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Keeper of the People (Book One)

Page 21

by Karah Quinney

  Jon’lan mentioned to her that he had gone at least one night and half of this day without food, but the baby did not seem malnourished to her eyes. She brought him to her face and breathed in his warm baby smell, smoothing his hair as he squirmed. Roark looked upon the Ada’na with new eyes, here before him sat a woman like all women, not some god or deity as the village elders would have the people believe.

  Jon’lan watched his wife fuss over the boy child and his own heart softened at the thought of her holding their own son this way in the future. It occurred to him that perhaps even now she carried their child. The very thought made him desire to return home to his people as soon as possible. He was not sure what would happen to his days as a trader now that he had a wife and children.

  Perhaps he would settle in as his father wanted and take his rightful place in his band. Still, he had resented the idea for so long that he could not force himself to dwell upon it now. He would think about it later, after they returned to Kii and Mar-ee.

  Taikiuu stood once more and handed the baby to Roark, urging him to hold the child close to his chest with her own hands. She wrapped the child tightly and the baby seemed content and tired. It was best that his father hold him if his mother could not. Roark almost opened his mouth to tell the Ada’na that he did not know how to hold a child, that he had never held his own son, for fear of harming him with his large hands. Still she carefully placed the child in his arms, showing him how to support the baby’s head. Roark’s son looked at his father solemnly as he drifted off to sleep.

  Taikiuu had given him a mixture of warm water and some type of sweet cane juice. This seemed to soothe him enough to allow the child to rest. Holding the baby to his chest Roark thought only of the joy Star Feather would have known had she been awake. Roark loved his son from the moment Star Feather told him that she was pregnant. But because of his work as a warrior of the Hetmos people, because of the killing that he was ordered to do, he felt soiled and unworthy of touching anything so innocent, so perfect. Still Star Feather urged him to hold the boy and it was the only thing that they disagreed upon.

  As the Ada’na watched him Roark felt as if he had been forgiven every trespass that had come before this day. He realized as he looked upon the face of his son that the forgiveness he sought came from no one other than himself. By walking away from Marad he publicly denounced everything that the man stood for and set himself apart. Never again would he do the man’s evil bidding. As he looked at Jon’lan and the Ada’na he could easily see the bond that now existed between the couple. A bond that reminded him very much of what he shared with his wife, Star Feather.

  Though Jon’lan realized that the woman was seriously ill, every instinct urged him to return to camp even if they had to walk in the dark. Jon’lan did not ask Roark how he found his way through the tunnel and into this valley, but he sensed that it was only a matter of time before Marad discovered their whereabouts. Jon’lan asked Anaay to stand guard at a distance and the young man had eagerly complied. He wondered if in fact Marad was still searching for them.

  “How was it that you came to this valley?” Jon’lan asked Roark as the two men sat next to the flames. Roark had given the child to Yaa, once the baby had fallen asleep and he now stared into the flames seated next to Jon’lan.

  “We followed the tunnel that goes down under the world and up again into the mountain, for several days we walked without knowing if the tunnel would ever end until finally we came to this valley.” Roark pulled his gaze from the fire and looked at Jon’lan, surprised to see that the man did not study him.

  “How is it that Marad did not come with you?” Jon’lan had many questions but he found that Roark was a man of few words. It seemed easier to relax beside him and let him speak when he chose.

  “I am no longer Marad’s brother, nor is he my leader. He sought to dishonor my wife, kill my son.” Roark felt his stomach churn at the thought of Star Feather at Marad’s mercy. “He would kill me now if he found us.”

  Jon’lan could think only of what he would do were he in the same situation. There were no words to describe how he would feel and so he remained silent. Glad that he had trusted Roark upon meeting the man. For now they were stronger than they were before and for this he was grateful.

  “We must return to the children.” Jon’lan spoke softly to Taikiuu and Roark.

  “If the Ada’na will not mind, I too would like to continue on.” Roark addressed his comments to both of them. He was unsure of the customs here in this new land, but in the village of Aztlan one did not speak directly to the Ada’na without permission. Here everything seemed different and he was not on sure ground. He sighed to himself as he realized that if his wife were awake she would certainly have the right words and know exactly whom to speak with.

  Jon’lan signed to his wife asking her if she preferred to be called by the title of Ada’na anymore. She quickly shook her head, signing that she was wife of Jon’lan, mother of Kii and Mar-ee but no longer was she Ada’na.

  “Please use my wife’s name when you speak to her.” Jon’lan spoke to Roark, knowing that this would startle the man.

  “I would, but I do not know her name.” Roark waited patiently as he looked at the couple.

  “Taikiuu.” She said simply addressing her words to Roark. He did not repeat the name aloud, but simply nodded his head, taking in this new information as if he had been given some special gift.

  “Let us make preparation to leave.” Jon’lan spoke to everyone, including Giad and Yaa.

  Roark had introduced them to Jon’lan as his son and daughter much to Giad’s surprise, but Giad did not object and Yaa yipped in agreement when Giad nudged her. Jon’lan had taken all of this in and decided to leave well enough alone. It was easy to see that Roark looked nothing like the two children, but if he had taken them as his children just as Jon’lan had done with Kii and Mar-ee he would not object.

  The small camp was quickly disbanded and before long they were walking one behind the other with Taikiuu in the lead. Anaay traveled far behind the others doing his best to erase their trail as Jon’lan had directed. Giad did not complain though his feet were sore from so many days of walking and he was more tired than he had ever been before. Roark expected him to be strong for just a little while longer.

  Roark had pulled him to the side before they started on this journey and told him that if Giad would like, he would be honored to be called Father by Giad and Yaa. He suggested the Giad think it over on the journey ahead and decide what would be best for both of them. Giad did not need to think it over at all, never before had he known such kindness as he had with Roark.

  The thought alone that this man wanted to be his father caused Giad’s heart to soar. He had not said anything to Yaa, though by the sparkle in her eyes he was certain that she had overheard every word.

  Roark had only known Yaa for a short time, but still he treated her like an honored daughter and this was more than Yaa had ever known. Giad could only imagine how nice it would be for Yaa to have a mother, a true mother that would teach her all the things a woman needed to know. Star Feather was a good woman, she was kind and gentle and easy to talk to. She would certainly make a good mother for Yaa. Giad glanced over at his sister and wondered what she was thinking. But Yaa was grateful that Giad could not hear her thoughts for he would be embarrassed if he knew that she was thinking how much Giad needed a mother like Star Feather.

  He was eleven seasons and he was turning into a fine young man, but too often Yaa had heard her father tell Giad that he would be nothing if he did not become a warrior for the People. Yaa knew that her brother did not like fighting, he wanted to run, running was his life and it meant everything to him. Perhaps there were other things that he would love to do as well, but their father had expected Giad to do as he was told and nothing more.

  Now with Roark and Star Feather as their new parents Yaa could see only good things in their future. Still it was hard for her to trust Roark or any
man for that matter. Her own father had betrayed her in the end and surely other men could like him. Yaa did not know Roark, but she hoped that he was different from the father that she had known before him, she wanted to be a part of the family that he offered them. She wanted it more than she had ever wanted anything.

  Roark asked the children to walk in front of him and Jon’lan so that he could keep an eye on them. Still he did not tell them this he said only that they should cut a path for him through the brush so that he would not stumble as he walked. Giad eagerly ran in front of him, with Yaa speeding behind him like his shadow.

  Roark smiled as he watched them and thought to himself that it would be a good thing indeed if they were his children. He knew that Giad wanted to be his son because the answer had been in the boys face for him to see, but he had cautioned him to think it over carefully before making a decision. Roark knew that the boy had not had a choice in anything most of his life, his father had been a tyrant and Giad had suffered because of it.

  Roark wanted to give the boy this choice, so that he would remember that it was he that had chosen Roark instead of the other way around. He hoped that Star Feather would agree with his decision and even as he thought it over he knew that she would.

  Star Feather was born into a large family, on Roark’s travels he had stumbled upon a quiet village and Star Feather’s father’s father had been their leader. The man had been older than any man that Roark had ever met and he was wise beyond his years.

  He sought to make an alliance with future people and so he offered his son’s eldest daughter as a wife to Roark with the stipulation that Roark settle into the next village that he came to and make a life there. After looking upon Star Feather for the first time Roark had eagerly agreed. Her beauty had taken his breath away and she smiled upon seeing the gentle giant that stood before her.

  Star Feather had a good life as the eldest daughter in her family, but her heart had always been desirous of travel, seeing new things and the customs of other people. Her grandfather knew her very well and he wished only to please his eldest grandchild. Star Feather had never dreamed of how difficult it would be to say goodbye to her family, but she did so on a rainy day while holding the hand of her new husband.

  Her family had given them many gifts for their journey and asked only that she send word of her wellbeing when she arrived at her new home. Roark swore to protect his wife and be a good husband to her and he had done so each day since their joining. Even now he watched over her as she slept fitfully on the travois and he did not know how he would go on if he lost her. Star Feather had become everything to him and he loved her dearly.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Yaa walked behind Taikiuu keeping closer than her shadow, pausing when she stopped and continuing on when she started to walk again. Taikiuu smiled kindly at the little girl, but she couldn’t help but notice that her clothing was in tatters and her hair was unkempt. Taikiuu understood from Jon’lan that Roark had been caring for the children but from the looks of the little girl she could use a mother’s touch.

  She knew that Kii would be happy to have another young person to talk to, though she was closer in age to Mar-ee. At the thought of her daughters waiting for her at home Taikiuu felt a longing in her heart and quickened her pace, thankful that each step brought them closer and closer to them.

  Kii spotted Taikiuu from a distance, she said nothing to Mar-ee who was now asleep in their parents sleeping place. While she waited anxiously for their return Kii played with the little girl hoping to keep her distracted. Rhea bounded ahead of the group eager to see the little girl that often saved treats just for the large cat.

  Anaay called to Rhea but she did not acknowledge him as she sped ahead her paws flying over the land in a blur. She made the climb easily jumping the last few feet as she made her entrance into the cave. She acknowledged Kii by brushing against her legs as she entered the cavern her nose already scenting out her favorite child.

  There resting on a pallet of animal furs was Mar-ee and as Rhea approached she saw that the child’s eyes were closed and her breathing was even and regular telling Rhea that she was sleeping.

  Rhea padded over and sniffed the child’s face, stealing a quick lick at the side of her neck which immediately woke Mar-ee. Instead of reacting in surprise, Mar-ee held out her arms to the cat and Rhea snuggled in close to the little girl. Kii watched both of them with a bemused smile on her face. It had taken many words of assurance from Anaay for Kii to accept Rhea and although she was beautiful Kii had never been completely comfortable around the animal.

  But Mar-ee trusted Rhea without question and the cat seemed to understand that Mar-ee was small and fragile. She would play with the little girl but she was careful never to play too roughly and Kii was able to breathe comfortably as she saw that the cat was watching over Mar-ee. It seemed that she now had someone to share her burdens with and for this Kii was grateful and her respect for the cat grew.

  Kii turned once again to watch the people that approached their cavern. She could make out Taikiuu in the lead with two smaller figures behind her and a large man sharing the burden of a travois with her father. Her heart stopped and seemed to jump in her chest as she thought for a moment that perhaps Anaay had been injured. But then she saw Anaay bringing up the rear as he walked purposefully towards home.

  She knew then that she would recognize him anywhere, his stride was purposeful and his bearing proud. Kii allowed herself to take a deep breath, grateful that her family had returned safely to her. She made the cavern ready for guests. The cave was large enough to hold more than twenty people with enough space for all.

  Anaay chose to sleep at the entrance to the cave, whereas Jon’lan and Taikiuu slept near the far right wall. Kii enjoyed sleeping next to Mar-ee and the little girl insisted upon making her bed in the exact middle of the cavern. Kii did not mind, she was thankful for so many things that she found it hard to complain about anything at all. Her life had changed so drastically over the past moon and she thanked the Creator for her new family more times than she could count.

  Taikiuu entered first taking Kii immediately into her arms and kissing her on both cheeks. She smoothed the girls hair in affection, though it was already neat, giving her a final hug before releasing her. Kii knew even without asking that Jon’lan was fine, she could tell by the set of her mother’s shoulders and the smile upon her lips. Kii peered around Taikiuu as two children came to stand behind her.

  “We welcome you.” Kii said with a smile at the boy and the girl who looked at her shyly. Taikiuu marveled at how Kii had blossomed from a shy flower to a beautiful young woman, already taking the lead in making their visitors welcome.

  “We are glad to be here.” Giad said in unison with Yaa as this was the customary response to such a greeting. Taikiuu beamed a smile at Kii proud to see her daughter welcoming others into their new home. Neither Taikiuu nor Kii had ever had anything that belonged to them as this cavern did. It was their home for now and they both seemed to sense each other’s thoughts as they smiled.

  Jon’lan entered ahead of Roark and Anaay leading the way as they settled Star Feather close to the fire pit. Taikiuu lifted the carrying strap from around her neck and revealed the little baby that slept close to her heart. Kii immediately began to fuss over the little one, pointing out his chubby cheeks and almond shaped eyes. Roark smiled at the women and settled himself beside his wife, holding her hand, thankful that she was no longer burning with fever. He looked at his wife’s face and was surprised to see that her eyes were open. He gasped and leaned over so that he could press his cheek next to hers and when she responded he lifted her gently so that he could wrap his arms around her.

  “You are awake.” He stated simply much to his wife’s amusement.

  “Yes, I am awake husband and thankful to still be here with you.” Star Feather spoke with a raspy voice, her tongue felt thick in her mouth but she could see her husband’s concern for her and wanted only to reassu
re him. Taikiuu handed the baby to Yaa as the little girl had crept closer and closer while Kii fawned over the child.

  She handed Roark a water skin and he lifted it gently to Star Feather’s lips. Star Feather had never tasted anything as heavenly as the cold water that her husband gave her. She recognized the Ada’na and the trader but she took the time to take in her surroundings as she drank before making any comment.

  “Where are we?” She asked after she had taken in just enough water to appease her overwhelming thirst.

  “You are welcome in our home.” Jon’lan spoke for both himself and Taikiuu as they both settled themselves near the woman.

  “I am glad to be here.” Star Feather responded promptly, looking around for her baby. She could hear him but could not see him.

  “Our son is fine,” Roark reassured his wife, “Yaa bring him so that Star Feather can see that he is well.”

  Yaa walked to them with the grace of a young doe, ever careful to support the baby’s head and handed him to his mother.

  “He must be starving.” Star Feather crooned as she looked upon her son and settled him closer to her. Upon smelling his mother’s milk heavy breasts the baby began to fuss and cry.

  Taikiuu urgently tapped Jon’lan as he started to turn away to give the woman privacy. His wife signed so quickly that he did not understand and as Star Feather loosened her wrappings and freed her breast she spoke. “Stop!” the word came out sharply and Star Feather froze staring at the Ada’na in astonishment as she did not know that the woman could speak.

  “Honored one?” Star Feather was in awe that the woman chose to speak to her, but she was also impatient to feed her son and release her milk.


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