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Page 59

by C S Marks

  Lord Shandor founded the realm of Monadh-talam, together with his beloved Lady Liathwyn of the Èolar. When Liathwyn gave up her life Shandor was so grieved that he sought refuge in the Stone of Léir, hoping to relive his happy memories with her.

  He gazed so long into its depths, weeping and calling to his beloved, that his spirit was drawn into the crystal, and now resides there. The Stone was moved to Tal-sithian in s.r.6985, at the onset of the Third Uprising, and has remained there under the watchful eye of Lady

  Arialde. Because of Shandor’s powerful spirit, the Stone is now a mighty object capable of great visions not only of the past, but of the future.

  Shandor is bitter and grieved, and he will not suffer anyone to seek his visions outside the grace of the Lady. Many of the things seen in the Stone are disquieting, and if one looks into it without leave Shandor may afflict him with visions so terrible that they will haunt him until the end of his days. Yet the Stone can be of great value in predicting and averting disaster, and it has greatly aided the Lady Arialde in safeguarding her people. From léir (far-sighted).

  Sylvan elves: Wood-elves, or Cúinar.

  Tal-ailean (Tal-EYE-lee-ahn): Elven-realm located in the Monadh-ailan. It is inhabited by various small, secretive groups of Cúinar known as the Elàni-ailan (green-elves). From tal (realm) and ailan (green).

  Taldin (TAl-deen): Name given affectionately to Gaelen by Ri-Elathan, it means "walks unnoticed, stealthy". From taldin (silent-footed).

  Tal-elathas (Tal-EL-a-thas): Ancient realm of the Èolar, it was the greatest center of invention and discovery that has ever been. At one time there were no less than three Asari that resided there: Leiras, Baelta, and Kotos. It was destroyed by Wrothgar’s army when Kotos betrayed the Elves, aided unwittingly by Baelta. From tal- (realm) and elathas (wisdom).

  Talrodin (TAL-roh-deen): Hunter-scout of Greatwood, friend of Nelwyn and brother of Halrodin. He was slain by Gorgon. His name means "pillar of the realm". From tal (realm) and rodos (as the trunk of a tree).

  Tal-sithian (SITH-ee-ahn): Green forested island in the Linnefionn; the Elven-realm of the Lord Airan and Lady Arialde. From sithion (deer). It means "realm of deer roaming".

  Tarfion (TAR-fee-ohn): Father of Gaelen, spouse of Gloranel, twin brother of Tarmagil and elder brother of Turanen. Tarfion was probably unexcelled as a hunter-scout, and he gained the King’s favor upon saving the life of his son, prince Aruin. Name means "hunter of the realm". From fiona (hunter) and tar (of the realm).

  Tarmagil (TAR-mah-geel): Fraternal twin brother of Tarfion and favorite uncle of Gaelen and Nelwen. Known for being free-spirited and of good humor, he was slain in the Third Uprising. Name means "strong ally". From tar- (of the realm) and magra (mighty).

  Thaldallen (Thall-DAH-len): An enormous, solitary oak in the Greatwood forest. Name means "steadfast oak". From thayla (trust) and dalen (oak).

  Thaylon (THAY-lon): Given name of Rogond, it means "trustworthy". From thayla (to trust).

  Thorndil (THORN-deel): Northman, ranger, and friend of Rogond, companion of Belegund. His name means "Piercing gaze, eagle-eyed". From thorn- (to pierce).

  Tibo (TEE-bo): Dwarf of Grundin’s realm. Tibo was known for his love of Elves.

  Trachair (TRACH-eye-eer): "The treacherous". Evil Asarla also known as Kotos, Trachair is the name given him by the Elves.

  Troll: These unusual beings are found in and around the hilly and mountainous areas of Alterra. If Ulcas do not love sunlight, trolls live in dread of it, for they cannot survive exposure for more than a few moments. Trolls turn to stone if the sun finds them, and hence they are abroad only at night. They are very large, dull-witted, and slow-moving. If caught by them, one should expect to be crushed and then eaten.

  They are ancient creatures of unlimited lifespan, and their origin is uncertain. The Rûndiam-har tells that they were formed from the earth itself, and at first they served no one, but Wrothgar subverted them during the Time of Mystery. They have since played a part in all three Uprisings—an army of trolls approaching by night is a fearsome sight. The armies of Light ultimately routed them, though they are very difficult to kill using ordinary weapons. It is a rare blade that will give more than a shallow wound, and arrows will kill them only through the eye or the mouth.

  A few speak crude Aridani, though not very well, and they may wear rough clothing, but go about unshod. Slow and stupid they might be, but one should not underestimate them, for they stand three times as tall as a man with ten times the girth, and wield great hammers of stone. They will eat anything they can catch and kill. They have often plagued the dwarves, who hate them with a passion. Most formidable are the trolls that have lived beneath fire-mountains, for those lands are poisoned, and the trolls have grown larger and more dangerous as a result.

  Tuathas (TOO-ah-thas): Greatest of all Realms of Men, Tuathas alone possessed an Asarla. Because of this they were more enlightened than other men and were nearly as fair as the Elves. Tuathas was destroyed during an eruption of one of the great Fire-mountains that bounded it, and very little of the realm survived. The cataclysm occurred in the year s.r.6740, and nearly wiped out the entire northern race—the lands remained lifeless until the turning of the Age. From tuath (north).

  Tuathar (TOO-ah-thar) sing. Tuathan: Men of the northern Realm of Tuathas, lost in the rising of the Great Fire-mountain. They are tall and comely, hardy and strong. Because of the influence of their Asarla, they are more enlightened than other races of men. They founded not only the realm of Tuathas, but the great cities of Dûn Bennas and Dûn Arian. Examples are Rogond and Thorndil. Name means ‘north-man’. From tuath (north) and aridan (man).

  Turanen (TOOR-ah-nen): Younger brother of Tarfion and Tarmagil, father of Nelwyn and spouse of Elwyn. An unparalleled archer, he was slain in the third uprising. Name means ‘glen-bowman’. From tuag- (bow) and ranen (glen).

  Turantil (TOOR-an-TEEL): Sword of Halrodin, prized heirloom stolen by Gorgon. Name means "scourge of the north". From tuath (north) and ranta (scourge).

  Tûr Dorcha (Toor DOR-ka): Wrothgar’s stronghold in the Darkmere, it means "Dark Tower". The fortress is actually a sickly, pale grey due to the fetid mists of the Laban Fuath, hence it is also called the "Pale Tower". Most of the stronghold is belowground, carved into solid rock. The surrounding bog is entirely unnatural and contains many vile, disgusting perversions of normal creatures. Only the servants of Wrothgar are likely to survive drawing too near to Tûr Dorcha.

  Ular (OO-lar): "The longbeard", chief of the Council of Elders in Cós- domhain.

  Ulcas (UL-cas), sing. Ulca: Evil servants of Wrothgar. Some are quite formidable in battle, but most can prevail only through sheer numbers. All are ugly. They dislike sunlight and live in dark places, particularly beneath mountains. They lurk in nearly every dark, forsaken place in Alterra, and their numbers have waxed and waned according to the power of their Master. There is some debate among scholars concerning the origin of Ulcas, but it is assumed that they are perversions of existing races, for Wrothgar can create nothing of his own; he can only twist and subvert the creations of Aontar.

  There is some speculation that the Elves had a part in the making of the Ulcas, a notion that is most emphatically denied by both the Elves and the Ulcas. The two races hate each other, and they claim no relationship that does not involve the point of a blade. The Elves are quick to point out that Ulcas will not consume their flesh (they will eat nearly anything else), that they are entirely hairless, lacking even eyelashes, and that they will not suffer the touch of objects that are Elven-made, hence they could not share the same forebears.

  The prevailing view held by western scholars is that Ulcas were men in the beginning, and that Wrothgar, desiring to make them stronger, infected them with a pestilence. This disease killed the weaker members, and those that survived lived much longer, even to the point of appearing to be immortal. All Ulcas now carry the pestilence, which has changed over generations such that it can no longer inf
ect men. It is passed to the Ulcas before they are born, and it makes them hardy and long-lived, but it also twists and distorts their hairless bodies and makes them intolerant of sunlight. Naturally, the Elves prefer this view, yet it has not been proven.

  Ulcas are highly variable in appearance; most are greyish-black in color, but some are pale or mottled, and some are dark as pitch. They are all undeniably ugly, some so ugly as to be hideous. Ulcas typically speak a crude form of Aridani, varied according to the area of origin. Because they do not write or record events, we know little of their history, customs, or culture. Their name simply means "evil, wicked" in the Elven-speech.

  They have played a large part in Wrothgar’s plans throughout history, swarming down upon their enemies in huge masses during battles. They are terribly weakened by sunlight, hence it is perilous to go abroad at night in any unprotected lands. During daylight they are most often found belowground. They feed primarily upon flesh, scavenging the dead as well as preying upon the living.

  Their eyes are well designed for seeing in darkness, with cat-like, vertical pupils. In color they are generally a pale yellow to muddy yellow- brown; blue or grey-eyed Ulcas are almost unknown.

  Úlfar (OOL-far): "Fen-serpents", vile, slimy eels with rasping, sucker-like mouths. Arguably the most unpleasant creatures in Alterra, they ensnare wading travelers or animals by miring them in slime and entangling them. Once the prey is brought down into the water, they attach to any hairless area and give an envenomed bite. The venom subdues the victim, whereupon the creatures enter through body orifices and consume it from the inside out. They are normally found in bogs but can travel up fresh waterways for a considerable distance. They cannot live in salt water. Their bite is so septic that a man bitten by an Úlfa is doomed to a very bad death. They are undoubtedly a perversion of normal eels, designed by Wrothgar.

  Unvar (OON-vahr): Fisherman, brother of Maleck.

  Wellyn (WEL-lin): Son and reluctant heir of Ri-Aruin of the Greatwood, Wellyn is a very dear friend of Gaelen. He has raven-black hair and blue-grey eyes. His name means "courageous, one who is brave".

  Wodon: Herd stallion of Tal-sithian. His name means "the hammer".

  Wrothgar (ROTH-gar): Evil Being of Alterra, also known as the Shadowmancer or the Black Flame. He was so named because of his ability to summon the dreadful being known as "The Shadow", who can so confuse the soldiers of an enemy army that they turn upon one another. His hallmark is the peculiar dark fire that envelops him when he is engaged in battle—this flame will slowly consume everything it touches.

  Wrothgar has arisen thrice at the time these tales begin; first in f.r.3506- 3525, second in s.r.2026-2029, and third in s.r.6085-6091.

  About C.S. Marks

  C.S. Marks has often been described as a Renaissance woman. The daughter of academic parents, she holds a Ph.D. in Biology and has spent the past two decades teaching Biology and Equine Science. She is currently a Full Professor at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College in west central Indiana.

  She began writing shortly after the untimely death of her father, who was a Professor of American Literature at Butler University. A gifted artist, she has produced illustrations and cover art for all three books. She plays and sings Celtic music and a few examples of her songwriting may be found within the pages of Fire-heart. She enjoys archery, and makes hand-crafted longbows using primitive tools.

  Horses are her passion, and she is an accomplished horsewoman, having competed in the sport of endurance racing for many years. One of only a handful of Americans to complete the prestigious Tom Quilty Australian national championship hundred-mile ride, she has described this moment as her finest hour.

  She has been happily married for more than three decades. She and her husband, Jeff, share their home with ten dogs (predominantly Welsh Corgis) and five horses. They live deep in the forest, where there are miles and miles of trail riding to be had.


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  C.S. Marks

  The Fire King

  Invincible. Unconquerable. Perfect. Fearless.

  It’s no longer enough….

  Not for Aincor Fire-heart, the first High Elven King of Alterra. For Aincor’s reign, his power, his life itself – is about to change.

  After charging headlong into a conflict that plunges all of Alterra into war, Aincor must face a force of such power and terror that none may stand against it. Despite unrivaled skill, pride, and valor, no one is truly invincible…or fearless. As the Flame struggles against the Shadow, Aincor’s secret, hidden dread rises up to torment him. Will it stand in the way of victory?

  If the King falls – what of the Kingdom?

  From the creator of the beloved ELFHUNTER Series comes a tale of fate and faith, of the eternal but never certain struggle of Light against Darkness, of the power of love itself – as a King is forced to confront that which is in himself, that which is in us all.


  Available now in Print at

  and Ebook on Amazon.


  In the Second of the Tales of Alterra, the World that Is…

  …the Company embarks on a thousand-mile odyssey through vast lands both savage and civilized, where they encounter a great variety of strange, sometimes hostile people. Their eyes are opened to many wonders, but evil lurks at every turn as destiny takes them onto unexpected paths. Battling through blood, treachery, fire, and thirst, they reach a safe and peaceful haven only to face the ‘Scourge’—a terrible army of the worst dregs ever to roam the desert—and its nearly insurmountable weapon. Meanwhile, Gaelen of the Greatwood has summoned Gorgon Elfhunter to follow after her, knowing that the journey has only delayed their final reckoning. Should he find her, even the strength and will of the Fire-heart might not be enough!

  Ebook coming in 2013


  In the third of the Tales of Alterra, the World that Is…

  …the Elfhunter is forced into a confrontation with Gaelen of the Greatwood, setting into motion a tale of deceit and betrayal from which neither may emerge. In an effort to prevail over his wily enemy, Gorgon forms a powerful, poisonous alliance with an ancient, sinister force darker and deadlier than any the Company has yet known. Each side must weave a web of deception that ultimately drives them deep into the ruined northern lands, even as the World of Alterra is plunged into war. Will the armies of Lord Wrothgar overwhelm all who stand against them? Does the fate of the Light rest on the shoulders of one small Wood-elf as Gaelen strives to defeat the Elfhunter at last? At the heart of it all is the Stone of Léir and the mighty but forlorn spirit trapped within it.

  Ebook coming in 2013


  The first in the new Alterran series:

  Undiscovered Realms

  The Defenders of Light despise you.

  The Powers of Darkness would doom you.

  What if you discovered that your ancestors committed the most shameful atrocities in history? What if your only chance to climb from the darkness of the past depends on the good graces of your enemies? How will you convince them to aid you when they kill your people on sight?

  You are the last hope of a struggling race, beset from all sides. No one wants you—everyone wants you dead. You have made your case before the Council of the Wise, but just as the first fragile trust begins to form, it is shattered. How can your former enemies ever trust you again? Will you find your way back into the Light or be forever Outcaste?

  The latest from award-winning author C.S. Marks, Outcaste is the first in a new series beginning twenty years after the ending of the Elfhunter trilogy. A riveting tale told in the classic epic style, it is suitable for readers of all ages. Join the Company of intrepid adventurers (and delightfully intelligent horses). Come to Alterra, the World That Is.

  Coming in 2014

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1: The Trail Begins

  Chapter 2: Of the Fishermen and the Rescue of Nelwyn

  Chapter 3: On the Trail Again

  Chapter 4: The Fate of Gelmyr

  Chapter 5: The Trail is Lost

  Chapter 6: The Path to the Greatwood


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