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Memory: Volume 3, How Far We Have Come, A Tale of Pride and Prejudice (Memory: A Tale of Pride and Prejudice)

Page 9

by Wells, Linda

  “I appreciate your willingness to do battle with my aunt, love, but I am very capable of protecting you and our family.” He saw her blush and kissed her hand. “I am a gentleman, but I know when to set that aside.”

  “I am sorry, Fitzwilliam, I did not mean to question your abilities.” She sighed. “I tend to become rather passionate when it applies to my loved ones.”

  “A trait I have noticed in you, Miss Mary.” De Bourgh said softly as he squeezed her hand. “Something in the Bennet blood, perhaps?”

  “Perhaps in the Gardiner blood.” Elizabeth said thoughtfully. Charlotte startled and she smiled at her. “Well you grew up with us, which member of our family is more likely to be passionate about anything?”

  “I cannot believe that you just admitted you resembled your mother.” Charlotte laughed.

  “I cannot either!” Kitty gasped.

  “Please let that be the end of it!” Darcy begged. Elizabeth sighed and he kissed her hand. “Forgive me.”

  “How is your head?”

  “Aching.” He said softly as she caressed his temple.

  Mrs. de Bourgh saw Elizabeth’s concern for him and offered her opinion. “There are other ways to fight Lady Catherine besides fury, Mrs. Darcy. I appreciate that you are angry and feel protective. Just remember that all she has left is her anger and pride. There are ways to take her down without being as bitter as she. I have watched you. You are a very clever woman. Think before you speak. Think before you do. You are the one in control. And her likely ire will be directed towards you.”

  Elizabeth nodded and feeling fatigue creeping over her; gratefully saw that they had arrived at the house. “I will keep that in mind.” She turned to Darcy. “Shall we go and rest until she arrives?”

  “That sounds like an excellent plan, love.” They bid the family well and left for their chambers. Each worried for their partner, and each grateful that the person they loved was agreeing to lie down without protest.

  Several hours passed and the company gathered together again in the drawing room, full of anticipation of what the former mistress of Rosings would do. When she was announced, the family rose to greet her. Instead of speaking to her host, she swept into the room, glared at the decor, nodded at Mrs. de Bourgh and turned, clearly full of ammunition. “Darcy.”

  “Madam.” He bowed but did not take the proffered hand to kiss. Instead he stepped away and placed his hand on Elizabeth’s back. Lady Catherine clutched her reticule, and seeing no response forthcoming, she sniffed and glanced at Elizabeth. “Mrs. Fitzwilliam Darcy, Miss Mary Bennet, Miss Catherine Bennet, may I introduce you to my aunt, the Dowager Lady Catherine de Bourgh.”

  De Bourgh repressed a smile and enjoyed immensely watching Darcy maintain his cool response, while Michael chose to study the ceiling. “The dowager, Darcy?” She glared.

  “Do you not occupy the dower house, madam?” He said with a slight lift of his brow. “Or am I incorrect?”

  “There is no new mistress of Rosings, Darcy.” She shot a look at de Bourgh, who smiled.

  “But I assure you, madam, there will be.” He glanced at Mary, who blushed.

  “Shall we be seated?” Mrs. de Bourgh suggested. The collective group took their seats, and a generally uncomfortable silence reigned. Mary cleared her throat and Lady Catherine’s sharp eyes took her in. Instantly she looked down. De Bourgh, sitting beside her, touched his boot to her slipper and caught her eye. His attention did not go unnoticed but instead of pursuing that topic, Lady Catherine turned to Elizabeth.

  “You are Mrs. Darcy.”

  “As my husband indicated, yes I am.” She felt the woman’s cold assessment. Elizabeth met it head on.

  “You are the woman Darcy chose over my daughter.”

  “There was no choice to be made madam; the intimation of a choice indicates that there was ever any confusion in regards to preference. My husband always maintained, even before we met, that he would not marry your daughter.” She felt Darcy’s fingers entwine with hers. “I am surprised that you did not understand his decision, few people are ever confused when my husband gives an opinion. He is quite decided and rarely wavers. Being a close relative you should have accepted his reply the first time.”

  Michael’s eyes widened and he grinned at his brother from behind Lady Catherine. De Bourgh, well-trained in combat, only allowed a slight lift to his lips to appear. Kitty and Georgiana stared at each other and each fought to hide their smiles.

  Flummoxed, Lady Catherine returned to her nephew. “How goes Pemberley, Darcy?”

  “Very well, Aunt, it prospers.” He became silent and took a sip of wine. Elizabeth watched as a mask she had not seen for a very long time slipped into place. His eyes were cold, his posture stiff. The only sign of her husband still being present was the almost painful grip he maintained on her hand. She knew that he was not allowing his aunt any satisfaction by simply not exposing emotion.

  “You have a child, I understand.” Her eyes flicked to Elizabeth. “A female. You require an heir Darcy. You do not want Pemberley to slip into unwanted hands.”

  “Is that directed at me, Aunt?” De Bourgh glared.

  “I am sure that Lady Catherine was only referring to Pemberley.” Mary said softly. “She would not wish to insult the man who cares for her and her home.” Mary looked up to see warmth and admiration appearing in de Bourgh’s eyes and then saw Elizabeth nod with approval.

  Mrs. de Bourgh smiled. “I am sure that you are quite correct Miss Bennet. What a fine mistress you will make one day, since you possess the compassion that a dependent relative will rely upon to maintain a comfortable existence during her declining years. The man you marry will be happy to listen to you.”

  “Undoubtedly.” De Bourgh said positively.

  “All men should be so fortunate to have such outstanding women as their wives.” Darcy said just as strongly.

  “Thank you Fitzwilliam.” Elizabeth smiled and turned to Lady Catherine. “To address your valid concern, yes, like you, our first child was a girl. We hope that she is the first of many, however I am aware of Pemberley’s requirement for an heir, hopefully I will be more successful than some women.” Everyone noticed the elder woman’s eyes narrow and Elizabeth paused for a long moment then added, “For example, our mother had five girls.”


  “Our dear Rosalie just reached her first birthday.” She smiled at Darcy, and he lifted her hand to his lips.

  “Rosalie? Named for Ros …”

  “Named for the rose bush planted near the place where she was born.” Elizabeth looked at Darcy and winked.

  He laughed softly and relaxed his grip on her hand. “I delivered her. Alone. In the woods.”

  “You what!” Lady Catherine exclaimed.

  “We are very proud of our Rosa.” He continued. “She is endlessly fascinating, like her mother.”

  “Darcy you are behaving like a besotted fool. It is unseemly.” Lady Catherine sniffed but could not help but stare at them.

  “It is the sign of a man who chose precisely what he knew he wanted and needed to be happy.” Darcy turned to her. “A man who knows his mind and is not influenced by others. How happy my father would be to know that his son is an independent thinker like himself.” Watching her struggle to respond he shook his head. “Give this up, Aunt. Elizabeth was correct this morning when she observed you. She said that you had fired your worst at me then, I did not listen and spent the day anticipating the battles of old I had heard from you. The anger is there, the vindictiveness and bitterness, but it simply does not sting anymore.” He looked down to Elizabeth and smiled. “How can she harm me?”

  “Other than attacking your character, she cannot, and that is a success only if you were foolish enough to believe her.” She smiled at him and he leaned down to kiss her.

  “Mrs. de Bourgh, how can you tolerate such a display!” Lady Catherine demanded.

  Before she could answer they heard the sound of happy babbling
then the appearance of Mrs. Robbins in the doorway. “Forgive me, Mrs. Darcy, Mr. Darcy, but Miss Rosalie is … well she is doing something wonderful and I was so afraid that if she succeeded that you would miss the momentous event.” She set the baby on the floor. “Go on dear, show Mama and Papa.”

  Lady Catherine stared open-mouthed at the little girl. “What is this, Darcy! What is she doing out of the nursery? A child does not belong in …” She gasped to see Darcy move to kneel on the floor and Elizabeth join him. “Darcy! Mrs. Darcy! Get off of the floor! What are you doing?”

  “Papa!” Rosalie beamed.

  “What are you doing today, little love?” He said softly.

  Rosalie laughed and spotted Elizabeth. “Mamamama!” Suddenly she fell forward onto her hands and knees, and slowly raised her bottom up high in the air.

  “Oh Will.” Elizabeth breathed.

  Darcy’s hands reached out. “Come Rosa, come to Papa, love.”

  With baited breath, the family all seemed to lean forward, willing her to rise. Rosalie rocked back and forth, talking to herself, and slowly, shakily pushed up, surprising herself as she rose, letting go of the carpet and standing, swaying, and with a look of absolute determination and delight, she took one step, her arms waved wildly, and squealed with joy. Darcy beamed at her. “Papa!” And just as suddenly she was down. Before he could swoop down to kiss her, she was back at it, more quickly this time, up on her hands and knees, balancing, rising, standing, the same expression of wonder appeared. “Mamamamama!” She squealed and stepped to Elizabeth.

  “Oh sweetheart! You clever, clever girl!” Elizabeth cried. Both she and Darcy descended to kiss her while the rest of the family applauded. Darcy scooped her up and hugged her, then kissed Elizabeth. She wiped the tears that glistened on his cheek and laughed. “How proud you are!”

  “What a wonder she is!” He laughed and kissed both of his girls, and happily buried his face in Elizabeth’s neck as they surrounded their crowing daughter with their embrace.

  Mrs. de Bourgh turned away from the happy scene as the rest of the family joined the Darcys on the floor to watch Rosalie perform her miracle again and again. She looked at Lady Catherine and noted her unreadable expression. “Tell me, what exactly did you ever hold so dear? A title? A house?” She smiled at the circle of family surrounding the baby with the silly smile. “Oh, what you have missed.”

  Chapter 4

  “May I get you anything?” Darcy said softly and kissed Elizabeth’s cheek. She blinked and looked up at him. “You fell asleep, love.”

  “Oh.” She sat up a little and sank back down into the very comfortable and secure embrace of his arms. “How did that happen?” His soft rumbling laughter filled her ear and she smiled into his neck cloth. “Was I asleep for long?”

  “mmm, about a half hour.” He kissed her hair and hugged her to him. “I chose to remain awake and on guard.”

  “I somehow think that we are quite safe here in this patch of sunshine, but the advantage of a hilltop certainly ruins the element of surprise for any curious deer who might wander our way.” Elizabeth looked up to see the unhidden warmth of his affection. “What precisely would you have found for me? Have you a teapot in your pocket?


  “A bun? A music box?”

  “No.” His eyes crinkled.

  “A flask, perhaps?”

  “What gentleman is without one?”

  “I can think of any number who are, and no, I do not wish for a drink of whatever you carry. I prefer to keep my wits about me.”

  “Why?” He whispered in her ear, his breath softly caressed and tickled her skin, and sent a frisson down her spine.

  “ohhh. Because you always take advantage of my vulnerability.”

  “I love you being vulnerable, love. At least for me.” Their eyes met and Darcy’s gaze moved to her lips. “Your mouth has been looking especially vulnerable, and has been begging for my rescue.” He whispered before they joined for several pleasant moments. “That is better.” He drew away and watched the tip of her tongue taste where his lips had been. “Lizzzy … That tongue of yours …”

  She laughed and brushed the hair from his forehead. “Must we return to London? We are so close to the coast; could we not take in a little sea air? I have always wished to see the North Sea. It would do us a world of good; a little sea-bathing would set us up forever.”

  “Sea-bathing? This is coming from the woman who objects to the cold water of the lake at the height of summer?” He chuckled.

  “Yes, but I understand that gentlemen bathe unclothed. I was simply imagining you …” Darcy silenced her with a kiss to her throat. “Perhaps it would be better at the lake.”

  “Guaranteed.” He nipped her skin and soothed the spot with his tongue. “Much more pleasant, and we could bathe together so I would not have a spyglass pressed to my eye to see you.”

  “Men spy on the women?” She gasped.

  “Yes love; and no man will see you, but me. No sea-bathing for my wife.” He declared and suckled her throat until her breathing became ragged. Darcy groaned and moved to eagerly explore her mouth. Their kisses deepened just as the sound of a rising group of geese startled them from their activity. Darcy closed his eyes and worked to regain control. “You drive me insane.”

  “Then we shall enter Bedlam together.” Elizabeth laughed and cuddled against him, sinking back into his arms as gradually, they calmed. “You smell so very nice.”

  “Thank you.” He drank in the perfume of her hair and smiled. “So do you. Bathing is no sin, I have long determined, even if it is not in the sea.”

  “You are one of the few.”

  “mmmm.” Darcy’s lips traced over her face and slipping his arms beneath her; lifted her onto his lap. They curled together and kissed slowly. His hands roamed her body and then settled back into his secure embrace. “Dearest?”


  “Are you?” He whispered against her ear and touched her belly.

  “I think so.” Elizabeth whispered and immediately his face buried against her neck. His arms tightened around her and they remained still for a very long time. When she felt her neck becoming damp and his shoulders shaking, she drew back to kiss his hair and finally see his eyes. “Happy tears?”

  “Yes, love.” He sniffed and giving her a watery smile, caressed back her hair. “How could I not be joyful?” Darcy kissed her very tenderly. “When? You cannot be too far along.”

  “No, I am not, I … I doubt that it is more than a few weeks. The symptoms seemed to have only just begun in earnest, it is the same but different from the last time.” Shrugging, she smiled as he wiped her tears away. “If it is real. It is only just barely begun.”

  “So this is not our snow baby.” He chuckled when she shook her head. “Well, next time.”

  “I have no doubt that you will be happy to try again.” Elizabeth looked up to see his vigorous nod and laughing, kissed his smile. “So it seems that it will be November.”

  “So it does.” Darcy kissed her temples, her nose, her cheeks, then found his way to her lips. “I love you.” He whispered. “So very much, dearest. I am so grateful to know that my suspicions were true.”

  “How long have you suspected?”

  “Ohhhh, when you turned a fascinating shade of green at Easter dinner.” Elizabeth blushed, and again he combed her hair with his fingers. “Or when you seem to be a little more emotional than usual.” He kissed more tears away from her cheek and laughed. “Or perhaps it was the fact that you wished to sleep after services.”

  She protested weakly, “That was for your headache. I know that a darkened room helps you.”

  “I know.” Drawing her to his chest, his chin resting on her head, he placed his hands back over her waist. “Please let it be true.” Elizabeth felt him swallowing and knew that he was fighting back his emotion. Her hands rested over his and they sat together quietly, trying to find their equilibrium again. Eventually, he broke the e
mbrace to wipe his eyes. “I want to love you right here and now, I want to celebrate this glorious news, but I do not wish to be discovered by prying eyes.”

  “Rosalie has dampened your desire to be free? Will I have to coax you to agree to lovemaking in the sunshine now?” She smiled when he sighed. “Well, we learned a lesson with her. Our daughter is not to be trusted.”

  “I will have a lock of some sort put on the nursery door.” He mused and pulled himself together. “And as soon as she can understand, she will be taught how to knock.”

  “I agree, although I believe that may be a little while.” She paused. “Perhaps it is time for her to move to the nursery upstairs.”

  “Oh no!” He protested and sighed in resignation. “Perhaps. Then she will be well-established there when the new baby arrives.”

  “Yes, and Mrs. Robbins will sleep there, as well.” They both grew silent with the thought. “She will be fine.”

  “Of course.”

  They sat quietly, each contemplating that already their little girl was growing up too fast. “She handled your aunt admirably; she will do very well in that enormous nursery.”

  “Elizabeth, she took one look at Aunt Catherine and nearly strangled me with her desperate embrace!” He laughed. “I believe my ears are still ringing from her wails!”

  “So you see, she displays excellent taste!” Elizabeth smiled at his shaking head and kissed him. “What a clever child!”

  “Well before that display, I believe that my aunt was showing some hint of admiration for our daughter. I swear that if she dared to proclaim her accomplished …” He growled.

  “I think that Rosalie has effectively discouraged that opinion now. She made it clear that she wanted to be well away from her great aunt.” Elizabeth smiled as she remembered Rosalie being carried upstairs again. “All of our children should be so clever; she will not be fooled by the women of society when she comes out.”

  “You are wicked.”


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