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The Falsification of History: Our Distorted Reality

Page 20

by John Hamer

  The court duly rejected the bank's claim for foreclosure, and the defendant kept his house. The implications of this case should have been enormous. If bankers are indeed extending credit without consideration ie without backing their loans with real money they actually had in their vaults and were entitled to lend, a decision declaring their loans void, could topple the financial and banking systems worldwide.

  Jerome Daly subsequently wrote in a local news article; “This decision, which is legally sound, has the effect of declaring all private mortgages on real and personal property, and all US and State bonds held by the Federal Reserve, National and State banks to be null and void. This amounts to an emancipation of this Nation from personal, national and state debt purportedly owed to this banking system. Every American owes it to himself to study this decision very carefully . . . for upon it hangs the question of freedom or slavery.”

  Perhaps needless to say, the decision utterly failed to change prevailing practice, even though it was never legally challenged or over-ruled. Justice Mahoney actually threatened to prosecute and expose the bank and as a result, somewhat unsurprisingly, he died less than six months after the trial, in an extremely suspicious ‘accident’ that involved poisoning of some kind. Beware anyone who stands in the way of these people and their nefarious practices.

  Since this precedent, quite a number of other defendants have attempted to have mortgages and loans nullified using the same defence as Daly, but there has been limited success only. In fact, one judge said off the record; “If I let you do that, you and everyone else, it would bring the whole system down. I cannot let you go behind the bar of the bank. . . . We are not going behind that curtain!”

  At this point in the story it is also worth noting that the way that money creation has been engineered to operate, means that believe it or not, the simple action of completing a mortgage or loan application form with a signature, actually creates the amount of money being applied-for. It then does not matter to the finance company whether or not they loan-out the money, the only tangible difference being that should they deem the applicant to have a sufficiently high credit rating for them to risk lending the money that was created by the process in the first place, then they can also benefit from the interest that this will generate. Otherwise, if the application is declined, they have to content themselves merely with the capital sum. This then is why it is by no means ‘immoral’ to renege on the payments of mortgages or loans. Had the application not been made in the first place, then the money would not have been arbitrarily summoned into existence. To be clear, it is actually the signature of an applicant that creates the ‘money’ from nothing.

  “When plunder becomes a way of life for a group of men living together in society, they create for themselves, in the course of time, a legal system that authorises it and a moral code that glorifies it.” Frédéric Bastiat, 1801-1850

  “Some people think the Federal Reserve Banks are U.S. government institutions. They are not ... they are private credit monopolies which prey upon the people of the U.S. for the benefit of themselves and their foreign and domestic swindlers, and rich and predatory money lenders. The sack of the United States by the Fed is the greatest crime in history. Every effort has been made by the Fed to conceal its powers, but the truth is the Fed has usurped the government. It controls everything here and it controls all our foreign relations. It makes and breaks governments at will.” Congressman Charles McFadden, Chairman, House Banking and Currency Committee, 10th June 1932

  So where are the armies of politicians, economists, financial experts, City analysts and media financial pundits, lining-up to expose this crime? The answer is that there are none because…

  Most of them cannot see beyond the ends of their noses and just believe the powerful and convincing hype passed down from above by the propaganda mill, which is our so-called ‘education’ system and the complicit media.

  Those that are aware of it have already been convinced that this is just a ridiculous conspiracy theory espoused by ‘crazies’ or ‘loony lefties’, and...

  Those small few that are really aware will not make waves for fear of jeopardising their own well-paid positions. This is how the system really works. We all need to ‘wake-up’ as a species – and soon.

  This fraudulent monetary system eventually created the prevailing conditions for the Elite to perpetrate a further heinous scam upon the unsuspecting masses, that of extreme consumerism.

  The Descent into the Dark Abyss of Extreme Consumerism

  The Industrial Revolution began in Britain in the mid to late 18th century with the invention and subsequent widespread utilisation of the steam engine, which enabled the automation of many previously, exclusively manual tasks and facilitated the invention of new labour-saving devices such as the power-loom. Within fifty years the country had changed dramatically. The quiet, serene, rural landscape had been replaced by noise, smoke and pollution and the living and working practices of the masses had changed forever from a relatively healthy, albeit physically-demanding life of fresh air and exercise, tending the fields and livestock, into a life of complete, utter slavery and drudgery in countless mills and factories breathing in the acrid smoke and filth under the yoke of the new age of the machines.

  The lot of the poor, the weak and the working classes has always been one of slavery and exploitation by the wealthy, but by this point in time it was being practiced literally on a global, ‘industrial scale’ as the Elite spread their new economic culture throughout the world. The formerly rural-based economy was now almost abandoned as the millions of former farmworkers and their long-suffering families descended on the now overcrowded, squalid conurbations into which most rural townships were being transformed, in a desperate attempt to improve their standard of living. People spilled into these new towns and cities from the countryside in search of an escape route from the grinding poverty they had endured on the farms only to encounter even worse, utter desperation in the filthy, rat and disease-infested slums in which they were now forced to reside. They were made to work cripplingly long hours in inhuman conditions for starvation-level wages as the new spirit of industrialisation took over the world with its philosophy of raping the world’s natural resources and turning them into consumer goods before discarding them and starting the cycle over again.

  The great ‘god’ of ‘economic growth to the detriment of all else’ had arrived, producing and consuming more and more raw materials to manufacture goods, constantly improving them and then discarding their previous, perfectly usable forerunners to make repeat sales, all in the name of boosting the bank balances of those who own the means of production (the Elite) plus of course the Elite-owned banks. The fact that they were destroying the only home we have and/or are ever likely to have in the process is of course of no consequence to these psychopathic people of zero-conscience.

  To facilitate these huge technical advances taking place at breath-taking speed, a new religion was born and foisted upon the world, ‘modern science’. Christianity still held sway, especially in Europe and North America, but its influence was now in almost terminal decline as science began to take-over its mantle. Science was the instigator of the ‘brave new world’ of the machine-age and as the 19th century gave way eventually to the 20th century, the twin gods of science and profit had now taken over much of human consciousness. Indeed science had by now determined that life after death was a complete myth and that everything could be explained by its cold logic, in the process decreeing that we are all a ‘cosmic accident’, a chance occurrence, the mere product of complex chemical interaction in the primordial soup of the infant Earth. Of course this obviously proved to be a problem for mainstream religion, but it proved to be a greater one for humanity as life then, according to scientificism, the new religion, was utterly pointless. One was born, lived in poverty, in abject misery and wage-slavery to one’s master and then died. Indeed the lives people were now being forced to endure in the slums and filthy, da
ngerous prison-like factories, seemed to bear-out this rationale which overall was yet another nail in the coffin of the human spirit and spirituality, crushed as it was then and still is now, by the Elite’s relentless drive for profits to the detriment of all else.

  In one sense, Christianity was now beginning to ‘reap what it had sown’ in terms of refusing to deviate from all its dogma and contentions that the Bible was one hundred percent the undeniable truth in the precise format that had been decided at Nicaea in 325AD (The Nicene Creed) and brutally enforced in the succeeding centuries by the Roman Catholic Church. The ‘real’ view of creation, life and re-birth had been suppressed for millennia by religious leaders and their predecessors, but now this view was also being suppressed by science too. Religion and science therefore formed a deadly, two-pronged assault on reality, despite the outward illusion of them being each other’s sworn enemies. This indeed, as I mention elsewhere in this book is a classical Hegelian trap favoured by the Elite. Provide two alternatives, both of them false, to enable the masses to choose their favourite and then spend the rest of their pointless lives arguing the merits or otherwise of two entirely false premises, whilst the real truth goes by un-noticed or ignored completely.

  Religion and science therefore enjoyed a mutual interest which was essential to the survival of both and the suppression of reality. This then ensured that as few people as possible understood the fundamental truths of eternal human consciousness and the reincarnation of the soul into new bodies after each death on its long, long journey to perfection. The widespread realisation of this fact would no doubt end the power of mainstream religion forever as well as precipitate the demise of cold scientific logic, both of which contribute greatly to the Elite’s control system imposed upon the world and by which method it rules over us all with its iron fist in a velvet glove.

  The overall result of this ascent of science is the emergence of a different world to that known and understood by our ancient ancestors. This is a world of ‘five sense’ reality, propounded by our masters and their shills and ‘useful idiots’ such as Professor Richard Dawkins, who decrees in effect, that anything that cannot be detected by human senses and/or explained by current scientific knowledge simply does not exist or at best has no value. It has been mooted however by the more free-thinking of those among the scientific community that the five human senses can only detect something like 0.05% of the entire ‘spectrum of reality’ but that does not deter Dawkins and his ilk from publicly ‘rubbishing’ everything that falls outside their narrow little world-view. According to mainstream science, God does not exist because it is not ‘provable’ and spirituality is all a fantasy of the ‘ignorant’ ancients, a primitive superstition. This view is frankly hypocrisy of the highest degree. Science would appear to have no problem accepting and expounding other unproven myths such as the Big Bang theory, the dinosaurs-extinction-by-meteorite-impact theory and the theory of evolution and also ridiculous assumptions about ‘dark matter’ and ‘dark energy’ which exist simply to conveniently fill a gap in scientific knowledge and which are all disingenuously taught to our children and students, amongst other myths, as absolute fact with no room for argument or debate. Newtonian and Einstein-ian physics are simply guesses at best and dis-information of the most sinister kind at worst and nothing else. Additionally, does mainstream science ever actually attempt to use its methods to prove or disprove the existence of the other 99.95% of reality we are unable to detect with our human senses? No and nor will it, ever, as long as science is dominated by the Elite, whose very tenuous position is wholly dependent upon you and I believing their dis-information, lies and distortions. I submit that indeed science as we know it today is simply just another religion, populated, controlled and expounded by ‘believers of the faith’ just like any other.

  “This time it is the creed of scientism and the pseudo-religion of the big bang that stands in the way of progress. In truth, we have no real understanding of matter, light, magnetism, gravity, quantum behavior, subatomic particles, stars, galaxies, or… need I go on? Stories of creation and what did and did not happen in the universe over the past 13.7 billion years are crackpot schemes by celebrities of less talent than many in the Natural Philosophy Alliance but of greater prestige. We have too much information and too little real understanding. Many of the things we are taught ‘just ain’t so’. This realization frees the mind to view everything afresh. It is the spark required to rekindle enthusiasm for science and drive progress. There is so much to be discovered.” Wal Thornhill, September 2011.

  The Elite themselves know that their five-sense universe is a complete fabrication. The universe, one suspects, is infinite; not merely in terms of the three dimensions plus time, as science tells us, but also in infinite numbers of inter-relating dimensions, pervading all. There is however still a spiritual vacuum which is only now beginning to be filled, as an understanding of who and what we really are begins slowly to emerge in our collective consciousness and the ‘hundredth monkey syndrome’ begins to take effect in earnest.

  When scientificism originally began to emerge as a dominant force and a few members of the profession attempted to challenge some of its dogma, they were ruthlessly ridiculed or simply destroyed, as they still are today. The Elite do not want some inconveniently free-thinking, independent-minded scientist challenging their decreed ‘truths’, even less them being able to prove them as untrue. Notice the common theme here between the way this system operates and the way of extremist mainstream religion in previous centuries? Organisations such as the Spanish Inquisition existed to root-out and destroy those who were either ‘unbelievers’ or simply propounded a different view, no matter how innocuous and this is also the method of the scientific religion. To succeed in science one must toe the Elite-decreed party line, no independently-minded persons need apply. The way forward for science has thus been very slow and ponderous as it is obsessed with the purely physical whilst making little or no attempt at exploring the spiritual, the direction wherein most significant, valuable and life-enriching knowledge lies. Science serves the Elite ‘system’ by suppressing true knowledge and imprisoning humanity. This is almost exactly the same role fulfilled by religion in past centuries.

  Exploitation is the key to all this. Exploitation underpins the whole control system we have in place as our reality today, exploitation of the planet and its resources and also the entire human population outside of the thirteen bloodline families.

  This then was also the real reason for the huge expansion of the British Empire from the eighteenth century onwards, to gain control of and suppress the indigenous populations and take control of a country’s natural resources and its peoples with a view to appropriating them for and on behalf of the British Elite families in their pursuit of profits. Britain and other dominant European countries literally stole these resources, turned the inanimate variety into consumables and simply used them and/or sold them back whence they had originated for enormous profits. And as for the animate variety, they were kidnapped and sold into a life of slavery on the other side of the world, to work in the plantations and fledgling factories of the ultra-rich. This indeed is exactly what still happens today on a much larger scale and predominantly by the American military-industrial empire, except today’s slaves are now paid starvation wages and forced to feed and clothe themselves on the relative pittances they are paid, instead of their every need being provided by their owners. One could reasonably debate the idea that in many ways 18th and 19th century slaves were better-off than their modern counterparts. This looting of the world’s resources has also had the unfortunate side-effect of destroying weaker, third-world countries’ ability to feed themselves effectively and so they are now utterly dependent on their conquerors’ benevolence in providing them with the resources they need to subsist, obviously at a price.

  “I have heard that people are dependent upon us for food. I know that was not supposed to be good news. To me that was good news, because bef
ore people can do anything else, they have to eat. And if you are looking for a way to get people to lean on you and to be dependent on you, in terms of their co-operation with you, it seems to me that food dependency would be terrific.” Former US Senator, Hubert Humphrey.

  This policy leads directly to the famines and starvation existing in the world today, compounded by the exploitation of land for the production of cash-crops in ways which destroy soil fertility in the name of maximisation of short-term profit and also by the political and internal strife within these countries, caused by the overthrow of regimes which do not suit the Elite’s geo-political interests. The USA leads the world in this respect today, changing political regimes at will where those in ‘power’ threaten any aspect of the Elite corporations’ ongoing profit streams, often using the excuse of defending democracy by removing unelected ‘dictators’ using its armed forces, who despite outward appearances are nothing more than the mercenaries of those corporations. Unsurprisingly, these dictators have often been previously installed by the USA in the first place to further its own ends in the past, but have outlived their usefulness to the Elites. This is all disguised and misrepresented of course by the mainstream media at the behest of the rich and powerful families who currently own the Earth.


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