The Falsification of History: Our Distorted Reality

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The Falsification of History: Our Distorted Reality Page 49

by John Hamer

  This section is not meant to follow the standard ‘de-bunk’ of the moon landings that is available on the Internet ad nauseum as much of this material, sad to say, is deliberate disinformation, carefully formulated and set-up using the ‘straw-man’ principle, to be deliberately ‘shot down’ by those who would deceive us and thus ‘prove’ that the conspiracists are way off-beam. Rather, I will try to provide an alternative view of the reasons why the whole scenario is highly unlikely, if not downright impossible. We need to understand, not only how this egregious hoax was carried-out but also, perhaps more importantly and significantly, why it was carried-out.

  “[Why do] people cling so tenaciously, often even angrily, to what is essentially the adult version of Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy? What primarily motivates them is fear. But it is not the lie itself that scares people; it is what that lie says about the world around us and how it really functions. For if NASA was able to pull off such an outrageous hoax before the entire world and then keep that lie in place for four decades, what does that say about the control of the information we receive? What does that say about the media and the scientific community and the educational community and all the other institutions we depend on to tell us the truth? What does that say about the very nature of the world we live in? That is what scares the hell out of people and prevents them from even considering the possibility that they could have been so thoroughly duped. It’s not being lied to about the Moon landings that people have a problem with, it is the realization that comes with that revelation: if they could lie about that, they could lie about anything.” David McGowan, researcher

  Had the very first transatlantic flight in 1919 not been followed-up for the next forty-odd years, would there not have been questions asked and would people not have found it strange or unusual to say the very least? If say, in the 1920s, had someone designed a jet airliner capable of speeds of 600mph or more and then after a short time that technology ‘disappeared’ and could not be re-created, would that not seem to be at odds with commonly accepted logic or reality at all? I submit that it most certainly would and yet this is exactly the case with the so-called moon landings of 1969-72.

  Is it not also strange that almost up to the point in time when the alleged moon-landings took place, that the Soviet Union (USSR) had been leading the ‘space race’ by some considerable distance and yet to this day (early 2012) has never either bothered or managed to put a man on the moon. The Russians were the first to launch a vessel of any kind into space, the first to send a living creature into space, the first to perform a manned-space flight, the first to perform a space-walk, the first nation to have two spacecraft in orbit simultaneously and the first to perform a ‘docking’ manoeuvre in space. They also purportedly landed the first unmanned vehicle on the surface of the moon, achieved the first fly-by of the Moon, launched the first craft to impact the Moon, were the first to make a soft landing on the Moon, put the first object into lunar orbit and remain, to this day, the only nation to land and operate a robotic vehicle on the Moon. It should now make perfect sense to everyone then why the Soviets, who were ahead of the US in virtually all aspects of space exploration, in some cases by decades, never landed a man on the Moon or even sent a man to orbit the Moon. Up until the ‘successful landings’ by the Americans, they had been comprehensively beaten by the Russians in every important aspect of the space race. The Soviets had logged almost five times as many man-hours in space than the Americans and yet in the single-most important aspect, the landings themselves, the US had literally almost cruised to victory, totally unopposed. Very strange stuff indeed.

  I also believe it significant that no other industrialised nation on Earth has managed to successfully visit the moon – or even attempted to do so, despite the fact that there have been massive, across-the-board technological advancements since the 1960s. I think that it is more than possible that the entire US space programme has largely been, from its first inception, little more than an elaborate cover-story for the research, development and deployment of space-based weaponry and surveillance systems. The compliant media never investigates or even mentions these things of course, but recently de-classified US government documents make clear that the goals being pursued through space research are largely military in nature.

  “Control of space means control of the world. From space, the masters of infinity would have the power to control Earth’s weather, to cause drought and flood, to change the tides and raise the levels of the sea, to divert the Gulf Stream and change the climates”. Future US President, Lyndon Johnson, 1959

  But if this hoax was perpetrated in almost total secrecy, how was it all kept from the thousands of people involved in the huge project, you may well ask? Please bear in mind that there were only around a hundred very senior people involved in the actual Moon landings hoax itself. Mission Control in Houston as well as most of the men and women who worked on this project over four decades ago, had no idea it was a fake. How was this possible to achieve? Very simply, the Elites who staged this fiasco never let anyone see more than a small fraction of the ‘big picture’. The many thousands involved were only small cogs in a very large machine. Mission control was based in Houston, the launch site in Florida and the engineers, mechanics, computer programmers and assorted other technicians did not normally come into contact with each other, personally. So it would have been next to impossible to work out that the whole sordid enterprise amounted to nothing more than a sophisticated Hollywood production.

  Why would the US not return again in the four decades that have elapsed since the last moon landings and why would other technologically advanced nations not attempt to emulate the feat? Could it be that the costs of such a venture would be totally prohibitive as some sources would have us believe? Even in those heady days of the late 1960s and early 1970s, the US was not exactly awash with money. Not only was it fighting an extremely costly, overt war in the Far East, but was also engaged in the covert, Cold War arms-race and yet still spending untold billions on the space-race, so I cannot see that money or lack of it would be a particular issue, especially not over a period of time as long as four decades – half a lifetime.

  Also, consider this; the surface-to-surface distance from the Earth to the Moon is approximately 235,000 miles and since the last alleged, manned moon landing in 1972, not one human has been further out into space than 400 miles and very few have gone even that distance. Most space-shuttle orbits take place at around 200 miles from the Earth, the same distance away approximately, as the space-station. So, to put these facts into perspective, in the twenty first century, utilising the best technology that money can buy, NASA is only able to send humans around 200 miles into space, but in the 1960s it had the capabilities to reach an object 235,000 miles away, undertake several orbits of the Moon and then make the return trip – all on a single tank of fuel! Please pardon my scepticism here.

  However, what about all the many hours of footage that NASA has of the moon landings and the astronauts on their moon-walks, transmitted back directly into our at the time, state-of-the-art TV sets that now with the benefit of hindsight, look like something out of the nineteenth rather than the twentieth century!? Even in the 1990s it was no simple task to transmit pictures directly from the Iraqi desert during the first Gulf War, so the transmission of pictures from a quarter of a million miles away almost a quarter of a century earlier was a really impressive technological feat, if it happened. Unfortunately, NASA has sadly ‘lost’ all the thousands of hours of tapes of the moon footage, 700 cartons in all.

  “The U.S. government has ‘misplaced’ the original recording of the first moon landing, including astronaut Neil Armstrong’s famous ‘one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind’ … Armstrong’s famous moonwalk, seen by millions of viewers on July 20, 1969, is among transmissions that NASA has failed to turn up in a year of searching, spokesman Grey Hautaluoma said. ‘We haven’t seen them for quite a while. We’ve been look
ing for over a year, and they haven’t turned up,’ Hautaluoma said … In all, some 700 boxes of transmissions from the Apollo lunar missions are missing.” Reuters, 15th August 2006

  These tapes represented supposedly the greatest human achievement ever, both in technological and symbolic terms. How could such a thing happen? Surely these are historical records that should have been treated as one of the great human treasures – on a par with such priceless artefacts as the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, the Mona Lisa and the Pyramids. Should such an irreplaceable treasure as these tapes, have not only been copied several times for security purposes, but also have been locked away securely in a fireproof, atomic bomb-proof, waterproof vault somewhere, just ‘in case’? And also would not multiple copies have been made available for educational and/or scientific research and advancement purposes? Obviously NASA and the US government did not feel that they were important enough for any of that.

  Surely this is all absolute and utter garbage? How could 700 cartons of tapes be missing? Perhaps one or two boxes – possibly – but not the entire 700. For a start, they must fill several large rooms and it is therefore simply not credible in my opinion. Could it be that they do not want the tapes to be exposed to any kind of scientific analysis using today’s technology? I believe that that is most likely the real reason and that in itself speaks volumes. This one factor alone carries far more weight than the somewhat trivial ‘flag-waving-in-the-breeze’ and ‘shadows-at-the-wrong-angles’ arguments that serve no purpose other than to distract the attention away from the real issues surrounding this huge non-event.

  Reuters also commented that… “Because NASA’s equipment was not compatible with TV technology of the day, the original transmissions had to be displayed on a monitor and re-shot by a TV camera for broadcast.” So what we were actually seeing on our mediaeval TV screens were not ‘live transmissions’ as we were told, but was footage shot directly from a tiny black and white TV monitor and then re-transmitted second hand via the TV stations. All totally different of course to what we were led to believe at the time and subsequently. With this admission by NASA, surely it is not difficult to see how the entire footage could have been faked?

  The next issue worth commenting upon is the absolutely bizarre movements of the astronauts in performing their many moonwalks as witnessed on the small portions of footage that still survive. As many sceptics have commented (and proved), if the tapes are played at approximately twice the speed, then these very odd skipping-type movements of the astronauts look extremely similar to normal speed movements on Earth.

  So, the simple formula for creating Moonwalk footage is to take original footage of men in ridiculous costumes moving around awkwardly here on Earth, broadcast it over a tiny, low-resolution, black and white television monitor at about half-speed and then re-film it with a camera focused on that screen. The end result will be tapes that, in addition to having a grainy, ghostly, rather surreal ‘broadcast from the Moon’ look, also appear to show the astronauts moving about in entirely unnatural ways. But not, it should be noted, too unnatural. And does that not seem a little strange too? If we are being honest, the average male never stops being a little boy at heart and what red-blooded, macho-male, given the opportunity to spend some time in a greatly-reduced gravity environment, can resist seeing how high he can jump? Or how far he can jump? Or what dramatic somersaults he could perform? So what did the astronauts actually do? They hit golf balls. Yes that is correct, the only method by which they were prepared to demonstrate the lack of gravity on the moon, was to hit golf balls of which it was impossible to accurately judge the distance they actually travelled!

  It seems more than a little odd to me that they failed to do anything that could not be faked simply by changing the tape speed? Some athletes here on Earth are able to perform a standing vertical jump of around four feet (1.3m) so I must also confess to finding it rather strange that the astronauts best efforts were only around 12 inches (0.3m). In one-sixth gravity, 10 feet (3m) at least should have been easily achievable, even for the most unfit among us, let alone for highly trained, super-fit professionals such as these young men allegedly were.

  Indeed, should the astronauts’ every movement not have been quicker than normal given the fact that there is virtually zero wind-resistance on the moon? If so then, why does all the available footage show only half-speed movement? It is almost as though it was the only way that NASA could think of attempting to represent anything that could be even remotely construed as resembling non-earthly movement. Maybe then it is completely unsurprising that all the original footage has mysteriously disappeared, as being submitted to modern-day technology would expose it as fake in around two seconds flat.

  Somewhat worryingly also, it also transpires that it is not just simply the film footage that has disappeared in its entirety, but also the complete set of 13000+, yes thirteen thousand plus reels of telemetry data including voice and biomedical data. All of that information, in fact the entire technical record of all the Apollo moon missions has gone, plus all the design blueprints for the lunar modules, the lunar rovers and the entire Saturn V multi-sectioned rockets. Worryingly that is for us but not for NASA of course as there is now no way at all that the contemporary scientific community could now ever have the opportunity of studying these documents in detail and thus prove them all impossibilities if not fakes of the most naïve kind.

  For a short time there was a boost to the case of those who insist that Apollo project is not the almighty fiction that it most definitely is. This came in the form of a promise from NASA to send a probe (unmanned) ‘back’ to the moon to photograph the various bits of detritus left over from the Apollo missions which would prove conclusively that all the thousands of ‘conspiracy theorists’ out there, were all wrong. Sadly for the ‘believers’ though, no such images have ever been publicly forthcoming despite their wild claims to the contrary. Even the Hubble space-telescope was widely touted as being capable of homing-in on the lost Apollo artefacts allegedly spread liberally about the surface of the Sea of Tranquillity, but this too has proved a false dawn. Either the Hubble technology is capable of the feat or it is not, but whichever of these options is fact, there have been no images forthcoming from that source either.

  In 2009, NASA announced that its ‘Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter’ had returned the first images of the Apollo landing sites.

  “The LROC team anxiously awaited each image. We were very interested in getting our first peek at the lunar module descent stages just for the thrill – and to see how well the cameras had come into focus. Indeed, the images are fantastic and so is the focus”. LROC principle investigator, Mark Robinson of Arizona State University

  Unfortunately that has proved not to be the case. The images are in fact not ‘fantastic’ by anyone’s definition and neither is the focus. In actual fact the images are from such a distance that the tiny white dots they show – in shadow also, it must be noted – could be almost anything. Spot the Apollo debris (below).

  Subsequent Japanese, Chinese and Indian unmanned lunar probes have also unsurprisingly perhaps, spectacularly failed to provide photographs of the Apollo landing sites.

  “There’s no reason to go back … Quite frankly, the moon is a giant parking lot, there’s just not much there.” Val Germann, President of the Central Missouri Astronomical Association.

  Strange then is it not that so many space agencies worldwide send unmanned probes there and focus enormously powerful telescopes on the Moon’s surface? What could they possibly learn about this ‘parking lot’ from those distances that the Apollo astronauts did not already discover by actually being there?

  NASA also claims that several of the Apollo missions left small laser beam ‘targets’ on the moon’s surface that enable NASA scientists to bounce laser beams from them and which gives absolutely accurate readings of the distance from the Earth to the Moon. Now bearing in mind that these ‘targets’ were approximately the size of a small computer m
onitor screen, does anyone really believe that the technology existed in the 1960s and 1970s to accurately hit a target of that size with a laser beam from almost a quarter-million miles away? In fact is it even possible today? NASA states blithely and conveniently that there is no technology in existence that could accurately pinpoint the location of the Apollo detritus from the Earth, so how are they able to successfully locate a tiny laser target many times smaller than the artefacts supposedly left over from the moon landings? Nevertheless according to NASA and its many apologists, the fact that these signals are being bounced off these targets on a regular basis, ‘proves’ beyond doubt that Apollo astronauts went to the moon. I think not somehow.

  The ‘actual’ Apollo lunar module

  One could be forgiven for thinking that the above picture is of a model of a lunar landing module constructed by 10 year old school children in their arts and crafts classes, but nevertheless this is a ‘real’ lunar module allegedly sat on the surface of the moon, photograph courtesy of the Apollo astronauts and NASA. This incredible piece of technology, we are led to believe, actually not only landed on the surface of the moon, but 3 days subsequently, took-off again, flew 70 miles upwards, back into orbit around the moon and successfully re-docked with the command module, which was incidentally travelling at a speed of over 4000 mph at the time, in order that it could then navigate the quarter-million mile journey back across the empty nothingness of space to land precisely where and when it was programmed to do.


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