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The Falsification of History: Our Distorted Reality

Page 11

by John Hamer

  “None of them know the real reason for the bloodbaths in which they lost their friends. They only know they followed orders as best they could, some suffered and some survived. But whose orders they really were is something all those people under all those white tombstones never knew. Even now, precious few people know. You think it's the presidents and prime ministers. It isn't.” John Kaminski, researcher, October 2011.

  The very fact that ‘charities’ such as ‘Help for Heroes’ actually exist at all should be enough to demonstrate that those who rule over us care nothing whatsoever for wounded ex-servicemen and women and their families who have outlived their usefulness to their twisted ambitions, leaving their welfare and support at the mercy of ‘charitable’ donations. It is seemingly not enough that these people are ‘used’ to further the ongoing bloody, corporate expansion of the Royal-Elite empires, but through the existence of these charities, these same Elite are somehow absolved of their social and financial responsibilities to care for their victims. Why can most people not see through this charade? Why do we allow these psychopaths to abdicate their responsibilities and pass them on to the gullible public, with never so much as even a murmur of dissent from the brainwashed proletariat, let alone the complicit media?

  “Yesterday around 750 people paid their respects to deceased Marine, James Wright of the 42 Commando, who lost his life while serving in Afghanistan. The media call him a hero, but with the facts about the Afghan invasion firmly on the record, maybe it’s time we started calling these young men ‘victims’.”, 31st August 2011.

  In fact, ‘victim of US, British and Israeli imperial hegemony’ may well be a much more accurate description than ‘hero’.

  ‘Head of State’ is absolutely not an honorary title, the Queen has the power should she choose to use it, to over-rule any government policy, block any legislation or indeed to dismiss the Prime Minister or dissolve the government should she wish, not just in Britain but in any of the so-called ‘Commonwealth’ nations. But of course this rarely happens as usually only those who are pre-determined to be unquestioningly loyal to her wishes are considered for ‘election’ in the first place, having been screened, groomed and nurtured from birth in most cases.

  “Don't be fooled by the mainstream press, the British royal family are the BIGGEST despots on this planet and UK voters have a choice only of her personally selected masonic goons who head the dodgy political parties that masquerade as some sort of fabricated democracy. No-one can be a British Prime Minister without the blessing of the tyrannical Royals. She and her loyal, judicial mafia rule Britain with an evil, wicked and brutal iron fist.” International Men’s Organisation.

  I have often heard people ask, ‘…how can a frail old lady (the Queen) in her late-eighties, possibly wield that amount of power and influence?’ Queen Elizabeth may now indeed be an old lady, but she is still the matriarch of the wealthiest and most powerful family the world has ever seen. She may be just a figurehead in some respects but she still holds the ultimate executive power that may be questioned or challenged only at one’s extreme peril. Obviously she does not physically enforce that ultimate power personally, she has her legions of loyal ‘retainers’ to do that for her, such as MI5, MI6, the ‘elected’ government of the day, the armed forces, police services, backed by a corrupt legal system. In the event of an attempted insurrection or usurpation of her authority of any kind, these forces would collectively act to swiftly physically enforce and protect her undemocratic power, as they are sworn so to do.

  For example, an instance of the use of this undemocratic power occurred in Australia in the 1970s. The then Labour Prime Minister, Gough Whitlam upon his ‘democratic’ election and entirely in line with his election mandate, immediately ended military conscription and Australia's military commitment in Vietnam, promised Papua New Guinea independence, officially recognised Communist China, provided greater services and freedoms for aboriginal, native Australians, abolished the Imperial honours list and supported equal pay for women. And probably most significantly, it was Whitlam who exposed the head of the Pine Gap secret military underground facility in the Northern Territories as a CIA agent and furthermore demanded that the entire CIA operational staff in Australia at that time be identified and named. The rest of his three-year reign (including re-election in 1974) was characterised by tension resulting from further sweeping reforms and the emergence of forces undermining his programmes.

  In other words, he had been a little too liberal for the liking of the ruling Royals in introducing social measures designed to benefit the masses to a greater degree than was deemed acceptable by the Queen and her advisors and also by exposing the covert military agenda being undertaken by the CIA in after all what is a foreign country to them. So, what did she do? She simply intervened, as is her prerogative and ordered the Australian Governor-General, John Kerr (the Queens figurehead and the real but unelected political power in Australia), to dismiss Whitlam. This was achieved simply and with the minimum of fuss and barely a passing comment in the compliant media as to the rights, wrongs or otherwise of this action. Even had a storm been provoked, it was perfectly ‘legal’ and nothing could have been done via the corrupt judicial system to change it or prevent it happening. I would ask simply, how can this be regarded as democracy in any shape or form? Rest assured that should a British Prime Minister ever stand against the royal agenda in a similar manner, then his fate would be identical.

  So specifically who are these people? The thirteen bloodlines now consist of the following families; Astor, Bundy, Collins, Du Pont, Freeman, Kennedy, Li, Onassis, Reynolds, Rockefeller, Rothschild, Russell and last but most definitely not least, the Merovingian bloodline which consists of all the European royal families including Elizabeth Windsor-Saxe-Coburg-Gotha-Battenberg-Mountbatten, her utterly appalling, inbred family et al.

  This is the ultimate ‘conspiracy theory’, the fact that the world is secretly governed by a small group of people who operate behind the scenes and through ‘elected politicians’. ‘Conspiracy theory’ is now an accepted turn of phrase but sometimes one hears the expression, ‘The Illuminati’.

  What does this mean? Who are the Illuminati or the ‘Elite’ as I refer to them throughout this book?

  Freemasonry, the Illuminati and the New World Order

  It is a scientifically accepted fact that approximately 1% or one hundredth of the world’s population is psychopathic, and that at least 4% of lower management in corporate organisations has that same attribute. However it is perhaps a less well-known fact that the closer to the top of any Elite pyramid we venture, the greater the proportion of psychopaths to ‘normal’ people there are until at the very top, almost 100% of senior management in any corporate sphere, also including politics, the law, the armed forces, the police etc. etc., possess psychopathic tendencies and this fact in itself explains much about how the world operates today.

  “At one major investment bank for which I worked, we used psychometric testing to recruit social psychopaths because their characteristics exactly suited them to senior corporate finance roles.” A senior UK Investment Banker, quoted in the UK newspaper, The Independent, 1st January 2012.

  Of course, this does not necessarily mean that all psychopaths are mass-murderers or totally insane, simply that they suffer from a physical-cum-psychological disorder that sets them apart from the rest of us ‘normal’ people. Psychopaths are by their nature, cunning, subtle and manipulative but most importantly lack the one human trait that gives us our identity as a species above all else – empathy. Empathy may be broadly defined as the ability to recognise and share the emotions, feelings or sufferings of other people and therefore to experience their grief or joy along with them. In short a psychopath has no compassion, no conscience and has no inherent ability to feel guilt or shame for their own actions. This is why so many psychopaths are extremely violent and even mass-murderers, as they are always able to self-justify their actions as being reasonab

  Physically speaking, psychopathy is the lack of a gene in human DNA that controls and engenders feelings towards other people. Although psychopaths lack compassion and guilt, they do however feel the emotion of fear and they are well aware of what the consequences would be of them ever being caught-out in their selfish, often criminal actions. It is in fact ‘fear’ that is the only limiting factor in inhibiting their behaviour and which could otherwise result in them becoming totally ‘out of control’, so it would naturally follow that if this fear could be overcome or removed then a psychopath has no need of self-restraint whatsoever. Sadly, this is exactly what has happened over the millennia. The dominant, psychopathic families/bloodlines were able to assume control of the rest of us by the expedient of being utterly ruthless, merciless and uncaring as to the fate of anyone else and this state of affairs has persisted since almost the beginning of time. If one has enough money, power and influence (which they have in abundance) then one can do anything and ignore the consequences. This situation has also been exacerbated by the constant inter-breeding of the bloodlines within themselves across the centuries and thus deliberately keeping the psychopathic traits in the genes of those who rule us with utter brutality.

  The possession of unlimited finances provides the ability to do almost anything to protect their position of power and removes the inhibiting element of fear. They can arrange for wars to further their fortunes through bribery, blackmail and corruption. They can buy-off governments and countries whilst subtly promoting their own agenda through propaganda in the media which they own in one form or another in its entirety. They can place their own puppets in strategic, influential positions, arrange for expedient political assassinations for the disposing of unsympathetic ‘world leaders’ or anyone disloyal to their goals or whom they may see as a potential threat. They can re-write history to their own script to aid their future agendas, manipulate current events to their own advantage and in short, they can do anything they wish to ensure that their power-base is protected and enhanced, in fact exactly what is happening all around us in the world today.

  It is this uninhibited, uncaring, pitiless, utterly ruthless attitude that leads to all the ills of the world today and in the sending of thousands (millions?) of propagandised young men (and now even women) to fight their wars and in the process, maim, kill and bomb helpless, innocent men, women and children in the name of corporate profits and wealth. They have no shame or feelings of guilt but what they do have however is a strong sense of self-justification running contrary to the feelings and emotions inherent in most ‘normal’ people.

  A recent peer-reviewed theoretical paper entitled ‘The Corporate Psychopaths’ Theory of the Global Financial Crisis’, details how highly-placed psychopaths in the banking sector almost brought down the entire world economy (and may yet still) through their own inherent inability to truly care about the consequences of their actions. The author of this paper, Clive Boddy, formerly of Nottingham Trent University in England, believes that this theory would go a long way towards explaining how and why senior managers in the banking industry acted in ways that were disastrous for the institutions for which they were employed, the investors they represented and the global economy at large. If true, this also means that the astronomically expensive public bailouts would never have solved the problem anyway, since many of the morally-impaired individuals who caused this mess still remain in positions of power. Worse still, they are actually the same people advising governments on how to resolve this crisis.

  When employed in senior positions, their psychopathy also means that they are biochemically incapable of something they are legally required to do, that is act in good faith on behalf of other people. The banking and corporate sector is built on the ancient principle of ‘fiduciary duty’ which is a legal obligation to act in the best interest of those with whose money or property you are entrusted. Asking a psychopath to act in another’s best interests is tantamount to recruiting a pyromaniac to become a fire-fighter.

  “With a total disregard for traditional culture, the ruling elites have turned our schools, universities, arts and mass media into a giant propaganda machine promoting political correctness, pseudo-history and economics and the new world religion: debt-based consumerism. Anyone who questions their version of science, world history, or monetary policy is immediately branded as a malcontent and removed from the public discourse. They control the message by controlling the money. Many look at the twentieth century as a time of great economic and technical advance, but history, while recognising the technical innovation, will condemn this century as the most vile in human history. The miracle that began in Greece, expanded in Rome, flourished in the Renaissance and Enlightenment and finally found its modern form in the Western liberal democracy has been gutted by a century of materialism, enslavement, slaughter and greed.” Robert Bonomo, 13th October 2011

  And so this is the background to the Illuminati, who are today in essence a cartel of international bankers and corporate industrialists primarily but not exclusively based in Western Europe and North America, the family lines of whom have persisted over long, long periods of time. The most important names are Rothschild and Rockefeller along with the royal lines, but the rest are as noted in the previous section. These are the same bloodlines that have ruled over us with varying degrees of despotism for aeons. At least 45 US presidents were provably descended from William the Conqueror (King William I of England) as are the entire British and all the European Royal families. William himself was descended from the Viking rulers of the ‘Dark Ages’ who in turn had been spawned from Greek and Roman nobility back through to the ancient times of antiquity, the Sumerians and Babylonians et al, before their mass-migration North-westward through Europe.

  In more recent times, 1776 to be precise, a man named Adam Weishaupt in Bavaria, in what is now part of Germany, became interested in Freemasonry. However, he was disappointed in what he discovered, believing that the Freemasons did not understand Masonry's occult significance and refused to accept its roots in the ancient pagan religions – hence his subsequent takeover of a society which he transformed into the Illuminati. In 1777, he finally joined the Masonic Lodge of the Strict Observance Rite in Munich, which practiced a form of neo-Templar-Masonry.

  At around this time in 1776, the Order of Perfectibilists also became known as the Order of Illuminists or the Order of the Illuminati, sometimes known to its members as the Society of the Hidden Hand. ‘Illuminati’ is the plural of the Latin Illuminatus, from illumino meaning lighten or enlighten, or 'enlightened one', a term used to describe the initiates of the Pagan Mysteries. Initially the Order had only five members, who were radical freethinkers, but they soon attracted the attention of Bavarian society and within ten years of its foundation there were over 2,000 members.

  Illuminism spread from Ingolstadt all over Bavaria and then to other German dukedoms such as Saxony, Westphalia and Franconia that were at the time ruled by feudal princes and dukes. It was also exported abroad to the Austro-Hungarian Empire, France and Italy. The Illuminati's membership was largely drawn from the middle and upper classes and with this in mind it is ironic to note that revolutionary movements are seldom started by the working-classes. Instead, they are usually led by intellectuals and disenchanted members of the ruling power Elite. Members of the Illuminati included doctors, teachers, lawyers, judges, university professors, priests, police and military officers and aristocrats such as Duke Ferdinand of Brunswick, Duke Ernst of Gotha, Duke Karl of Saxe-Weiner, Prince Augustus of Saxe-Gotha, Prince Carl of Hesse, and Baron Dalberg.

  The inclusion of these aristocratic and royal rulers in its membership roll seems strange considering the methods of the Illuminati. Adam Weishaupt's personal vision was a utopian, pacifist society without monarchy, private property, social inequality, national identity and religious affiliation – in other words, what we would now refer to as ‘communism’. In this new state people would supposedly li
ve together in harmony in a universal brotherhood based on peace, free love, spiritual wisdom, intellectual and scientific knowledge and equality. According to Weishaupt's doctrine in his own words: “Salvation does not lay where strong theories are defended by swords, where the smoke of censers ascends to heaven or where thousands of strong men pace the rich fields of harvest. The revolution which is about to break [the French Revolution] will be sterile. It is not complete”.

  Eventually, the Illuminati was infiltrated and usurped by the Rothschilds who introduced the element of Satanism which is still practiced extensively today by these people and their wide ranging networks. These Satanic psychopaths believe that Lucifer and Satan are two distinctly separate entities. Lucifer is their god of light, knowledge, science, logic and philosophy whereas Satan is their god of chaos and destruction and Jehovah, the Christian god, is their sworn enemy. The Illuminati practice a combination of Luciferianism and Satanism as well as a form of communitarianism (a kind of communism/fascism hybrid) which they are currently attempting to foist upon the world.

  Luciferianism is embodied in Freemasonry, with its intentionally obscured symbolism and ordinances. It is also symbolised by the ‘All-Seeing Eye’ at the top of an uncapped pyramid which they often use symbolically as a ‘calling-card’ or a mark of the fact that they are behind some given event. At the highest level of the Illuminati are the Philosopher kings that seek to bring about the Luciferian ideal of ‘Atlantis’, as described by Plato. The second level is reserved for the military ruling class, which worship destruction and are hard-core Satanists whilst the third level is reserved for the International Bankers and other business leaders which merely manage the resources of the organisation.


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