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Page 16

by Cassie-Ann L. Miller

  “Mmm-hmmm,” is all Michael says before bringing his eyes to the console. He’s counting the numbers, too.

  This dinner is going to be so awkward.

  After an eternity, the elevator dings and the door slides open. I stay behind as everyone filters off and heads in the direction of the dark, mahogany door at the end of the corridor.

  Matteo turns and gives me a small but reassuring smile. “Hey – it’s gonna be okay,” he whispers. He reaches for my hand and I hold onto to him as if for dear life as I step into the hallway.

  A short, chubby lady with salt and pepper hair and a white apron answers the door. Michael and Ruthie greet her as ‘Rosabelle’. She gives me a scrutinizing glare as I step over the threshold and into the opulent vestibule.

  Everything about this Park Avenue apartment’s elegant prewar design spells ‘old money’, from the gleaming crystal chandelier hanging from the high ceiling to the tufted settee sitting on an expensive antique French rug. Matteo mentioned that this apartment has been in his family for a few generations. His mother inherited it from her father, who came from a long line of Manhattan real estate developers.

  A petite woman in a coral sleeveless shift dress marches into the foyer. “Would it kill you all to be on time?” she says with a frown on her beautiful face as she anchors a hand on her waist. It’s Gabriella Moretti in the flesh. “The pot roast has probably dried out by now.”

  “Awww…pot roast again, grandma?” asks Tilly with a stomp and a deep pout. That makes everyone laugh.

  The woman softens. “Yes, Tilly. Pot roast again. But you know what’s for dessert?”

  “What?” Tilly asks excitedly grabbing her grandmother’s hand.

  “Warm apple pie with ice cream!” A smile stretches her face, crinkling the fine lines framing her eyes.

  Tilly cheers, jumping around eagerly. Gabriella pats the top of the little girl’s head as she straightens up.

  Her attention grazes over the rest of us until her glare falls on me. “And who might you be?” she asks, eyeing me with an arched eyebrow.

  “This is Ellie Parker,” Matteo says, draping an arm around me like a protective cloak.

  Just as I step forward and extend my hand, I hear a shrill voice ring out from behind her. “Ellie Parker?” Madison comes into view, her eyes narrowed in disbelief.

  “Yes,” Matteo says, his grip tightening until his fingernails are digging into my shoulder.

  Mackenzie pops into the doorway behind Madison, all lithe and effortlessly elegant with her dancer’s physique. “Ellie Parker?” She looks confused, obviously unaware of who I am.

  Madison turns and gives her sister a redolent look, eyebrows arched to the ceiling. “Eloise Benoit.”

  Mackenzie’s mouth drops open for a split second before it pulls into a straight line. She grabs her sister’s hand defensively and intertwines their fingers.

  Their mother gives me a hard, mean stare before snapping her neck towards the kitchen. “Rosabelle – set out an extra plate.”

  Chapter 45

  “Can you pass the bread, please?” Ruthie’s voice is shaky as it slices through the thick air.

  With a strained smile, Domenic lifts the plate of dinner rolls and stretches it in her direction. She thanks him quietly before dropping her eyes back to her plate.

  Dead silence again until Mackenzie coughs, probably choking on the tension in the room.

  Mr. Moretti sets his knife and fork down next to his plate and smiles tenderly in his granddaughter’s direction. “Tilly – have you been practicing your flower girl duties for Aunt Madison’s wedding?” he asks, his eyes twinkling at her.

  “Dad! Stop!” Madison cuts in, her cautious glare pointed in my direction.

  Mr. Moretti pushes a sigh and grumbles an apology at his daughter.

  I get it – no talk of wedding preparations while a tabloid reporter is sitting at the dinner table.

  More long, drawn-out silence.

  Finally, Mackenzie clears her throat loudly as she brings both of her elbows to the table. “Look – let’s just address the bloody elephant in the room, okay?”

  It’s about damn time.

  “Matt – what the hell were you thinking bringing this woman here tonight? Do you not know who she is?”

  “Mackenzie –“ their father scolds starkly.

  Matt pushes his chair back and growls, “This woman? Ellie is my guest tonight. Speak about her with respect, Mackenzie. You hear me?”

  “Well, it’s pretty fucked up that you’d invite a guest who’s probably just looking for fodder for her next bullshit gossip post,” Madison explodes, her delicate features furrowing.

  “She probably has a tape recorder,” Mackenzie yips as she grabs a carrot stick off of Domenic’s plate.

  Michael clears his throat. “Yes – it was a bit inappropriate of you to bring Ms. Parker here this evening,” he says, forcing a diplomatic tone.

  “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me,” Matteo says, his eyes darting from Michael to Ruthie and back again. He’s thinking exactly what I’m thinking. Ruthie was one of Michael’s interns when they became involved. Half the city has seen their sex tape. Yet, here they are, sitting shoulder-to-shoulder at the Moretti dinner table no one questions the propriety of their relationship.

  “Language!” Gabrielle shrieks at her son with admonishing glare.

  Tilly begins to squirm in her seat. The tension is beginning to weigh on her. “Daddy, why they being mean to my friend?” she whispers, her bottom lip quivering.

  I lean into Matteo’s ear. “I should go.” I’ve caused enough trouble this evening.

  He presses his hand firmly into my thigh, restraining me in place.

  “Listen to me –“ he huffs, “Ellie is my woman. I trust her completely. Where I go, she goes. If you all can’t accept that, then we all leave.” He places one hand on my shoulder while putting the other on top on Tilly’s head.

  “Then, leave,” Madison snarls under her breath.

  Mr. Moretti growls and stands to his feet, his chair grating bluntly against the carpet. “Everyone – shut up!” He pounds his fist into the table and the cutlery rattles loudly. “No one is going anywhere. We are going to sit at this table and everyone is going enjoy this meal that we are so privileged to share. We are going to treat our guest with courtesy and respect. And we are going to set a good example for Tilly.” His gaze sweeps the table.

  “But, daddy –“ Madison whines.

  Her father cuts her off, giving her a searing gaze. “I am confident enough in the way I’ve raised all of my children to trust that when they invite someone to our family’s dinner table, that person is decent and respectable.” His eyes land on each of his children in turn. “At some point or another, you have all given me reason to doubt your decisions. But I’ve come to accept that I’ve raised intelligent, discerning children who are all now adults and leading successful lives.” He eyes Matteo. “I trust your judgment, Matteo. Now, everyone, shut up and eat. Rosabelle’s pot roast is getting cold.”

  Chapter 46

  I watch Rosabelle plop three ice cubes into each snifter before adding a dash of bourbon. She wipes her hands against her apron as she disappears down the hall, closing the door behind her.

  The Edwardian lights are dim and the heavy drapes are closed, casting eerie shadows across the room.

  My father clears his throat loudly and pushes his drink aside before leaning back in his crimson leather executive chair.

  He hasn’t had a drink since his stroke, still Rosabelle continues to prepare him a drink each time he sits in his home study with guests. I think she believes it would be bad manners not to.

  My father observes me, steepling his fingers on the antique mahogany desk in front of him. “Matteo – there are some things your brother and I need to discuss with you,” he says in that tone of voice that lets me know that this is going to be a difficult conversation.

  Here we go.

I say, leaning back in my wooden armchair, mimicking his posture. I hold his gaze. I won’t cower in front of him. Whatever he says, I’m ready for it.

  “Son – you’re very familiar with the firm’s policy on fraternization between our employees and our clients. You even signed a written undertaking promising to uphold that policy.” I’m well aware of that bullshit rule. It was implemented after I knocked up Amelia and my family never misses an opportunity to remind me of it.

  “Look – if this is about Ellie, she’s no longer our client. She’s taken her business elsewhere.” My tone is defensive. I have to control myself. If I’m going to come out of this battle with my dignity in tact, I’m going to have to rein in my temper.

  Michael swipes his bourbon off of the corner of the desk and takes a deep swig. “You say that like it’s a good thing. We lost a major client when we ceased representing ToneWave. The firm was just starting to get back on its feet after that financial setback last year. Then, we had to let ToneWave – one of our biggest clients – go. We’re about to take another hit, Matteo. All because you couldn’t keep it in your pants.”

  “Michael – the point of this meeting isn’t to throw blame around. We’re looking for solutions.” My father is the king of diplomacy tonight, which makes me think that there’s something bigger at play. The fact that I’m still involved with Ellie isn’t his only concern. There’s something else on his mind.

  “Like hell it isn’t about throwing blame around, dad. Like hell.” My brother’s blue eyes spit fire in my direction.

  “Why the fuck do you care who I’m in love with, Michael?” I grab my tumbler and take a gulp of alcohol. I grimace as it sets fire to my throat on the way down.

  Michael squares his body towards mine. “So, you’re in love now?” He rolls his eyes. “You can’t just stick your dick into all of our clients, Matteo. It’s bad for business and this law firm can’t survive another scandal.”

  I laugh bitterly. My brother’s a hypocrite. “If the firm could survive your sex tape with one of our interns, I’m sure it can survive my relationship with Ellie.”

  Michael jumps to his feet, glowering at me. “Watch what you say about my wife, Matteo!”

  I stand and look Michael straight in the face. “I’m only stating facts. Facts which you seem to have forgotten.”

  My jaw is tight. My fists are clenched at my sides. I’m ready to fight. Call me a fool, but I’m willing to fight anyone who challenges my relationship with Ellie.

  Even my brother.

  “Hey. Hey. Cut that out!” our father demands sharply. His chest heaves and falls repeatedly and his face has grown red.

  Michael and I both glance at each other, then back at our father. We exchange a non-verbal message – our father’s health isn’t great and neither of us wants to be the reason he suffers a heart attack or another stroke. We both lower ourselves into our seats.

  “We’re not here to rehash the past. We’re here to find a way forward,” our father says visibly attempting to regulate his breathing.

  I shove both hands through my hair. “What are you getting at, dad?” I wish he would just spit it out already instead of dancing around the issue. Dinner dragged on for long enough and I’m ready to go home. I’ve got a daughter to go put to bed and a beautiful woman I need to make love to.

  “Your brother’s about to announce his candidacy for state senate,” my father reminds me. “We’ll need to find a replacement for managing partner of the firm…he was going to nominate you for the position. But the other partners will never vote you in if you have no regard for firm policy.”

  Michael adjusts the watch on his wrist and pulls on the sleeve of his white button-down. “Matt – you’re my brother. You know I love you. But I can’t let you run amuck and break all the rules and then give you a promotion instead of punishing you. The other partners will have my head on a stake.”

  I shake my head in disbelief. “So, that’s what it comes down to? Firm politics?”

  “Matt – we’re gonna have to pass on you for the promotion.” Michael’s tone is patronizing, at best. “I’ll be nominating Liam Cartwright for the position.”

  I don’t have to stand for this.

  I rise to my feet, looking my brother straight in the eye. “Hey, guess what?…I quit.”

  I’m halfway to the door when hear my father call out to me. “Matteo. Be reasonable. C’mon – you’ll regret this decision.”

  But I’ve already made up my mind.

  I won’t let anybody challenge my relationship with Ellie. I don’t care what I have to sacrifice to be with her.

  Chapter 47

  It’s Saturday night and there are two beautiful blonds in my bed.

  I tiptoe across the room and gently pry the remote out of Ellie’s hand. Tilly grunts softly and snuggles closer to her as I click off the cartoon they’ve been watching on repeat all evening.

  I stand back and watch them together. They’re both so comfortable and peaceful. I smile to myself.

  Just a few months ago, I would never have imagined myself spending a Saturday night anywhere other than at a bar, trolling for new pussy.

  Yet, here I am at my apartment barefoot in my black satin pajama pants, staring at the two most important women in my world. And I’m happier than ever.

  These two blonds have stolen my heart and now, I have everything I’ve ever needed.

  I yawn as I climb into bed and drape my arm around them. I’ve been working hard lately. It’s all for them. They are mine to love and cherish and protect.

  This feels nice.

  It feels like…family.

  Chapter 48

  “Daddy! Daddy!” Tilly leaps into my arms and plants a wet kiss on my cheek.

  “Hi butterfly,” I say, giving her a tight squeeze.

  She squirms her way out of my arms. “Auntie Madison showed us how to do a plié today!” She jumps around excitedly.

  “Oh really?” I say, my gaze shifting to my sister who’s leaning against the barre, arms folded tightly across her chest.

  “You’re late…again.” She glares at me.

  She’s still pissed that I brought Ellie to Sunday dinner. We haven’t spoken since then, but I know my sister. She’s holding a grudge. But this is one time that she’ll just have to get over it.

  She won’t come between Ellie and me.

  I turn my attention to Tilly. “Sweetie, go grab your backpack and we’ll get popsicles on the way home. Does that sound good?”

  Tilly’s face lights up. “Yay!” She scurries off to pack up her belongings. She’s so cute in her little pink tutu.

  I approach my sister. “Hey.”

  “Why are you always late to pick her up from ballet practice? The parents of all my other students were on time. You can’t just waltz in here half an hour late because I’m your sister.” She’s on a roll.

  “Sorry – Ellie’s mother is visiting from Europe for a few days. We all went to breakfast and lost track of time.” I meet Noemie for the first time this today and we really hit it off.

  I could see her as my mother-in-law…

  Madison grunts as she turns off the stereo player and begins to turn off the lights in her ballet studio. “You’re still seeing Ellie?”

  I sigh. “Maddie, you’re going to have to accept her. Ellie’s an important part of my life. I’d love for you to get to know her.”

  She rolls her eyes. “Whatever.”

  I glare at her sternly. “I love her, Madison. I love Ellie.”

  Just then, Tilly trots up to us. “I love Ellie, too. She’s so nice. She’s taking me to the zoo next week. I want you to come with us, Auntie.”

  Madison pushes the sour expression off of her face for my daughter’s sake. “Oh, I don’t think that’s a good idea, sweetie.”

  But, I see my opening here and I won’t let it slip away. Tilly is Madison’s weakness and I know it. “Auntie Madison would love to go to the zoo with you and Ellie,” I say with a syrupy

  “Yay!” Tilly is jumping around excitedly.

  My sister looks like she’s about to kill me but I know she won’t disappoint Tilly. “So, it’s settled then. Auntie Madison’s going to the zoo with you and Ellie.”

  Chapter 49

  A silly grin settles on my face as I sink into the chair across from Matteo’s desk. “Are you ready?” I ask, not even trying to mask my excitement as I set my tape recorder onto the desk.


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