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Brides of Ireland

Page 55

by Le Veque, Kathryn

  As Devlin stared into the snapping flames and pondered the situation, he heard footsteps coming from the stairs. Glancing over his shoulder, he could see a small woman appearing in the shadows of the hall. As she drew closer, he could see that it was the Lady Elyse. Shoving the dog off his lap, Devlin bolted up from his chair and went to her.

  “My lady,” he greeted with eagerness in his voice. “How does Lady Emllyn fare?”

  Elyse smiled up at the very big and very handsome Irishman. She thought it was very sweet the way he worried about Emllyn, and she knew the feeling was very mutual; Lady Emllyn was just as concerned for her protector. It had the stirrings of a tender romance that touched her young and idealistic heart.

  “She is much better,” she assured him. “I have promised her that I would bring you to her, but you must listen to me carefully; my father would never allow you to be alone with an unchaperoned lady, so you must be very quiet. I am going to take you to another chamber where you and Lady Emllyn may stay. But you must be completely silent and remain in the chamber no matter what. If you leave, you risk running into my father and that would not do. Is this clear?”

  “Aye, m’lady.”

  With a faint smile, she collected her skirts and beckoned for him to follow. Devlin was as quiet as a ghost as he followed her up the stairs. His big feet, clad in peasant boots of rough leather and bindings, made soft footfalls against the stone. Up they went on the narrow spiral staircase to the third floor where the Lady Elyse’s chamber was. Exiting the stairwell, Devlin could immediately see the partitioned chambers to his left, rooms that had been fashioned with partial wooden walls. He could hear snoring.

  Elyse took him past those rooms and past the door to her chamber where Devlin last saw Emllyn. Devlin eyed the closed chamber door curiously, wondering if Emllyn was behind the panel, but Elyse took him behind a massive supporting pillar to a door on the other side. Quietly, and in the darkness, she pushed it open.

  There was a small chamber beyond, tucked into the corner of the keep where the main portion of the building and one of the oddly designed wings joined. The room had one big window that had oiled cloth curtains covering it, a built-in window seat that made the entire window design look like a modified oriel window, and pillows strewn across the window seat. On either side of the window were two large iron wall sconces that contained an earthenware jar filled with oil and a burning wick. Thin trails of black smoke drifted up to the ceiling, and the room was well lit.

  Over in the corner of the chamber was a large and very well furnished mattress but no bed frame; the mattress sat on the ground but was covered in a great feathery coverlet, fine linens, and mounds of pillows. To the right of the bed was a small table and two chairs, containing a pitcher and cups and a bowl of small red apples, and then behind the door where they were standing was a smaller mattress that was less luxurious but nonetheless well furnished. In all, it was a very well appointed chamber and very comfortable. Devlin looked around the room before turning to the woman with some confusion.

  Elyse was gazing back at him with an expression filled with hesitation. She was staring at him as if trying to decide if her actions were of the correct course. Honestly, she didn’t know, but she would not go back on her word to Emllyn. She finally sighed heavily.

  “I should not be doing this,” she said with disapproval in her tone, “but Lady Emllyn has been nearly frantic to see you and I promised her that I would let the two of you remain in the same room. She has assured me that you are her watchdog and nothing more.”

  Devlin nodded. “That would be a fair statement, m’lady.”

  Elyse cocked a dubious eyebrow. “And you swear you will not molest her?”

  “I swear.”

  She sighed heavily again. “If my father finds out, I will be in for a row.”

  “He will not find out. And I am grateful for the kindness, for I am leaving tomorrow and it may be some time before I see the lady again, if ever.” He paused, his dark blue eyes glimmering with worry. “You… you will take care of Lady Emllyn, won’t you? Since I will be leaving and unable to watch over her, you will do it, won’t you?”

  Elyse cocked her head with concern. “Where are you going?”

  Devlin didn’t want to tell her what he had discussed with her father so he skirted the truth. “Your father has asked me to leave and I must comply,” he said. “I worry over the lady’s safety while I am gone.”

  Elyse shook her head, putting a gentle hand on his wrist to comfort him. “Do not worry,” she said. “I will take care of her. She is in good hands.”

  Devlin nodded, feeling depressed and resigned. “You have my thanks.”

  Elyse remove her hand from his wrist. “It is my pleasure,” she said. “Lady Emllyn seems like a kind and lovely woman.”

  “She is, m’lady.”

  Elyse smiled at him, sensing his morose mood, and moved for the chamber door. “I will go and get her now,” she said softly. Then, she glanced around the room. “This is usually an alcove for the servants but I made it as comfortable as I could in what short time I had. I hope it is enough.”

  “It is finer and lovelier than anything I have ever seen.”

  Elyse smiled demurely, a practiced gesture. “Thank you,” she said, lifting the latch on the door. “You will stay here and I will return shortly with Lady Emllyn.”

  She left Devlin standing in the middle of the lush chamber, surrounded by stone walls, fine silks, and softly glowing lamps. A gentle breeze blew at the curtains, lifting them slightly and sending wisps of cold air into the room. He noticed there was an elaborate brazier near the smaller of the mattresses and it was giving off a fair amount of heat. It made the small chamber rather cozy.

  As he faced the larger bed, inspecting the myriad of lush silk pillows thrown about it, he heard the door latch lift. By the time he turned around, Emllyn was moving stiffly but quickly into the chamber. He could see Elyse outside as she guided the woman in and then shut the door silently behind her. The moment the door was shut, his attention riveted to Emllyn.

  Clad in the blue brocaded robe and with her hair artfully arranged, she looked beautiful and ethereal. It was as Emllyn was always meant to be, a glorious angel in the midst of a colorless world. Devlin just stood there and stared at her, a million words running through his head. He could hardly grasp just one. But when she smiled timidly at him, everything came crashing down around him and his heart leapt into his throat. He’d never been so glad to see anyone in his entire life.

  “Are you well, Emllyn?” he asked softly.

  She nodded. “Much better,” she said. “My fever is nearly gone and my leg is doing very well, thank you.”

  He smiled faintly at her, his heart beating so loudly that he could hear it in his ears. His chest was tight and his arms tingled. He was all shades of giddy at the sight and sound of her.

  “De Noble, the commander of Glenteige, has ordered me to leave on the morrow,” he said, his voice strangely tight. “Somehow, our great plans are not happening as they should.”

  The smile vanished from Emllyn’s face. “You are leaving?” she gasped. “Why? What has happened?”

  Devlin could see how the idea crushed her so. It crushed him as well. The more he stared at her, fumbling for an answer, the more everything crushed down upon him until he could hardly breathe.

  In two giant strides he was upon her, his big hands cupping her face and his lips slanting hungrily over hers. It seemed the most natural of things to do, a kiss that was the best and purest kiss he had ever given, meant only for her. There was no lust in it, no selfishness. It was honest and true, an expression of his feelings for her, feelings he hadn’t fully realized until this very moment.

  Once his captive, she was now much more. She was all. Everything came spilling out before he could stop it.

  “Forgive me,” he breathed. “You were right, Emllyn; you were so right. I was brutal and barbaric when we first met and I took what did not belong to
me. I took a possession, a prize, an object and nothing more. In the heat of battle you represented everything I hated and everything I was fighting against, but now… God forgive me for what I did to you. I am so very sorry. I tell you this because… because I have missed you so terribly. I thought never to see you again with all that has happened and now that you are here, all I can feel is utter happiness. Please… for what I have done to you in the past, I beg your forgiveness.”

  Emllyn’s hands were on his wrists; they had been since the moment his lips had claimed hers, clinging to him as he held her head and kissed her. There was joy and relief in her heart that she couldn’t begin to describe, a euphoria that was enveloping her in a warm and liquid embrace until she could hardly stand. In fact, her knees gave out and Devlin picked her up, holding her against him as his mouth ravaged her. Emllyn wrapped her arms around his neck as if to never let go, tears of joy and adoration falling from her eyes.

  “You are forgiven,” she wept softly. “I know it was war that drove you to do what you did. That barbarian is not the Devlin I have come to know.”

  He pulled his mouth away from her, nearly ripping himself free, and his dark blue eyes bore into her as if to reach in and clamp onto her very soul.

  “I love you,” he whispered, his mouth quivering with emotion. “I think I have known it from the start but I did not want to admit it. I did not want to admit that I could love you, a Fitzgerald, but when I look at you I do not see Irish or English. I only see joy and comfort as I have never known.”

  Emllyn’s eyes were wide with shock at his admission and, after a moment, the tears of joy fell faster. She put her hands on his face, touching the red stubble, before kissing both cheeks in a manner so tender that Devlin audibly gasped. Each kiss was like an arrow through his heart, drawing him to her even more closely until all he could think or feel was Emllyn. She kissed his nose, and finally his soft lips. They were kisses of pure and unadulterated worship.

  “I did not want to admit I could love a man such as you, either,” she whispered, her eyes glimmering with happy tears. “You were right when you said that I belonged to you, Devlin. I have always belonged to you. I love your strength, your humor, and your sense of justice. You are noble and wise. I know that you are a hated rebel, a warrior to be feared, but I do not see those things in you any longer. I only see the man that you are and I love him so very much.”

  Devlin’s emotion was written all over his face. It was greater than he had hoped for and more than he could bear. He stumbled over his words. “My God,” he breathed. “But… but what of Trevor? You followed the man into battle because you loved him and….”

  Emllyn put her fingers over his lips to stop him. “I was a fool,” she murmured. “I know he does not love me and in hindsight, I did not love him, really. Mayhap it was my pride that made me follow him, the desperation of a woman who was terrified she would be an old spinster if she did not coerce a man into marrying her.”

  “You will not be an old spinster.”

  “I realize that now,” she said softly. “Oh… my sweetest darling, I realize that now.”

  Devlin emitted a noise that sounded strangely like a giggle. Coming from a man of his nature, a serious and intense warrior, it was an odd sound. But Emllyn giggled, too, and soon they were giggling together between heated and joyful kisses. Devlin carried her over to the big bed, ended up tripping on a pillow on the floor, and fell down upon the mattress with Emllyn in his arms.

  Their kisses were passionate, fueled by emotion and fed by dreams, and Devlin knew that he very much wanted to take her. He wanted to feel her body against his, feel her respond to his touch as he had once dreamed of, but he didn’t want to make a move against her because she was no longer an object of lust or revenge. She was the woman he loved and a lady to be respected. He was about to tell her so when she suddenly began unfastening her robe.

  “Give me your son, Devlin,” she murmured as she pulled off the beautiful brocade robe and began untying the neckline of her shift. “Tell me how much you love me and give me your son. I would be filled by you and only you. Touch me as you did before only this time, I will touch you in return.”

  He wanted to so badly but he hesitated. “Are you sure?” he whispered, concerned. “The times I have done this to you… I do not want you to think I am that barbarian, Emllyn. I only want to show you the greatest esteem.”

  She smiled, running a finger over his wet, red lips. “I no longer think of you as that barbarian,” she murmured. “I want you to touch me, Devlin. Show me the man I have come to love.”

  Of course he couldn’t refuse. Her heated words had his resistance shattering and he yanked the shift over her head, his hungry gaze on her shapely body and his nostrils filled with the rose scent of her skin. Quickly, he removed his raggedy tunic and hose, tossing them aside, his big and naked body swiftly covering her softness. He lay atop of her, rubbing himself against her, as a big arm cradled her neck while he kissed her.

  His hand, so big and rough, fondled her breasts gently before his mouth moved from her lips to claim a rosy nipple. Emllyn groaned, her hands on his stubbled head, as he nursed furiously at one breast and then the other. His fingers moved to her thighs, stroking them, before moving to the junction between her legs. Like a flower unfurling its petals, he stroked her gently, feeling her quiver, opening her to his attentions, and then inserted two big fingers into her already-wet body.

  Emllyn groaned and brought her knees up, her legs opening wide in preparation for welcoming him inside her. Devlin didn’t wait; he mounted her swiftly, driving his massive erection deep into her body and listening to her gasp. Her hands caressed his arms, his shoulders, until he took one and put it on his buttocks. She was timid at first but as he thrust into her, she gained in confidence and tenderly caressed his buttocks as well. In fact, she got a good grip on him and pulled her to him as he thrust, as if urging him onward.

  Her hands on his buttocks were driving him mad with lust. He bit gently on her upper arm and shoulder, suckling her nipples as he drove into her sweet and yielding body, being very careful of her bandaged left leg as he moved. Emllyn seemed to be very interested in touching him everywhere, even his heated phallus as it plunged into her body, but the moment she touched him there, he erupted in a powerful climax.

  Feeling his manhood twitching and pulsing inside of her caused Emllyn to explode in a euphoric release. She began to gasp loudly and Devlin covered her mouth with his, kissing her passionately to drown out her cries of passion. After all, he had promised Lady Elyse he wouldn’t molest Emllyn. He didn’t want the woman to hear evidence that he’d broken his promise.

  “I love you,” he whispered against her lips. “With all that I am, I am yours, Lady Emllyn Fitzgerald. Never forget that.”

  Emllyn snaked her arms around his neck, feeling him as he continued to thrust into her, gently now after their passion had peaked. His massive member was still hard, still stroking her sensitive core, and she trembled again as a weaker climax rolled over her. It was an overwhelming sensation, so raw and delightful. As the ripples died away, she kissed his mouth tenderly.

  “Everything I am belongs to you,” she murmured. “I will love you until I die.”

  Exhausted, emotional, Devlin lay on top of her, struggling to catch his breath and feeling her body heave breathlessly underneath him. It was an experience liked he’d never imagined, something beyond the lust or need he’d experienced in the past. Nay; this was something far different.

  This was joy.

  Devlin kissed her hair, the side of her face, eventually shifting himself off of her and holding her tightly. There was a warm and gentle silence between them as they held each other close, lost to their own thoughts. Devlin thought she might have actually fallen asleep because she was so still and silent. However, the moment he closed his eyes, she stirred.

  “Why is de Noble sending you away?” she whispered. “Where are you going to go?”

s eyes opened and took on a distant look. “I told him that I was a farmer who sold my wares at Black Castle,” he murmured. “We discussed a great many things, including you. He was clear in his opinion that I am no longer responsible for you now that you are under his roof, but I resisted him. I asked to see you and to inquire on your health. De Noble is a clever man, however. He knows how to get what he wants. Since I am able to move in and out of Black Castle freely, as a farmer selling wares, he intends to use that to his advantage. He told me that if I return to Black Castle to gather information on Black Sword, then he would let me see you again and even speak with you. Somehow, I have agreed to spy on myself.”

  Emllyn didn’t react for a moment. Finally, she shifted enough so that she was gazing up at him, her face very close to his. He smoothed her lovely mussed hairstyle with a big hand as he gazed back.

  “You agreed to do this because of me?” she asked, incredulously.

  “You have a great deal to do with it,” he said softly, smiling at her to let her know that he wasn’t upset by it. “I am afraid de Noble intends to separate us and this I will not tolerate. In order to remain in his good graces, while you remain here and hopefully are able to discern elements of his plan against me, I have agreed to supply him with information from Black Castle.”

  She was still amazed. “So you are returning to Black Castle to spy for the English?” she clarified, an expression of increasing disbelief on her face. “I still do not understand why has he ask you to do that. Does he fear an attack from you now that my brother’s fleet has been destroyed?”

  Devlin nodded. “He has heard rumor that Black Sword has called the clanns together to launch an attack against Glenteige Castle.”


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