My Champion (Bewitched and Bewildered Book 7)

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My Champion (Bewitched and Bewildered Book 7) Page 12

by Alanea Alder

  "Sure, but what cameras is she talking about?" she asked.

  "Meryn installed security cameras at specific points around the city. We are hoping they will help to track the killer."

  "You still have not found him?"

  "No. When the murders stopped, so did our leads."

  "I am more interested in how they will be organizing the recorded footage."

  They left the office and walked the short distance to the communications hub. They opened the door to see that Nigel, Neil, Avery, and Meryn were crowded around a computer monitor. When they walked up behind them, Kari felt her mouth drop.

  "Meryn McKenzie!" Magnus exclaimed. All four of them jumped. "What on earth is that?" he asked, pointing to the screen.

  "I'm calling it the porn channel," Meryn answered cheekily.

  "Are those the cameras?" Kari asked, unable to take her eyes off the two figures moving against each other on the computer screen.

  Avery tilted his head. "I didn't know you could do it like that." Kari reached around his face and covered his eyes with her hands.

  Magnus frowned. "Meryn, I am very disappointed in you. Those cameras were meant to be put in places to watch for our killer. They were not meant to compromise the privacy of the citizens of the city."

  Meryn shook her head, laughing. "They are in public spaces."

  Magnus' mouth dropped. "Where is this?"

  Meryn looked at the computer screen then pointed to a small number. "The backside of the transport tunnel on Level Five."

  "They're doing that in the air?" Avery asked, trying to move Kari's hands.

  "Yup. I'm envious; Aiden and I haven't even mastered shower sex yet." Meryn informed them, giggling.

  Magnus sat down in one of the chairs. "There has not been a dull moment around here since you arrived." He frowned. "Meryn, do the people know that the cameras went up?"

  "Yes, the warriors let them know that was the next step after Wi-Fi was established."

  Kari gave up on trying to cover Avery's eyes and simply leaned forward and turned off the monitor. "Meryn, where is all of this footage being stored?"

  Meryn stood and walked over to a large black box on the table next to the monitor. "This is a network attached storage unit. It has about thirty-two terabytes of storage, which, after our RAID configuration, gives us sixteen terabytes of usable space. We will be able to recycle and store video here. One of the unit warriors will come in daily and fast-forward through the footage. Any movement or anything out of the ordinary is stored and all the rest is deleted."

  "Is there a way to keep it all?"

  Meryn winced. "Why keep thousands and thousands of gigabytes of boring footage?" Kari gave her a flat look. "I guess we could keep it. We will definitely need a set-up that will move the video to tape storage and we'll need more hard drives."

  Kari nodded. "I think that is a good idea. You never know if the warrior reviewing the footage is having an off morning. He may miss something or delete it by accident. It is better to keep the footage intact."

  Meryn nodded. "Yeah, I could totally miss stuff without coffee." She looked at Magnus. "That kind of set up can get expensive," she warned.

  Magnus waved a hand. "Do what you have to do to arrange for the storage capacity for the next couple years."

  Meryn rubbed her hands together gleefully. "I get to order new technology! I love it!"

  "Magneto." A voice came over the walkie-talkie. Magnus looked at Meryn "These walkie-talkies are worth their weight in gold." She gave him a thumbs up. Magnus picked up the walkie-talkie. "Magneto here, what is it Professor?"

  "Sire, I just wanted to let you know that we are ready to start the field trip. I was wondering if you would like to attend?"

  "Of course, Kari and I will be there shortly."

  She waved at Meryn and kissed Avery on the top of his head before following Magnus down the hall to the other side of Level One.

  Declan was waiting for her at the entrance to the rarely seen sections of Noctem Falls Royal quarters. The doors to the gardens were larger and grander than the ones in the living quarters. The entire section where Magnus lived was modern compared to the doors in front of her. They looked like they belonged in a castle. The door itself was wooden, and the rounded stone arch had symbols and words carved into it in a language she could not read. Around her, excited children jabbered to each other, pointing at the door; parents smiled at their children's excitement.

  Declan walked up to her and took her hand. "Are you ready to see the Royal Gardens?" he asked. She nodded, and in truth, she was. Noctem Fall's Royal Gardens, which coaxed living plants to bloom out of season and underground, was as nearly impossible to be invited into as the Fae Gardens.

  Just then, a very exuberant Magnus made his way to the front and greeted the children. "Well, I see all my fierce little cadets are here." The children giggled. "I understand that some of you are not feeling very well, so I have made sure that you can spend time here in the Royal Gardens. So without further ado..." He turned, placed his hand on the door, and as if by magic, it unlocked. They all heard the tumblers turn, and slowly the doors cracked open. Magnus pushed them forward and opened them wide.

  Immediately, Kari could smell the flowers, the earth, and the leaves that lay just beyond. Declan took her hand and walked her forward. The children took off at a dead run, screaming in excitement. Their parents had a hard job trying to keep up with them. Everywhere they turned, there was something else to look at.

  Huge trees grew impossibly tall, and above them, the sky was a bright blue. She'd never seen daylight in a cave before, but here it felt real, as if she were standing topside. She looked around in wonder. Vine flowers grew out of control. Water fountains gurgled and bubbled, giving the entire scene a beautiful background murmur that harmonized with the gently swaying wind chimes caught on an artificial breeze that swept through the cavern.

  Magnus cleared his throat, and the children stopped to look at him. He pointed, and Kari realized that there was now a new addition to the Royal Gardens. The witches had been very busy.

  Magnus had them create a playground. Every piece of play equipment imaginable had been created for the children. There were teeter-totters, swing sets, monkey bars, and a carousel. For the older children there were multiple courts to choose from including a foursquare, a basketball, and a badminton court.

  Magnus worked with Adriel and a lot of the other warriors to ensure that each child was watched over carefully. Declan wrapped his arm around her shoulders and steered her off to the right. They followed a tiny brook and moved deeper into the forest. "This is impossible," she whispered, looking around. She was almost afraid that if she spoke too loud, the magic would end.

  "No, not impossible when you combine the magical efforts of hundreds of witches over hundreds of years, each one adding something different."

  "What about Nigel and Neil?" she teased.

  Declan smiled. "Who do you think recommended the playground?"

  She stopped dead in her tracks. "I thought Magnus had that ordered."

  Declan shook his head. "He ordered it built, but he didn't think of it. When the twins learned that Magnus and Adriel were planning a field trip in the Royal Gardens, they came up with the playground idea for the kids. They knew the children wouldn't be entertained for long with only plants to amuse them. Of course, Magnus agreed. He told them it was a brilliant idea. Evidently the twins were very involved in taking care of children when they lived in Storm Keep. They grew up in an orphanage, so they understood the way the children think, plus they are youngest here besides Bethy, Meryn, Stefan, and your Avery."

  "Where exactly are you taking me Declan?"

  He smiled. "We're on our way to Grandma's house, better be careful that a lion doesn't come along and huff and puff and blow you."

  Kari laughed at his mangled version of Grimm's Fairy Tales. His face lit up at her laughter. "It's someplace private where we can get to know each other better."

nbsp; "You still have not been cleared by the doctor yet," she teased.

  "I'll take my chances," he whispered, nipping at her neck. They walked until they reached the top of a long stone staircase. She looked down; at the bottom of the stairs was an open meadow with tall, sweet smelling grasses and beyond that more open space.

  "One of the witches Magnus called in about a century ago used their magic to simulate the sky complete with clouds. I've heard that if you lay in the field, you can pick out different shapes. Wait here for a second. The orchard's about a quarter-mile away. I was thinking we could snag a few apples for a snack before lunch while looking up at the clouds."

  "I think that sounds perfect."

  "I'll be right back." He pulled her hand to his lips and kissed her gently.

  "Hurry back." Kari wrapped her arms around her waist, hugging herself. She'd never been so happy in her entire life. Of course, work was ridiculously busy, and she had a feeling that Prince Magnus in the long run would be a challenge that she would never quite master. But wasn't that what you're supposed to do? Find something to dedicate your life to? Work that would be satisfying and rewarding? What could be better than helping the Prince of her people?

  Out of nowhere, she felt a cold breeze. She rubbed her arms, looking around. The plants around her were still, neither their leaves nor petals swayed. She looked out all around her. It was as if she knew that if she turned fast enough, she would see something--something terrifying.

  She griped the handrail as a wave of dizziness swept through her. She shook her head, trying to clear her vision. When she started to turn away from the stairs, another wave hit her; seconds later, she knew she was falling, and there was nothing she could do to stop it.


  "Kari! Kari! Open your eyes, please!"

  She felt warm hands on her cheek, and slowly, she tried to blink. When her eyes opened, she saw Declan standing beside her.

  "Declan?" she asked, looking around. She was no longer in the Royal Gardens. Instead, she was lying on a firm bed in the fluorescent-lit room of the infirmary. She tried to get up and groaned; her head was pounding.

  "You just lie there. You've had quite a spill," Dr. St. John said, walking up on her other side. He flashed a light in her eyes, and she blinked.

  "I don't think you have a concussion, mostly thanks to your accelerated healing, but I'm afraid that your arm, being non-critical is still mending."

  "Arm?" she looked down, her arm was wrapped tight, and a dull throbbing ache radiated from her wrist. "What happened?" she asked.

  "That is what I would like to know," Declan growled. "When I came back, you were at the bottom of the stairs looking broken." He took a deep ragged breath. "I never want to see that again."

  She looked beyond Declan to see Avery pale, trembling, and crying softly. "Hey," she whispered. That was all it took. Avery began to sob hysterically. She could only understand about every third or fourth word.

  Kari met Warrick's eyes, and for the first time, they had an understanding. They both cared for Avery and wanted him to be happy. She gave him a sour look and then nodded. He very gently wrapped an arm around Avery and scooped him up and into his arms.

  "Come on, sweetheart, it looks like Declan can take care of Kari."

  Avery shook his head back and forth. " I want to stay with her," Avery cried. "She needs me."

  Warrick cradled Avery's head to his chest. "She will be okay, love. Declan brought a snack for Kari. We will see her after lunch."

  "Avery, I heard Warrick brought lunch for you. Go enjoy it so you can tell me about it later."

  Avery sniffled and wiped his nose on a shirt. "Are you sure?"

  "Yes, I am fine. I'm feeling better already."

  Avery wiggled until Warrick put him down. He walked over and kissed her forehead. "You can't leave me. No one can ever leave me again." His tears dripped onto her cheek, and she felt her own eyes began to fill.

  "No matter what, you will always have me," Kari promised.

  Avery took one deep breath and kissed her forehead again. "I'll hold you to that." Warrick took his hand and they left.

  "All right, Warrick is not so bad," Kari admitted begrudgingly.

  "He does care, and he is very gentle with him. I told you he was in good hands," Declan insisted.

  She looked over at the healer. "Doc, is my arm broken?"

  "Yes, in two places. I wrapped it tight, though; if you feed, you should be healed in an hour."

  Declan began to purr in his chair. The Doc rolled his eyes and looked at Declan. "You're cleared for extracurricular activity." He turned to Kari. "You, however need to take it easy. No extracurricular activity for you. The back of your skull was crushed. It was so soft, I was afraid your brains were going to leak out. So, just to be clear, don't let him pound you into the mattress."

  Kari smirked. "So just not on my back then."

  The doctor threw his hands up in the air. "Fine! Fuck your brains out, literally. Don't come crying to me when you're dead." He crossed the room and opened the door. He was about to shut it behind him when he looked over his shoulder and winked.

  "He is an odd little man." He looked over her and sighed. "So still no extracurricular activity."

  She shook her head. "No, he just said you could not fuck me on my back where my head could be bounced around on the mattress."

  Declan tapped her nose. "Behave. I am not having sex with you for the first time in infirmary bed while you have a broken arm and cracked skull." He took out a knife and began peeling an apple.

  Kari's mouth began to water as she sniffed the air. "Is that what you went to get? I have never smelled anything like it."

  He smiled and kept peeling. "It's a hybrid apple." He began to turn the apple in his hand slowly. It was dark red which faded to a light pink and then into a golden yellow and finally into a bright green.

  Declan ate the peel; his eyes closed as he hummed his satisfaction. "It's called Forbidden Fruit. Some say it's the world's first apple."

  Unlike every other apple she had ever peeled for herself, instead of cutting from top to bottom he cut it around the apple making a ring. He ate the first ring, almost testing it to make sure it was good before he peeled another ring and then handed it to her. She looked at it and took a bite. "Oh my gods! It is so juicy and sweet!"

  He nodded "Take another bite," he encouraged.

  She took another bite. This time there was a hint of sweet before a crisp tart flavor exploded across her taste buds. "It is sour, just like a Granny Smith. This has to be the most perfect apple I have ever tasted.

  He chewed then swallowed. "I can't get enough of them and the pies! Gods, the pies you make with them," he sighed happily. "There's a vendor on Level Six that knows she can get me to promise just about anything for a few pies."

  Kari stared at him. "Anything?" she asked.

  Declan paused popping another piece of apple in his mouth "Well, almost anything," he winked cheekily at her.

  She smiled and leaned back against the pillows. Together, they ate the apples he had collected. There was silence between them, but it wasn't awkward, and she didn't feel like she had to speak to fill it.

  He lazily cut and peeled apple after apple for her, as if doing so made him the happiest man in the world. As they ate together, they shared hundreds of glances and brief touches. It had to be one of the most comfortable yet intimate afternoons she'd ever spent.

  "Declan, thank you," she said quietly.

  "You're welcome. Know that I am sharing these apples with you because you're my mate," he joked, eating another ring.

  "No, thank you for being my mate. For worrying about me and spending your afternoon with me just so I would not be alone."

  A frown creased his forehead. "How long were you on your own?" he asked.

  "Over one hundred years, until I found Avery ten years ago."

  "I thought you said you had an adopted brother."

  "I do. He checks in on me from
time to time. He did not like that I was all alone, but I was stubborn." She felt her eyelids get heavier.

  He set the knife and apples aside. "I'll let you get some rest," he stood.

  "Do not go," she said, practically pleading. "Stay with me and keep the nightmares away."

  He froze before immediately moving toward the bed. He walked around to the other side of the bed and lifted the covers. He got in carefully, taking care not to hurt her arm, and spooned their bodies together. "You would heal if you fed," he offered in a husky voice.

  She hesitated. "Feedings can be very sexual when it is right from the source. Given the way I feel about you--" she turned slowly, wincing a bit at the pain in her arm. She looked up at him "Are you sure?"

  "You need blood, and I've got plenty. I'm a big boy, my love; I can handle you," he assured her.

  She licked her lips, and he swallowed hard. "You are a very big boy."

  He preened at her words before his look became serious. "Kari, it is my right and my duty to provide for you; I offer all of myself to you."

  She inhaled sharply. She had never expected to hear those words. In truth, she had never thought she would ever find a mate. "I am so thankful to Fate. I do not know what I have done to deserve such an honorable and kind man like you, but I will always be thankful for Her gift."

  She heard his breath catch. "You're wrong, my love; it is I who does not deserve you. I can only pray I live up to whatever expectation Fate may have of me to have been paired with you for eternity."

  She tried to pull herself up to reach his neck. When he saw her struggling, he simply scooted down. She licked his neck, and his body shuddered. Moving swiftly, she bit down at the same time she shoved her uninjured hand down the front of his pants. She felt blood fill his cock, hardening it under her touch. He shouted out her name, and she rubbed her thumb over the sensitive head. He blew like a geyser, and for a moment, Kari regretted that she wasn't able to taste it, but his blood was more than enough to satisfy her. His blood on her tongue was even better than chocolate covered cherries with coffee.


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