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Keeper of the People (Book One)

Page 13

by Karah Quinney

  Jon’lan knew that he was staring, but as the fire sparked and flared it lit the woman’s face up allowing him to see every lovely curve and swell. Her eyelashes cast shadows upon her cheeks and her mouth curved in a gentle smile as she gazed at him. It set his heart beating in a furious rhythm.

  He realized that he had yet to make her his wife in all ways and though he sought to give her time to know him, he desired her now. When she did not look away from him Jon’lan approached her and took her by the hand. Kii hid her smile behind her hand until she realized that both of her parents had become distracted by her action and she dropped her hand obediently to show them her flashing teeth. Jon’lan once again focused his full attention on the woman and gently tugged as she rose gracefully to her feet. Kii grabbed hold of the little girl who seemed to sense adventure and made an effort to scamper off after the adults. Taikiuu laughed merrily and holding the hand of her Lifemate she allowed herself to be led into the nearby forest.

  Boy Alone watched as Jon’lan claimed his woman and walked with her into the trees. It seemed to him as if there was no hesitation on their part, but during their travels Jon’lan related that they had only recently become lifemates. To see them together one would think that they had been joined for several seasons. Still there was a sense of newness to their relationship that seemed undeniable.

  The hesitant way they watched each other spoke many words, it was as if they were both afraid that the other might catch them. He realized that Jon’lan trusted him to protect the two girls while he was gone. The man had taken time to pull him aside and explain to him what his role would be as they stood upon the mountain where the cave opened into this valley. He talked to him about being a brother to their youngest child, and if she were willing a husband and provider of their oldest daughter, Kii. Jon’lan stressed that Boy Alone would have to win her affection as it would always be her choice and not theirs. They would not send her where she did not wish to go.

  Jon’lan then talked about the responsibilities of a son and brother. He talked to him as a man would to another man, honoring him with his tone of voice and his words. He spoke to him as if he already knew these things, as if he already lived this way. The young man stared into the fire as a longing stronger than any he had ever known formed in his heart and a sense of belonging that he had never felt before settled into his soul.

  Jon’lan led them a short distance away, keeping to the boundaries of the river. As he walked he saw an area where the river had carved away a portion of the riverbed, causing a cuplike indentation to form. Gently he led her there, until he could step fully into the water, which swirled around him soothingly like a gentle caress. Taikiuu laid her packs of herbs and roots by the water’s edge and slowly sank into the water until it came up to her waist. She felt no hint of nervousness, no fear. It was as if she had been waiting for this moment all of her life, without knowing it.

  Jon’lan never released her hand. He pulled her slowly closer until she stood with her head pressed under his chin where he was able to breathe in the alluring scent of her. She laughed softly as they had just spent many days walking in near darkness through a cave, with little water and even less privacy. Before he could react she ducked into the water until it covered her head. Jon’lan stared in surprise as his woman surfaced and then with a shriek pulled him under water as well. They both came up sputtering and laughing, holding onto each other for balance.

  Taikiuu reached out as she fumbled in one of her bags and removed a few sprigs of lavender. Taking these she crushed them in her hands and filled them with water and massaged this first into Jon’lan’s hair and then into her own. They rinsed and dunked themselves several times until they were clean. Finally Jon’lan once again pulled her close and breathed in what felt like her very life soul. Taikiuu also breathed in the scent of the man that had chosen her as his lifemate. Laying her head on his shoulder she listened closely hearing the strong beat of his heart.

  “Tell me your name again little one.” Jon’lan spoke quietly to his wife as he pulled away until he could look deeply into her trusting gaze. He already knew her name, but she had yet to say it to him aloud. He wanted to hear her use the words that had been given back to her like a gift.

  Taikiuu thought long and hard about how to form the sound of her name upon her own lips. It would take effort to pronounce her name correctly without first practicing such a thing on her own. It wasn’t that she could not speak; it was that speaking had been forbidden to her from such a young age that even now she struggled to remember how to form words and make the sounds that went along with them. Jon’lan could see the effort it took for her to form the word and again he wondered at it. But he was ever patient and allowed her to take her time until finally with a whispered breath she released her name to him over the sigh of the wind. “Taikiuu” she said simply, waiting with her breath held as he heard the name and acknowledged her.

  “Taikiuu.” He repeated her name and she smiled in gratitude at the effort he also put into saying the pronunciation.

  “Can you say my name? Jon’lan?” He asked as he brought his lips close to softly caress her cheek. She shivered and took a deep breath and they both smiled as she tried to sound out the word.

  “Jon’lan.” She said his name correctly ending with a nod of approval. She laughed at her own mastery over his name and this time Jon’lan lifted her gently until she was pressed against him and laughed with her. Twirling her around and around until she shrieked with laughter. Taikiuu wrapped her arms around his neck and threw her head back as they twirled and twirled by the water’s edge.

  Chapter Eleven

  Kii looked off into the distance as she heard several shrieks of laughter and she couldn’t help but laugh in return. She wondered what her new father was doing to make her mother laugh so loudly. Kii felt tears sting her eyes when she realized that she had actually never heard the Ada’na laugh out loud before. Always she would laugh silently, making no sound. Kii had also seen her smile serenely when no one else seemed to notice. But to hear her laughter after so much silence was beyond glorious.

  Truly they had been given a blessing from the One. She glanced up to find that the boy was no longer watching the water as he had been only moments before. Now he was watching her and she could see his concern for her tears. This startled her and she looked away shyly.

  “No water.” He said gently as he approached her. He didn’t know the word for tears in her language. But he motioned to her face and he knew when she wiped at her eyes that she understood him.

  “Not sad tears.” She told him with a brilliant smile, “Happy tears and tears of joy.” He nodded, unsure of her words, but understanding from her smile that she was not in any pain.

  The little girl who had been sitting on Kii’s lap jumped to her feet at the approach of brother cat. Boy Alone caught the child gently at the waist afraid that she was going to flee, which would only encourage the cat to chase her. Instead the little girl surprised him by reaching out a hand slowly to pet the cat as if she knew that she had to be cautious.

  “Pretty.” she said quietly as she looked upon the cat with solemn eyes. The animal regarded the little girl with open curiosity even going so far as to lick her cheek. The boy was surprised by the affection the cat displayed with the little girl.

  Kii prepared a small stew from the left over dried meat, using water from the stream and herbs that Taikiuu had laid out to create a tasty meal. Boy Alone opened his pack to reveal clay cups and bowls. He had never seen anything like the treasures kept by First Man and was at first hesitant to touch them. But upon remember all that Jon’lan had told him he realized that his leader felt that what was his was there for all. Taking three clay cups he washed these at the river and then laid them out to dry. Kii appreciated his efforts to help her prepare for an evening meal.

  She filled three earthenware bowls with the stew as tendrils of steam wafted into the air. Kii’s little sister scampered over at the sight of food and
plopped down none to gently on her lap. The child made up for her antics by lying back against Kii’s chest and waiting patiently to be fed. Kii was careful to allow the stew to cool, testing it against her own fingers and mouth before passing the cup to the child. She instructed the little girl to wait and handed a steaming cup to the young man.

  After he took his first taste and nodded his approval both girls began to eat, enjoying the rich flavors of the succulent meat. Boy Alone watched Kii and the little one from across the fire; he was still in awe of being in the presence of the woman and girls. He had begun to fear that there were no women left in the entire world. He could not help but wonder what became of his small band.

  With only a handful of men left they may have gone their separate ways or died. The thought of his father and uncle dying without him even knowing sent a chill down his spine. He remembered his uncle as he feasted on a meal that was truly an abomination and he shivered as he thought about the cold empty look of his uncle’s eyes. He missed his father and still had some good memories of their life together. Yet, his family had sentenced him to death without even a second thought.

  Kii looked up from the fire to see two shadowed figures approaching. Hawk let out a welcoming squawk and Kii visibly relaxed as she realized the bird recognized Jon’lan and Taikiuu even at a great distance. Dusk was beginning to settle in the valley, shrouding everything in semi-darkness. Kii lowered her eyes so as not to embarrass her parents as they approached but not before she noticed the glow in her mother’s eyes and the smile that played upon her lips as she gazed at her new husband.

  Jon’lan held Taikiuu’s hand as they approached their camp. Jon’lan felt physically unable to release his wife’s hand when every fiber of his being craved her nearness. They had consummated their marriage with tenderness and loving care. It was everything that Jon’lan had imagined it would be. Taikiuu’s thoughts mirrored his own; Jon’lan knew this because her eyes stared longingly into his own. He watched as she lowered her eyes until her lashes once again cast shadows upon her cheeks.

  She was a woman of rare beauty and grace and he recognized that he had been blessed with more than he had ever hoped to have. Jon’lan was surprised to see emotion cloud Taikiuu’s face, but then he realized that she looked upon their new daughters and a son that would help to lead their small band. He understood her joy and squeezed her hand gently to acknowledge their shared feelings. She smiled through eyes that glistened with joyful tears.

  Boy Alone stood off to the side as Jon’lan went first to Kii and then to the little girl and ruffled their hair affectionately. The little girl raised her hands in the air asking without words to be picked up by her father. The young man looked away, feeling isolated from his new family. Taikiuu noticed the down trodden look on his face and she carefully approached him although she stomped the ground so that he would hear her approach even before he saw her.

  The sounds she made brought his attention directly to her and she smiled gently watching as he bit his lower lip in consternation. She realized he didn’t know what to make of so many changes all at once. For many seasons he had lived by himself with only animals for company. Now, it seemed that he had been thrust into a strange new world and he found himself once again surrounded by other people.

  Taikiuu settled herself on a large boulder and motioned for the young man to sit. He chose to sit at her feet though the boulder was large enough to fit two or three. She wasn’t sure what to say to him to ease his heart or his mind. She could not yet trust her tongue to speak and with a smile she gestured to Kii who made her way over with cups full of steaming stew. Taikiuu began signing the first story that came to mind while Kii translated with words for all to hear. Jon’lan walked over with their youngest daughter sheltered in the circle of his arms and before long each person was seated on the tall grass at the foot of the boulder listening with rapt attention as Taikiuu imparted the story and Kii spoke the words with a young clear voice.

  Jon’lan had never heard a story told so well. At first he couldn’t tell if it was Kii’s voice or Taikiuu’s hand gestures that held his attention. It seemed to be a little of both. His little daughter mimicked the gestures made by Taikiuu and it seemed already she wished to learn her mother’s language. Jon’lan smiled as he felt her head bob against his chin in childish wonder as Taikiuu’s story grew more fanciful. Taikiuu smiled as she realized that having Kii translate for her also allowed the boy to focus his attention fully on the only thing that seemed to touch his heart. Kii blushed as again and again her eyes caught and held the young man’s. Finally she focused on her little sister as a means to escape his penetrating gaze.

  Jon’lan caught Taikiuu’s gaze and they both smiled as they recognized Kii’s predicament. The girl was only fourteen summers and the boy seemed to be in his sixteenth summer. Taikiuu had relayed the information to Jon’lan that Kii had not come into her woman’s time yet. Jon’lan assumed it was because the girl was malnourished, even his wife was much too thin as well as his other daughter.

  Often during his travels he had heard of young girls of marriageable age that had not come into their first blood as a woman. It seemed that Taikiuu had been the closest to starvation, but now as she sipped her stew he realized that he felt a fierce urge to make sure that his family was always well fed. Darkness settled over the valley and Jon’lan felt that now would be the best time to have a naming ceremony. He mentioned this to Taikiuu who suggested that all the children take the time to wash and clean themselves in the river. Each person gathered around to warm themselves dry by the fire. Everyone settled down in quiet expectation.

  “There is one who must be named.” Jon’lan started in the traditional ceremonial opening.

  Taikiuu held their youngest daughter in her lap and felt her heart blossom once again with new found respect for her husband. He held his audience captive as he spoke while highlighted by their hearth fire.

  Jon’lan repeated the phrase twice, until his voice had been heard by all three times. He stood and held his hands palm up to the sky, spreading his fingers wide. Finally when all was silent he spoke, “Father and mother of this band have chosen a name for the one who must be named. This one has a name that was not known to us, that did not show honor. This one will be named now by both father and mother of this band.” Jon’lan’s last words caused the young man to lift his head and look directly at the trader.

  Until this moment the boy had assumed that they would be naming their youngest daughter, his chest swelled with happiness at the thought that he had been chosen to be named. Taikiuu watched as he sat up straighter with his shoulders pulled back. Kii smiled with blinding happiness as she realized the honor that her father paid the young man.

  “Stand.” Jon’lan spoke softly now his voice choked with emotion for one who had shown them the way through the passage under the world and into the nurturing arms of this valley. “Stand and receive the honor of a new name.”

  The young man stood on trembling legs, unsure but hopeful. He did not allow his eyes to leave the face of the trader.

  “This one will be named Anaay and from this day forward all who speak his name should do so with respect for the one who leads many.” Jon’lan approached the young man and placed his hands firmly on each shoulder and then turning to face the group he spoke the name again and again until they all took up the chant, even Taikiuu and their youngest daughter who did not often speak. Taikiuu felt that Jon’lan had chosen a fitting name for the youth; Anaay was a name that meant one who leads many.

  Jon’lan felt the trembling of the boy’s shoulders and his heart swelled with pride as the young man stood there in stoic silence. Anaay listened with a humbled heart to the voices of those who claimed him as a member of their band.

  “From this day forward Anaay has been made a man of this band.” This brought a gasp of shock from all. Jon’lan knew that the youth had braved many dangers over the course of his isolation in the forest. Surely this would be enough to make him a m
an. It was often the way of the People to wait until a young man made his first kill on behalf of his People before naming him as a man. But Jon’lan felt in his bones that Anaay would live up to the responsibility.

  The young man had never known such joy. It took everything in him to stand still at Jon’lan’s side without showing any emotion. Finally Jon’lan pulled him into a hug, slapping him heartily on the back before pushing him towards the women who tugged on his arms and hands, touching his hair, admiring the new man of their band.

  Even the little girl sensed that something momentous had occurred and she grabbed hold of Anaay’s leg and squealed in excitement. Anaay picked her up so that she would not be left out and twirled her around and around much to her enjoyment. Jon’lan went to his trading packs and after searching once again approached Anaay. Stepping between the women he solemnly placed a necklace over the young man’s head. It was a gift of rare value, an eagle had been carved out of jade stone with the utmost care and the necklace was made of the finest woven sinew. Each person touched the necklace with Anaay’s permission and admired the fine gift.

  Next, Jon’lan took his smallest daughter from Anaay and held her up high for all to see. “Look! What do I see? A daughter given to this band as a blessing. A little one that makes the heart merry.” Setting her on her feet by his side where she stood barely up to his knee he said the words that would begin the naming ceremony.

  Finally, as each person collectively held their breath he said, “This one will be named Mar-ee, for she makes our hearts merry every day.” Each person chanted the name until her name was spoken three times to the band. Finally Jon’lan held his daughter by the hand and walked her over to her mother who touched and kissed her until she could be passed to Kii and then Anaay.


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