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The Falsification of History: Our Distorted Reality

Page 16

by John Hamer

  According to Wilson and Blackett, the Khumric people were originally to be found living in Egypt before Moses famously led them away, sometime in the middle of the 14th Century BC and their ancient Khumric alphabet, Coelbren is still evident today and is utilised with incredible accuracy in the translation of Egyptian hieroglyphs.

  Unsurprisingly, another major source of opposition to these incredible revelations is the Roman Catholic Church, another protector of the status quo at all costs, not least because of what Wilson and Blackett’s research has revealed regarding Christianity. When Augustine arrived Britain in 597AD he was apparently astounded to learn that the British already had Christian churches as well as priests and in fact the British Apostolic Christian religion was even more advanced than that of Rome and again according to documented history, arose from the fact that a man who went by the name of ‘Jesus the Nazarene’ who did not die on a cross in 33AD, apparently arrived in Britain in 37AD. All this information is of course, still regarded as highly heretical by the Church hierarchy, even today.

  Obviously this version of events completely demolishes mainstream Christianity’s view and renders it completely unsurprising that this research has been rejected out of hand by the establishment, both religious and political. Whether or not one believes that Jesus Christ was indeed the son of, or the earthly incarnation of ‘God’ or Jehovah, there does appear to be much evidence that such a person did actually exist and indeed many other so-called ‘legends’ from several diverse sources also propound the story of Jesus visiting Britain, after the alleged crucifixion event, a fact which lends more credence to this hypothesis.

  In fact, Christianity was not introduced into Britain from Rome as is popularly ascribed to be the case, but was actually exported to Rome from Britain in 51AD by King Caradoc (also sometimes referred to by his Latinised name of Caractacus) who was taken to Rome and held there for several years.

  The truth is that real British history is the most comprehensively recorded history in all Europe and had it not been for the ‘Holy family’ arriving here in 37AD, none of this ‘taboo’ history would be an issue. Indeed, it is only since the beginning of the 19th Century that the suppression of real British history has been actively and widely taking place. Up until that point in time, much of this knowledge was widely available to anyone with access to books and the ability to read and research. This obviously excluded, as ever, the ordinary man-in-the-street of the times and thus was it possible to hide this knowledge from the masses until such a juncture whereby a sustained cover-up was rendered necessary by the steady increase in literacy of the population.

  The academic community today acknowledges only its own invented versions of Roman Britain, Saxon Britain and Viking Britain and any major artefact discoveries made by archaeologists are inevitably categorised as belonging to one of those alternatives and never, ever under any circumstances ascribed to being Khumric-British, despite there being an abundance of these already in existence and many, many more being unearthed, constantly.

  The Comet of 562AD

  In 562AD, a little-known, virtually unrecorded, catastrophic natural disaster occurred, which almost completely destroyed the islands of Britain and Ireland, causing a terrible conflagration, destroying towns, villages and forests throughout and resulting in major widespread flooding as a result of a massive Tsunami being generated by the colossal amounts of rock or ice falling from the sky. There must also have been a horrendous death toll amongst the inhabitants, although the true extent of this will probably never be known for sure. This disaster is now known to have been caused by a comet, which either struck directly or passed close enough to earth that the impact damage was a direct result of the debris contained within the ‘tail’ of the comet coming into contact with the land.

  The reason that this episode has never been included in mainstream history books or acknowledged by historians is that up until the early nineteenth century, it was strictly forbidden by the Christian religion, indeed heretical even, to acknowledge that it was possible for stones and rocks to fall from the sky. This is why the entire event has been airbrushed from history and has remained virtually unacknowledged by historians. In 1986, when Wilson and Blackett first brought this event to the notice of the mainstream, they were unsurprisingly subjected to much scorn and ridicule and yet now this event is slowly becoming accepted as reality and is just beginning to be incorporated into history texts.

  This widespread destruction was recorded in several authenticated, contemporary records. Gregory of Tours, the French writer relates that Britain was one of the points of impact in a straight line running from the North East in a South Westerly direction from Norway, through Britain and Ireland and into the Atlantic Ocean, thence to the South American continent and on to what is now Bolivia where similar ancient records relate a parallel tale of destruction and mayhem. Vast tracts of Britain were rendered uninhabitable for as long as eleven years, with poisonous and noxious gases in abundance and mud-covered landscapes meaning that no crops of any kind could even be attempted to be grown anywhere. Virtually every living thing was either killed instantly or died shortly afterwards and those lucky few that did somehow survive, abandoned the country altogether, leaving behind an entirely unpopulated, empty land.

  This barren wilderness lay empty for around eleven years according to contemporary reports but eventually, people slowly began to venture into the devastated land as nature took its course and life once again started to regain a foothold in the previously barren earth. It was indeed the emptiness of Britain that led to the Saxon invasion at this time and to their colonisation of most of the British mainland as conditions slowly returned to normal and plant and animal life re-asserted itself once more.

  It was also as a direct result of the disaster of 562AD, that as related in the earlier chapter on the discovery of the American landmass, that Prince Madoc ap Meurig led expeditions to seek out new homelands for the Khumry and resulted in his settlement of certain areas of what is now the United States.

  Prince Madoc’s Colonisation of America

  Whilst many of the few survivors among the population of the British Isles made the short sea journey to sanctuary in France or Gaul as it was still known at this time, as stated, a large group of hardy people under the leadership of the Khumric Prince Madoc ap Meurig, the brother of Arthur II, embarked on what must have been at the time a formidable and dangerous expedition westwards across the mighty Atlantic Ocean to the Americas. Were they aware that this landmass existed and were determined to escape the devastation they left behind by travelling to the furthermost known outpost of the earth or did they simply depart more in hope than expectation that they would find a more hospitable environment somewhere? We will never know for sure, but to simply head in a westward direction not knowing when or even if they would ever reach their ‘promised land’ would seem rather a prohibitive risk to take, to my mind. However, this is what they indeed did.

  There are several detailed references to Madoc’s voyage in epic Khumric poetry of the time and also significantly in 1625, George Abbott, the Archbishop of Canterbury wrote a history in which he describes in detail the fact that a Welsh prince discovered America in the late 6th century. This was also the date ascribed to the event by Reuben T. Durrett of Kentucky in his book on ancient voyages to the Americas published in 1908.

  In 1981 Wilson and Blackett decided to switch their focus from Ancient Egypt and Asia Minor to America in order to investigate Madoc’s alleged presence in that country and the results were absolutely conclusive. Evidence of Madoc and his people was to be found almost everywhere they looked. Their American colleague, Jim Michael of the ‘Ancient Kentucke Historical Association’ supplied a mass of information and data, photographs of likely sites and inscriptions upon rocks, cave walls and cliffs relating to the possible influence of the Khumry presence. These were inspected, examined and translated by Wilson and Blackett from the ancient British Coelbren alphabet which each site was found
to possess in abundance. Michael also supplied many examples of ancient Native American records of a tribe or nation of ‘powerful White Men’ who seized their lands in what is now Kentucky. In addition to all this documentary evidence there were also the abundance of earth-banked hill-forts designed in typically British style that added their weight to the argument as also did the many Khumric-style tumuli, liberally scattered around the areas in question.

  And as if that were not enough evidence to form an opinion as to the veracity of the story, many artefacts and rock-carvings were also discovered, written in Coelbren, bearing what were obviously Christian inscriptions and symbols, all of which were carbon-dated to the sixth and seventh centuries AD.

  Madoc did not stay in America, however. He returned in about 572AD when the effects of the comet devastation were slowly starting to subside. His account of this vast new ‘unknown’ land were disbelieved by many and so the King sent out Admiral Gwenon to check Madoc’s incredible story of a land of huge rivers, mountains and plains. Gwenon indeed returned a year or two later and verified everything that Madoc had claimed to be true. As a result of this, a major expeditionary force was raised and set out in 574AD to return to the American continent.

  So this is the account discernible from both the written records and the surviving artefacts of how America was really discovered by the Europeans, but the Normans and their successors, inhibited by the restrictions of fundamental Christianity imposed upon them by their Elite masters conspired to conceal the truth for a millennium to protect a huge lie. For the truth being brought into focus we owe much to the oft-maligned, Wilson and Blackett along with their colleagues such as Jim Michael. The catastrophe that was the Comet of 562AD and its aftermath were inconvenient episodes which did not fit into the decreed history and therefore were always dismissed out of hand or simply ignored. The pattern continues apace.

  The Knights Templar

  From the beginning of the Middle Ages, around the 11th century onwards, many sects and secretive organisations began to establish themselves. These were soon infiltrated by the Elite and many were in fact commandeered in order to further oppress and control the masses surreptitiously as was the case with the Knights Templar, to quote but one small example.

  Early in the 12th century, a group of knights led by Hugh de Payens offered their services to the Patriarch of Jerusalem to serve as a military force. This group, generally regarded as being nine in number, had the mandate of protecting Christian pilgrims who were en route to the Holy Land to visit the shrines sacred to their faith.

  The Templars were the first ‘bankers’. They acquired and accumulated vast sums of money from the Christian pilgrims they purported to protect on their crusades and also from people who simply wished to buy their way into paradise by the way of bequests and legacies left to the Templars. They became the wealthiest organisation in every country in which they had a presence and their ‘temples’ in London and Paris eventually morphed into medieval versions of financial centres in much the same way as todays financial empires began. Of course this vast wealth gave them disproportionate power, as with today’s banksters and this extreme wealth in turn led to avarice from certain factions of Elite society at the time and opened up the opportunity for greedy profiteers such as the Catholic Church and King Phillip IV of France to conspire against them with the intention of redistributing the wealth into their own already substantial coffers.

  Eventually the Templars were destroyed by Phillip in league with Pope Clement V and all their assets were seized. Jacques de Molay was burnt at the stake (actually he was roasted alive rather than consumed by flames) and the organisation continued, albeit ‘underground’ from that point onwards.

  At this time, the Christian world had a strict moratorium on usury, the lending of money at interest, but of course as time passed and the centuries rolled-on, this was conveniently forgotten and the banking system based on the Templar model began to emerge, eventually becoming part of the control process under which we all now suffer.

  In fact the Knights Templar are often regarded as being the role model for today’s secret society network as well as banking and even the Illuminati itself is said to be a direct result of the strong, continuing influence of the Templars from the 11th century up to the present day, both as an independent organisation and also more importantly perhaps as a part of other secret societies such as freemasonry which has a branch still named ‘The Knights Templar’. Many researchers believe that the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry is indeed simply a pseudonym for the Knights Templar, which went ‘underground’ at the time of its alleged disbandment rather than simply a borrowed name.

  These apparently disconnected groups are all part of the same overall organisation and include such as the Knights of Malta and the Arab Brotherhood and continue to be a force of evil working against the best interests of the majority of the human race.

  Secret Societies


  Of all the secret societies, probably the most famous as well as being the most misunderstood, by both outsiders and even its adherents at its lower levels, is freemasonry.

  Freemasonry probably had its original roots in the mediaeval crafts, whereby each trade had its own ‘guild’ or ‘union’ in modern parlance, to protect the interests of its members. In return for this protective presence the craftsman had to submit to the most rigorous regulation. He had to serve as an apprentice, usually without pay, for two to ten years (depending on the trade), live with and obey the master craftsman who taught him and then finally once this long induction process was complete, the apprentice was free to start out alone, frequently taking one of his master’s daughters as a wife.

  With the expansion of economics often came the need of the craftsman to borrow money to finance long-term or long-distance undertakings and his willingness to pay interest for this benefit. The Christian Church condemned usury and money-lending was permitted only by and to Jews, who were barred from guild membership by dint of their religious practices.

  Stonemasons, by the very nature of their trade, were itinerant, constantly moving between villages and towns seeking employment. Their membership of the masonic craft guild was a reassurance to potential customers and employers that here was a bona fide craftsman who could be relied upon to provide a fair days work for a fair days pay. The insignia of their guild displayed representations of the tools of their trade and where language or literacy was a barrier to communication, served as a visual guarantee of ability. It was from these humble beginnings that secret symbols, restricted membership, oaths of secrecy and mutual aid evolved but eventually the guilds became entities that were no longer necessarily populated by those skilled in the crafts and trades their societies purported to represent, becoming almost entirely symbolic and totally unrepresentative of the craft or trade.

  In 1645, the Royal Society, founded either in Oxford or in London depending on source, was created with the intention of promoting scientific enquiry rather than the simple, unthinking acceptance of received wisdom. Many facets of the society were based on the tenets of freemasonry and indeed many of the founders were freemasons – a state of affairs that still exists to this day.

  It was the brother-in-law of Oliver Cromwell, the future ‘Lord Protector’ of the Commonwealth of Great Britain who became its first chairman. Cromwell’s uncle, Thomas Cromwell during the reign of Henry VIII a century earlier had already severed the ties between the Roman Catholic Church and the English monarchy and Oliver himself managed to complete the job by engineering the severing of King Charles I’s head from his body.

  In 1717, Freemasonry, now a new form of cult entirely distinct from the various existing creeds of Europe, spread rapidly to Paris, Florence, Rome and Berlin, where its deliberately syncretic rituals and décor, Solomon’s temple’s signs and symbols made it thoroughly cosmopolitan and religiously neutral. Nothing could better encapsulate the early spirit of the ‘enlightenment’.

  Andrew Ramsay, a Scotti
sh Jacobite exiled in France, who was Chancellor of the French Grand Lodge in the 1730s, claimed that the first Freemasons had been stonemasons in the crusader states who had learned the secret rituals and gained the special wisdom of the ancient world. According to the German Freemasons, the Grand Masters of the Order had learned the secrets and acquired the treasure of the Jewish Essenes.

  Either way, Freemasonry had escaped its earlier guise of stonemasonry and in its new incarnation appealed to the intellectuals and the nobility. The early membership of masonic lodges included merchants and financiers, notaries and lawyers, doctors, diplomats and gentry, in other words men of substance or sound reputation. By the middle of the eighteenth century these included members of the French royal family, Frederick the Great, Maria Theresa's husband, Francis of Lorraine and her son, Joseph. Voltaire was admitted with great pomp into a publicity-hungry masonic lodge in Paris.

  Freemasonry not only played an important role in the French Revolution, but also with regard to the American Revolution, in particular the lodges affiliated to the Grand Lodge of Scotland. Scottish Rite Freemasonry blossomed in the North American soil and indeed Freemasonry could be found on both sides of the looming war between the colonists and the Crown and although there is no clear evidence of collusion amongst masons from opposing camps, the fact that the British made some extraordinary military errors arouses my suspicions in this regard.


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