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The Falsification of History: Our Distorted Reality

Page 30

by John Hamer

  He must have noticed my surprised reaction, for he quickly added, with his most charming smile, '…but, of course, you cannot quote that.'

  The Duchess was less inhibited. 'The Duke would have loved to return to live in the land of his birth, but our way was blocked at every turn. We were never allowed to go back, and we never will be allowed. Not until the day we die. She will never permit it. When we are dead, perhaps she may at last forgive us'.

  When I asked her the reason, the Duchess's right arm shot out as if she was taking aim with a gun and she said: 'Jealousy.'

  'Jealousy of the Duke?' I wondered. 'No!' cried the Duchess, and for the first time her southern American origins were audible. 'Jealousy of me for having married him.'

  The Duke, who appeared vaguely uncomfortable with this topic, murmured: 'Well, it's hard to explain. But, yes, Elizabeth (the Queen Mother) was rather fonder of me than she ought to have been. And after I married Wallis, her attitude towards me changed. 'My sister-in-law is an arch-intriguer, and she has dedicated herself to making life hell for both of us.'”

  Was it intended then that they were introduced with the specific aim of a royal arranged marriage between the two in order to fulfil the promise to Strathmore, her father and then when she was rejected by him (he was a notorious playboy and rebel in his younger days so quite possibly he went against the wishes of his family in the matter) she/they decided she would have to settle for second best in his younger brother? After all it was she who fought tooth and nail to have them disinherited by the royals and banished to France.

  And is it then also possible and most intriguingly of all, that Edward VIII was forced into abdication deliberately by denying him the right to marry Wallis Simpson whilst he was still King, in order that the decades-old promise would come to fruition and that Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon, the daughter of the Earl of Strathmore could become Queen? There was obviously no other way of fulfilling this promise if Edward was determined to marry Mrs Simpson. Had it been expedient for the powers that be, that Edward was to marry Mrs Simpson whilst still king, there is no doubt in my mind that this would have been allowed to happen. The rules are changed and manipulated to suit whatever is best for our controllers, after all.

  And there is also much irony and even déja vu in the tragic story of the Queen Mother's nieces, Nerissa and Katherine Bowes-Lyon, both born mentally deficient and unable to speak. They were confined in the Royal Earlswood Mental Hospital at Redhill, Surrey in 1941, where they remained for the rest of their lives. Although the Queen Mother (incidentally, the patron of the charity ‘Mencap’) knew that the statement in Burke's Peerage that both women were dead (published after false information had been supplied by their mother) was untrue, she never visited or ever again acknowledged either of them.

  In 1973, the BBC produced a truly bizarre investigation into the ‘Ripper’ story featuring, amongst other strange anomalies, fictional television detectives who all attempted to solve the enigma in their own styles. Several researchers were employed to extract all the information they possibly could about all the potential suspects and after speaking with a long-retired, un-named Scotland Yard detective, one researcher was advised to seek the help of a man by the name of Joseph Sickert who apparently knew about the clandestine marriage of Prince Eddy and a poor Catholic girl by the name of Annie Crook. The researchers could find no evidence of the marriage or the man Sickert and so puzzled by this, they went back to their Scotland Yard contact who revealed that the details he had given them were incorrect (apparently to test their intentions). He then gave them Sickert's real address and phone number no less and after being tracked down, Sickert willingly told his amazing story as it had been outlined to him by his mother and father many years previously.

  Sickert explained that the monarchy had been very vulnerable and unpopular at that time and the news of a royal scandal was likely to cause a revolution. Queen Victoria supposedly handed the matter to Lord Salisbury, her Prime Minister, for resolution and Salisbury ordered a raid on the Cleveland Street apartment and Eddy and Annie were abducted in separate cabs. Her child, a girl by the name of Alice Margaret, had somehow escaped in the care of Walter Sickert who had been one step ahead of the royals all along.

  Sir William Gull died shortly after the murders (early 1890) as did JK Stephen (early 1892) at the extremely early age of 33 and ironically both had been committed to insane asylums immediately prior to death. Randolph Churchill died in 1895 also rumoured to be insane, but it was claimed, as a result of syphilis. Annie Crook also died insane in a workhouse in 1920 as a direct result of a lobotomy and severe mental trauma. Netley was chased by an angry mob after he unsuccessfully tried to run over Alice Margaret with his cab shortly after the murders and he was believed to have been drowned in the Thames. There does appear to be an awful lot of insanity and strange deaths around at that time – nothing changes, really.

  Sickert also said that his father was fascinated with the murders and bore great guilt over them. Walter Sickert, after all, had been the one who introduced Eddy to Annie and begun the grisly game. To attempt to alleviate his guilt, as he could say nothing safely, he painted clues as to the identity of the murderers into several of his most famous paintings and he later married Alice Margaret.

  To say that the BBC researchers were stunned by these revelations would be a gross understatement. In checking the facts, they found that a woman named Annie Crook definitely lived in Cleveland Street at that time and that she did give birth to a daughter at the same time that Sickert said she did. They also believed strongly that this ‘theory’ was the most feasible one of all (as do I) and they incorporated it into the show.

  When it was screened, the BBC production was confusing to many viewers. The ludicrous combination of facts with fictional detectives and what was to many, an outlandish theory involving people who in their beliefs could do no wrong, prompted much questioning of the programme's veracity at the time. Joseph Sickert appeared in the last episode and verified absolutely everything that had been said. As previously related, it was agreed by all that this version of events was the most likely solution to the mystery.

  Stephen Knight, the late author, entered the story a little later. After watching the BBC programme, he asked Joseph Sickert for an interview and after some indecision, Sickert agreed. During the course of their interview, which took place over several meetings, Knight also became convinced that Joseph Sickert believed he was telling the truth. He said that the story had been told to him by his father to explain why his mother always looked so sad and why both she and Joseph were partially deaf (as was Eddy).

  Once familiar with the basics of the plot, Knight then attempted to confirm the theory and eventually, he felt that the story warranted a book. Sickert was upset by this as he had only agreed to a short interview for an article and wanted no further publicity and exposure of his father’s role in the story. Undaunted, Knight went ahead with his book anyway but amazingly and contrary to what he had been told by Sickert, attempted to implicate Walter Sickert as the murderer. As a direct result of this action, Joseph Sickert cut off all ties with Knight and immediately publicly denied the whole story – not just simply his father’s alleged involvement in it all, saying that he had made it up for sensationalism.

  This I find hard to believe. How could the detective, contacted by the BBC have known Sickert’s whereabouts or even known who he was or somehow involved if the whole story was concocted? And also if Sickert did make it up for ‘sensationalism’, why did he retreat back into obscurity as soon as he realised that Knight was giving him the publicity he allegedly sought in the first place. No smoke without fire I strongly believe and knowing what I know about masonic operations and royal subterfuge down the ages, although there is no categorical proof that this version of events is the correct one, it does ‘tick a lot of boxes’ and contains more than a smattering of circumstantial evidence.

  A further legacy of this sorry affair was that the payoff for the Spencers
was two terms as prime minister for Lord Randolph’s son and two generations later, Lady Diana Spencer became the wife of the future King Charles III and mother to the future King William V and his brother Harry, only to be famously discarded once she had fulfilled her wifely duties in providing her highly-desirable genes to produce a ‘heir and a spare’ and eventually being brutally and ritually murdered herself in 1997 in Paris.

  This then is the real story of Jack the Ripper, straight from the ‘horse’s mouth’ (ie. Joseph Sickert’s mouth). These facts must be known by the current establishment but as always, they close ranks to prevent the real truth from becoming known. All of the multiplicity of theories that abound as to the identity of the killer and the many films, documentaries and TV programmes that portray an unending search for the ‘truth’ are nothing more than elaborate smokescreens, born from the deliberate confusion engendered by the Elite to protect the guilty, as is their usual modus operandus. Yet another tiny example of how easy it is for these psychopaths to provide us all with a completed distorted view of both history and our existing reality.

  The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion

  Whether it is an elaborate fake or an accurate depiction of the planned future for humanity, one thing is for sure and that is that this most controversial of documents depicts the society in which we live today almost perfectly, even more than a century after it first saw the light of day at the end of the 1800s. In one respect it is almost irrelevant as to whether it is a forgery as to argue the pros and cons of that premise merely detracts from the fact that it provides an almost perfect ‘snapshot’ of the absolute ugliness and debauchery to which our Western culture has descended in the past century or so.

  If it is to be deemed a fake, then one would need to ask the question as to why it would appear that no other work has had more effort or money spent on its suppression than ‘The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion’, ever since it was first privately circulated in Russia in 1897. It has been attributed by some groups to the Tsar’s secret police, who were alleged to have used as their model a book called ‘Dialogues aux Enfers entre Machiavelli et Montesquieu’ and another publication similarly named, ‘Machiavelli, Montesquieu and Rousseau’ written by Jacob Venedy, a Jewish Freemason.

  Fake or not, it is certainly most remarkable that whoever wrote the Protocols (and someone must obviously have done so) had incredible prescience, for as stated, it mirrors almost exactly the events of the entire 20th Century and the first two decades of the 21st. However, it goes back in time much further than that. The ‘Protocols’ is not necessarily a modern work per se, but possibly the product of an ancient heritage, unbroken and unaltered for centuries and reflecting the long-term Elite plan in every minor detail.

  The document itself is too lengthy to be reproduced in full here, but I would urge the reader to familiarise his/herself with it by searching on the Internet where the document is freely available as are many websites dedicated to the dissection of it and its contents.

  In summary, the document is purported to be the game-plan of Zionism by which it intends to take-over the entire world. Even if it is a forgery as vehemently claimed by those who wish to enslave us, with the usual emotive cries of ‘anti-Semitism’, I believe that its accuracy in the way that it describes not just today’s society, but the events of the past 100 years and more, gives it plenty of credence.

  Please do not be deceived or deflected by the Zionist’s attempts to divert you from the truth. As I say, even if this work was not produced by or at the behest of Zionism, its stunning accuracy can only mean that whoever produced and wrote it, clearly knew that the fate of mankind was being carefully planned and exactly what that fate was going to be.

  The Federal Reserve and the Titanic

  What was the real story behind the sinking of the RMS Titanic in 1912?

  In 1910, seven men met on Jekyll Island just off the coast of Georgia, USA to plan the formation of a new central bank, the Federal Reserve Bank, in order to usurp the control of money creation from the US Government and place it into private hands. Nelson Aldrich and Frank Vanderlip represented the Rockefeller financial empire, Henry Davidson, Charles Norton and Benjamin Strong represented J.P. Morgan and Paul Warburg represented the Rothschilds banking dynasty of Europe. These men all took great pains to conceal their identities and their dastardly mission, all of them travelling incognito.

  “Picture a party of the nation's greatest bankers stealing out of New York on a private railroad car under cover of darkness, stealthily riding hundreds of miles South, embarking on a mysterious launch, sneaking onto an island deserted by all but a few servants, living there a full week under such rigid secrecy that the names of not one of them was once mentioned, lest the servants learn the identity and disclose to the world this strangest, most secret expedition in the history of American finance. I am not romancing; I am giving to the world, for the first time, the real story of how the famous Aldrich currency report, the foundation of our new currency system, was written... The utmost secrecy was enjoined upon all. The public must not glean a hint of what was to be done. Senator Aldrich notified each one to go quietly into a private car of which the railroad had received orders to draw up on an unfrequented platform. Off, the party set. New York's ubiquitous reporters had been foiled... Nelson (Aldrich) had confided to Henry, Frank, Paul and Piatt that he was to keep them locked up at Jekyll Island, out of the rest of the world, until they had evolved and compiled a scientific currency system for the United States, the real birth of the present Federal Reserve System, the plan done on Jekyll Island in the conference with Paul, Frank and Henry... Warburg is the link that binds the Aldrich system and the present system together. He, more than any one man has made the system possible as a working reality.” Bertie Charles Forbes, Forbes Magazine, 1928

  The Morgans, the Warburgs, the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers are more often than not, fierce competitors for short-term profits, yet are prepared to commit to joint ventures whenever necessary to further the greater ‘cause’. They established the US national banking cartel that is the Federal Reserve Bank in 1913. According to G. Edward Griffin in 'The Creature from Jekyll Island’ “…it tells a story of how bankers have lured politicians with easy money and end up in control of most of the world.”

  They are all part of and therefore controlled by the Elite hierarchy. These most powerful of families constantly strive to do whatever is necessary to destroy constitutional liberty in America (and worldwide). John Pierpoint (JP) Morgan was in control of the White Star shipping line as well as a significant portion of all American financial and manufacturing industry at the turn of the twentieth century. In 1908, he made the decision to build a brand new class of luxury liners to enable the wealthy to cross the Atlantic seaways in previously undreamed-of opulence. This class of ships was named the ‘Olympic’ class and construction of the giant vessels the ‘Olympic’, the ‘Titanic’ and the ‘Britannic’ began in 1909 at the Harland and Wolff shipyard in Belfast, Ireland.

  Unfortunately for Morgan and his personal bank balance, this money-making venture went a little awry. The Olympic, the first one of the three sister-ships to be completed (followed by Titanic and then Britannic), was involved in a rather unfortunate accident caused by a heavy collision with the British Royal Navy cruiser, HMS Hawke in September 1911 in Southampton Water off the south coast of England, a few weeks after its maiden voyage and had to be extensively ‘patched-up’ before embarking on the return journey to Harland and Wolff’s shipyard in Belfast in order to undergo full damage assessment and proper repair work.

  Incidentally, does it not seem rather strange in hindsight that although the Olympic was the first of the (virtually) identical triplet ‘sisters’ to be completed and enter service, she was never given the publicity, nor enjoyed the huge public acclaim that her younger sister enjoyed, the following year? Why would that be? Surely the big fanfare and carnival-like atmosphere surrounding the maiden voyage of these ‘fl
oating wonders of the age’ should have been reserved for the first one to enter service, Olympic not the second one, Titanic? Indeed, in comparison, the occasion of Olympic’s maiden voyage in 1911 passed relatively quietly. Could the huge accolades and publicity accorded to Titanic’s maiden voyage possibly have been part of a conspiracy to lure the rich and famous to her in great numbers for reasons that will become apparent shortly? Anyway, I digress somewhat….

  In the meantime a Royal Navy enquiry into the accident, not unexpectedly, found the crew of the Olympic and thus the White Star Line culpable for the collision and this in effect meant that the White Star Line’s insurance was null and void and the company would therefore be liable to pay all the costs of the repairs to both ships themselves. To cut quite a long story short, this meant that the White Star Line was out of pocket to the tune of at least £800,000 (around £60m today) for repairs and lost revenues whilst the ship was unable to ply its trade back and forth across the Atlantic. With the massive financial investment of the White Star company needing to be repaid sooner rather than later, this put severe pressure on the organisation and impacted upon the final completion of the Titanic, further contributing to the financial black hole in which White Star now found itself increasingly being consumed.

  However, for JP Morgan and the White Star Line, even worse news was to come. The damage to the Olympic was far more severe than anyone had expected. It did not help matters at all when the Olympic was involved in a further collision, this time it was believed, with a partially submerged wreck. Although the damage inflicted in the Hawke incident had been shored-up as well as it could have been, there were rumours circulating amongst the Harland and Wolfe workforce and the White Star crews that all was not well with Olympic and this seemed to be confirmed when it lost a propeller blade in the above, second incident, causing further severe vibrational damage to the already damaged ship. It is believed that the keel of the ship was actually twisted and therefore damaged beyond economic repair, which would have effectively meant the scrapyard for her. If this had been the case, it is virtually certain that the White Star Line would have been bankrupted, given its now precarious financial situation.


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