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Keeper of the People (Book One)

Page 36

by Karah Quinney

  Mar-ee hugged her mother at the sound of her voice, for though Taikiuu practiced her language skills at night with Jon’lan, when time allowed, she very rarely put her words to use with her band. Taikiuu hugged the child in return, feeling the warmth of her small little body and the chubby arms that wrapped around her so sweetly. She kissed her daughters hair and directed her lovingly over to Yaa for safekeeping.

  Taikiuu couldn’t help but to raise her gaze to meet Jon’lan’s eyes. She could feel his love and approval like a warm caress upon her skin. Each day they learned more about each other. Last night she had shown him her skill with a bow and an arrow. It had taken courage to share such a thing with her husband but he was impressed with her skill. He even admitted that she might have more natural ability than some of the warriors he had met in his travels. Taikiuu felt like her heart blossomed at his praise. Although using a weapon as a woman was forbidden in her former village, her mother had insisted that she learn. At an early age Taikiuu had received training in various forms of weaponry, but she was deadly with a bow and arrow.

  Star Feather and Taikiuu conferred together for awhile with a mixture of hand signs and whispers until finally Star Feather called for Giad. He raced over to his mother and his face lit with a smile as he heard her plan. Finally he ran to find Anaay and all was quiet in the camp until Giad returned to his mother with more whispers. Star Feather gave a nod of approval and before she could say anything more Yaa yipped in excitement and went racing after Giad who had only to wave her over to gain her allegiance. The girl returned to her mother only moments later gesturing with excitement until Star Feather uncovered an earthenware pot and gently handed it over to her daughter. Taikiuu and Star Feather laughed together as the little girl raced off once again, carrying the pot precariously upon her head.

  Roark watched the women and children in consternation; they seemed not to realize the danger that faced them all. His wife’s smile could be seen like a ray of sunshine as she laughed gaily and then turned to nurse the baby. Roark said nothing at all and Jon’lan was not surprised by his band brother’s silence.

  Taikiuu had quietly approached him earlier and made a surprising request. Over the course of their journey his wife had constantly amazed him with her strength and endurance. Where most women would have fallen upon the ground in agony after days of walking, little to no water and the bare minimum in food supplies, Taikiuu had risen early each day, seen to the needs of Jon’lan and the children and lastly herself. He had never heard her complain and he wondered at times if she even knew how to do so. His wife spoke to him softly, her words like a whisper on the wind as her eyes implored him and he could deny her nothing. Still, he took his time responding, wanting very much to show her that her request meant just as much as any other of their band.

  When she shyly looked away from him, he placed the tips of his fingers to her chin and brought her gaze back to his own. Finally as he smoothed his thumb over her full lower lip he responded with a simple nod and was rewarded with a dazzling smile that left him feeling like he had given her the sun and the moon. He watched as the children of the band came walking in an orderly line back to their camp. Kii had taken charge of Mar-ee, which allowed Yaa to carry the heavy earthenware pot with the help of Giad. Anaay followed them all wearing his newly made moccasins and a sheepish grin on his face. The adults waited patiently as Yaa and Giad set the pot down close to the slowly dying fire.

  Roark’s curiosity was piqued and he approached beside Jon’lan and when he peered in to the pot he let out a roar that caught everyone off guard. Inside was a huge honeycomb the likes of which he had not seen since he was a boy. Giad carried an oil soaked torch which he continued to wave around the camp and they were quickly surrounded by a thick oily smoke that was foul to breathe. But no one noticed as the women took charge of separating the honey from the comb and making sweet patties for their passage through the mountains. Jon’lan was not sure what purpose the sweet patties would serve on their journey but he could well see the way the spirit of the band had lifted since the discovery. Roark was in a fine mood as he snuck one sizzling sweet patty from his wife, laughing as she slapped playfully at his hands.

  Mar-ee danced around Yaa and Giad asking Yaa to tell the story of how the honeybees had fled at the sight of Anaay and Giad with their burning torches. Yaa promised to tell her later, but for now they all set about helping with the sweet patties and packing them away with extra care. The left over honey was placed in a small earthenware container that was tightly sealed by Star Feather. Taikiuu helped to fashion a sling for the baby that would fit snugly over Star Feather’s chest instead of the traditional cradleboard that carried the child upon a woman’s back. Both women worried over the health of their children, but Taikiuu knew that the baby would have a better chance of staying warm if he was held close to Star Feather’s body. Star Feather thanked Taikiuu as she showed her how to fasten the straps and carry the baby close to her heart.

  In less time than Jon’lan thought possible each person was standing with their carrying pouches on their backs ready for his direction. Before they departed he motioned for them to stand in a circle, when each person was in position Jon’lan spoke. “Before we take this journey, let each person of the band know that we are one. Where I walk, you must walk and if anyone should stumble, the other will help you stand.”

  Jon’lan took a moment to look at each solemn face and finally his gaze rested on Taikiuu with her upturned face and shining almond shaped eyes. “We are one band and as such it is only fitting that we start our own traditions and rid ourselves of the old. Not every tradition will change, but the naming of a child after one year will no longer stand in this band. From this time forward the parents will choose when a child will be named.” Jon’lan held Roark’s gaze and then Star Feather’s smile gave him his answer. “Do you choose to name your son this day Roark and Star Feather?”

  “We do.” They replied in unison as Star Feather unwrapped her son and handed him to his father.

  “What shall we name him?” she asked with a trembling voice no louder than a whisper. Roark looked at his son and was not surprised to see the boy gazing at him with rapt attention as if he knew that his name was being decided upon. He looked at his father with wise eyes and then smiled and craned his neck to see his mother. Roark held the child up for all to see and then finally lifted the baby high and said, “We shall name him a name that means Freedom.”

  Taikiuu stepped forward and placed her hands on the child, overlapping those of Roark and Star Feather. She spoke softly, “Mantiloff, which means freedom for all in the language of the old ones.” Roark and Star Feather nodded their agreement. It was a fine name for a strong son. Each person took a turn holding Mantiloff and whispering his name aloud before passing the baby back to his mother. Jon’lan looked once again to the shining faces of his band and finally after taking a deep breath he said, “Let us go.”

  As they approached the face of the mountain Jon’lan feared that there would be no way to pass through safely. Perhaps it was only wishful thinking that he could somehow return home to his people by going this route. To his knowledge, no trader had ever gone this way before him, but the ancients passed down stories of man traveling this route.

  He knew the general direction of his home, but due to the ever changing land they would have to travel in the opposite direction and then circle back around in a wide arch that would eventually take him to his homeland. In the meantime he would have to keep his small band safe and in good health. It was no small burden to carry.

  As they crested one small hill after another the landscape became gradually rockier, until the sand disappeared completely and they faced huge crevasses. The progress was slow and arduous but they traveled as quickly as they could, eager to reach the base of the mountain and find their way to the pass. Jon’lan was the first to see that the place where the pass should have parted to allow access through the mountain was blocked. He was further stunned to see t
he mammoth that he had assumed were long gone moving about in confusion at the base of the mountain.

  Their Matriarch stood out among them with her enormous size and stature, but the white calf at her side made her easily recognizable. Jon’lan and his small band stared in wonder at the majestic creatures. Taikiuu watched in awe as one of the larger females reared up on her hind legs and brought her crushing weight down against the mountainside. She repeated the process over and over until the wall seemed to crumble at her feet. The other mammoths used their trunks and feet to move the rubble until the way began to clear. The large beasts trumpeted in delight as they began to make their way in a single line.

  Jon’lan could only imagine that the mammoth traveled this way often, if they were like other herd animals, they had designated routes that the old ones followed from time beyond remembering. The hunter’s instinct in Jon’lan told him that they should follow the mammoth for as long as possible. He only hoped that his instincts would lead him through this uncharted and unknown land.

  As they started forward he felt the light flutter of his wife’s hand gently touching his palm. His heart was moved and he felt her support and reassurance. She and the others followed in their footsteps, even now trying their best to leave no trail of their passage. Jon’lan walked forward with the knowledge that his band was with him and would follow where he led. Roark walked in the rear for the time being, content to let Jon’lan choose their way. He also knew that his band brother would call on him if he had any question about their path.

  Jon’lan would not put the lives of his band at risk if given a choice, even if it meant delaying their journey or traveling around the mountain as others had previously done. Taikiuu gathered her spirit inside of her and felt the warmth of the sun shining on her face. As they approached the passes a chill wind whistled down the mountain and she looked up in awe at the enormity of the rock face.

  She could only imagine how the pass that they traveled had been formed, in some spots the rock was sheer and she could almost make out her reflection. In other places there were jagged stone and broken pieces with sharp protruding edges. The land seemed to gradually grow colder the further they walked, until she became thankful for the warm clothing that Jon’lan had insisted they all wear. Mar-ee walked beside her mother and held tightly to her hand as her eyes took in their surroundings.

  Kii walked closely behind them both and hummed softly under her breathe songs of good cheer and well being. Her soft melody seemed to echo through the sheer cliffs and to return to her in harmony. She glanced back often to watch Star Feather, but the woman seemed to be making her way just fine, with a light load of only the baby while her husband insisted upon carrying the heavy burdens for now.

  Kii adjusted her forehead strap and the weight of her pack, shifting to find a more comfortable position. She had been feeling ill throughout the day and she wondered if she was becoming ill. She hoped that she could remain healthy so as not to create a burden on the others. Still with each step she felt fatigue dragging at her until she wondered when they would stop to rest, but she refused to utter a sound of complaint.

  Kii could feel the tension of the band in the air around her and she knew that they traveled a route that was rarely taken, if ever. So she hummed softly, gently blowing breathe out through her mouth in an effort to keep up the pace. Taikiuu noticed the flushed cheeks of her daughter and wondered if she wasn’t over exerting herself. She willed strength into each member of her band and she did her best to slightly slow her pace. Jon’lan seemed to take his cue from her on how fast to push the rest of them and though she did not want to disappoint her husband, she feared for the health of their eldest daughter.

  The sun began to settle into its rest for midday and still they walked, the mammoth had outdistanced them in a few hands of time and they were alone. The only sign of the great beasts passing was their lingering scent on the wind and for Jon’lan who watched the ground for tracks with keen eyes, there was the occasional imprint in the ground.

  Finally Jon’lan raised his hand in a sign that meant rest, realizing that he signed to the group almost unknowingly. He had learned much from his gentle wife in a short period of time. He turned to look at the group and caught Taikiuu’s gaze with his own. She smiled a secret smile meant only for him and his heart raced in return.

  Taikiuu helped to care for the needs of the band as they stopped to rest. They all knew that this would not be where they would camp for the night and they needed to restore their strength. Taikiuu took out a few pieces of dried meat and passed this around as each person gratefully broke off a bit for themselves. Jon’lan ate last and he was grateful for the salty taste of the meat and also for the water skin that was given to him as well.

  It seemed that Taikiuu had been planning ahead just in case they did not find food each day to hunt. He wondered what other items she carried in her pack and as the thought occurred to him he watched as Mar-ee came to him and he lifted her to his chest. She was such a small child for her age, but her warm brown eyes seemed to shine with love as he smoothed her tousled raven black hair.

  He shared a bit of the water with her and made sure that she had no more thirst before setting her down to scamper back to his wife. Jon’lan made his way over to Kii and without talking he motioned to her pack. She looked at him with shy surprise and handed it over. “I will adjust this for you and make it easier to carry.”

  “I carry the traditional way father.” Kii spoke softly, with her voice almost a whisper and Jon’lan looked at her searchingly. Besides a slightly heightened color in her heart shaped face, he could find nothing wrong. Still he stole a glance at Taikiuu and saw that she too studied their daughter.

  “We are a new band that will start new traditions.” Jon’lan remarked gently realizing that many of the things that he had been considering were simply not the way of the People. But as he considered the many perils that they faced on their journey, he knew that changes would have to be made and he would take the lead in making the necessary adjustments.

  “Yes, father.” Kii watched intently as he gathered her pack to him and tested the weight. He quickly pulled out his hunting knife and she gasped as he cut the forehead strap in two and then made two incisions at the bottom of her pack and looped each strap through this. He then tied the straps so quickly that her eyes could not follow the motion.

  She turned when he motioned for her to do so and he helped her place first one arm and then the other through each strap. Taikiuu smiled as she saw the pack’s new way of being worn. The weight would be distributed over Kii’s small shoulders and she would not feel the ache most women knew when carrying a pack with a forehead strap.

  Kii smiled in delight as she realized the new found freedom that the pack allowed her and she embraced her father in wonder. Jon’lan found himself laughing as well as he ruffled her hair and tugged at the two braids that she now wore, tied with twine on each side, so much like her mother. He marveled at the women as they gathered around Kii to remark on her new carrying pack and he realized once again that although they were not yet tied together by blood, they were bound together as a family.

  Star Feather gave Mantiloff over to Roark and he held his son reverently as the baby looked at his father and chortled in delight. It seemed that Roark was playing a game with his son as he took the cloth that he customarily wore tied over his nose and mouth and hid his eyes from the child. The baby laughed again as Roark repeated the motion. Anaay watched everyone from afar, along with Giad who was his constant shadow.

  Everywhere Anaay walked, Giad did the same along with Yaa who trailed them both. Even Yaa was drawn in with the other women when she saw Kii’s new pack. She wore her own pack slung low across one shoulder and she couldn’t imagine a reason to change how she carried it. Seeing Kii demonstrate how easy it was to carry her pack made Yaa wish that she could have her own adjusted in the same way. Jon’lan noticed the look of wonder on Yaa’s face and with a nod from Roark he squatted do
wn beside the young girl.

  “Niece, it would be good to have the young women start this new tradition of carrying their packs in a new way.”

  Yaa’s mouth went dry and her eyes widened. She could not express to her uncle that she wanted to be a woman one day, for she was formed as a woman, but she also desired to run and jump and hunt. However it could not hurt to have a pack that she could carry easier like Kii’s. Yaa’s mind raced as she realized that she would be more likely to keep up with Giad and Anaay if her load was more stable.

  She smiled brilliantly and answered, “Yes, thank you Uncle.” Without saying more she handed her pack to him and watched as he transformed it without using more than what was there and his fingers fairly flew as he tied this way and that while making the pack over. Finally he helped her put her arms in and she carried it behind her with both shoulders bearing the weight. It was a good feeling and she knew that she would be able to better keep up without shifting her pack from one shoulder to the other.

  “It is good.” She said simply and then glanced up quickly, realizing that she had spoken out of turn.

  “Yes niece, it is good.” Jon’lan smiled and smoothed the child’s hair in affection. She was a shy child and very careful with her speech, he was glad to give her something new to be happy about. Roark caught his eye and nodded with appreciation. He transferred the baby back to Star Feather and it seemed each person began to make ready to start on their way to wherever Jon’lan would lead. Anaay returned to the camp as they were preparing to leave and though he was often quiet he surprised them by offering each girl and woman a yellow flower that he had found in his trek ahead.


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