Convict's Captive Book 3
Page 5
Without delay, they disconnected her ankles from her wrists. Before she could start to squirm and writhe, they took hold of her under the arms and dragged her down the length of the flatbed. At the end, they left her torso part hanging off of the lowered gate as they jumped down. They dragged her off of the gate as they walked away. Her bare feet slid off and struck the ground hard, painfully stubbing her toes and sending a shudder up her body. She groaned.
The men paid her no mind. She had no time to look around to get a fix on where they had taken her. It was too dark anyway to see much anyway. They dragged her up a set of wooden steps and then across a porch. They stopped while one of the men opened the door. They dragged her into the building.
The men’s boots echoed off of the bare walls as they took her through the darkened, empty foyer. To the left, a light emanated from the next room and they dragged her into it.
It was the old gambling room from the casino days. All of the gambling equipment was out, and the old furniture, but the crystal chandelier had been left behind and it lit up the room nicely. The gang had brought in a clutch of old furniture, a few couches and easy chairs, some coffee tables, a couple of floor lamps. The walls were a faded, light green. They were covered haphazardly with gang slogans and other graffiti as well as a number of old movie and concert posters. Some were ones you might expect, Easy Rider, Brando in The Wild One, some Grateful Dead posters, one of Janice and a blowup of a James Gang cover. There was also a poster of Bogart from Petrified Forest where he played escaped convict Duke Mantee, and an obscure Dennis Hopper biker movie called The Wild Angels.
Along the far wall were four cages, much like the ones down in the old wine cellar where Linda now reposed. Three of the cages were occupied by dour looking, naked, attractive young women, a blond and two with long black hair. Three of the easy chairs were occupied by gang members, rough looking boys dressed in denims and leather. They were drinking Jack Daniels and watching a movie on a 60” plasma TV mounted on the wall. The room was hazy with cigarette smoke and a fat joint was being passed around.
Next to the cages, mounted on the wall in orderly array, on a pegboard screwed into the wall, were a series of whips of various configurations and several sets of manacles with chains. Under the peg board was a battered, old, mahogany dresser with deep, wide drawers. To the right was a broad stairway that led up to a balcony along which were a series of doors.
Linda’s captors dropped her on the floor in the middle of the room. She landed with a ‘thud!’
“What ya got there Chaz?” one of the men asked. “A new recruit? She looks kinda old.”
Chaz stood about 6’2”, had long black hair gathered in a ponytail. He had a hard face and bear claw like hands. “Nah,” he answered. “She’s a cop who Ike caught sniffing around his bar tonight. Since she wanted to find out all about us, Ike thought it would be a good idea to bring her here for a little chat.”
All the men in the room laughed.
Linda raised herself to her knees. She looked carefully around the room. Two of the men she recognized from pictures Agent Holmes had shown her. The others were new to her. As she had been taught, she burned their faces into her memory. A second later, she remembered that her shirt had been ripped open and her bare breasts were brazenly displayed.
“Nice tits,” one of the men said.
The man who had helped Chaz drag her in, Billy Boots, as he was called, raised his booted foot and pushed Linda back to the floor. “What you looking at, bitch,” he snarled. Billy was a little small to be a biker, but his meanness made up for a lot.
One of the men who had been seated got up from his chair. He was holding the joint they had been passing around and he took a nice hit. He had stringy, black shoulder length hair and a droopy black moustache. He was wearing a black leather vest over a denim shirt and tight blue jeans with brown leather tassels sewn on up and down the outside of each leg. His name was Rocker. When he exhaled, he wheezed, “What are you guys waiting for? Let’s string her up and see what she’s got.”
Linda panicked and began to try and crawl away, but Chaz took hold of her bound ankles and dragged her over to the side of the room. A chain dangled there from the ceiling and ran through a pulley to the near wall. Boots went over to the wall and lowered the chain. Chaz took hold of the end and connected it to the bracelets that confined Linda’s ankles. Linda, frantic, tried to kick herself away, but a second later she felt her ankles being pulled skyward. She squealed an unavailing protest. Boots was yanking at the chain and her body rose in spurts. First, her legs were off the floor, then she was resting on her shoulders, then her head swung free. One more yank and her head was a good 2’ in the air.
The man gathered around her. Boots stepped forward and took hold of her fat, fear stiffened nipples and twisted them. Linda groaned from the pain. The men all laughed.
“That’s not the way to welcome a guest,” the one they called Rocker protested. “Ya got to treat ‘em nice. Here, let me show you how.”
He pushed Billy Boots aside and crouched down so that his mouth was level with Linda’s breasts. Her loose shirt had fallen away to her sides due to her upside down position and her melon sized breasts were swung out from her chest enticingly. Her nipples were plump and sat centered upon silver dollar wide, smooth, burgundy colored areolas. Rocker turned his head and spoke to his mates. “Ya got to say hello nice and friendly like. Watch and learn motherfuckers.”
He moved his head to her right breast. “Hello there little tittie,” he said. “Nice of you to join us. How’s about a little kiss?” His companions expressed their mirth at this.
He subsumed Linda’s nipple into his mouth and began to suckle it. His hand was grasped around her breast firmly, his other hand around her back. Linda squealed and writhed, but he held on tight. His mouth was hot and her nipple started to send an unwelcome tingle to her. “Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuu!” she shouted through her gag. “Oooooouuuuuuu!”
This gave the men a good chuckle. “She likes it,” one of them said.
Rocker drew his head back and Linda’s nipple popped out of his mouth. Rocker looked at it. “Are you going to introduce me to your friend?” he asked. He waited a second and tilted his ear towards it. “What’s that you say?.....Oh, okay.”
Grinning, he moved to Linda’s other breast. “Hello, left tittie,” he said facetiously. “I’ve met your sister and she’s delicious. Do you taste just as good?” He put his ear to it. “Oh, thank you,” he said politely to the imaginary voice emanating from her nipple. “I don’t mind if I do.”
He placed his lips over Linda’s left breast and took in her plump teat. Linda felt the tug of his suction. His hand held her breast, squeezing it hard. “Nnnnnnnnn! Nnnnnnnnn!” she yelled, but Rocker just kept right on suckling. Linda hated it, but the feel of his hot, wet mouth on her teat sent a shiver of pleasure through her.
He let the nipple pop out and rose. He turned to the others. “Now that’s how you say hello to a lady,” he said, grinning.
All the men were amused except Boots. “Fuck that,” he growled. “I hate cops and I don’t care if it’s got tits and a cunt, it’s still a pig.”
Chaz put his arm around his shoulders. “Take it easy, cuz,” he said. “I’m sure that when Ike gets here he’ll let you have a little piece of her.”
There was assent from the others.
“Let’s see her pussy,” one of the men suggested. Chaz nodded agreement. He unbuckled the belt at the front of Linda’s jeans and raised the zipper. Linda squirmed and moaned, shaking her hips in protest. It didn’t faze Chaz one bit.
When the zipper was fully open, he took hold of the waist of her pants and began to tug them upwards. The jeans were very tight and it was rough going. Linda’s body was shaken this way and that. He finally got them over her hips and he pulled them up past her knees where he joined the belt back together tightly to keep them in place. Linda was wearing a pair of light pink bikini panties. Chaz drew his blade from his pocket
and clicked it open. He quickly sliced through the gussets and pulled the fabric from her body. He stepped back so everyone could see. There was a pause as they all took time to appreciate what had lain underneath.
“Well, it’s good to know she’s a natural blond,” one of the men said.
“That’s surely a sweet sight,” said another.
Linda’s adult growth was light and silky, just barely shrouding her plump pussy. She trimmed it once in a while, just so that the hair didn’t peek out from the sides of her underwear, and just a little at the lips so that her boyfriend could suckle her there without complaining about getting hairs in his mouth.
“Wait a minute,” Rocker said. “I think it’s trying to say something.”
He crept back up to her and put his ear to her crotch. “What’s that you say? What? You’ll have to speak louder.” He paused as if listening. “Oh, okay,” he said after a few seconds. He turned to the others. “It wants me to say hello,” he told them. There was more laughter.
He leaned forward, circled his arms around Linda’s thighs and pulled them open a few inches. He placed his mouth near the top of Linda’s crux and stuck out his tongue. He flicked it a few times over the little nubbin at the top and then insinuated it inside her labia as far as he could reach, washing it up and down.
“Mmmmmmpf! Mmmmmmmmpf!” Linda protested. She swung her head to try and bang the man in the testicles, where she had been taught was the most vulnerable spot of any male assailant, but was only able to strike him in his knees, which he ignored. The tongue was agitating her private flesh in a way that did not please her at all. She tried to squeeze her thighs back together, but Rocker was too strong and had too good a grip.
“Mmmmm-umm-ummmm!” Rocker hummed as he supped at Linda’s divide. He raised his head and stepped back. His finger replaced his tongue and he teased the now stiffened love bud and then squished the digit between her labial lips.
“You dirty whore!” he exclaimed. “You’re all wet!” The other men were amused. Linda was mortified.
“Hey Rocker,” one of the men said, “I’ll bet you a hundred bucks you can’t make her come.”
Two of the other men announced their participation in the challenge.
“You’re on,” Rocker replied to Linda’s dismay.
He leaned down and took hold of the upside down girl’s breasts. “Let’s start at the beginning,” he proposed. He carefully massaged and stroked Linda’s orbs. He tweaked her nipples, he ran his hand over her belly. He took her teats in his mouth again, one after the other, this time suckling them gently and swirling his tongue over them. Linda tried to squirm her body from his grasp, but he always kept one firm hand on her naked back to steady her, her shirt having slid down by the force of gravity.
He slowly rose, running his hands up along the woman’s torso, rubbing them lightly over her hips, up her thighs and back down again. Linda was twisting and issuing unhappy grunts, but the sensations were beginning to get to her. That and the fact of being displayed so brazenly before a group of testosterone loaded men.
This time, when Rocker approached Linda’s slice with his tongue, he started by flitting it lightly over her stiffened love bud. He had spread her thighs again, this time a little wider and he held them apart with one hand while he slipped the fingers of the other in from behind her and began to stroke her divide.
A couple of the men had lit smokes and one had gone over to the refrigerator and gotten a few long necks. Linda could hear them as they were popped open. It just added to her chagrin at being used as an amusement for these hardened criminals, reprobates, scum of the earth.
She could feel Rocker’s fingers slip sliding along her crevasse. She knew that what the man had said earlier was true. She had lubricated. And his skilled application of tongue and fingers was making her pussy hot.
“I can’t do this! I can’t do this! I can’t do this!” she kept repeating to herself. She grunted a groan of unhappiness and anger. She tried to force her thighs together. She twisted and turned her body. She banged her head on the man’s legs. But the glow he had initiated in her loins was getting stronger and stronger.
She tried to put the man’s actions out of her mind. She tried to think of what scum these bastards were. She tried to think of some way that she was going to free herself of her predicament. She closed her eyes tightly and gritted her teeth. She gripped her hands into fists. She shook her thighs and hips. She grunted and groaned her resistance. But the man kept up his skillful work. His tongue was like a salamander that had covered her sex and was squirming and squiggling inside and outside of it.
The man’s hand shifted, pressing his fingers deeper into her crevasse. They found her now slippery and dilated tunnel and slid themselves in.
That was when she snapped. He kept plunging his two thick fingers in and out of her canal while his tongue and lips worked her clit. “Arrrrrrrrrr! Arrrrrrrrrrr!” she protested, but it did no good. The feelings kept rising and rising. “Arrrrrrrrr! Arrrrrrrrrr!” she protested again. “Arrrrrrrrr! Arrrrrrrrrr! Arrrrrrrrrrrr!” she raged.
Suddenly, a warm, tingly feeling spread over her loins. “No! No! No!” she thought madly. One of the men spoke.
“Looks like she’s getting ready,” he said.
And she was. Her thighs now were shuddering. Her breath was coming deep. She was biting down on her gag. Redness had broken out all over her chest and her breasts had become hard and were pulsing. The man accelerated his actions. His fingers began plunging in and out rapidly. His tongue stroked her clit hard again and again at an infuriating pace. He sucked hard at it while flicking it with his tongue. It felt like all of her being was being drawn to her pussy. It became the center of her universe. “Nnnnnnnnnn! Nnnnnnnnnn!” she protested desperately.
And then it hit her. Her thighs began to shake and her body began to jerk. Her pussy erupted into a series of hard, harsh contractions that made her grunt with pleasure. “Ugh! Ugh! Ugh! Ugh! Ugh!” and then, “Ugggggggggggh Ugggggggggggh!”
The men exploded with merriment. “That a boy, Rocker!” one exclaimed.
“Go get her boy!” another called out.
“Oooooooooouuuuuuueeeeee!” yodeled another.
After what seemed the longest time, Linda felt her pussy’s convulsions slowing, grateful that her ordeal was at an end. But Rocker had other ideas. He slowed his efforts just long enough to lap his broadened tongue over her plush sex several times and then went back to work.
“Please stop! Please! Please!” the unhappy woman called out in her mind. It was not to be. Her lusts began to rise again rapidly. Her loins swelled with need. It wasn’t long when her pussy erupted again. “Arrrrrgh! Arrrrrrgh! Arrrrrrrrgh!” she grunted as the ecstasy producing contractions began anew. “Arrrrrrrgh!”
Finally the man relented. He gave her clit one last prolonged kiss and stepped back, giving her naked ass a fierce slap. “Now that’s a hot bitch!” he exclaimed. He turned to his buddies. “Okay, motherfuckers, pay up!”
Three crisp hundred dollar bills exchanged hands. One of the men handed Rocker a Lone Star longneck. He wiped his face with the sleeve of his shirt and took a long drink. “Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!” he sighed. “Pussy and beer, now that’s a combo!”
The one they called Stitch, an older fellow with speckles of gray in his short, jet black hair, who was sort of the custodian of their little playhouse, spoke up.
“Okay boys,” he said. “You’ve had your fun. Let’s leave the rest to Ike and Mouse when they get here.”
Everybody was laid back at the safe house. No one gave him an argument, not even Billy Boots who was itching to make the bitch yelp with pain. Nobody wanted to fuck with Ike neither. And besides, there was other pussy just sitting around waiting for something to do.
The group dissipated, and the men headed over to the chairs and sofas. Each of them that passed by Linda gave her bare ass a little swat as if for good luck. Boots was last and he gave Linda’s rear cheek a hard, solid slap that
made her cringe with pain.
Linda watched from upside down as the men resumed their drinking and watching their movie. One of the men, Chaz, went over to the cages which held the unhappy looking young women and perused them for a moment. The girls were ungagged. Their hands were confined by short chains to rings in the leather collars that they all wore. An 18” long chain connected the bracelets on their ankles. Chaz took his time examining them. They all looked at him dourly, knowing full well that his interest in them was not academic.
He spoke to the blond girl, who occupied the cage on the right end. “What’s your name, girl?” he asked her.
“Camille, sir,” the girl answered in a wavering voice, looking up at the mountain of a man before her.
“What say you and me get better acquainted, Camille,” he said more than asked.
The girl had no answer for him.
Chaz turned to Stich. “Let me have the key.”
“You can use her,” Stich replied as he handed him the key to the padlock holding the cage door closed, “but don’t mark her up. Esteban Morales is coming the day after tomorrow and Ike wants to unload her. And the others too. He’s expecting a load in a couple of days so we can get a fresh batch. These three are getting a little long in the tooth, if you know what I mean.”
“No problem,” Chaz replied.
He stepped back to the cage and unlocked the padlock, swinging the cage door open. The girl drew her body back. Lucy noticed that her expression had gone from dour to outright unhappy. Undoubtedly what the older guy had said had been news to her. Whatever the callous men had done to her, she could be sure that any change in her future would be worse. It would be another step deeper into captivity, another step away from wherever she had come from.
Linda roiled in anger at what these outlaws were going to do to the poor girl, what they had done to probably hundreds over the years. She pulled at her bound hands futilely. If only she could get free. Somehow she would get away. Maybe she could get help in time to save poor Camille and her two companions. But she had to get free first. “Damn! Damn! Damn!” she castigated herself.