The Falsification of History: Our Distorted Reality

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The Falsification of History: Our Distorted Reality Page 48

by John Hamer

  The following are just some of the stated policies of the United Nations:

  Control of all zoning matters in the United States and the control of its national parks, rivers and historical sites.

  Control over whether women are allowed to have babies.

  Control over the economic and judicial policies of all nations.

  Programmes are currently being devised to create a tax on citizens of the United States as a permanent method of UN funding.

  The United Nations has its own Army and other nations’ soldiers must swear allegiance to this foreign government.

  By Executive Order #11647 on 10th Feb 1972, President Nixon announced the United States was divided into 10 Federal Regional Councils, each controlled by an appointed bureaucrat for the stated purpose of improving coordination of the activities of all levels of government. The 10 federal regions were to be empowered to control all forms of regionalism within the US Regional divisions supplementing the 10 federal regions include state sub-regions, federal reserve regions, population regions, and regions to control the land, water and natural resources of America. The goal of regional or metropolitan government is to eventually merge the US into the ‘New World Order’ ie. a one world Socialist state under the United Nations. Regional government is a plan to eventually control all facets of its citizens’ lives. Executive Order #11490 assigns numerous emergency preparedness functions to federal departments.

  Financing of regional governments is acquired through Federal Revenue sharing. Revenue sharing is a mechanism whereby state and local governments become financially dependent upon the federal government. Pressure can then be applied to any level of state government that refuses to comply with the dictates of the regional government rulers. All but one of the ten federal regional capitals is a Federal Reserve Bank city.

  This is the ‘One World Government’ or ‘New World Order’ currently being promoted by all major world leaders and politicians who without exception are in the pockets of the Elite. Recently, the UN was wholly responsible for the destruction of two free sovereign nations, Rhodesia and South Africa, two nations which were not ‘politically correct’ and so, were systematically taken down. The Elite run-UN spread vicious lies about Rhodesia and crippled the nation economically, finally turning it over to the Communists led by the radical tyrant Robert Mugabe, who renamed it Zimbabwe and has done everything in his power to rape the country of all its money and resources and divert them into his own coffers. In South Africa, its capital, Johannesburg is now the most dangerous city in the world with one of the highest murder rates. Much the same policies are now being carried-out in North Africa with the recent regime changes and revolutions in Libya and Egypt and in the Middle East with Syria and Iran squarely in the gun sights as I write this.

  We are also in the midst of a huge propaganda campaign desired to scare and encourage us to see things the way the NWO wishes us to see them. Their current tactic is… ‘since another great depression and financial crisis is almost certain, nations should move now to organise themselves into a One World Economic Order to ensure that even though such a calamity may occur, there will be a reconstitution of a meaningful international monetary system’.

  I believe that this all proves beyond any reasonable doubt how the Elite have openly conspired to insidiously rule the world via the covert machinations of the CFR, the United Nations, the Trilateral Commission, and the Bilderberg group.

  The United States of Europe (The European Union)

  There is an Elite plan that has been in place for many decades if not centuries, to further the goal of the New World Order and one world government and that is for four global ‘trading’ blocs to be set-up and these were to be known as the European Union, The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), the African Union and the Pacific Union. These ‘free trade’ areas are a stepping stone to further draconian restrictions of freedom and a breaking-down of national identities in order to further destabilise societies, worldwide.

  In fact the establishment of the ‘United States of Europe’ was one of the goals of the Knights Templar back in the 12th century. The Knights Templar, it is believed by many, were never destroyed but simply disappeared underground for a while, eventually emerging as the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, which along with the York Rite makes up the two arms of this organisation.

  The original architects of the European ‘Common Market’ as it was named originally, were Jean Monnet and Count Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi and Joseph Retinger all of whom were working on behalf of the Elite to further their insidious agenda. Indeed Retinger was also instrumental in founding the infamous Bilderberg Group which still flourishes and heavily influences, if not actually directs world political policy to this day.

  Monnet was an influential character in the first half of the twentieth century, being instrumental in (amongst other nefarious activities) drawing-up the Treaty of Versailles which was coldly calculated to lead to the outbreak of World War II almost exactly twenty years after its imposition on the shattered German nation. He was also named as the Deputy Secretary General of the League of Nations before its swift demise, to the extreme chagrin of the Elite, shortly after its formation.

  As for Coudenhove-Kalergi, he wrote a book in 1923, ‘Pan Europa’, calling for a ‘United States of Europe’ and a close friend of his father was Theodor Herzl, the founder of Zionism, no less. The rabbit hole goes very deep indeed and is extremely complex, to say the very least. Shortly after this he was involved in the founding of the Pan-European Union which had massive support within the Elite spider-web and was endorsed by Colonel Mandell House (whose name appears throughout this book in various guises) and also Herbert Hoover, the president of the US. Winston Churchill was also a fervent supporter and even wrote an article in 1930 entitled ‘The United States of Europe’.

  Post-war loans to Europe from America (The Marshall Plan) in the immediate aftermath of the war were, among other things, used to provide funds for the movement promoting a European Union and at the same time to attempt to undermine the sovereignty of the European nations in an attempt to destabilise the status quo and facilitate a smooth passage for their goal of European unity. The Marshall Plan, ostensibly an idea of General George Marshall, was in fact the work of none other than Jean Monnet and the Council on Foreign Relations.

  The first practical step in the creation of the Common Market was taken in July 1952 and which under the banner of the ‘European Coal and Steel Community’, merged the coal and steel industries of France, West Germany, Italy, Belgium, The Netherlands and Luxembourg (the original six members) under central control. Once again the guiding hand behind the scenes was none other than a certain Jean Monnet. In addition to this, Monnet and his henchmen tried to introduce a European army under the same central control, but this failed to materialise when the French took exception to the plan. However on the 25th March 1957, the Treaty of Rome was ushered-in and signed by the ‘six’ marking the official birth of the Common Market or the European Economic Community (EEC) as it was to be come to be known shortly thereafter. This organisation began to bloom under the guidance and control of the CFR and well-away from the influence of the individual countries involved and thus neatly managing to bypass any kind of democratic control whatsoever.

  In 1984 the Soviet defector Anatoly Golitsyn stated openly that there would shortly be a ‘false liberalism’ occurring in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe and this would be welcomed heartily by the western powers. He also predicted that it would lead to a merger of the EEC with the countries of the Soviet Union with the pretence of peace breaking-out and the end of the Cold War, all of which happened exactly as predicted around six years later, but was in fact part of the Elite master plan and merely the next stepping-stone to all-out European ‘unity’ which continues apace to this day.

  In the early days of the Common Market / EEC, the people of Britain and other non-member countries were constantly being fed the line that we had to join the ‘
club’ or the economy would suffer badly or even collapse altogether and once most of Europe had fallen for this ruse and joined, then the next step was put in place. Softly, softly catchee monkey. The next step was to surreptitiously remove the word ‘economic’ from the title of the organisation, leaving us simply with the ‘European Community’ and then shortly thereafter, this was again subtly altered to ‘European Union’. All seemingly insignificant changes but the implications are massively important for us all. What was sold as an ‘economic alliance’ benefitting the ordinary people of Europe, had now developed through a ‘community’ into a general ‘union’ of most of the countries of Europe. This is exactly what Hitler and the Third Reich had planned for Europe had they won the war (although them being victorious was never part of the script, unbeknown to Hitler). They even referred to it in captured documents as the ‘European Economic Community’. Coincidence again? There are a lot of those around it would seem.

  In 1988, the European leaders convened in Paris to celebrate the birth centenary of their mentor and ‘hero’, Jean Monnet and by implication his ‘monster’ the United States of Europe, whose plans are still to come to fruition, but not for the want of trying. The plans will no doubt continue, baby-step by baby-step until the complete integration of all Europe is finalised, destroying national identities and one step further down the road of making slaves of us all in the process. For the sake of all of us, we cannot and must not allow this to happen.

  The Report from Iron Mountain

  In 1966, a group of 15 environmental ‘experts’ assembled at a place called ‘Iron Mountain’, the site of a huge governmental semi-secret underground facility in upstate New York, to plan a strategy for controlling populations and centralising power without the need for war.

  Since then, the contents of the resulting report have been leaked and although there are claims that the whole thing was an elaborate hoax, (the usual modus operandi in these circumstances is ‘deny everything’) if it is a hoax then it has been coincidentally, remarkably accurate in predicting the events of the next 40+ years.

  The report describes one scenario for the overall control of humanity using environmental threats of Armageddon due to human activity - man-made global warming in other words.

  However, the report begins by identifying war as the central organising principle of society. It states, “War itself is the basic social system, within which other secondary modes of social organization conflict or conspire. It is the system which has governed most human societies of record, as it is today.”

  The report goes on to say, “The basic authority of a modern state over its people resides in its war powers." It says that any failure of will by the ruling class could lead to "actual disestablishment of military institutions.” The report says that the effect would be ‘catastrophic’.

  The appearance of the report caused a sensation when it first came to light at the onset of the Vietnam War. This is because the report outlines the ways that the civilian population of a developed nation could be controlled even in the absence of a large-scale war that disrupted their daily lives. One of these ways is defined as follows: “A possible surrogate for the control of potential enemies of society is the reintroduction, in some form consistent with modern technology and political process, of slavery. The development of a sophisticated form of slavery may be an absolute prerequisite for social control.”

  We can see the development of such a ‘sophisticated form of slavery’ today. How else can a system be described that subjects the population to massive, growing personal and household debt, a widening gap between the rich and poor and constant warfare justified as necessary to fight ‘terrorism’? And this as well as the ongoing erosion of personal freedoms, constantly expanding power allocated to the military and police, pervasive electronic eavesdropping, complete lack of accountability by politicians for their dishonesty and crimes and a mass media devoted solely to establishment propaganda.

  War-making potential does not result from threats. In fact, ‘threats against the national interest are usually created or accelerated to meet the changing needs of the war system’.

  “War's political importance is crucial. It defines and enforces relations with other nations. National sovereignty and the traditional nation-state depend on it. The war system is essential to internal political stability. "Without it, no government has ever been able to obtain acquiescence (to) its legitimacy, or right to rule its society."

  A nation's authority over its people “resides in its war powers,” including local police to deal with “internal enemies in a military manner.” Military service has a patriotic purpose “that must be maintained for its own sake.”

  Wars also serve an ecological purpose – “to reduce the consuming population to a level consistent with the survival of the species,” but mass destruction is inefficient, and nuclear weapons are indiscriminate, removing physically stronger members important to save. Because of medical and scientific advances, pestilence no longer can control populations effectively, balancing them with agriculture's potential. As a result, other measures are needed to control “undesirable genetic traits.”

  An effective political substitute for war requires “alternate enemies....of credible quality and magnitude, if a transition to peace is ever to come about without social disintegration.” Most likely, “such a threat will have to be invented.”

  Other extreme ideas include; “Poverty is necessary and desirable, the same Orwellian social stability 1984 idea, about "keeping the Low's in poverty and the High's in power, forever.” A modern, sophisticated form of slavery serves the same social control purpose.

  Government must “optimize the number of warfare deaths, never letting a good opportunity go to waste.”

  “Intensified environment pollution,” including air and water is acceptable, and, without war, a comprehensive eugenics program and “universal test-tube procreation might have to substitute.”

  The committee rejected individual freedom, opting for subservience to a ruling Elite, the system that governs world nations and America since inception, instituted by the Founders so the country's owners could run it, and wage wars to solidify control.

  The Report concluded that:

  “The permanent possibility of war is the foundation for stable government. It supplies the basis for general acceptance of political authority.” It allows societies to maintain class distinctions and ensures the subordination of citizens to the state, run by elites with “residual war powers.”

  As for policy measures in a world at peace, members stated “as strongly as we can, that the war system cannot responsibly be allowed to disappear, absent a credible alternative to ensure social stability and societal control.” Only then should transitional measures be considered.

  However: “Such solutions, if indeed they exist, will not be arrived at without a revolutionary revision of the modes of thought heretofore considered appropriate. Some observers....believe” that the obstacles cannot be overcome “in our time, that the price of peace is, simply, too high....It is uncertain....whether peace will ever be possible. It is far more questionable....that it would be desirable even if it were demonstrably attainable.”

  Though repugnant to many, “The war system....has demonstrated its effectiveness since the beginning of recorded history.” A viable peace alternative would constitute a giant leap “into the unknown” with its inevitable risks. Genuine peace will be destabilising until proved otherwise.

  Recommendations included establishing a “permanent WAR/PEACE Research Agency” with unlimited funds to be used at its own discretion.

  It would be organised on similar lines to the US National Security Council “responsible solely to the President” or officials he designates - then operate secretly for two purposes. First, to determine, from what's known and can be learned, the statistical probability for an eventual peace. Second, to conduct “War Research” to ensure “the continuing viability of the war system” as l
ong as it's believed necessary and/or desirable for society's stability and survival.

  Can there be any doubt that the Iron Mountain Report is indeed genuine and has and is being used as a blueprint for the present and future? Who would now dispute that we are all being callously manipulated by Elite interests and their associated profiteers that stand to benefit enormously both financially and socially from a strategy of perpetual war or at very least the ongoing threat of it?

  None of this is accidental. As the Report from Iron Mountain made clear over four decades ago, it is what has been planned all along as part of the overall, ongoing master-plan for the total subjugation of humanity.

  The Strange Story of our Moon

  The Apollo moon landings 1969-1972

  There is a growing band of people that absolutely, firmly believe and maintain that we humans have never set foot upon the surface of the moon and that the entire Apollo moon-landings programme was a well-produced hoax or to be more precise, a not very well-produced hoax by shills and apologists of the outright charlatans and liars of governmental agencies such as NASA in league with the mainstream media.


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