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The Falsification of History: Our Distorted Reality

Page 8

by John Hamer

  Two years later, similar skeletons were found in Belgium. These skeletons, which did not attract much attention initially, were subsequently brought to the attention of those who were looking for the supposed ape-ancestors of man, influenced strongly of course by Darwin's book, ‘The Origin of Species’.

  In 1908, further Neanderthal skeletons were found in Moustier in the region of La Chapelle-aux-Saints, France. These were studied by Professor Boule from the Paleo-anthropology Institute in Paris, himself a dedicated and passionate supporter of evolutionary theory. Professor Boule himself was indeed responsible for creating the popular, primitive Neanderthal man image in our minds. Boule described his findings as follows:

  “Neanderthals seem to be closer to apes than any other group of man and their intelligence is not wholly developed. The composition, position and the order of the cerebellum and spinal cord are the same as the apes. Besides, the feet have the same grasping attribute as in chimpanzees and gorillas. The anatomical structure of Neanderthals indicates that they walk in an awkward and clumsy way.”

  At the same time, Professor Boule was responsible for the first Neanderthal face and body shape reconstruction. According to this reconstruction, which he made whilst relying upon his own preposterous pre-conceptions, “Neanderthal man is a half-man and half-ape being. He cannot walk upright and stoops, as do apes.” This utterly baseless theory made by Boule in accordance with his subjective interpretation of the Neanderthal fossils he had in his possession is responsible for the popular mental image we have of Neanderthal man, which still abides to this day.

  Popularised depiction of a Neanderthal

  Despite all the unstinting efforts of the evolutionists, this subjective approach to Neanderthals began to change in the 1950s. Advanced technology began to confirm that Neanderthals were by no means primitive humans, in sharp contrast to the prevailing view. In light of the advent of this new data, these questions were still pertinent; was Neanderthal man, alleged to live only 30,000 years ago, really as primitive as the evolutionists claimed and were Neanderthals primitive creatures who had no civilisation and unable to even walk upright?

  These questions were answered by two researchers who examined the La Chapelle-aux-Saints fossils in 1957. These anatomists whose names were Straus and Cave discovered exactly why the fossil man found in 1908 and depicted in a reconstruction by Boule, stooped. As Professor Rudolf Virchow from Berlin University had pointed out originally, this fossil had also suffered from chronic arthritis, just as had the original Neanderthal man who was found in 1856. This insidious bone disease was deforming the shape of the spinal column and led to stooping due to the gradual decaying of the bones. His mandible bone was also deformed and in short, the reason why the Neanderthal fossil possessed a bent posture was the simple fact that he suffered from nothing more uncommon than severe arthritis and not as had been proffered by the evolutionist dogma, his relationship to a primitive species of man.

  In all other aspects, ‘Neanderthal man’ possessed human characteristics. His big toe was not bent as Boule claimed; his thighbone was exactly the same as that of modern man and the report prepared by Straus and Cave culminated with the following words:

  “If they had come back to life today, most probably they would not be discriminated from the other people in the New York subway, provided that they had bathed, were shaved and wore modern suits.”

  Today, evolutionists remain evasive on the subject of Neanderthal man. It has been proven beyond reasonable doubt that the reason why the fossil was stooped as illustrated in Boule’s crude and deceptive reconstruction, was the presence of severe arthritis. An authority on this subject, Erik Trinkaus of The University of New Mexico, remarked…

  “Detailed comparisons of Neanderthal skeletal remains with those of modern humans have shown that there is nothing in Neanderthal anatomy that conclusively indicates locomotive, manipulative, intellectual or linguistic abilities inferior to those of modern humans.”

  The evolutionists deliberately ignore the difference between the average 1400cc cranial volume of modern man and the 1750cc volume of Neanderthals. They know very well that the announcement of this fact would pose another serious problem to their weak thesis. Since the evolutionists interpreted the cranial volumes they found, as evidence of evolution, accepting the fact that Neanderthal man had an even larger cranial volume than modern man would imply a regression in the evolutionary process as this would simply mean that Neanderthals were more intelligent than modern humans.

  Today Neanderthal man, as indeed is the case with many other subjects, is an assumed truism, an ‘assumption’ that has been deceptively transmuted into hard fact. The mainstream media and the film industry routinely discuss and treat the topic as though it were absolute, proven fact and not just a flimsy, insubstantial theory at best, as do educators and scientists. This is a recurring theme that as will become apparent, we find in many, many topics from history to astronomy, biology to physics and chemistry alike.

  There are many other examples of fatal flaws in the theory of evolution, indeed far too numerous to cover in any detail or to do justice to in a volume such as this. However, even using the small amount of evidence presented here, there now would appear to be only one possible conclusion:

  The evolutionary theory asserting that humans came into existence by macro-evolution from single-celled life-forms and latterly from other primates is not supported by any convincing, concrete evidence whatsoever and indeed is invalidated completely by much evidence to the contrary. The whole premise of the evolution of man is actually based on extremely subjective interpretations, poor or bad science, deliberate distortions and even the outright forgeries of many unscrupulous evolutionists who seek to convince us that yet another huge falsehood is the truth.

  “Why doesn’t the scientific community abandon Darwin’s failed hypotheses? Simple: The Jewish-dominated media and educational establishment are determined that, like unconditional support of Israel, Holocaust mythology, hate laws, and ‘civil rights’ favouritism, there will be no end to the relentless force-feeding of evolution. Belief in evolution is a prerequisite for Jewish supremacism’s new-world order.” Reverend Ted Pike, researcher 16th May 2011.

  There are undoubtedly some genuine, well-meaning scientists who firmly believe in the evolutionary model but they have been duped just as the rest of us, by the deliberate subterfuge of those who are determined to perpetuate a lie. Or could they simply be victims of the Hegelian trap of mainstream religion-based creation versus evolution, believing as they do in the more ‘plausible’, scientific alternative?

  Whatever the answer to that particular poser may be, it seems clear to me that macro-evolution is a huge deception, a pseudo-science and just one of many in a long list of deceptions emitting from the forces of evil, that we are forced to endure on a daily basis.

  The Real Origins of the Human Race

  “Almost everything they teach us about the ancient history is wrong: origins of men, civilisations and pyramids. Homo sapiens are not a result of evolution and biologists will never find a ‘missing link’, because intelligent man is a product of genetic engineering. Sumerians are not the beginning of civilised man, but rather the beginning of another cycle of humanity.” Dr. Sam Semir Osmanagich, Professor of Anthropology at the American University, Bosnia.

  So, if we can eliminate evolution as a prime suspect in our search for the true origins of life on Earth, where does that leave the argument? In my humble estimation that would leave but two alternatives, the biblical story of creation by a supreme being or one other possibility. I will exclude this former option for the simple reason that everyone reading this book already has at least a rudimentary knowledge of the Adam and Eve story in the book of Genesis and quite frankly the absurdity of the entire proposition should be very apparent.

  Surprisingly to most people, the Elite of this Earth firmly believe that they are the direct descendants of a race of extraterrestrial beings who visited the Ea
rth millions of years ago. This is not mere speculation on my part, but one of their stated, well-documented albeit not well-publicised, beliefs. Again, the evidence that the planet was visited and seeded by extraterrestrials in the dim and distant past, is widespread but nevertheless as far as is possible, is generally concealed from the un-thinking general public who seem to accept lies at face value with no question when given them by the mainstream, but vehemently defend the status quo and decry other mooted alternatives, when these are presented to them from other, ‘discredited’ sources, whether accompanied by substantial proof or not. All as a natural consequence of course, of the aeons of propaganda and social engineering performed on us, the masses, by the ruling Elite.

  If the assumption of an extraterrestrial origin of humanity and all life on Earth is correct, I am aware that this does not categorically answer the ‘creation or evolution’ question, it merely deflects it much further back in time to the origins of extraterrestrial life, but that particular argument falls outside the scope of this book, our true origins being much, much older presumably than the Earth and indeed very possibly, our Solar System.

  There are countless stories and pictorial depictions passed down from ancient civilisations about strange ‘visitors’ and unearthly beings. One of the more prominent ones being for example, that in the mid-nineteenth century in what is now modern-day Iraq; a huge find of clay tablets was made by Sir Austen Henry Layard, an English archaeologist. Thought to be from the Sumerian culture, these tablets depict an extraordinary story that absolutely contradicts in every way the ‘official’ history of our species. Unsurprisingly, this is given no credence whatsoever by modern historians, archaeologists and educators as it does not fit the ‘accepted’ view of history and human evolution decreed, cultivated and ruthlessly and relentlessly enforced by our Elite masters. I feel it somewhat significant to my point that these views are rarely considered or rationally argued against by the mainstream, they are simply ignored, presumably in the hope that they will simply go away or be regarded as unbelievable, if left un-discussed and unacknowledged.

  Zecharia Sitchin, who could read Aramaic, Sumerian, Babylonian and several other less well-known, long-dead Middle Eastern languages was the most famous translator of these tablets and he was convinced that the tablets tell a story of extraterrestrial visitors creating the Sumerian civilisation as a ‘gift from the gods’. These gods are referred to as the ‘Annunaki’ or ‘those who from Heaven to Earth came’. They are considered by some researchers to be one and the same as the biblical ‘Nephilim’, the race of giants who probably were around 8 feet tall, according to some researchers. However opinions do vary on this.

  The tablets also describe how the Annunaki arrived here from a planet they named Nibiru, which allegedly has a huge elliptical orbit taking it 3600 years to travel around the sun, but whilst at its closest approach point, is situated between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. A possible sighting was briefly reported in 1983 and then immediately forgotten and buried by the mainstream media…

  “A heavenly body possibly ... so close to Earth that it would be part of this solar system has been found in the direction of the constellation Orion by an orbiting telescope aboard the US infrared astronomical satellite. So mysterious is the object that astronomers do not know if it is a planet ... so close in fact that it would be the nearest heavenly body to Earth beyond the outermost planet Pluto.” Washington Post, 31st December 1983.

  These clay tablets are the written accounts of traditions that go back many tens of thousands of years but much credence can be given them not least due to their incredibly accurate depiction of the solar system as we now know it. All the planets are in their correct positions (for the era) with relative sizes and orbits, all accurately charted.

  How could this knowledge have been available in those times, when most of that information has only been known to us for about 200 years or so? The answer of course is that it is the current view of history which is inaccurate. Ancient cultures and civilisations knew far more about the universe and its secrets than modern science and history will give them credit for. This is why many ancient cultures and cultural traditions such as native American, native African – Zulu for example and Australian aborigines were all ruthlessly suppressed and their ancient artefacts destroyed by forces representing the world Elite. We can also add to this list, the Mayan, Inca and Aztec civilisations in South and Central America, brutally subjugated and systematically eliminated by the Conquistadors, sponsored by the European Elite in the 16th and 17th centuries and charged with the destruction and devastation of these ancient cultures that in fact held a much more accurate world-view than we do today.

  Arguably, the most important aspect of the contents of the Sumerian tablets is their description of the creation of humankind. Sitchin estimates the timescales as around 400,000 years ago, but I personally believe that it could be much longer ago than this. According to the story within the tablets, The Annunaki landed originally in Southern Africa to mine the mineral deposits abundant in that area, primarily gold, but other minerals were also involved. According to Sitchin’s translation, there was, for want of a better description, a sort of ongoing ‘worker’s revolt’ involving the Annunaki mine labourers or slaves and so the rulers in order to avoid further inconvenience, eventually decided to generate a new race of slaves to replace the truculent labourers. This new race was a hybrid created from the genes of the Annunaki and those of the native, early humanoid species who roamed the plains of the African continent and the Middle East at that time and whose remains have been found in rock strata dating back millions, not simply hundreds of thousands of years as we are led to believe is the case. This hybrid was destined to become modern man, Homo sapiens.

  Could this event also be linked to the appearance in archaeological records of a new, distinct form of humanoid which even mainstream anthropology admits appeared suddenly, from nowhere about 200,000 years ago in this region of Africa? If true, nothing much changes does it? We began as a slave race and are still fulfilling the same role 200,000 years later. It is in fact this ‘new’ species that causes the evolutionists’ search for the so-called ‘missing link’, the infamous huge hole in evolutionary theory, in a vain attempt to explain the gap in the records, the appearance of an hitherto unknown species and thus to ‘fit in’ with contemporary scientific, evolutionary dogma.

  The creators of humanity according to Sitchin’s translation were two Annunaki ‘scientists’ known as Enki (a male) and Ninkharsag (a female). She was also known as ‘Mammi’ and this is very likely the source of the root word meaning ‘mother’ and from which we also derive the word ‘mammal’, still prescient in many ancient and modern languages today. The leader of the Annunaki on Earth was Enlil, the half-brother of Enki. Eventually after many abortive (literally) attempts, as the story goes, Enki and Ninkharsag found the correct formula and the human race was born (created) making ‘test tube’ babies of us all in the process!

  Could this also be the origin of the biblical story of Adam and Eve? Was Eve created symbolically perhaps, from Adam’s rib in an ancient description of the cloning process? Also within the tablets is a description of the ‘abode of the righteous ones’, where humans were said to have first been created, known as E.DIN. Similarly, is this the origin of the Garden of Eden legend in the Bible? It would certainly make some sense of an unlikely ‘legend’.

  This all dovetails neatly with the Elite’s belief system, that they are indeed ‘the masters of the Universe’, with a special genetic connection back to these ancient ‘gods’ who seeded and engineered the human race and the rest of us are fit only for slavery and to serve their every need. The ‘useless eaters’ as Henry Kissinger, one of the more prominent, contemporary Elite pawns has been known to refer to us.

  “I will demonstrate that virtually every current belief system that delves into the origins and development of humanity is full of untruths and distortions that serve to keep the reality of hum
an origins concealed." ‘Humanity’s Extra-Terrestrial Origins’. Dr. Arthur David Horn.

  After a huge amount of research and reflection, Dr. Horn came to realise that the belief systems we have been taught regarding the origins of our physical bodies are not true. Rather, they serve an agenda that, for the most part, Western religious institutions and governments have propagated for their own selfish purposes and in order to control the minds of the ‘sheeple’. Upon arriving at this conclusion, Dr. Horn, in a totally selfless action which he believed retained his personal and professional integrity, resigned from his professorship. He simply felt that he could no longer, morally speaking, teach the inaccurate, establishment views of humanity's physical origins to his students. He then authored the above quoted book whilst living a simple life in Mt. Shasta, California with his wife.

  Based upon his extensive knowledge of evolutionary patterns and forces, Dr. Horn tells us that there were unexplained sudden ‘jumps’ or ‘explosions’ in the distant past, which caused new categories of life forms to appear, including pre-humans. Furthermore, there have been instances in which various life forms have appeared simultaneously, or in parallel with one another, rather than in a gradual step-by-step fashion as is usually propounded by the totally unscientific, theory of evolution. These incidents cannot be explained by today's scientific theories, including evolution, rather, it is as though an ‘other-worldly’ force influenced these natural processes by speeding-up what would normally take millions of years to occur and this applies to the physical bodies we, as spiritual beings, occupy today. How could this be?


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