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Keeper of the People (Book One)

Page 46

by Karah Quinney

  “Grandmother,” Yaa stated respectfully, “Will you please help my father? He struggles to make it up the mountain, he has no more strength. Will you come with me?” Yaa held out her offering, she carried with her several rolls of leaves from the valley below, they were a delicate treat to the Matriarch, who struggled each day to find food in the cold of winter.

  The Matriarch trumpeted again as some of her daughters and even her son headed toward the creature that held out the small treat. The other mammoth’s ceased their forward march at her command. The Matriarch walked forward and took the treat delicately from the creature’s small hands. She marveled for a moment that another animal should offer her food. The leaves were warm from Yaa’s body heat and they melted in the mammoth’s mouth even as she swallowed greedily.

  “I have more, if you would only help save my father.” Yaa motioned back towards the way she had come and the Matriarch took a few steps toward her. Yaa backed away whispering promises and the huge mammoth tickled her back and stomach with her trunk as she searched her for more leaves.

  “I have more, Grandmother, if you would just follow me.” Yaa continued to walk backwards, pointing in the direction she had come. The Matriarch felt the urgency of the creature’s gestures but she could not understand what it wanted, her mouth watered at the thought of a few more juicy leaves.

  The mammoth followed the smaller creature until she was in the midst of their herd. The other small creatures paid her no attention as they peered at something that hung over the mountain rise that they had earlier traveled. The Matriarch approached with thundering footsteps as the girl gestured and pointed, handing her another leaf roll from a bundle that she slung over her back.

  Jon’lan and Anaay gasped in shock as they looked over their shoulders, their voices had grown hoarse from calling to Roark but the warrior could not answer. It was obvious that he had pushed his body as far as it would go and Roark lay senseless just out of their reach as his body shuddered with cold. Before Jon’lan could stop Yaa she ran past them, wrapping one mitten covered hand around the rope that held her father. Jon’lan and Anaay watched in grim fascination as the child vaulted over the edge of the cliff even as Star Feather screamed in denial.

  Taikiuu stopped the woman from rushing forward as she realized that Yaa sought only to help her father. Star Feather fought her hold for a moment, but Kii braced her weight against Star Feather along with her mother and they would not let her move forward.

  Giad stood frozen as he watched what he thought was the death of his sister. The girl child that had always been his shadow. Yaa. He knew that if he did nothing, not only would Roark die, but Yaa certainly would as well. Giad grabbed his carrying pack and swung it over his shoulder, he fumbled for a moment and then found his own roll of leaves that he had secretly carried for Yaa, in case they ever found the mammoth again.

  He held his leaf bundle up to the mammoth and she took it eagerly, touching her trunk to his hands as she lifted the roll of leaves into her mouth. She munched quietly as she watched all the creatures around her, seeing that they meant her no harm she calmed herself and walked closer to the edge of the mountain. She could smell more fresh leaves nearby.

  The mammoth peered over the cliff edge and could clearly see the little girl child that had fed her many treats clinging to a larger creature. He was covered in skins and shivering with cold. Giad ran forward and grabbed the rope with both hands and began pulling as Jon land and Anaay braced themselves with their knees locked against the weight of Roark.

  Below them, Roark was only half conscious as Yaa yelled directly into his ear, “Father wake up, you must get up!” She yelled at him again and again and her words were almost incoherent with fear. Giad lifted the rope towards the great mammoth as she salivated from the taste of the leaves that he had given her. He wrapped the last of his leaves around the rope and the mammoth lifted her trunk and sniffed the rope for a moment before grasping it, the leaves stuck and she gave a mighty pull which helped Jon’lan and Anaay anchor Roark’s weight.

  The Old One grasped Roark’s wrist as his body came over the side of the mountain and Jon’lan braced his legs against the entire force of Roark’s weight as Anaay helped the man pull himself over the edge. The mammoth chewed on the last of the leaves that Giad offered her before turned suddenly and walking sedately back the way she had come. Yaa cried in big gulping sobs as she clung to her father’s back, “Is he dead mother?” Yaa asked even as she cried.

  Roark groaned and shifted sending Yaa scrambling off of his back. The women were at his side in an instant, removing his wet coverings and wrapping him in dry furs. Jon’lan stumbled over to the fire and used more of the mammoth chips that his wife continued to collect to make the fire blaze burning hot. He then helped drag Roark as close to the fire as he could before they both collapsed beside the big man.

  Jon’lan had never felt so bone weary and tired before in his life and he shuddered to think that he had almost lost his close friend and hearth brother, for Roark was surely both. Star Feather sobbed in relief even as she alternately scolded and kissed Yaa and Giad. She was upset with Giad for jumping in front of the mammoth and she told him that it was a foolhardy thing to do even as she thanked him for helping to save his father. Giad didn’t know whether to feel scolded or proud.

  He settled for feeling proud as he puffed out his chest and Star Feather laughed even as she wagged her finger at him. Taikiuu handed each person a sweet cake as they huddled around the hearth fire, grateful for the heat that blazed before them. Each member of the band did their utmost to see that Roark remained warm and well covered. Besides opening his eyes to smile at his wife and children, the big man did not make any compliant. In the distance the trumpeting of the mammoth could be heard and Taikiuu watched her niece’s eyes light with interest as she listened not to the conversation around her, but to the majesty of the mammoth as they sung to each other in their own language.

  Chapter Forty-Two

  “That child has aged me!” Star Feather murmured as she worked over Roark and encouraged him to sip some of the hot stew that Kii cooked over the fire. She blew on the broth and allowed some of it to dribble into Roark’s mouth as he instinctively swallowed. He was in a state of half sleep and wakefulness that Taikiuu assured her would pass soon.

  She was angry at her husband for getting the cold sickness and not saying anything before they started their climb. Star Feather felt certain that her husband had felt exhaustion creeping closer with each handhold as he climbed. He blinked his eyes and looked at her before falling back into a more restful sleep.

  Star Feather could not help but smile into the face of the man that she loved more than life itself. She kissed his tattooed cheek and stroked his hair even as she caught the curious glances of her son and daughter who sat watching over Mantiloff.

  Yaa looked at the ground sheepishly when her mother gave her a stern glare and Star Feather was glad. She did not want her daughter to ever again risk her life or her brother’s for them, it should be the other way around.

  Star Feather wished to protect Giad and Yaa as only a mother could, from the things that would hurt them in life. Still she did not want her daughter to carry any shame for her actions. It was difficult to stay angry at such a brave pair of children.

  She smiled gently as she called Yaa’s name and asked her to please watch over her father while she saw to the baby. Yaa smiled proudly at being given such an honored duty and she sat calmly next to her father as he snored softly.

  She rubbed his calloused hands to make sure they were warm and then she checked his coverings to make sure no air made its way through to his skin beneath. All was well and she glanced up to find her mother watching her appreciatively. Yaa felt her smile grow brighter as she ducked her head in acknowledgement.

  Star Feather laughed softly as Giad ran to catch up with Anaay. It appeared that things were back to normal and that all was well. Taikiuu once again assured Star Feather that Roark was only
sleeping and would wake as soon as he was well rested. Star Feather did not know how the other woman could know such a thing, but Taikiuu seemed sure and that gave Star Feather comfort.

  Taikiuu and Jon’lan marveled over how the mammoth had come to their aid with the direction of Yaa and Giad. “Perhaps the children have a special bond with the great creatures.” Jon’lan whispered to his wife as he held her on their sleeping furs. He rested his hand over Mar-ee’s braided black hair as his tiny daughter slept in front of his wife.

  “Perhaps this is so, remember Anaay with Rhea.” Taikiuu did not need to remind Jon’lan of Anaay’s special bond with the large cat. Even now Hawk waited for Jon’lan’s command as he rested on a rocky crag.

  “I remember well. I only wish that we knew of Rhea’s fate.” Jon’lan sighed as he breathed in the scent of his wife’s hair and her unique womanly smell. He smiled with satisfaction and allowed the comforting softness of Taikiuu’s warm body to envelop him.

  “I will ask the One to bring Rhea back to us, if she is able to journey this far. If it is possible, then it will be so.” Taikiuu whispered her words to Jon’lan even as he drifted into a restful slumber. She listened to his breathing for awhile, allowing the very nearness of her husband to soothe her into a gentle world of dreams.

  Star Feather cuddled against her husband as he shifted in his sleep. He was always the first to wake in the morning and this morning was no different.

  “You scared me.” Star Feather whispered when she realized that he was awake.

  “I did not mean to scare you wife and I would never endanger our young son.” Roark whispered as he fought the waves of fatigue that washed over him. He was no longer shivering, but he had yet to feel completely warm and the cold seemed to pull the strength from his bones.

  “I am only glad that you are well, husband. I could not bear to lose you.” Star Feather pressed herself close into Roark’s side as he held her to him telling her without words how much she meant to him in return.

  “You will be well and we will leave this place today.” Star Feather spoke her words into being. She expected no other outcome and Roark did not voice any argument. He would be well and they would leave, it would be exactly as she had said. Still he shuddered inside to think of all that could have gone wrong and how weak the cold had made him. Never again would he underestimate the weather and the affect that it could have on him, regardless of his size or strength. He had become as weak as a newborn child and all within a matter of moments. Even now he wiggled his fingers inside of the newly sewn mittens that his wife had fashioned for him.

  He was glad to see that he suffered no lasting injury but as he made ready to rise and pack their belongings he wondered who had managed to pull him up from the side of the passageway.

  “Father, are you well?” Yaa ran to Roark, throwing herself into his arms as he caught her against his burly chest.

  “I am well daughter.” He squeezed Yaa until she squealed in happiness and then he set her on her feet.

  “I told everyone that the mammoth was our friend and now the mammoth has saved you. We are forever in their debt.” She pulled him down until she could kiss his cheek in delight before she scampered off after Giad and Anaay. Roark rocked back in stunned consternation.

  Jon’lan came up and slapped Roark on the back. He was glad beyond words to see his friend up and alert. Taikiuu walked up to Roark and stared at him for a moment and he froze in his tracks as she looked him over from head to toe. Jon’lan chuckled as his wife went about her inspection without comment, the only sound was a sigh here or there but overall she seemed satisfied with the warrior’s condition.

  “It is good!” Taikiuu pronounced Roark well and quickly picked up Mar-ee who scrambled past them in pursuit of Yaa. “Not so fast, little one, we must get you ready to travel.”

  Mar-ee started to protest but then fell into a fit of giggles when her mother blew kisses upon her cheeks and carried her away towards their sleeping place.

  Roark looked at Jon’lan steadily, “What did my daughter mean about the mammoth?”

  “Well the mammoth did what Anaay and I could not do.” Jon’lan shrugged as if it were nothing more than an ordinary occurrence, but he could see that Roark was not satisfied.

  “We were struggling to hold your weight, let alone to pull you up and over the edge of the Cliff. Yaa found the mammoth and somehow convinced it to help pull you over the edge to safety. Giad helped her, you will have to ask him how he did this great thing.” Jon’lan slapped Roark on his back again, for the man had grown pale.

  It seemed that he suddenly remembered Yaa sliding over the side of the cliff to land upon his back, where she held fast until he was suddenly jerked up and over the edge of the cliff.

  Jon’lan accurately read the thoughts that went through Roark’s mind and he shook his head in commiseration.

  “She didn’t….” Roark began but he seemed to wheeze the words out.

  “Yes, my friend, she did.” Jon’lan chuckled as Roark’s face flushed bright red and then he went very pale and Jon’lan steadied him. “Just take a deep breath, she is well and you are alive because of the efforts of your children.”

  Roark seemed to hear Jon’lan’s words and he nodded in understanding although he seemed unable to find his voice. “You have wonderful children, my friend.” Jon’lan spoke quietly as he made his way back toward his wife and daughters. There was much to do this morning and he wanted to be prepared for any eventuality.

  The Old One approached the leader, Jon’lan and bowed his head respectfully. When the young man gestured for him to speak the Old One said, “Your band has been most kind to me. I would like to repay the kindness by telling you of my people.”

  Jon’lan weighed the old man’s words and he held back a sigh of impatience. Taikiuu shifted her stance and seemed to settle her footing as she too waited to hear what the older man would say.

  “Thank you.” Jon’lan responded, gesturing for the man to continue.

  “We were a people of peace long ago, before the great hunger came to our land, before sickness came to plague our people, killing the weakest of our village first and then others who were no longer strong.” The Old One breathed deeply of the crisp cold air, before continuing. “When I was sent to walk the wind, I thought perhaps that I would be helping my village, but I see now that I took my wisdom and knowledge away from them. I will never be able to return to my people, I am dead to them, but perhaps I can be of use to your band.” The Old One sighed before he continued.

  “I would like to warn you that we have a leader who is ruthless in his pursuit of power, he serves only his own will and does not look out for the small or the weak. If you wish to survive once you cross the mountain, I would advise you to head toward the rising sun and away from my people.”

  The Old One struggled for a moment before he found his words, “I have heard of a great water that touches the mountain. The water is so vast that there is no end to it. Its taste is of salt and it has fish larger than any I have ever seen. Perhaps if you travel in that direction you will be safe from the leader of my village.” The Old One’s words died in the wind as he waited for Jon’lan to respond.

  “I will give your words much consideration. But perhaps I should tell you that we are being pursued by at least one enemy, perhaps more and already we believe they are close at our heels. We must get down off this mountain and find a place of security quickly. You are welcome to travel with us grandfather.” Jon’lan bowed his head low at the old man who returned the gesture.

  “Let us go now.” Jon’lan spoke to all who had gathered around and each one nodded their understanding as they formed a line and began their journey down from the mountain that had at once sheltered them and challenged their every footstep.

  At the mid day break the Old One sat gratefully on a large boulder that protruded from the ground. They were within view of the mammoth and the Old One watched the great beasts with awe. Never before in all his
years had he seen anything so magnificent. Yaa sat at his side and told him the stories of her people and he listened with keen interest. Mar-ee came up to the Old One with a small offering of dried meat which she carried with pride. The child was careful not to spill even one piece of the meal. The Old One thanked her and ate gratefully, sharing what he had with Yaa and Mar-ee.

  The children easily accepted the old man as one of their band. They did not question the kindness in his eyes, or the moisture that gathered there. Yaa knew that at times the Old One grew very sad, but at other times his eyes twinkled with mirth. He also told her secrets, when she listened very carefully. The Old One understood the dreams behind her eyes and his words inspired even more wonder.

  The Old One showed her how to raise and lower her voice to capture the listener’s interest. He enjoyed her stories and told her that she was a gifted story teller. Yaa practiced the new technique as she told a new story of the mammoth and how the Matriarch saved Roark from the mountain. Mar-ee clapped her hands in glee as she listened to Yaa’s words with rapt attention. Yaa painted pictures with her words, so that the listener could see the image in their minds eye.

  The others smiled to themselves as they listened to her young voice, even as she waved her hands in animation. Yaa did not realize that her band listened to her words, she saw only the faces of Mar-ee and Grandfather as she spoke. Finally when she drew the story to a conclusion she was startled to hear a collective sigh from her band. She turned around to see Anaay and Giad settled near a small fire while Taikiuu, Kii and Star Feather sat together. Jon’lan and Roark stood off to the side, but each person had their eyes on Yaa as she looked at them in shy humility.


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