angelica replied tittering nervously.

  "I am hoping you can do something for me. You see, Prince Magnus has brought it to my attention that the two newest recruits from Storm Keep, their names are--one moment..." Kari ruffled papers as if she were looking for the names.

  "Do you mean Nigel and Neil Morninglory?" Angelica asked.

  "Yes, those two. They were not quite... How can I put this delicately? Ready to leave Storm Keep. Now, I am not saying that your trainers knew this, but it really did not leave a very good impression with Prince Magnus."

  "Oh no! Did something happen?" Angelica stuttered.

  Kari eyed Magnus and raised an eyebrow. He nodded, quickly jotted something down, and handed her the legal pad.

  Kari read what he wrote and had a hard time not laughing out loud. "Yes." She cleared her throat. "As it so happens, those two pulled down the pants of the second in command to the Eta Unit, in the middle of a team meeting."

  "Oh my! Oh dear, why would they do such a thing?" Angelica asked, panicking. "Ms. Delaney you have our most profound apologies. Is there anything that we can do to rectify this for Prince Magnus?"

  Kari fought to keep her voice even. The image of the two redheaded imps de-pantsing Declan kept replaying in her mind. "Prince Magnus, as you know, is very busy right now dealing with refugees. He is taking in not only local shifters but also fae and witches to keep them safe. Despite being buried in new responsibilities, he is offering to continue Nigel and Neil's training here in Noctem Falls, so that, when they leave here, they will not only be more advanced in their magic, but they will also have a better understanding of how politics work."

  "He is willing to do that?" Angelica asked, sounding amazed.

  "Yes, but unfortunately every warrior here is busy with the refugees. I think it would be in Storm Keep's best interest to send Leif Grassfield and Travis Hickory back to Noctem Falls where they can resume their positions here as warriors and act as mentors to both Nigel and Neil." When Angelica didn't respond, Kari decided to go in for the kill. "Let us be honest with each other, Angelica. We can keep those two troublemakers very busy here helping with the refugees, and they will get the training and the discipline they need in the process." Angelica was quiet for a moment before speaking.

  "If you could just give me a few minutes, I'm sure I can get this approved, considering all Prince Magnus is offering. Are you able to hold?"

  "Yes, of course." Kari muted the phone when hold music started.

  "They did what?" she asked, laughing out loud.

  Magnus chuckled. "Adriel had a very hard time reporting that one with a straight face. They were right in the middle of introductions when those two pulled down Declan's pants, evidently to see if he had wet himself."

  "Why would he do that?"

  "Evidently from laughing so hard."

  It wasn't a minute later and Angelica came on the line "Ms. Delaney, I'm so sorry, we would love to help, but..."

  Kari un-muted the phone. "But what exactly?" she asked.

  "We don't know where Leif and Travis are. They never reported in for testing."

  Kari looked over at Magnus who shrugged. "If we find them, can we let them know that their assignment has been changed and that they are to report to Noctem Falls?"

  "Yes, of course! We are changing their orders now and will send you an updated copy via fax. But how are you going to find them?" Angelica asked.

  "I have no idea. Thank you for all you have done. I will take it from here."

  "No, thank you, Ms. Delaney. This takes a lot off our plate. If you ever need anything in the future, please let me know."

  "Thank you, Angelica." Kari hung up the phone and then just stared down at the legal pad.

  "What?" Magnus asked.

  "That was too easy. Way too easy. I
wonder what is wrong with Leif and Travis," she mused.

  "There is nothing wrong with them. They are seasoned warriors and wonderful witches that have served faithfully for centuries," Magnus asserted.

  "Exactly. And yet Storm Keep was willing to give them up so easily."

  "I know that they were both very vocal about coming back to Noctem Falls regardless of what their scores were. Maybe the academy just realized that since they were going to come back anyway, might as well send them back now, especially at my behest," Magnus hypothesized.

  "Okay, so how do we find Travis and Leif?"

  "We will start with Leif's Unit Leader, Dimitri Romanov." Magnus pulled out his walkie-talkie. "Tree Beard, come in, over."

  "Yes, sire."

  "Would you happen to know how to reach Leif or Travis? Storm Keep is advising me that they have not arrived there yet."

  "Yes, sire, I can call their cell phones. We all maintain cell phones and numbers given just to unit warriors. They took a slight detour on their way to Storm Keep. They are in Vegas."

  "They have been in Vegas since they left?"

  "Yes, sire. I call and check in on them every couple days to make sure they have not drowned themselves in booze or accidentally married a human."

  "Can you reach out to them to let them know their assignment has been changed? They are now to return to Noctem Falls?"

  "Sire, are you serious? What about Nigel and Neil?" he asked.

  "They are to stay as well. Travis and Leif will act as their new mentors."

  "Hot damn! I mean thank you, Sire!"

  "You are welcome; call our boys home."

  "Yes sir!"

  Magnus was about to clip his walkie-talkie back on when they heard a new voice.

  "Magneto, come in, over," a piping voice blared.

  "Magneto here, Menace."

  "Cool, I just wanted to let you know that the cameras were done, over."

  "Thank you, Menace; we will be right there." Magnus looked up at her. "Would you like to go and check them out?"


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