Claiming Bella For Christmas

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Claiming Bella For Christmas Page 3

by Prince, Ally

His hands skate around my back before unhooking my bra and that too falls to the floor with my shirt. My heavy breasts touch his shirt as he tugs me closer to him. His mouth now opens on my neck as he sucks and kisses and drives me completely wild. The heat of his body against the coolness of my skin is amazing. “I want to look, but I’m not sure I can control myself.” He mumbles into my neck before his hands begin to move. Cupping my heavy breast, rolling my nipples, his erection grinds into my stomach. Hot and hard.

  Gathering up some courage I reach for the waist of his jeans and begin to undo them. The force of his cock against the material makes it hard to undo, and he springs free the moment I’m done. His heat now on my skin. He doesn’t seem to be wearing underwear and if his head was not in my neck, I would be taking a peek. Tentatively I wrap my fingers around the shaft and squeeze it lightly, its warm and hard and soft at the same time, odd really. His hips nudge forward and the low groan that escapes him is downright erotic.

  “Okay, we are getting naked and into that shower before I do something right here that will embarrass myself,” he chuckles but moves away quickly toward the shower. I stand there completely confused. A heavy feeling settles into the pit of my stomach and heat engulfs my face. Would being with me embarrass himself? Unease prickles my skin and I have to swallow down a cry. My arms cross over my breasts, I’m suddenly to exposed. My eyes fall to the floor at my feet. My precious bra is right there, if I squat down, I could grab it. I could turn and run and save him the embarrassment. Oh, this was a nightmare. What the hell was I thinking?

  As my vision begins to blur, Nathan is in front of me. My eyes rise slowly. Oh, Jesus, he is naked. His cock is right there pointing at me looking a little angry. The hard plains of his stomach are smooth and make me realize how inferior I really am. His shoulders are strong and his arms too.

  I am way out of my league.

  “Hey, what happened?” concern laces his tone as he steps closer his arms going around my waist. All I can do is shake my head. “Baby, talk to me.” But I can’t. What would I say that wouldn’t make this situation any worse than it already is? A tear escapes and I move quickly to wipe it away. Nathan sighs heavily but drops to his knees in front of me and begins to slowly remove my panties down my legs. I let him, I have no idea why. He presses a kiss to the swell of my lower belly before getting to his feet and tugging me into the warmth of the shower. I move under the water instantly letting the water hide my tears and shame. Nathan embraces me from behind.

  He doesn’t try to take things further, he washes me gently, his lips kissing me where he wants to, his touch soothing and comforting. I relax a little, but the weight of dread still sits heavy and I know that I am going to have to leave Nathan because there is no way we are right for each other. There is no way he can be content with me, no one could be.

  Just look at him, he is fucking amazing. And I’m, well I’m a no one.

  Chapter 6


  Bella had retreated quick smart. I had tried to figure out what I had said or done that would cause her to become so freaking shattered, but I couldn’t find anything. I was thankful we had one day of work left and then she was mine. I was going to sit her down and lay it all out for her. She would have no doubts. I would make sure of that.

  “Nathan, call on line three,” Julie says as she sticks her head into my room. I had booked out an hour to do notes, I have been way too busy and need to get them down before the break. I had instructed the girls to not disturb me unless it was important, I had given Bella a look that I hoped she interpreted, but who knows. “It’s Taylor.” I offer her a wave of some kind as I pick up the phone.

  “I’m hoping you have good news.” I wanted Bella to know I was looking out for her, I wanted her to feel safe with me. If I could get anything on this asshole, I would take it. I found out he still worked with her parents and I had wondered why the hell they weren’t supporting their daughter as she was being harassed by an employee. Getting Bella to see that I would take her seriously, I would listen to her was going to be a huge part of our relationship.

  “Sure fucking do brother,” he mumbled to someone else and growled. What the fuck was he doing?

  “Taylor?” More mumbles and a little squeal.

  “I meant it.”

  “Mean what?”

  “Oh, not talking to you. I mean it, Emily,” he warns again. Emily?

  “Do you have a girlfriend? Because you never said.” His sigh is long and loud, and I hear a door slam.

  “I have something that’s for sure. Anyway. We caught him with a known prostitute the other day. He had photos of other women in his possession, it’s pretty bad. I haven’t been able to call because things have been crazy here. Her family is shocked and there is a bit of a media storm seeing as they are such high-profile people up this end of the world. Bella should be safe down there.” Relief washed over me as he said the words and I knew that my battle with Bella was one step closer to be done.

  “Thanks, that is really great news,” I sighed.

  “I gotta go, I just wanted you to know. We’ll catch up after Christmas, maybe when Mom and Dad get back from their cruise. I know Reece and Callie will be up for it, we haven’t all been together in way too long. I got something I need to do.” He sounds distracted as hell and I know the feeling well. My mind had been on Bella for months now and I had been to chicken to push her, afraid she wouldn’t push back, and I would lose her.

  “Sounds good, thanks for everything I really appreciate it.” We said our goodbyes, and I sank back in my chair. A real smile graced my lips for the first time in a while. Finally, I could tell Bella she was safe, that man would never hurt her again.

  I would make her trust me, let her know that I was it for her and we would be perfect together.

  I just had one last wall to break down but right now, I needed a kiss.

  I pushed out of my chair intending to go get one from my one and only.

  I was not at all prepared to see the shit storm that had blown into my practice.


  I should have known that things were too quiet. My mother hadn’t called in a few days. I hadn’t even had a text. She liked to constantly remind me of how much she was disappointed in me.

  Nathan and I hadn’t taken things any further. He seemed content to shower with me. Kiss me until I couldn’t breathe or think, and we were yet to broach the subject of sex or whether or not I embarrassed him. I was too scared to ask but we would have too because otherwise, I wouldn’t be able to move on and see if this thing between us actually meant something.

  The main door blew open in a flourish, wind swirling into the room. I was thankful today was the last day before our Christmas break and we had minimal clients and only one family in the waiting room.

  The noise that followed the opening of the door was loud. Both Julie and I rose from our seats to see what the hell was going on, and I regretted it instantly.

  My mother waltzed in with her oversized glasses wearing a huge expensive coat all while clutching at her heart. What the hell?

  “Oh, dear God there you are,” she said in the fake accent usually reserved for when she was trying to impress people at functions. I glanced over at Julie and she looked at me with a clear what the fuck expression on her face, I shrugged because I had not a fucking clue. But in the pit of my belly, I knew this visit was not good, only bad things would come from this.

  “What are you doing here?” I asked. But my attention soon turned to the doors as a camera crew came in with their lights blaring and sound booms nearly clubbing me in the head. What the hell was going on?

  “Miss Pembroke, what do you have to say about the recent allegations against Mr. Riley Sanford?” I frowned and looked at my mother. Was she pretending to wipe a tear? I swallowed and had to take a deep breath because this was crazy.

  “Want me to call someone, police maybe?” Julie had moved next to me, a reassuring hand on my arm and I nodded because I wanted th
is mess to go away and hearing Riley’s name was not something I really needed now or ever.

  A microphone hovered in front of my face and I batted it away.

  “Are you going to stick up for your fiancée?” My fiancée? Where the hell did they hear that?

  “What?” Heat swamped my face and I swear I swayed on my feet. My hands felt sweaty and my pulse drummed in my ears.

  “Tell them it’s not true,” my mother said with a huge smile plastered on her face, like I would do just that. Tell them what wasn’t true?

  “Bella?” Oh, thank God he came out of his office. I wanted to turn into him and hide but I was frozen in place.

  “Mr. DuPont, do you have anything to say about the charges against Miss Pembroke's fiancée?” Nathan tensed beside me, but he placed a reassuring hand on my lower back.

  “Unless there are charges against me, which I know there are not, then I have no idea what you are talking about?” My eyes widened, my mother gasped, and the questions began firing. I stepped into Nathan and this time I did try to hide. He sheltered me before he began to yell that they needed to talk one at a time. He lowered his head and whispered in my ear that the cops were on their way.

  “Mr. Riley Sanford...”

  Nathan cut them off. “That man is getting what he deserves. He blackmailed Bella and others for months.” I glanced up at his face. The strong features looking hard and not to be messed with while his glare was cutting holes in my mother. “He deals with prostitutes and deserves the full force of the law. His business associates should be ashamed of their actions.” I burrowed in deeper and inhaled his scent. His arms tightened around me and I managed to relax a little. Just enough to feel as though I wasn’t about to have a heart attack.

  A few moments later the police arrived, and they began to clear people out, but my mother stayed. She seemed to think being my mother was enough of a reason.

  “You can go.”

  “Bella, we need to talk. You need to tell them it’s all a lie, that you lied.” Yeah, way to make me feel like shit. Nathan growled next to me, but I squeezed his arm.

  “He has naked photos of me and others. How can I lie about that when it is public record? You’re my mother.”

  “I’m trying to do what is right for the family, for the business.” Her smile faltered a little and for the first time I realized how frail she looked but I didn’t have any sympathy for her.

  “You are meant to protect me, but you let me suffer with a deplorable man. Why? Because it was better for business to have a blackmailer and possible rapist handling your precious clients than to believe your own flesh and blood?”

  My mother reeled back and opened her mouth, but I held up my hand.

  “I am done. I want nothing to do with this mess you could have stopped months ago.”

  “What are you saying? That you're abandoning your family in a time of need.”

  “Yes, just like you did.” And I would not allow myself to regret it. My family had brought this upon themselves and I would no longer be tainted with it. I would no longer feel like less because of them.

  “Ma-am we are going to ask you once more to leave or we will have to forcefully remove you from the premises.” A young officer stated clearly, her lower lips wobbled for a moment, but she steeled herself and turned, heading out the door.

  I sagged against Nathan and Julie sat down with an exaggerated sigh.

  “Let’s lock up and go home,” Nathan offered.

  “I will drink to that tonight.” Julie began to shut the computers down, and I held onto Nathan. He was my rock, I needed to trust he would look after me.

  Chapter 7


  Today was nothing short of a cluster fuck. I still hadn’t gone to the shop, so we’d be eating pasta for Christmas dinner. I did, however, have Bella’s present. She looked defeated, but I could tell something had changed. She was fiercer, she did mumble a little, but she had every right to be fucking pissed at life right now. Her mother, Jesus her mother was a piece of work.

  “Why did you imply we were engaged?” Bella’s words break into my thoughts.

  “Because we will be one day.” Truth and all that. Bella’s jaw slackened but all I could do was smile. “You are it for me. Let’s talk and clear everything up right now and then we can spend the first of many Christmas’s together.”

  Bella sighed and looked around my partially decorated house.

  “Can we bake cookies and play music?”

  “Anything you want.” I would give her anything she wanted, always.

  “How did you know about...” She didn’t want to say his name and I respected that.

  “My brother, Taylor, is a cop. He looked into him for me.” And thank fuck he did. If he hadn’t I doubt Bella would be mine this Christmas.

  “Do I embarrass you?” she asked looking down at her hands that she fiddled with them in her lap.

  “Do you? What the hell gave you that impression? I’ve been very open even at work, I don’t care who sees that you’re mine. You do not nor, will you ever embarrass me.” Wow, I had no idea she thought that. But she was still looking down, so I moved in her direction and tipped her chin up. “What happened to make you think that?”

  “Well, when we were going to shower, you stopped before you embarrassed yourself, because of me.” I frowned down at her, images of her glorious naked body filling my mind and not at all helping the situation. I had to really think back and then I laughed a little, she shot me a glare.

  “Oh, baby. You really are innocent aren’t you.” Her cheeks flooded with color and I quickly captured a kiss. “I was going to embarrass myself because you had me so worked up, one more touch and I would have come all over you right there and you had barely touched me.” I was looking forward to exploring things with Bella, I had a feeling she was going to blow my mind.

  “Oh,” her pink lips popped open and her eyes widened.

  “Yes, oh.”

  “Well, now I feel stupid.” Her head dropped again, and I let her have her moment.

  “Just ask, baby. I will forever be honest with you. If you don’t understand or know just ask me.” I loved the thought of teaching her everything there was about us coming together, the thought had my cock rising in my pants.

  I would love to take her now, but I wanted her to want it as much as I did, and I needed her to take the lead.

  “What shall we do first? Cookies or music?”


  The house smelled a lot more like what I imagined Christmas smelled like now. Choc chip cookies filled just about all of Nathan’s bench space, we would be eating them for months. My family never really had a lot of traditions, it was just a time to flaunt and I hated that, but this seemed more intimate, more personal and I loved it. I loved him, with everything I was.

  Nathan lit a fire in the lounge room and we were lounged on a huge rug and pillows listening to carols softly in the background.

  I was in some baggy PJ’s and he was wearing lounge pants and a tight thermal that showed off all the hard lines of his body. I was constantly licking my lips when I looked at him. I was surprised there was not drool on my mouth. I wiped at it just in case.

  “You keep looking at me like that and I can’t promise to be a gentleman,” he growled as he launched at me and rolled me under him. This position, oh wow it put so much more emphasis on where out body parts lied-up. My hips rocked a little, Nathans dark eyes instantly darkened. “Bella?” It was a plea.

  I nodded reaching for him and pulling him to my lips. His mouth claimed mine instantly. His tongue sweeping in and my body began to rage with desire. His hands roamed up under my shirt and when one engulfed my breast he bit at my lip and need shot straight between my thighs.

  “Be my Christmas Bella?” his voice was soft and low as his lips traced mine before slowly moving down my body. He sat back on his haunches and took off his shirt. My mouth watering at the sight. He really was a work of art. “Will you have me?”r />
  “Of course, always,” I replied instantly because what else could I say. I wanted him and I would not over think things this time. I sat up then and bravely took my shirt over my head. My nipples pebbled instantly in the cooler air and for once I didn’t flood with shame. Nathans' eyes darken as they eat me up.

  “We do this, this is it. You don’t get anyone else, Bella. Just me, just always.” The sheer need in his voice had me pulling my legs through his and rising to my knees so I could begin to take my pants off. “Oh fuck.” He was on his feet in a second. His pants filled my vision as he quickly reefed them off. I was on my back with him tugging at my pants before I could blink.

  “Someone is eager,” I laughed as his hard body covered mine.

  “Only since the day I met you. I have wanted you for so long and now you’re mine.” His hips sank deeper into mine. I opened my legs wider, and he brushed against my sensitive clit. Chills shot through me and I moaned a little. “Now I get to really explore.” With that, he moved down my body again, this time the scruff on his chin scratching and arousing me as he went. He swirled his tongue around my hard peak as his hand moved down over my lower belly. “So warm and soft,” he murmured against my skin. His fingers drifting through my curls before parting my folds and touching a place that no one besides me had ever been.

  “Feel how much you want me?” His fingers slipped through my wetness and slowly breached my opening. He growled long and deep before sucking a nipple hard into his mouth.

  “Shit.” I about come off the floor, alive with sensation.

  “You on birth control baby?”

  “No,” I pant out as his finger slowly edges inside of me. The intrusion welcome. My body moves, seeking something.

  “You okay with us going bare? Just me and you, nothing between us.” His thumb grazed my clit as his fingers move in and out. Holy shit that was amazing. “Bella?”

  Oh right. Bare? “What if I get pregnant?”

  “Do you want kids?” This was a really odd conversation to be having when his hands are all up in my business.


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