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Keeper of the People (Book One)

Page 34

by Karah Quinney

  “You do not need to name them as I know them well.” Jon’lan lifted his wife effortlessly until she was cradled in his lap like a child, yet her scent and the feel of her in his arms was that of a woman.

  “Husband they come.” Taikiuu whispered the words, startled to find that she was indeed afraid even at so great a distance.

  Jon’lan thought about the certainty behind Taikiuu’s words. Surely she could not know that their enemies drew near. But she spoke with an answer in her voice, not a question.

  “Tell me how you know this.” Jon’lan asked.

  “It is not a feeling, but a knowing. I have prayed to the Giver of Life, Breath and Spirit. It is because of this that I feel that we must press on, indeed we must hurry.” Taikiuu was startled at the urgency in her own words, but she could not hide this knowledge from her husband.

  “Wife, we do not know what is over the mountain passes. We do not know the dangers that may lurk there or whether each one of our band will survive the crossing.” Jon’lan stopped himself from saying more as he looked down into his wife’s startling beautiful eyes. They were slanted imperceptibly at the corners and her lashes were a thick fan that cast shadows upon her cheeks. He saw the mirror of his concerns in her eyes and he knew that she had already thought of these things.

  “What is this prayer that you speak of wife?” Jon’lan asked softly, changing the direction of their conversation.

  “It is a conversation, I speak to the Great One and I listen for an answer and sometimes an answer will come and sometimes it will not. Still I know that I am heard.”

  Jon’lan was tempted to ask her if she was spoken to by voice, because he knew little of his wife and her mysteries. Still she had said only that it was a knowing, something known inside. He reminded himself that she was a woman like any other, perhaps specially blessed but still a woman. When his question went unasked he felt her relax even more as she pressed into him with her full weight which was slight but comforting.

  “How do you know that you are heard?” Jon’lan asked keeping the skepticism out of his voice, for surely yesterday when he had braved the mammoth he prayed and received an answer.

  “Because you came, you saved me and we are one. This is what I prayed for, not once, but many, many times.” Taikiuu spoke with a faith that shook Jon’lan. Still he knew that it was a blessing truly to find such a wife. Instead of speaking he held her close and they both grew silent as they watched the morning sun rise.

  Roark approached Jon’lan as he was seated on his hill where he had been for several hours. Finally when he stood to his full height, Roark stood silently waiting to be acknowledged. But his wait was not long as Jon’lan knew that his hearth brother was near and he waved him closer. Resting his hand upon the big man’s should Jon’lan spoke so softly that Roark had to strain to hear him. “Today we must make our way into the mountain passes.”

  Roark was not surprised that Jon’lan wanted to go through the passes, for they both knew that was their only chance of being free of I’naram and Marad if the man still pursued them. But the sense of urgency that was in Jon’lan’s voice was what held Roark’s attention. Still, he was a man of few words, and Jon’lan had led them time and again through treacherous places. Jon’lan had Roark’s faith and respect, something that neither man gave lightly to another. So in this way Roark simply nodded in acknowledgement and leaving his brother to stand solemnly on his hill he made his way back down to the others to give them the news.

  Upon entering their camp he saw that all had risen and were going about their daily duties of packing their things and even now his wife looked at him with probing eyes and he nodded. “We are leaving today, be ready.” His voice carried to each person and they nodded solemnly. Star Feather tried her best not to complain about the fatigue brought on from moving from one place to another. For a moment she acknowledged her natural yearning to stop and make a place for her family that they would never leave. Still she knew the wisdom of her husband and if he said they must leave, she would not be the one to dissuade him. Star Feather new the power of hope and so it was with that strength that made her strong. She could hope that one day they would find a place to rest and as she met her hearth sister’s eyes she saw that hope reflected. Perhaps it was merely a wish that she thought for a moment Taikiuu nodded in affirmation.

  Before they could leave Jon’lan would have to make one more trip to fill as many water skins as possible. When they made it to the passes there would be snow but for now they needed water to drink. Jon’lan carried his offering high upon his shoulder knowing the moment when the Matriarch saw him. She approached him slowly and for a moment he was afraid that she had forgotten him, but then he saw a flash of white at her flanks and his eyes widened as he saw her calf at her side. If she would allow her calf to come near then surely she remembered and trusted him. The calf came to him with curiosity in his gaze and he stood as tall as Jon’lan. Already he had small tusks that protruded from beside his trunk.

  Jon’lan slowly set his offering upon the ground and the Matriarch made quick work of tearing into it. The calf gave the food no attention at all as he preferred his mother’s milk over anything else. He had eyes only for Jon’lan and he approached him cautiously as Jon’lan stood frozen. The calf was none too gentle in his inspection of the man but nor was he harsh. Jon’lan realized he had the bumbling tendencies of a baby and as he caught and held the young mammoth’s clear blue gaze Jon’lan felt only amazement and wonder.

  He rubbed the calf and was surprised that his hair was not bristly like his mothers but soft. He scratched him playfully behind the ear and the calf’s whole body shook in pleasure. Jon’lan laughed out loud and his outburst startled the calf who went careening back to his mother’s side. When she made no move to run and no sound to warn of danger the calf’s curiosity got the best of him again and once more he went to Jon’lan to be scratched. This time Jon’lan caught himself before laughter left his lips but when the calf explored his stomach he once again gave in to laughter.

  The Matriarch finished her meal and looked upon the creature that brought her the food. He did not seek to harm her son and this she knew by his smell and stance. She didn’t know what type of sounds he made when he spread his mouth so that his teeth showed, but it came very close to the pleasure sound that her son made after he was well fed from her breast. The Matriarch curled her trunk over Jon’lan head and then she gently grabbed him about his waist and lifted him. Jon’lan was so startled that he almost let out a yell but he held himself silent. He was raised until he was at her eye level and he realized that she was indeed more than twice as tall as he was, perhaps twice as tall as Roark.

  She studied him for a moment out of one large thickly lashed eye and then she gently set him back on the ground where he gained his balance and she let him go. But not before touching his face and hands as if memorizing the feel and scent of him. The calf did the same, coming close to touch his face and scent his hands with his soft downy white trunk. Jon’lan could not stop himself from speaking now less he never see these great creatures again. He said simply, “Thank You.”

  He carefully gathered his water until he was weighed down by all the skins which were filled to the brim. The mammoth looked on curiously but even the calf sensed that he should not interrupt him. Finally it was time to return to his people. The Matriarch gently touched him with her trunk and Jon’lan lifted a hand in farewell. But he found that his heart would not allow him to turn and leave, so he stood watching until they left him.

  When Jon’lan returned to the band there was a look of wonder on the faces of each person. Mar-ee danced in excitement for she had wanted to rush into her father’s arms and be told the story of the mammoth even though she had seen it with her own eyes. Taikiuu looked on approvingly as Kii held Mar-ee’s hand not allowing her childish glee to control her young sister. Jon’lan’s face seemed to glow as if lit by the sun but he did not say a word. He only gathered his things and waited until t
he group fell into line behind him as they made their way down the hill and toward the mountain pass that awaited them.

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Walking single file was a tradition from their old lives. It was tradition for the men to lead while the women walked carefully in their footsteps carrying young ones and bags of burden. Jon’lan did not see a reason to change all of their traditions, but he would not allow his wife or daughters to be heavily loaded with packs. Therefore he, Roark, Anaay and even Giad carried the heaviest of their load. This did not go unnoticed by the women and each one felt a sense of honor and comfort, knowing that they were well cared for and treated with respect. It was a good thing in Jon’lan’s mind that they traveled in the traditional way, only a good tracker would be able to pick up their trail and within a few hours their footsteps would be washed away by the ever blowing wind of the desert floor.

  Casting his eyes ahead he could just make out the snowy mountain pass that awaited them. He could only hope that they would make it over the Great Mountain safely and without any loss of life. Anaay scouted far ahead but Jon’lan did not lose sight of him even for a moment, it seemed that the boy grew each day in new and profound ways. Jon’lan could not be more proud of the man that Anaay was becoming and as Giad scampered ahead with approval from his father Jon’lan caught the flash of pride that touched Roark’s eyes as well.

  Kii hummed softly to herself as she carried Mar-ee on her back, the little one would walk just like everyone else, but not yet, for now, she rode on her sisters back and held on with a gentle clasp of hands. From time to time Roark would relieve Kii by taking his niece upon his back and she would laugh in childish glee as he swung her up high. Their small band valued the blessing of having children to love and cherish. Kii’s eyes smarted with the thought of their good fortune. She watched her aunt, Star Feather, deftly braid her black hair that was now almost shoulder length and then bind it up so that whatever breeze there was light touch upon her neck. Kii’s own raven black hair had grown out now that they were not required to shear it in difference to the Ada’na. The title seemed foreign to her now, she thought of Taikiuu as her mother and whatever else she had been before seemed but a memory.

  Kii’s eyes sought the distant shape of Anaay as he moved deftly ahead looking for hidden dangers. She saw two bleary forms far in the distance and knew that Giad followed Anaay. Yaa bristled as she caught the direction of Kii’s glance, it wasn’t fair in her opinion, she was just as fast and sure of foot as Giad, yet he was allowed to do things not meant for girls.

  If being a girl was so tedious than she did not wish it on anyone let alone herself. She trudged along behind Kii who seemed to sense her upset and looked upon her with kindly eyes. Kii held out her hands behind her back to Yaa and the younger girl took them shyly and smiled when Kii began a soft song about a little sparrow that soared higher than the eagles. Kii’s lilting voice was beautiful and helped ease the tiredness in the feet of each person.

  In her mind’s eye Yaa could see herself as the little sparrow flying higher than even the eagles, letting the wind carry her where it may. Finally Kii sang of the sparrow growing weary of her journey and missing the warmth of her flock and ended the song with warmth and tenderness. The band seemed to collectively sigh in satisfaction.

  Sensing that more was needed Kii started a new song with a faster tempo that spoke of spring and rain and the renewal of the world through each season. Taikiuu’s heart lifted as she heard the lilting voice of her daughter. In their village Kii never sang although while she mended a garment she would hum from time to time. Those haunting melodies were dim memories but nothing as beautiful as the sounds and words that Kii sang now. Love blossomed in Taikiuu’s heart and her eyes sparkled in wonder as they walked onward while listening in rapt fascination.

  Anaay led the way as Giad followed silently in his footsteps. Having the boy near had become a familiar comfort to Anaay as he missed Rhea sorely. Often he would glance back expecting to find the big cat at his heels but would see only Giad. At first he had become angry at the hurt he felt knowing that his animal friend was gone. But eventually seeing Giad’s eager face had melted away his anger and knowing that the boy fairly worshipped him had helped.

  Rhea. Anaay’s heart called out to the cat, knowing that if she were yet alive she would have came to him by now. Surely nothing would have held her back from scenting him on the wind and coming to him swiftly. Giad knew by now that Anaay missed Rhea sorely but he hadn’t figured out how to help him. Given time Giad knew that he could help his hearth brother, but for now he would keep him company as best he could. For now it was enough to let Anaay know by his presence that he was not alone.

  Rhea ran with all the innate grace and speed for which she was born. They sailed over the valley floor, snarling in pleasure as they ran. Rhea knew that her male companion preferred to stay within his territory that he had laid claim to by scent markings and a regular patrol of the area. It went against his instinct to leave his territory and certainly not in pursuit of a female. The male would mate with many females throughout his lifetime and there were several other panthers that would come into heat during the spring.

  The male followed Rhea for far as he dared, but he could not leave his territory, if he did so, he risked fighting with a larger male that would easily sense his presence. Rhea had safe passage unless she ran into other females of her same size and rank. The male had allowed Rhea to share his space while she was ill and then when she was well again he waited nearby until she was ready to mate.

  Rhea was two years of age, going into her third season and before long she was driven not only to search for her band but to mate with the male that had proven strong beyond measure. Already she carried new life in her womb. She did not know the meaning of the feelings that drove her, but each day she hunted for food with a sense of urgency. She was hounded by an almost insatiable hunger. She avoided the scents of the foreign people that sought to do her harm.

  With one last glance over her shoulder she looked back at her first mate. He skidded to a halt, scenting the air as he caught the scent of an opposing male. Rhea made the decision to continue forward with only a flick of her tail to show her indecision.

  She needed to find her one true band and her body drove her to seek shelter soon. She would need a place to rest and prepare. She was unsure of the reason why but she knew that her instincts would never fail her. The male chuffed deep in his throat as she crested a steep hill and was lost to him forever.

  Rhea sped forward, as she sought the scent of her people. The large black cat was merely a blur as she wove in and out of the nearby forest. Her senses led her ever onward and she only stopped to hunt and rest as she continued on her journey. From time to time she found the scent of her band, but it was faint, merely a hint upon the ground.

  Rhea allowed her instinct to guide her as she traveled, finding water some days and others going without. She easily made her way down the side of a cliff face, catching the scent of her people there upon a tree branch where a piece of one of their traveling packs lay trapped. She would find them soon. With newfound determination she sped ever onward.

  Anaay led the way carrying them much closer to the mountain passes than Jon’lan could have imagined they would travel in one day. Jon’lan finally gave the signal to stop their journey just as the sun started to set. Darkness came rapidly in this desert region and so each person moved swiftly to relieve their needs and make camp. The women brought out dried meat and shared water with the children and Kii helped to make sure Yaa and Mar-ee were settled in while Taikiuu managed to prepare Star Feather’s sleeping place as the woman took the baby so that she could feed him. Star Feather appreciated her hearth sister’s consideration. She was not a weakling, but never had she walked so far for so long a time.

  Carrying a baby and caring for him along the way, stopping only when it was allowed and resting for too short a time before they continued on. She caught Roark’s concerned glance a
nd gave him a weary smile of reassurance. She was fine and had been happier than she had ever been in her life only a few short days ago. That time would come again, but for now, she would do her best to follow the orders of her husband’s band brother. He had not led them astray so far and her confidence in her husband to protect her knew no bounds.

  After feeding the baby she made sure that her husband was fed and his sleeping place was ready to receive him. Tucking Mar-ee and Yaa between them the women lay facing each other. Star Feather held her son in her arms and rocked him until he too drifted off to sleep. She kissed his downy forehead and smoothed each brow with a finger. He smiled slightly in his sleep and then puckered his lips in a nursing motion. This brought a smile to his mother’s face and she shifted him close, holding his firm little body against her own.

  While he slept she used a little water to wash him gently, checking to make sure he wasn’t wet and hadn’t developed any rashes. Taikiuu had given her some herb to use that helped with the rashes that were common on babies when their bottoms were covered with cloth to keep from wetting all over. Star Feather learned so much about how to care for her child from Taikiuu and when she asked her sister how she had known so many things the woman had said only “I lived to serve.”

  Something about her words had saddened Star Feather deeply until she had seen the look of love come into Taikiuu’s eyes when she looked upon Mar-ee and Kii. It was true that each of them had faced times in their lives that were better left unmentioned and unremembered. But Jon’lan led them to a better place and a better life. Today Anaay and Giad spotted a hare and brought it back to roast over the fire for meat. They would eat it in the morning after turning it slowly for hours and the meat although sparse would be moist and flavorful.


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