Claiming Bella For Christmas

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Claiming Bella For Christmas Page 2

by Prince, Ally

  “Want exactly does that mean?” her voice was softer, and her scent was filling the cab. I needed to choose my words carefully otherwise I knew that she would scatter.


  I wrung my hands in my lap wondering what the hell was happening. Just minutes ago, I was contemplating having to call my mother and beg for forgiveness but now here I was on my way to work with Nathan. All my belongings had fitted into his truck, that alone was sad. But the fact that I wouldn’t miss a single item I had left behind kind of hurt a little too. I longed for a home that I wanted to return to at the end of every day with a man I loved. That man couldn’t be Nathan, I had asked what he meant earlier, and he smiled over at me and told me we would talk later, we both had a busy day ahead.

  There was no way I could function properly at work, not after what had happened. My mind was a complete mess. I had so many unanswered questions and what ifs swirling around in m head it was hard to think of anything else.

  Julie smiled as we both walked in. Nathan followed me into the break room as I stowed my things. When I was done, I turned to see him leaning on the door frame with his arms crossed over his chest. Looking every bit the hot doctor that his clients whispered about. If I had kids, I would try to get them into eye candy like Dr. Nathan for sure.

  “What?” I asked as I patted my face and hair. Did I really look awful? Had foamy grossness dripped onto my head while I packed up my few kitchen belongings?

  “You’re beautiful, Bella.” His smile was small and the way his eyes lit up, had me placing a hand over my heart. I couldn’t be affected by him, he was my boss. He was my boss.

  My face heated, and I looked down.

  “Don’t do that.” I felt his presence before he touched me. The heat from his finger as he lifted my chin sending thrills down my spine. “I mean it when I say it. I mean everything I say to you.” His dark brown eyes pierced mine, his plump lips looking way to inviting as I stared at them. I took a deep breath and tried to calm my racing nerves. I could stay with him for a while and things would be fine? Wouldn’t they?

  “Okay,” I squeaked out not really sure if I meant it. He cocked his head a little but let me go and stepped back stuffing his hands in his pockets.

  “I can’t wait to have you in my house tonight.” There was a glint in his eye before he winked. My heart kicked into gear and the smile that began to creep onto my lips was genuine and a different kind of happy settled in for once.

  We smiled at each other before he left me alone to gather my thoughts.

  When I took my seat, Julie gave me a side glance but there was a smile there and I had to chuckle because I had no idea what I was doing. This was new territory for me. I had only been here six months and in that time it didn’t appear that Dr. Nathan dated or was married, no children from what I had gathered either. But none of that mattered because he was my boss. I couldn’t be attracted to him, it couldn’t happen. Workplaces were too small to deal with this shit, I had firsthand experience in that even if the situation was entirely different.

  Things seemed to go well. The backlog cleared easily, and I was thankful for the distraction from thinking about Nathan and what would happen when I went home with him tonight.

  But fate wasn’t done with me today, oh no, he had other things in store. I answered a call. One I really didn’t need too, and things started to sway a little and my eyesight got blurry. Bile rose in my throat and I couldn’t speak. I wanted to yell, scream and ask Julie to help but I sat paralyzed in fear, I hated the power he had over me.

  Chapter 4


  “I hate to bother you, but I think you need to come up front.” Julie sounded worried but professional. There was something in her tone that told me I needed to take this seriously. I hoped that some crazy man hadn’t burst in with a knife wanting money even though all we had was petty cash, but it did happen. People get desperate and do stupid things. That was why I didn’t want to be an E.R. doctor, like my younger brother Reece, the stress would be too much for me. I excused myself from my patient who was more than happy to wait. She was newly divorced, or so she kept telling me. I headed out to the front waiting room. Julie turned instantly and nodded her head in Bella’s direction.

  “She got a call, I think it’s bad.” I jogged the remaining distance and dropped to my knees next to her. I turned her chair and cupped her beautiful face. Her mouth was slightly open, she was an unhealthy shade of pale and the hand that reached for me was trembling. Those bright green eyes were filled with tears and wider than I had ever seen them.

  “Julie, can you cut the call?” I had no idea how the phone system worked but I hoped that she could do something. I let go of her face and removed her headset, bringing it to my ear.

  “You think I won’t get to you. Well, think again. These pictures are going to your boss so he can see what a fat fucking piece of shit you really are. See what a slut he hired. What do you think about that? There is nothing you can do to hurt me, Bella.” The voice gave me chills and anger burned in my stomach. How fucking dare he speak to my Bella like that! What sort of man got off on treating women like an object?

  “Listen here,” I said sternly, and the man cleared his throat. “These lines are recorded, and the emails are monitored, the police will be in touch soon.” I threw the headset on the desk and turned my attention back to Bella. She trembled her eyes still brimming with tears. I guess I knew why she was running. I just wished it wasn’t something so nasty. My heart hurt for her and what she must be going through.

  “I’m not a s-slut.” She stuttered a little. “I’ve never.” She was shaking her head, and Jesus fucking Christ. She was innocent and mine. I peered to the ceiling for a moment and took a few deep breaths, I wanted nothing more than to place my lips on hers but here was not the time or place.

  “Andrew is calling Nigel to come in and take over for you today. Between the two, you should be covered. I think it’s best you take care of her today, yeah?” Julies' voice came over my shoulder and I nodded but kept my eyes on my beauty. Julie was a great lady and I would thank her properly later.

  “Don’t listen to him, Bella. Nothing he can say or do will make me see you any differently than I do. You are beautiful, and you are perfect for me, I just wish you would let me show you.”

  She sucked in a shuddering breath, it caught a little, but she nodded and I fucking smiled. This was only the beginning and the road might be long, but it was one we were going to go down together no matter how long it took to get there.

  This girl was mine, and she was going to see just how much so very soon.


  Nathan had an amazing house. I expected so considering his field of work and that he owned the practice. But it was still nice without being pretentious and over the top flaunty. He lived in a nice leafy suburb which kind of surprised me because I was expecting a condo in downtown overlooking the river or something.

  “It’s still a work in progress. I’m just waiting for the right one to help me finish it off.” Those chocolate brown eyes landed on mine with such intensity that I had to turn away. “I’ll show you around.” His hand gripped mine and I couldn’t pull away. The heat radiated up my arm and warmed me.

  I came from money, but this house had a homey vibe to it and I loved that. It had touches of Nathan here and there, whereas the house I grew up in was sterile and clean no traces of anyone living there.

  Nathan had a tree up, the subtle scent of pine wafting through the rooms told me it was real. He had a few decorations here and there bringing in a small amount of Christmas cheer. It was better than our house that was decked from ceiling to floor but it didn’t have love to make it feel warm and cozy. We didn’t put the decorations up and they had to perfect, it was just for show like most things.

  “This is your room,” he kind of sighed as he said it and his eyes went down the hall to his room. I stepped into the room and thanked him for everything.

  “If you don’t m
ind, I might shower and crash. It’s been a really crappy day.” To say the least. If the flood wasn’t bad enough after the phone call Nathan must think I am a head case.

  “Of course, whatever you want, Bella.” He stepped forward into me and his lips landed on my forehead. I made a noise deep in my throat and he growled before slipping his arms around my waist. The heat of his body as he pressed me into his was insane. The hard lines of his chest could be felt through his clothes. I swallowed because I had no experience in this department and holy wow. “Bella?” his voice a whisper as it washed over my face, his finger lifting my chin and our eyes connected. I knew then that this man was something more than my boss to me. I had no idea what that might be, but he was deep inside me somehow and I hoped that we would both come out the other side.

  “Nathan,” I whispered, my eyes dropping to his lips as his tongue peeked out to wet them. I didn’t have time to prepare or second guess myself. His lips descended on mine. Soft and warm and gentle at first. As I followed his lead, I snuck my hands up over his shoulders and tug at the back of his hair. The noise he made is downright erotic and I mewl a little not really knowing what I am doing or needing. He angles my head his tongue seeking control as we explore each other over and over again. This is a kiss like no other. I had a few back in high school but they were awkward and sloppy. This is claiming, and I want nothing more than for Nathan to make me his.

  Finally, after what seems like forever he pulls back and rests his forehead on mine.

  “Go shower and I’ll start dinner before I am even more tempted to take you to bed.” Oh God, I want that. My body rubs on his a little and he groans out loud before letting go. His hand coming down to adjust a sizable erection. “We are in this together Bella, you’ll understand soon enough.”

  With that, he leaves me alone in my new room. My heart is racing and my body humming with desire as I glance around. I decide to shower like I was going to and hopefully we can eat and then I will sleep, alone and most certainly not with Nathan.

  Not yet.

  Chapter 5


  My oldest brother, Taylor, is a cop and he just so happened to be stationed in Fort Worth, kind of convenient at the moment. I received an email, and it contained naked photos of Bella. I looked at one of the ninety-four to make sure it was indeed her before I closed it down. That was not how I was going to witness her beauty for the first time. I wanted to see her under me writhing with need, not because some chump thought he could torment her for who knows what reason. Asshole.

  “Yeah, he’s an HR department nightmare. He has been fired on three occasions because of misconduct of staff, female staff.” I sat back into my office chair and let Taylor’s words sink in. I kind of hoped this was a one-off and he would be bored but he’s called more and more. Julie is now spending the day answering the lines. I can’t let Bella hear that again. I will not allow him the satisfaction of paining her.

  “What can I do without taking this further? And if you show anyone those photos...”

  “Why the hell would I? Jesus, Nathan. She was clearly unaware they were taken it’s not fucking porn.” He huffs down the line and I nod, not that he can see me, but it makes me feel better. “I guess I’ll try to put some pressure on him, I’ll find something, and we will take it from there.” Taylor offers.

  “Don’t do anything that will put your job at risk,” I warn before we say our goodbyes.

  I work with kids and their overprotective parents, not adults who want what they can’t have. I want Bella to know that those photos can never hurt her again. That he has no power over her. She has nothing to be ashamed of because she is a beautiful woman but having your photo taken when you aren’t aware and it, and it then being used against you. Well, that would be a huge breach in your trust and privacy.

  Having Bella in my home these past few days have been great. But also, has shown me how much self-restraint I have. I have walked up to her door at night no less than a hundred times wanting, needing to go in but I don’t, not yet. We haven’t kissed again yet either, something I want to change very soon. I’ve seen the need in her eyes like she wants too but she holds back. I want her to learn that she can have me whenever she wants. There is no holding back with us anymore.

  A small knock on my door has me turning in my chair to face the door as Bella sticks her head in.

  “Hey there, you about done? I can always catch the bus or something.” She waves over her shoulder as if indicating a bus is right there, I smile and try to push the fact that she still doubts me out of my mind. I want to squash it so bad.

  “Come in,” I stop myself from saying ‘and shut the door’ because I want her to understand that I do not care who sees us. We are a thing and she needs to see that too. She moves into the room with a little confidence. It has slowly come back these last few days, she shows it a lot more around me and it is such a fucking turn on.

  “We ride to work together, baby. I thought we discussed this.” We hadn’t really but the smile on her face and the way she raises a brow tells me she knows what I am up too.

  “Oh, we did, did we?” She folds her arms over her ample chest and her breasts begin to swell out the tip of her work shirt, I lick my lips. I want nothing more than those in my mouth.

  “Why don’t you come around here and say hello properly.” I turn in my chair and pat my lap. She floods with color and I am tempted to pounce on her and shut the door before stripping her naked right here on my desk.

  “Um.” She looks over her shoulder.

  “Don’t worry about what they think, I’m not.” Thankfully she moves in my direction and comes to a stop at my feet. Now if she was wearing pants, I would make her straddle me. “This skirt is fucking insane,” I murmur taking in her curves and how tightly it hugs them. The swell of her ass and everything right fucking there. I lean forward and slide my hands over her hips and then onto her tight ass. She shuffles closer. I peer up at her as she places her hands on my shoulders.

  “I’ve missed you,” I say honestly.

  “You see me all day, every day,” she answers but it’s breathy and I can see her chest begin to heave.

  “I want to touch you every day, kiss you every day, you okay with that?” She bites her lower lip and nods before she ducks down and tentatively presses her lips to mine. When her fingers thread into the back of my hair I growl because it’s so fucking nice to have her touching me again. I really did miss this. My hands knead her ass and just as my tongue sneaks out someone clears their throat. Bella pulls back and tries to step away, but I tighten my hold on her and turn to the door.

  “Hey, Andy.” He has a shit-eating grin on his face.

  “Wanted to wish you a great festive season I won’t be back ‘til the New Year.” He smiles at Bella as she squirms in my arms.

  “Yeah you too, best wishes from both of us and we’ll have to catch up for drinks when you get back.”

  “Sounds perfect guys, catch ya’s soon.” Andy leaves with a flourish and I turn to Bella and smile up at her.

  “Why did you do that?” She is frowning.


  “Not let me go?”

  “Why would I? You’re mine Bella and I don’t care who sees us together, you’ll get used to it sooner or later.” Her smile is small, but I will take it. “Let’s get home and perhaps explore this a little more.” I laugh at her expression but when her eyes land on my straining cock I about jump out of my chair and reach for her, luckily, she was quick otherwise she would be naked and on my desk. Oh well, I guess we could explore that option another day.


  We’re staring at each other. Lust swirls thickly between us but the nerves taking flight in my belly are making me nauseous.

  “We don’t have to do anything Bella. I want you to take the lead, I will follow you where ever you want to go.” Oh God, the words don’t help. I shrug a little because I am all out of ideas, ideas I didn’t really have to begin with because I h
ave never had sex.

  Oh fuck.

  I swallow and scan the room, my room. We somehow congregated here when we got home, and I can’t help but glance toward the bed.

  “Do you trust me?” his voice washes over me as he sneaks up closer. And I nod because I do, I’m safe here with him. “Would you like to shower?” Not really, maybe, yes.

  I nod.

  Nathan steps around me and grabs my hand before leading me into the bathroom.

  “Let’s get this pesky shirt out of the way.” He is smiling warmly at me as he drops his eyes to my blouse and begins to unbutton it. My breathing becomes a little erratic and the sensations washing through my body are exciting and scary all at the same time. His warm hands slip over my shoulders as he takes my blouse off, he sucks in a deep breath and I begin to raise my arms to cover myself. I have soft places, large boobs, and an average body.

  “Don’t do that baby, you are more beautiful than I imagined, and trust me I have imagined it a lot.” Slowly a finger traces the edge of my bra before dipping down to circle my pert nipple. Hot lava shoots to my core and I rub my thighs together. “Truly amazing,” his soft voice washes over my lips. He captures them in a gentle kiss that sears my soul. Pulling back, he finds the zip on my skirt and lets it slide down over my wide hips until it pools at my feet. His hands roam my sides, feeling all my softness and I can’t help the doubt that sneaks in. I close my eyes. “Bella, baby don’t. Look at me.” I struggle to open my eyes and meet his. I see something shining in them but I’m not sure what it is. “Look what you do to me?” he nudges down with his chin and my eyes instantly land on his hard-on, I swallow. “You have nothing to hide or be ashamed of, this body is made for loving and I intend to do just that.” His lips land on my collar bone and shivers erupt all over my body. This man makes me feel things I wasn’t aware were possible.


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