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Never Ever: Book One Perdition MC

Page 14

by Isabel Wroth

  Chapter Twenty

  Her baby shower was hilarious, mostly because Saint’s woman walked out of the car yelling at him about the risks of birth control versus the non-existent risk of condoms. Had it out with him on the front porch, lookin cute as shit in her pin up style dress, and the mile high shoes she always wore, carrying an honest to god cupcake tray in her hands and looking mad enough to toss it in Saint’s face. He almost clapped at her parting words, and the sassy little foot stomp she threw in for good measure. “You want to fuck me without a rubber, you better put a ring on my finger and commit to eighteen years of child rearing, mother fucker.” Always so sweet around everyone, to hear her using such foul words was enough to make him snort his beer, and wonder what kind of trouble she was going to get into with Ever. Probably convince his wife that she shouldn’t take birth control, and make him wear a rubber. Yeah right. He was already committed to the rest of her life, so if she wasn’t going to pop pills to keep from getting pregnant, she’d better prepare for a horde of fuckin kids.

  Ripley’s gift to them was a pre and post baby shoot, which turned out to be the shit. He wouldn’t have admitted it even under torture, but the quick glance he’d stolen at the pictures on Ripley’s computer had made him feel like a pussy. All emotional and shit. His woman was gorgeous knocked up, and he’d never thought a pregnant woman would appeal to him. But he’d not been able to keep his hands off her, even when the damn doctor said to hold off on anything but oral sex. At least not until they were closer to her due date, and then he could fuck her until her water broke. Which freaked him out, even though the doc said it was safe and preferable to having to induce labor if Ever went over on her cook time.

  Chapter Twenty One

  Three weeks before she was due, the feds showed back up on their doorstep and brought news that he’d received about fifteen minutes before their arrival, from Pen and Nasa. Ever’s dick ex wasn’t present, and neither was the agent who’d tackled her to the dirt, lucky for them. But because he’d been hesitating on how to tell his wife that news, the feds got to do it first. He stood behind her where she’d chosen to sit on one of the bar stools, his hands on her shoulders, kneading gently while she raised her hand to thread her fingers with his. Granger, cleared his throat uncomfortably and laid it out for her.

  Another gang her father’s club had been affiliated with had joined ranks with the skinheads, in an effort to take over the Tornado’s territory. But in the process of it all, that other gang, the name of which Granger wouldn’t divulge, had lost faith in the skinhead’s ability to make the deal happen. Thought that the idea of the skinheads joining forces with the Tornado’s via marriage, was stupid and had taken steps to ensure that both the Tornado’s and the skinheads were out of the way.

  Connor Talbert, aka McGuyver, was still alive and a member of that third gang and had been the one to snitch about the safe houses, the money, the wedding, everything. Fucker was responsible for Pike and Susan’s death, and in the wind right now, but not for long. Several of the gang members were in custody and being charged with murder or conspiracy to commit murder. Ever thanked them for updating them, and as soon as they were gone, he lifted her pale face up and made her focus on him. She was edging being in shock, so he did what he thought was right and told her what he knew. “Nasa called me not long before the feds got here. The gang was another MC, the Leviathans.” She nodded, eyes a little too wide, lips pale from how hard she was pressing them together. “I know of them. One of the brothers was into me, dad discouraged his interest with a baseball bat to his hands. They’re hard core, bloody, rabid fuckers.”

  “The worst, I know. Nasa is working on fabricating any possible evidence he can to get every single one of them arrested. Talbert, we find him first, what do you want done with him?”

  She blinked up at him, tears sparkling on her lashes as her body started to catch up to the turmoil going on in her mind. Her hands kneaded into his shirt and she struggled, “What would you do?” She rasped thickly, sucking back a sob, and he touched a kiss to her brow, rubbing his thumbs along her cheeks and thought about it. “He’s a rat, a dirty fuckin rat. I’d want him in a cage with a bunch of cats, and let his ass get reamed every day until he fuckin dies in agony. Killing him would be merciful,” She nodded, sliding her arms around his waist to hug him as tight as she could. “Do that, then. If you find him first.”

  “Done. You gonna be okay?”

  “Yeah. I just…all this time, and now I know. I thought I’d be relieved? But I’m not. I’m…angry.”

  “He took from you, twice. Angry is good. It’s normal.”

  She nodded, opened her mouth to speak, then went rigid and made a strangled little sound of shock, right before he heard a splash of water hit the floor. At first he didn’t know what that sound was, and then Ever groaned like she was dying. “Oh shit. My water broke.” He froze, like a deer in the headlights, seeing the panic on her face and felt it in his gut. “Three more weeks, I’m…I’m not due for three weeks,” He choked back his own terror and hustled his ass into the kitchen where his extremely organized wife had made a list of what to do, in case of labor. He’d teased her when she’d put the list up and insisted he read it, but right now he was thanking his fuckin stars she’d done it.

  He followed it to the letter, and twenty minutes later as they made their way to the hospital. Ever was alternating between freaking out that she was going early, and threatening to castrate him with a dull spoon. He managed to call Top and let him know the deal, the sound of his laughter still ringing in his ear because he’d heard Ever promising to kill him the first chance she got.

  Eleven torturous hours later, his red faced, screaming son was set in his arms. He was perfect, all ten toes, all ten fingers, perfectly healthy even three weeks early. Three weeks early, and he was an even nine pounds of beautiful. A spiky, thick cap of gold hair, his hair, and what looked like his mother’s bright green eyes. “Go on and present him to the masses,” Ever murmured from the bed. He stared at her, so overwhelmed with love that he might have even shed a tear or two. Even after eleven hours of work to push out his kid, hair all in a messy knot on top of her head, he bent over and kissed her, whispering, because he didn’t trust his voice above that level and said, “Sexiest bitch, ever.”

  “Fuck off.” She grunted back, making one of the nurses choke back a laugh, then sighed as she lay back and closed her eyes, “Love you too.” She murmured, and he definitely shed a tear. Like a pussy.

  Chapter Twenty Two

  “You have got to be fucking KIDDING ME!” He looked up from where he’d just put Lyon down in his crib, in his new room across the hall from theirs, wondering what the hell was up Ever’s ass now. Lyon yawned, still fast asleep despite his mother’s shriek, looking cute as shit in the little baby thing one of the girls had gotten him. It said, Don’t Piss Me Off, My Daddy’s a Biker, He’ll Fuck You Up.

  Two months old, and his boy was only getting more perfect. Despite the fact that right now, all he did was eat, sleep, and make toxic shit. Despite that last part, his life was aces. Somehow he’d wound up with everything a man could ask for, except for the pissed off woman downstairs.

  He tore himself away and clipped the baby monitor on his hip, going down the stairs to see Ever pacing back and forth in the living room, waving something around like she was possessed, “Not fucking funny! Not funny at all!” She was growling, shaking whatever was in her hand harder, “Babe, what the fuck? I just put the kid down.” She whirled around and glared at him, so pissed off it was a wonder her hair wasn’t on fire. “You, are un-fucking-believable!” He tried to get past the raging lust and figure out what he possibly could have done now to piss her off, but came up with nothing. “You did it, again!”

  She threw in a foot stomp, which meant there would be a knife getting thrown next if he didn’t get a hand or two on her, which meant it was going to be a quick afternoon fuck while the kid was still sleeping. The couch was conveniently close by,
he could bend her over that and fuck the mad right out of her. Yeah. Definitely. “We are NEVER, fucking in your bed at the compound, EVER AGAIN!” He shook himself out of his slavering state, because what the fuck was wrong with his bed at the compound? “What? Why?”

  Hair on fire, eyes spittin sparks at him, it was becoming seriously difficult to focus, all the blood rushing to his cock, which had been sorely neglected over the last two months, what with her not being able to have sex until some horrifyingly gross situation with her lady parts getting back to normal, and what she called a month long period of epic proportions. And then when she’d been able, both of them had been so exhausted, that they’d only gotten in a few hurried moments in between when the kid was sleeping or when someone else was holding him. Seriously, his balls were on fire with how bad he wanted to spend the day up inside her. And there she was, trying to shove something up his nose while yelling at him, “I swear to fucking Christ, Lucas Morningstar,” And that was a sure sign he was in serious trouble, “You have got supercharged, uber fucking sperm or something, and it is a god damn wonder you don’t have a horde of kids and their mother’s chasing after you. You couldn’t let me have more than a god damn month, could you? Not one fuckin month!”

  She went on like that for a minute, bustin his nuts because his sperm was supercharged? But then he managed to catch the thing she was waving around, and a stupid grin spread over his mouth as he realized what had his bitch in such a lather. “You think this is funny?” She shrieked, whacking at him to get his attention, “It’s funny as hell how mad you are, when you know you’re every bit as happy as me.”

  “I am not! I just got done with this shit, and the one singular fucking time you did not wear a rubber, again. Quit smiling! This is not funny! Jesus, I hate you so much!”

  “No you don’t.”

  “I’m going to kill you.”

  “No you’re not. You’re going to strip and bend over that couch so I can fuck you stupid.”

  She just stared at him, clearly not have heard, or chose not to believe, because she didn’t strip. So he spun her around and shoved her over the couch, landing a hard smack on her gorgeous ass, “Strip, Ever. Now.”




  “You wanna fuck with your clothes on? Okay. Whatever you want baby, you know I love givin it to you any way I can.”

  She moaned and got with the program when he slipped his fingers up inside the leg of her short shorts, finding her pussy bare and creamy, ready for what was to come. She got her clothes off in record time, making him grit his teeth when she made that keening little sound when he drilled into her with no foreplay. Even after pushin out his kid, she was tight as a fist, her milk swollen tits overflowing in his hands, her ass high up in the air, on her toes with her hands braced on the couch cushions, swearing at him and calling him names until he spanked her ass red and had her coming so hard he had no choice but to blow. He leaned down and pressed a trail of kisses up her spine, bracing one hand beside her on the couch, using his other to cover her soft belly,

  “I hate you right now.”

  “I love you right now.”

  She sighed and turned her face to kiss him, the mad gone, and a soft expression on her face to replace the anger. And he couldn’t help but give her shit, “Maybe your eggs just suck up my come because it tastes so good, and they like makin my babies. You ever think about that?” She scowled at him and shoved back, dislodging him from inside her. “You’re such a dick!” Her proclamation earned her another round of fuckin, on the floor in the afternoon sunshine until their son announced that it was feeding time, loudly roaring his displeasure. “Love you, baby.” He told her, wondering how mad she’d be when she figured out the guys had been betting on how quickly he’d knock her up again.

  If he wasn’t mistaken, they all owed him money. Life was fuckin awesome, even more so that he got to lay on the floor and watch his wife walk away from him butt ass naked to go upstairs and feed their boy. He waited till she was out of sight before rolling over to grab the home pregnancy test off the floor, his phone from his pants and snapped a picture of the big POSITIVE in the window, smirking as he typed in, PAY UP MOTHER FUCKERS, and hit send on the group text.

  Five seconds later, his phone pinged and he grimaced to see that one of the bastards had forwarded his message to Ever, and she’d taken a screen shot, texted him back and informed him he’d be using his winnings to get himself castrated. “Love you, babe!” He shouted, and obviously she heard him because she sent another text. I’ll make girls only from now on, then we’ll see whose laughing, mother fucker.

  Shit. Could she do that? His guts turned to water at the very idea of a house full of girls. Of some fucker trying to date his daughter. He did a quick google search to confirm that Ever could not magically produce girls just by force of will, apparently it was his sperm that determined the sex of the baby, and obviously he had the good shit, the kind that made boys only, otherwise she wouldn’t be pregnant again. But honestly, he wouldn’t put it past her to somehow make girls happen, just to spite him.

  How about we put that cake towards the wedding you wanted to have?

  It was a gamble, and he started sweating, prepared to go up and beard the dragon in her lair if he had to, but her reply made him grin and relax down onto the floor again.

  Make it a trip to Hawaii, and I won’t kill you.

  Booking the tickets now.

  He sent a text to Nasa, and within ten minutes he had booking conformation on his email for two first class tickets to Hawaii. Yeah. Life was fuckin great. Except why the fuck was he texting his wife, when he knew for a fact she was upstairs, naked?

  The End…

  Thanks for reading! Stay tuned for the next book in the series,

  Athena and Raid’s story,

  And don’t forget to follow me on Facebook for updates and announcements!




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