Keeper of the People (Book One)

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Keeper of the People (Book One) Page 42

by Karah Quinney

  “You may greet her as you always do husband, with the joy that is in your heart. She has not changed on the inside, she is still our Kii, only newly made into a woman by the passage of time.” Taikiuu’s voice carried to Star Feather and Roark and they shared a warm smile. Their hearth sister used her words very well. No longer did she sign as she talked and although her words held an accent that was not exactly like their own, she spoke clearly and with much dignity.

  Jon’lan approached Kii, noting that she wore the bracelet he had first given her as a daughter of their hearth while they were still in the cave that sheltered them from Marad and his men. Anaay also wore the beautiful jade necklace that his parents had given him as a welcome gift to their hearth. Jon’lan smiled when he saw his daughter gaze shyly at Anaay before she looked at her father.

  “Hello daughter.” Jon’lan felt his voice grow oddly choked as he looked at Kii. Her hair was different, braided in such a way that it highlighted her high cheekbones and long eyelashes. He squeezed Kii into the hollow of his chest and shoulder and patted her gently on the head. She smiled radiantly as she returned his embrace. “Hello father.”

  “I would speak to you before we begin our journey today.” Jon’lan spoke quietly so that his voice did not carry. Kii looked at him sharply in concern but then she calmed when he gestured that all is well.

  “I realize that you may have feelings for Anaay and you have shown us honor and respect by abiding by our wishes not to share your feelings until you became a woman. Now I will ask that you think carefully about your decision to allow Anaay to court you. His next offer will be one of marriage. If you are unsure of your feelings for Anaay then it is good that you tell him so soon, so that he will not hope and dream of a future with you. In the land that we go to, there may be other young men, perhaps one that should be your Lifemate.” Jon’lan paused when Kii started to speak and he held his hand up asking that she wait until he finished.

  He almost laughed at the expression in her gaze, it was obvious that her mind was made up and so he continued. “But if your heart is sure, if you know in your soul that Anaay is the person that you would share your life with. I ask that you not make it an easy task for him to win your hand. He must be made to work for your affection, if only because he is the only young man in our band of marriageable age. I know it goes against everything you feel, but again I ask that you honor us in this matter.”

  Kii was silent for a long time after Jon’lan finished speaking as she weighed his words. “Do you wish me to deny him?” She finally asked.

  “I wish that you follow your heart in this matter. I already approve of Anaay, but I am asking that you not make the winning of your hand and easy matter for the young man. He must recognize the value of the daughter that he would seek to marry from our hearth.” Jon’lan smiled easily as Kii’s cheeks bloomed with color. “You, beloved daughter, are a treasure. You should know this always. That is all I ask, as your hearth father.”

  Kii nodded silently as tears welled in her eyes. Her father had only her best interest at heart. She would not hurt Anaay or refuse a gift, but she would not make it easy for him to pursue her either, not if it was what her father and mother required. They asked very little of her and she believed with all her heart that they sought only her future happiness. Jon’lan and Taikiuu had given her more love than she had ever known, not only that but they had made her a part of their family for all time.

  “I will do as you wish father.” Kii whispered solemnly.

  “It is enough.” Jon’lan assured her as he ushered her back towards the fire and their band.

  Anaay waited until Kii had gathered her traveling pack and he approached her, although he felt as if all eyes watched him, the others turned their eyes away. All except Mar-ee who wandered over and raised her arms so that Anaay could pick her up. She smiled sweetly when he did as she asked. “I would offer these flowers to our new life-giver.” Anaay spoke in their language, honoring her with his words.

  Kii glanced at Anaay and felt her heart double in beat. He looked so very strong as he held Mar-ee as if she weighed no more than the lightest feather. He handed her the flower and she felt his fingertips brush her own as she took the small token of his esteem. It was a beautiful orange flower with small petals that were in various shades of yellow and orange. Kii sniffed the little flower, enjoying the smell of spring even as snow drifted around them. She smiled kindly at Anaay before she turned away to gather the rest of her things.

  It was very difficult for her to hold back her excitement at being offered a gift from Anaay, but she remembered that she wanted to honor her mother and father and so she put her head down and went to join the other women. Anaay stood holding Mar-ee who looked at him with a twinkle in her eye. “Pretty flower.” She told him and still he stared after Kii. He wondered if he should have told her immediately that he hoped to win her hand and have her as his lifemate, perhaps she thought of him only as a brother. Her shy smile gave him no encouragement and she was the epitome of kindness. His brow furrowed as he considered what more he could say or do, to win her affection.

  Kii tried very hard not to look back at Anaay as she walked away and when she saw the approving smile of her mother she knew that she had done the right thing. She did not always understand the ways of her father or mother, but so far, they had not steered her in the wrong path and so she would continue to show them honor and respect by following their advice.

  Anaay led the group farther into the mountain knowing that they had to make double the time today if they were going to make up for the snow storm that had kept them from traveling the previous day.

  The storm had given the women time to have the becoming a woman ceremony for Kii which made her journey into womanhood official. Anaay wondered about the relationship between a man and a woman. He watched Jon’lan as he gently touched his wife’s arm, brushing his cheek against hers before pointing out a sharp rock that might cause injury if she was not careful. Roark seemed to always be watching their surroundings but as he watched the big man gently lifted Star Feather over a large boulder that blocked their path. After his wife regained her balance, he gently kissed her hand before allowing her to continue.

  Anaay looked at Kii and found her watching him with shining eyes. He blushed to the roots of his hair, as he realized that everything he was feeling was there for anyone to see clearly on his face. He held her gaze for as long as he dared and then he smiled triumphantly when she was the first to look away. Perhaps affection was needed to win her heart. His mother and aunt seemed to enjoy the attention their husband’s paid them.

  Anaay would look for the first opportunity to show Kii affection. Such action did not come easily to him, but then he thought of little Mar-ee and how readily she had won him over with her constant need for a hug or her desire to be carried. He had no problem lifting her and smoothing her hair or blowing on a bruised knee. In fact, everyone doted on the child as she scampered from one person to the other for a story or to hold their hand while they traveled. She was their own special sunlight, even now her laughter seemed to dance upon the air.

  Kii brought out her flute as they walked and she looked it over carefully. She didn’t know the first thing about playing it, but she had seen the musicians in the village of Aztlan use such an instrument before. She hesitated before putting the flute to her lips. She blew softly as she tried the instrument for the first time, only the sound of the wind came out even as she tried again and again. Kii frowned in confusion as she tried to remember the looks on the musician’s faces as they played the instrument.

  Slowly she pursued her lips and blew and this time the flute seemed to leap with sound. She placed her fingers over a few of the holes and noticed that the flute made different sounds depending on her finger placement. She tried a few more times and brought out a few more notes that were new to her. Before long she had a simple melody in mind and she was able to play only a few short notes well. With practice she would be able t
o play the instrument with true skill. Kii’s heart thrilled as she thought about the beautiful music that could be made with the use of the flute. She would treasure this gift always.

  Roark had asked Anaay to stay alert. A few days before the first snow storm he had felt as if they were being watched. Even now as the band traveled he felt the same sensation of being studied. Roark kept his hunting knife at his hip, instead of tied to his ankle. His bow and arrows were within easy reach and he carried his spear as a walking stick. He was as prepared as he could possibly be without calling undue attention to himself. Roark knew that Anaay would heed his warning to remain on the lookout for anything or anyone that would seek to do them harm.

  After a short break, Roark took the lead position with Anaay bringing up the rear. Kii avoided Anaay’s gaze as he walked by, but he stopped in front of her and waited until she raised her eyes to look at him. At first it was difficult to find his voice, but when he noticed the shy look of expectation in her eyes he spoke, “How are you doing with today’s travel?”

  “Fine, thank you.” Kii lowered her gaze in order to hide her amusement. Anaay was not one to speak just for the chance to be heard. He was silent, often brooding and sometimes there was a hint of the wild boy that he had been. At other times he was the young man that she had grown to know over time.

  “I would like to carry something from your pack, to make your load lighter.” Anaay was distracted by the sweep of her long eyelashes when she cast her gaze to the ground. He made his words sound willing but firm and he waited patiently when Kii looked unsure.

  “Perhaps I can carry some of the heavier pots and utensils you use for cooking?”

  Kii nodded as she thought over his request. Jon’lan looked back to make sure that all was well with the group and he seemed intrigued to see how she would handle Anaay.

  “Yes,” Kii said with a soft smile, “That would be nice.” She untied the cooking pack from its place and handed it to him, already her load felt lighter than before. Anaay grasped her hand when she handed the pack to him and the contact caused her to gasp softly in surprise. He turned her hand over and looked at it carefully. Her lips parted in surprise when he rubbed his thumb over a callous that had formed on her palm. “Perhaps when we rest you will allow me to put some soothing balm on this, so that it will soften.”

  Kii took several breaths to calm herself, although she wanted to answer him immediately, she remembered her father’s request. So she simply nodded her acceptance and then went to take her place beside the other women. There was much giggling at her approach, but she endured it with a gentle smile that she made sure Anaay could not see. Perhaps her father had been correct, she did feel valued as a woman of their band, simply by Anaay’s avid pursuit.

  Giad frowned as he watched Anaay stare after Kii. It seemed that ever since Kii had become a new woman of their band Anaay constantly chased after her. Giad couldn’t understand what made Kii so interesting to his band brother. She was just a girl, like Yaa. Sure, she was nice and often saved something good from the cooking fire just because she liked Giad and wanted to make sure he was well fed. But still, she was a girl. Roark noticed Giad’s consternation and he pulled him aside. “Are you troubled Giad?”

  “No father,” Giad sighed unconvincingly, “I just don’t know what’s gotten into Anaay, and he’s always fawning over Kii.”

  “Well, Anaay hopes to win Kii as a wife one day soon, when she’s ready.” Roark answered simply, knowing that for a child of Giad’s tender years a simple answer was the best one.

  Giad looked at him for a moment and then said, “Oh, is that all?”

  Roark nodded as he hid his smile. “Ready to get back to our journey?” He asked his son, who had already turned his attention back to his sling.

  “Sure!” Giad responded and took off to chase after Anaay who by now was in the rear position. Roark glanced over and found his wife studying him from a distance, they shared one of their silent smiles that communicated everything that needed to be said without words or gestures.

  Roark found great joy in his family life and the interworkings of this new band. He realized as he smiled at his beautiful wife that the sadness of the past no longer came to mind or weighed down his heart.

  When he had broken with Marad at first, he felt as if all the things that he had worked for had been cast aside. Yes, it had been the right thing to do, fighting for the honor of his wife and breaking his bond with the men that he had fought and trained with for years.

  The warriors on the island of Hetmos had become something that they were not meant to be by their actions alone. Somehow they lost the integrity and honesty that he had once admired in his warrior brothers.

  Star Feather and her constant devotion helped to heal Roark’s heart and now Giad and Yaa seemed to fill in all the empty spaces. Roark was a better man than he had ever been before and he hoped to always keep the faith and trust of his band.

  He remembered talking things over with Jon’lan and the man had studied him carefully before asking if Roark regretted his choices and the answer had come to Roark immediately.

  “I have no regrets, my friend, not even for a moment.” Roark’s voice did not waiver.

  Jon’lan simply nodded and replied, “Then it is a good thing indeed.”

  Roark followed the trail laid out by the mammoth. He was able to acknowledge that following the herd had been a good idea. So far, they were able to find fresh water wherever the mammoth stopped to rest.

  There were rabbit and other small animals to hunt, even in the mountains. The trumpeting of the mammoth had become a common sound to their band. Even now as the band rested around the fire the mammoth called to one another.

  Roark looked at Yaa and saw that his daughter listened intently to their distant cries. It was as if she understood their language.

  Yaa sat with her head tilted at an angle and her eyes slightly closed. Although she stared into the fire Roark knew that she didn’t see the flames leaping and crashing against each other. He wondered what she dreamed and he smiled indulgently.

  Anaay would take first watch this night and then Roark. They were both weary and tired from the hike but they knew that the safety of the band came first, even before rest or food. Roark made ready to rest with his family confident that Anaay would warn them of any danger.

  Jon’lan kept his eyes away from the fire as he studied their surroundings. There was a full moon which highlighted the rugged landscape that they sought to travel. Jon’lan felt an urgency that he couldn’t explain and he would feel better as soon as they caught up to the mammoth. He hoped that they would spot the herd the next day. He pressed close to his wife who snuggled against him for warmth. He kissed her neck gently as she turned in her sleep and cuddled into his side. Already he could feel the small swell of her belly and he knew that each day their child grew stronger.

  Jon’lan felt as if the weight of the world rested on his shoulders. He could not rest well with the ever present pressure of leading a band of people that he loved into the unknown. But even as his wife turned in his arms again in an effort to find a comfortable position he thanked the Creator that he had found her.

  He thought of the wealth that he carried in his trading packs and realized that everything he valued lay resting in his arms. Taikiuu. His heart spoke to him and he listened. He had journeyed to a land that he never knew and found a woman that he would love for all of his days. It was more than enough and a good thing indeed.

  Chapter Thirty-Nine

  Anaay woke Roark and the man took his position as a lookout for their camping place. Anaay settled in next to Giad and started to drift off to sleep when Giad spoke from his resting place. “I think it’s good that you want to marry Kii, she’s all right for a girl.”

  Anaay was silent for a moment as he thought about what he had just heard. He started to respond but if Giad’s light snores were any indication the boy had already drifted back to sleep. Anaay smiled up at the sky and the ful
l moon beamed down upon him as he closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep.

  Roark scouted the land around the sleeping members of his band. He didn’t see anything out of the ordinary, yet he felt sure that something or someone watched them. He checked for any sign of tracks and found none.

  The moon gave excellent light to see by and he made good use of it. Still he found nothing with which to validate his feeling of being watched. As the light began to grow brighter he realized that it was very close to the dawn of a new day. He looked up in search of the sun that would make its presence known and there at the top of the highest peek stood a figure, cast partially in shadows.

  Roark blinked and the figure was gone just that quickly as if he had never been. Roark did not raise an alarm, but he watched his back as he made his way to Jon’lan who was already awake and preparing his pack for the day’s walk.

  “I would speak with you.” Roark said simply, ever a man of few words.

  “Speak freely.” Jon’lan said when they were far enough away from the others so that they could not be overheard.

  “I told you before the storm that I felt watched, this morning I saw someone watching our camp on that high rise over there.” Roark motioned with his spear and to Jon’lan’s credit he looked very natural as he took in their surroundings.

  “Do you know if it was a man or a woman?” Jon’lan asked simply, even as he fingered his own spear and hunting knife.

  “No, I saw only the figure of a person high upon the mountain and then nothing more.” Roark assured Jon’lan.

  “Notify Anaay and keep on the watch. There is nothing more that you can do. It is unlikely that I’naram and his band have found us, but we must prepare for any eventuality.” Jon’lan waited for Roark to speak and when the man simply nodded sagely they broke apart and went their separate ways.


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