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Memory: Volume 3, How Far We Have Come, A Tale of Pride and Prejudice (Memory: A Tale of Pride and Prejudice)

Page 70

by Wells, Linda

  “Oh Jane.” Lucas and Michael appeared, “She hates to be called an angel but I swear the woman could sprout wings and fly!”

  “They are flying now.” Michael laughed, “Oh look, Charlotte is captured!” The spinning group pulled her in and began to rush into the middle, raising their hands up in the air and backing away again. “They need a maypole for this!”

  “I think they are making it up as they go along. The other groups are not nearly as talented.” Darcy chuckled and for a moment, caught Elizabeth’s eye and received a kiss blown through the air. Next Louisa and Abbey drifted too close and were pulled into the whirlwind. Bingley and Hurst joined the men. “So we are beyond sisters now.”

  “I hope that Miss Catherine has this vision firmly in her mind. I would love a sketch of this.” Bingley grinned, so pleased to see Abbey included and welcomed. “I love a country dance!”

  “Shall we put our orders for sketches in now?” Hurst offered. “No more dancing for my wife after this, that I know for certain.”

  “I can think of three participants who might need to rest after this.” Darcy saw de Bourgh look down at his boots and smile. “Perhaps not just three?”

  The heads swivelled and de Bourgh looked up to see the enquiring eyes on him. “I did not say anything!”

  “Neither did I.” Michael nudged his brother. De Bourgh shot him a look.

  “Oho!” Hurst grinned. “Quite a circle we have spinning there!”

  “We did not say anything!” They cried.

  Lucas and Darcy clapped their respective brothers on the back and shook their hands. “Well I certainly hope that in a month or so you both will.” The lively tune ended at last, and the ladies fell against each other, talking and trying to catch their breath. Darcy walked over to Elizabeth and took her hands in his. “Can you possibly know how much I want to kiss you?” Her eyes were bright and her face was flushed. “So very lovely.”

  “I would blush but I am afraid it is impossible!” She drew a steadying breath and leaned against his side as his hand slipped around her waist. “Oh that was so much fun!”

  “We enjoyed watching you. I think that the entire assemblage did, as well.” He laughed to see her pleased smile, and noticing that Abbey had joined Bingley and the other men had found their partners, they followed them to the punch table. Kitty and Lydia drank theirs, and taking Mr. Bennet by the hand, dragged him off to fulfil his promise to dance.

  “Mr. Bingley.” Bingley turned from Abbey to find Mrs. Simkins had hurried up to him with Jill and Emily by her side. “We have not had the opportunity to greet you! Of course we would not think of interrupting your conversation with the gentlemen …” she looked at Abbey pointedly, “… by taking your attention. I was just remarking to my dear daughter Jill, I hope that you are not too disappointed in this assembly after all of your experiences in London? So many times we met! We share so much in common! Jill was always so pleased when you would ask her to dance were you not, dear?”

  “Of course I was, Mama, Mr. Bingley is a gentleman.” She smiled at him. “I hope that you are settled in Netherfield, sir?”

  “Yes, of course it has been some time since you … visited.” He smiled and saw that Abbey was watching closely. “I hope that your family is comfortable at home?” Turning from Jill, he smiled at Emily. “Miss Emily, how do you find the country?”

  “It is a vast improvement to London, although it seems to carry its own burdens.” She looked at her mother.

  “Jill was just saying this morning that she hopes we will spend a great deal of time in Meryton; imagine our surprise when we realized that it takes only a half-hour between our home and town!”

  “It is a good road.” Abbey said quietly.

  “It is indeed.” Bingley smiled at her and looked back to Mrs. Simkins. “I hope that you enjoy your visit.”

  “Of course, oh listen! The musicians are beginning again, I know how you love to dance sir, and surely you do not wish to miss the opportunity! Come, I do not see any other partners about, take Jill …”

  “Mama!” Jill hissed.

  Bingley looked at Abbey and smiled to see a possessive glint in her eye. “I would enjoy dancing with you again Miss Simkins; however I have promised Miss Martin a cup of punch, perhaps later this evening if you still have dances available?”

  “Yes, yes, that would be very nice, thank you.” Jill blushed.

  Holding out his arm, Abbey took it. “Excuse us, please.” He bowed and they moved off.

  “How can you let him go like that?” Mrs. Simkins waved her arm. “Look at them, nobody is trying! That shopkeeper’s daughter sweeps in and takes the prize without batting an eyelash? Jill this is your best opportunity! He could save us!”

  “Mama, clearly he is not interested in anything I can provide for him. He is just being nice after you forced me on him.” Shaking her head she looked at Emily. “I wasted all of those opportunities to express my interest in him.”

  “I told you that he is not a mind reader, how was he supposed to figure you out?” Emily nodded to Abbey. “I watched her, she makes it very clear. Do you really like him?”

  “I have never had the opportunity to try.” She sighed.

  “You never took it.” Emily reminded her.

  “Thank you.” Bingley whispered to Abbey when they picked up their cups. “Thank you for trusting me.”

  “She was very nice, but I wanted to strangle her mother. But then I remembered Mrs. Darcy at Lucas Lodge and how everyone remarked on her behavior after she departed, and thought that, well, what do I have to worry about? You just told me in so many ways that you …”

  “Care.” He finished gently and took her hand. “Very much. You know that I will have to dance with others tonight, even though I would prefer to dance them all with you. And I know that you must accept other invitations as well.”

  “I know.” She blushed. “But can you forgive me for wishing otherwise?”

  Bingley smiled. “I think that I would be disappointed if you did not.”

  “You might as well know now Mr. Bingley, I am not afraid to fight if necessary.”

  “With me? Or to protect me?”

  “Either one.” She laughed. “It depends on what you have done!”

  Darcy chuckled at his beaming friend. “He is lost.” Looking down his brow creased, seeing Elizabeth’s face no longer pink, but pale. “Are you well?”

  “Of course I am.” She could see his worry on display, and caressed back his hair. “I am. What were you boys talking about?”

  “You girls.” He squeezed her waist. “Will I have one more dance with you tonight or are you too tired?”

  “Oh, I want many dances with you, Will.” She tilted her head, “It seems that you find me tempting enough now?”

  “Perhaps I was pretending when I said that.” Darcy took her hand and kissed it. “I was nervous.”

  “And now?”

  “Brimming with confidence.” He laughed. From behind them they heard whispers.

  “Is he not handsome?” One girl sighed. “Look at his smile!”

  “Yes, just look at it!” Elizabeth whispered.

  “Hush.” His face coloured. “Come and sit with me.”

  “Will you not dance with …” She laughed at his glare. “Yes, Will.” Taking a seat, they leaned together and watched Mr. Bennet make a mess of his dance with Lydia. Darcy smiled at her and she laughed again, resting her head on his shoulder and embracing his arm. “I wish that we could waltz here.”

  “We can waltz when we return to our chambers.” He spoke into her hair.

  “Is that the only dance we will have?”

  Drawing a long breath, Darcy entwined his fingers with hers. “As long as you will have me, love …”

  “Then we will be dancing for a very long time.”

  Chapter 28

  “We were on the verge of death at every turn.” Mary laughed. “Lizzy, you are terrible at driving. Fitzwilliam had good reason to be concer
ned. If I am not mistaken, I saw him following us all the way here; he is far too big to hide behind a tree, especially on horseback!”

  “I would not be surprised.” Elizabeth sighed then straightening, she glared at her. “I got us here!”


  “Is she really that terrible?” Lydia looked between the two sisters. “What did you do?”

  “Nothing. I just was a little distracted by our conversation.”

  “No wonder Mrs. Hurst did not join us.” Mary said thoughtfully. “She drove with us before.”

  “You cannot be good at everything, Lizzy.” Jane prodded her. “It is good to know that you are awful.”

  “Are you all through or do you plan to tease me all day?”

  Kitty leaned against a wall and giggled. “Well you are leaving tomorrow; we have to get it all in while we can!”

  “Are you certain that you want to stay?” Elizabeth walked to her and clasped her hand. “Mrs. Annesley will be with you, but Mama will still be horrible, you know that.”

  “I am not sure that she will, I mean, I am sure that she will be, but I … I have a feeling that Papa will not let it go on, not like he would have before. Look at him telling her to stay home from the assembly. I heard all the gossip there; I do not doubt that they will be more than glad to say it to her face. I just think that if I am actually here, he will have the …” She thought for a moment, “ … inspiration to keep it going. If he is alone with her, he will probably just go hide in the bookroom and she will never change. I do not know about you, but I really liked seeing him last night at the assembly and I … I wish that he would stay that way.”

  “So do I.” Lydia said softly. “It makes me want to stay, too.”

  “No!” All four of her sisters said in unison.

  “NO!” Rosalie crowed and ran from the room. They looked after her and laughed.

  “I said that I wanted to stay, not that I would.” She put her hands on her hips and stared around at them. “Honestly, I have learned something at school!”

  “Well that is good to know.” Elizabeth studied her, “And what have you learned?”

  “That the reason I am there is to make me suitable to marry and that it is all about securing my future.”

  “Well that is sobering, but true.” Mary said softly.

  “Please know that if something happens to Papa, we will look after you and Kitty. And I suppose that Mama will live here.” Elizabeth heard Jane sigh and gave her a hand a squeeze before sitting on the newly-laid oak floor. Rosalie immediately climbed onto her lap. Mother and daughter sat together and considered Lydia. “I am glad that you understand the purpose of your schooling.”

  “Oh I know it is all about marriage!” She smiled and closed her eyes. “I want a handsome man …”

  “In a red coat!” The sisters laughed.

  “No.” Lydia sniffed. “I want a gentleman. He does not have to be high, but I do want a gentleman.”

  “What happened to an officer?” Kitty demanded. “That was all you ever talked about!”

  “That was all Mama talked about, so that is who I thought I wanted.” Lydia joined Elizabeth on the floor. “I want a nice man who comes home every night and … and talks to me and his children and …” She started to cry and they all came around to hug her. “I am sorry.”

  “No, do not apologize.” Jane blinked back her tears.

  “We understand.” Kitty wiped her eyes and hugged her. “We just never talked about it.”

  “We all felt this way?” Mary stared around at her sisters.

  Elizabeth let go and hugged Rosalie tightly. “I swore I would marry a man who I could respect and love, and I swore that my babies would never want for our care.”

  “Mama!” Rosalie squealed and the five women startled and sat back. “ow.” She frowned.

  “I am sorry dear. Perhaps I was caring too much.” Elizabeth smiled and kissed her. Rosalie studied her face and patting her wet cheek, kissed it. “I love you, too.” Settling her back in her lap, she leaned against the wall. “I guess that we all missed out on something with our parents, one way or another.” She looked from one silent sister to another. “I do not know when we will all be together like this again, not all five of us.” Again hearing nothing she nodded. “Well, let me say this, each of us had different experiences at Longbourn, and it was not all good, and it was not all bad, but for better or worse, our collective past and the memory of our life there is what will influence our futures. Jane and Mary have found wonderful husbands, and you surely know my opinion of Fitzwilliam …”

  “A blind man knows your opinion of Fitzwilliam, Lizzy!” Lydia wiped her eyes and laughed along with the rest of them, breaking the tension of the moment. “I mean, the way you two are always staring at each other! I saw him talking with the men last night, but he was just staring at you …”

  “Enough, Lydia!”

  “And they are always kissing, too.” Kitty nudged her foot. “Most unseemly!”

  “First driving, now Fitzwilliam …” Elizabeth muttered.

  “Should I mention Robert spotting you two on Oakham Mount a few weeks ago?” Jane laughed and Elizabeth’s eyes grew wide.

  “What were they doing?” Lydia demanded.

  “Was it scandalous?” Kitty asked eagerly.

  Elizabeth shook her head to silently implore Jane who smiled and said diplomatically, “They were drinking wine, I think.”

  Mary snorted and they all turned to her. “Excuse me.”

  “Well.” Elizabeth regained her composure. “My point is that we have made excellent matches, and that they have helped us to recover from our past. You two have the same opportunity, and should take your experiences from childhood and make sure that they are not repeated when you choose your husband and when you raise your children.” She crossed her arms over Rosalie. “And that is all I have to say about that.”

  “Yes, Lizzy.” Kitty and Lydia giggled. Elizabeth sighed.

  “Just do not be in a hurry to marry. Kitty, you are wise to want to take your time. It is not so easy to marry young. I was so fortunate to have an understanding husband and a wonderful family around me. I would have been lost without them, especially without Lady Matlock and Aunt Gardiner.”

  “I was thinking that maybe Aunt would let me come and stay with her when I am older, like she did for you and Jane.” Lydia said thoughtfully. “But I am not sure if I can ask her.”

  “She does not bite.” Jane smiled. “Lizzy, did she say that they would like Lydia to come with them on their trip to the Lake District next summer?” She nodded. “Well, there you go, when school is over, you have that to anticipate, and surely they will be staying at Pemberley …”

  “Yes, I cannot wait to take Aunt all around the park. I want you to see it Lydia, even though you do not like fancy houses.”

  “Thank you, Lizzy.” She said quietly.

  “I …” Mary began then stopped when they all looked at her. “You are welcome to visit Rosings, too.”

  “I am? But I thought that the captain did not like me.”

  “Well you impressed him a great deal at the assembly and, me as well … and the Apostle Paul wrote, ‘I count not myself to have apprehended, but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before.’”21

  “What does that mean?” Lydia sighed.

  “Pray you now, forget and forgive.” Elizabeth murmured and looked up to see Lydia rolling her eyes. “Shakespeare, King Lear?”22

  “Two days in a row I have had Shakespeare thrown at me.” She shook her head and turned to Jane.

  “Lydia, Mary is saying that she and Peter are willing to put the past behind them. You have made an obvious effort to change, and they appreciate it so much that they would like to have you come to their home.”

  “Oh.” She looked at Mary shyly. “Why did you not say so?”

  “I thought that I did.”

  Elizabeth a
nd Jane exchanged smiles. “Well, that is something for you two to write about.”

  Kitty piped in, “I was thinking that maybe I could go visit Aunt Gardiner, too. If things do not work out here, that is. I thought that maybe Georgiana could visit on the days when there is no school and … I miss her.”

  “We all do.” Elizabeth said sadly and reached up for her hand.

  “Are you with child, Mary? Captain de Bourgh said so. Mr. Robinson was asking me what I thought of children since there will be so many new babies in the family, and that is when he talked about you.” Lydia looked at her eagerly. “Are you?”

  “I am going to strangle him.” Mary closed her eyes. “I think that I am. I just did not want to say anything so soon. Peter seemed to know before I even did.”

  “Fitzwilliam always suspected before I told him.” Elizabeth smiled. “They know us better than we know ourselves. How wonderful it would be for you and Charlotte to be pregnant together!”

  “Yes.” She smiled. “It would be May or maybe early June, we think, you could not come?”

  “No, our baby would be too young to travel, we learned our lesson with Rosalie.”

  “Ours will be old enough, if you would like us to come. I am sure that Lady Lucas will want to make the trip to be with Charlotte, we could travel together.” Jane smiled. “Think about it.”

  “I will.” Mary smiled. “Thank you.”

  Elizabeth looked around the nearly empty cottage. “What is left to accomplish, Jane? The plaster should be dry soon. Then you can paint and paper.”

  “Well obviously we need furniture.” She laughed and stood from her chair. “And we need all of the little things, supplies for the kitchen and linens and … everything. Papa said that he has money to give us now that the rents are all collected and the bills are paid, so that will help. I cannot wait to move in. Robert will sell his curricle.”

  “No!” Lydia looked out at it. “It is beautiful!”

  “But not sensible, not for a family.” They watched Rosalie run merrily through the room and disappear. Within moments they heard a thump and a wail.

  “Rosa!” Elizabeth struggled to her feet but Lydia and Kitty were there first. “Oh, what did you do?”


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