Keeper of the People (Book One)

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Keeper of the People (Book One) Page 41

by Karah Quinney

  Taikiuu requested that the men build two fires assuring them that they did not need to use an extra supply of wood. She unwrapped a mound of the mammoth dung that she had carried for several days. There was no odor or smell, the dung had frozen and dried until it was a solid mass. She used stones and kindling to start the fire but once that was done, she used the dung to create a raging blaze.

  The men were startled by the use of animal dung for her fire, but she assured them that it would burn without smell and it did. Not only did it burn without odor, but it burned brighter and longer than fire fed by wood, without the continuous use of kindling to keep the blaze going.

  “I guess I’m going to have to start collecting mammoth droppings now.” Giad said with a dramatic sigh when all the men of his band turned to look at him in consideration. Giad knew what they were thinking before anyone spoke. Someone should start to collect the dung just in case they needed a fire and could not find firewood while in the mountains. By process of elimination Giad realized that he was the most likely person to be assigned the task.

  “You can always wait until it’s dry before you wrap it up and carry it.” Anaay suggested with a helpful smile. Giad scowled as he thought about collecting it wet and then he made a gagging noise that made all the men roar with laughter. Roark chuckled deep in his chest as Giad’s face turned a few colors before he caught his breath.

  “We will still guard the women but tonight we will sit off a distance, while they welcome Kii into womanhood.” Jon’lan spoke again when he could gather his breath free from laughter. Giad had the same look of disgust upon his face when Jon’lan finished speaking as when he started and this only increased the amusement of his band brother, uncle and father.

  Taikiuu signaled that they would end their dance of thanksgiving and Star Feather came to a dramatic finale causing the others to laugh with mirth. Mar-ee bumped into Yaa as she careened to a halt and Kii giggled once again. Taikiuu looked upon the smiling face of her hearth daughter and her own heart seemed to still and grow calm. Kii had blossomed before her eyes into a beautiful young woman. No longer was she a child, forced into servitude by an abusive master. No longer did she have to keep her hair shorn at the ears and already her silken tresses gleamed with health. Taikiuu admired how Kii managed to style her hair with ease by tying it into two thick braids at her shoulders. Star Feather stepped forward and unbraided Kii’s hair, running her fingers through the silky strands until they were smooth.

  Taikiuu stepped forward and placed a beautifully made necklace over Kii’s head. The necklace was formed with care and held a leather sack decorated with painstaking skill. The tiny leather sack held a few of the things that Kii treasured. The making of an amulet was a special tradition of the Ada’na. The items inside the amulet were significant to Kii. The amulet that Taikiuu gave to Kii matched her own.

  “Daughter of my hearth. Daughter of our band. You have become a woman and lifegiver. Shah!” Taikiuu spoke the words dramatically and with great ceremony and the effect was not lost on Star Feather or the children who gasped slightly as their Aunt and mother became the embodiment of everything it meant to be the Ada’na. As Taikiuu yelled the word “Shah!” with greater fever she tossed something onto the fire that burst into flames surprising the females of her band and making the men take notice from their perch far above them.

  “Lifegiver!” Taikiuu trilled triumphantly as the others followed along, lifting their voices to match hers. The fire seemed to blaze momentarily as the cold wind swirled around them. Taikiuu draped Kii in her walking fur and then beckoned for the others to gather closer. The women sat huddled around the fire and waited with breathless anticipation.

  Each person, child and adult had come to know Taikiuu, the woman that lived inside of the persona of the Ada’na. Yet tonight she became the embodiment of the Ada’na of the People, Keeper of Secrets, Healer and Beloved Mother. By her posture alone she commanded respect and she held their rapt attention as they each waited with bated breath.

  Star Feather remembered her own ceremony for the time when she had become a woman. While it was beautiful and she received many gifts, her small village did not have a woman of power to lead the ceremony. She was amazed at the shivers of anticipation that raced up and down her skin as Taikiuu gestured with her hands, moving so swiftly that Star Feather could only pick out a few words. Kii seemed to repeat the gestured words out loud for the benefit of everyone gathered.

  “Today you become a woman. Listen, hear these words, you are blessed amongst creation. Each footstep forward may you take with grace, may your voice always ring with sweetness, may your womb be fertile and bring forth many daughters…” Taikiuu paused for emphasis and Kii’s eyes opened wide as she realized that her mother put daughters before the word sons. “May your womb be fertile and bring forth many sons, of equal value to your daughters.” All the women gasped.

  It was true that daughters were valued amongst the people, for without daughters the people would grow old and die without future generations to walk the land. Yet never before had Star Feather heard a woman ask for daughters in the same breath as sons and she had never heard it said aloud that they were of equal value. Never.

  Yet Taikiuu spoke the words as if they were true and Star Feather looked upon the bright face of her hearth daughter, Yaa, a daughter of strength and power. Then Star Feather peered into the darkness above as if she could sense the presence of Giad and Roark who carried their youngest son. It was true; she valued the child of her hearth, a girl child, just as much as she valued her sons.

  Yaa looked back and forth between her mother and Taikiuu as she watched them nod in silent communication. Kii waited breathlessly as her mother finished signing and she translated, “Today is a day that you should always remember. Let this be the beginning of your journey into womanhood. You will choose a mate that will be a strong hunter, provider and loving lifemate. He will care for you always. As it is spoken, so let it be done! Shah!”

  Taikiuu held her laughter inside as her daughters eyes shined in delight and wonder. Kii’s eyes widened again when she threw a few more flakes of her fire sticks into the blaze which popped and crackled as the flakes caught fire and ignited. Mar-ee whispered to her mother and Taikiuu pushed her forward gently so that she could shyly approach the new woman of their band.

  Kii smiled adoringly at Mar-ee as the child handed her a patch of hide that was decorated with little bits of rock and stone. She could tell that her mother had helped Mar-ee work on the patch and that it had taken the young child some time to complete. She gushed words of praise and thanks as she admired the handy work. Mar-ee kissed Kii’s cheek with a resounding smack and Kii returned the gesture, kissing both chubby cheeks until the little girl chortled with laughter.

  Yaa was next to approach the new woman of her band, she did so with light footsteps, as if she walked on the wind. Yaa looked at them all with an innocent smile that truly touched Kii’s heart. She handed Kii a quiver of arrows and a newly made bow that she had crafted with her own hands. “Women make good hunters too. My father says so. I will teach you how to shoot rabbit and other small animals that taste good when roasted over the fire. Welcome, newly made woman of our band.” Yaa bowed at the waist. Her pose was very similar to her respectful display a few days ago in front of Giad and Anaay when they discovered the mammoth.

  Kii grasped the bow and quiver of arrows and noted how well everything was made, she realized that it would be a good thing to know how to shoot and hunt for herself and she was eager to begin training. Yaa noticed the excitement in Kii’s eyes and was thankful that her father had helped her pick out a good gift for Kii. Yaa returned to her mother’s side and Star Feather smoothed her hair lovingly before hugging her daughter in pride.

  Star Feather rose and approached Kii with great ceremony as she removed a small parcel from her pack. She handed this to Kii and the young woman gasped in surprised as she unfolded the wrapping and looked upon the object inside. “This is ca
lled a flute. It sings songs just as beautifully as you do when you use your voice. You may find that it makes singing even more beautiful to listen to. Welcome new woman to our band. May you learn to play this flute as beautifully as my mother and those who walked before me.”

  Kii’s eyes smarted with tears as she thanked her Aunt for such a valuable and rare gift. She truly felt like a beloved daughter and newly made woman as she gazed at the wonderful items that she had been given. Her hands trembled as she held the flute to her chest. It was as light as the breeze and made out of a wood that she had never seen before. She wondered if she would ever truly be able to play it but her heart soared as she thought of the music that she could make with such an instrument. Star Feather kissed her gently on the forehead and smoothed her hair as Kii wiped at her tears.

  Taikiuu was pleased beyond measure to see such wonder light her daughter’s face. Even now as she looked at each of them her gaze held only love and gratitude. Mar-ee climbed onto Taikiuu’s lap oblivious of the power that thrummed through her mother’s veins as she felt the full bond of their sisterhood surround them.

  Mar-ee looked up into Taikiuu’s beautiful face and all she saw were the kind eyes that always smiled in a special way just for her. To the others Taikiuu’s hands seemed to hold the mysteries of the world, but Mar-ee saw the same hands as those that tucked her in at night and lifted her up to pull her in close for a hug or a kiss. Taikiuu’s eyes twinkled as she allowed the persona of the Ada’na to fall from her shoulders as easily as she would let a blanket slide from around her. Star Feather noticed the change in Taikiuu immediately. While Star Feather was sorry to see the ceremony come to an end, she was pleased to look into the eyes of her hearth sister without feeling a shiver of something more surrounding them all.

  “I wonder what the women are doing down there.” Giad murmured quietly as he tried not to look at the women’s camp. He knew that his father and uncle were keeping a close eye on the fire circle below. Roark made a point to walk their own fire with Mantiloff bouncing in his sling as if the little boy needed soothing. Each time he approached the overhang that looked over the women’s camp below he craned his neck to peer down at their fire circle. Jon’lan had not allowed anyone to watch as the women danced around the fire. He told them that if they watched their man parts would shrivel and fall off, so it was better to entertain themselves with stories of hunting or war.

  Roark chuckled at this, until Jon’lan cast him a serious look that caused Roark to choke back a laugh. Roark sobered quickly and told them of his hunt for a wild boar as a boy. They were quickly captivated by the story and for a while they thought no more of the women below until their voices drifted up to their ears as a light echo.

  “Uncle, what does the word Shah mean?” Giad asked Jon’lan who stood closest to him as he added more sticks to the fire. Their fire burned low from lack of fire wood, while the women’s fire blazed below.

  “Shah, I think it is a word from the language of the Old Ones, from a time long before this one. It means, I agree.” Jon’lan replied.

  “When will the women be done with their ceremony?” Giad asked as he tried his best to peer over the cliffside and look down upon the woman’s camp, but his father Roark stopped him with only a stern look.

  “They will be done when they are done. We are not concerned with women’s ceremonies.” Jon’lan scoffed even as he tried his best not to turn around and peer over the cliff.

  “Of course we aren’t. We have many manly things to discuss so that we might preserve our man parts.” Roark bellowed out a laugh when Jon’lan looked at him in surprise. Jon’lan was soon caught up in the joke and laughed as well. Giad simply rolled his eyes, it seemed that there was a lot that went into being a man.

  “Respected Aunt,” Yaa started to voice her question but waited until all had quieted and she held their attention, “We are glad to have this new lifegiver within our band. Yet this girl would ask how is it that a woman is made into a lifegiver?”

  “A woman is born as a lifegiver, but it is not until she comes into her time as a woman, that she is able to hold life within her womb.” Taikiuu looked at Star Feather and the woman nodded her approval and so she continued. “When a woman has the becoming a woman ceremony, she is free to take a Lifemate, then she can become a true lifegiver.”

  It was a simple explanation and seemed to be enough to soothe Yaa, although Kii wanted to know more and Taikiuu read the question in her eyes. She nodded to her daughter and Kii was satisfied that she would learn more when the time was right. Her mother was a wonderful mixture of everything that motherhood should entail and she was also the Ada’na to the depth of her insides.

  Kii was glad that her mother had decided to keep the title of the Ada’na within their band. Taikiuu was a teacher of young women and did her best to educate them about every aspect of womanhood. Most of all she taught Kii to listen to her spirit and to follow her instincts. Kii would remember those lessons in the future to come. She would make her mother and father proud. Still with every heart beat she thought of Anaay and wondered what the morning would bring.

  Star Feather and Taikiuu busied themselves with putting Yaa and Mar-ee to sleep. For this one night the men would sleep at their own hearth fire. Late into the night the women talked to Kii telling her everything that she would need to know as a woman of their band. They instructed her in the proper running of her Haik, although Star Feather took the lead in a few areas where she had actual experience, Taikiuu would follow with advice if necessary. It was a sharing of knowledge and a bonding of souls. The women laughed together and shared many stories. Finally as the morning began to dawn they rested, each one in her own place as the men took turns watching over the women from afar.

  “Do you think it’s safe to go back to the women’s fire now?” Giad asked Anaay breaking into the young man’s thoughts. Anaay nodded and gave Giad his full attention.

  “I am sure that Jon’lan would tell us if the women needed more time. We will return this morning.” Anaay lead the way to his hearth father and uncle who were helping to secure Mantiloff in his carrying strap. The little boy did not look happy to see them, until Anaay pulled out one of Taikiuu’s sweet cakes and broke it into little bits. Mantiloff smiled broadly with drool dribbling down his chin as Anaay fed him a few bits of the sweet cake.

  “Mother will not be happy if he eats too much of that, she likes him to rest while she walks.” Giad was quick to caution Anaay, just in case the young man meant to give Mantiloff the entire sweet cake. Anaay grinned and gave Giad half of the cake, it was just enough to fill his palm and Giad’s mouth watered even before he held the sweet in his hand.

  “Anaay, there are a few winter flowers that grow wild on the peek below; perhaps Kii would appreciate a flower for her hair.” Roark spoke to the young man as he hefted his son up so that he could look the child in the eye. The little boy babbled at him in his baby language and waved his chubby fist at his father in glee. Roark sighed as he looked at his son, he knew that his wife would be able to tell that they had given the child some of the sweet cake. He chuckled to himself as he imagined her upset when she saw her son. He did his best to wipe all traces of the evidence away from Mantiloff’s mouth and chin.

  “Flowers?” Anaay questioned, bringing Roark’s mind back to the conversation.

  “Yes, flowers. Women like pretty things, such as flowers and songs and sweet sayings. You will need to give this some thought if you hope to win Kii’s acceptance.” Roark hid a laugh as Anaay shook his head in confusion. He hoped Kii would go easy on the young man; otherwise it would be an eventful courtship.

  Chapter Thirty-Eight

  Taikiuu watched as her daughter prepared for the evening ahead. Star Feather had offered to braid Kii’s hair in a new style in order to commemorate her coming into womanhood. Kii was able to see her reflection in a small pool of crystal clear water and she squealed in delight.

  Taikiuu felt her heart warm as she looked upon her daug
hter, she carried Mar-ee who also asked to have her hair braided and Star Feather assured the little girl that she would help her with her hair as well. Taikiuu laughed even as she placed her hand protectively over the child that grew in her womb.

  She hoped for another daughter to love and nurture from birth. If not, she would adore a strong son who looked just like her husband, Jon’lan. Either way a child of their hearth was a blessing and she eagerly looked forward to the child’s birth.

  Jon’lan watched as his wife made ready to leave their hearth fire, all the while carrying Mar-ee who hung around her mother’s neck and waist as if she belonged there and nowhere else. Jon’lan kissed his wife upon the cheek and lips, watching as she blushed becomingly.

  He then kissed Mar-ee on the top of her head and smiled when she beamed at him. When his young daughter smiled it was as if the sun came out on a cloudy day, she had that same affect on his heart.

  “How about I carry this little one for you?” Jon’lan asked even as Mar-ee stretched out her arms to be held by her father.

  Taikiuu handed the child over after giving her a loud kiss on the cheek which made Mar-ee chortle in response. “How am I to greet my daughter who has become a woman?” Jon’lan asked Taikiuu quietly. He was on uncharted territory, he could only remember very vaguely the time when his sister became a woman. He remembered teasing her until she chased him with his spear. But when he looked upon his hearth daughter Kii all he felt was warmth in his chest as he realized how much she had changed in just a few short moons, from a shy child into a young woman.


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